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It is almost never suitable to copy content from another web site to Wikipedia, for more than one reason, the most important being copyright. When you post anything to Wikipedia you release it for anyone in the world to reuse it, either unchanged or modified in any way whatever, subject to attribution to Wikipedia. It is very rare that the owner of a web site licenses content for such very free reuse, and in those few occasions when they do so, we require proof of the fact. We don't assume that content is freely licensed on the unsubstantiated say so of just anyone who comes along and creates a Wikipedia account, for the simple reason that very often people come to Wikipedia and falsely claim to have copyright rights that in fact they don't have. Also, even on the rare occasions when there is no copyright problem, content from an organisation or business's own website is not usually suitable for a Wikipedia article, as it is almost invariably written in terms designed to promote the organisation and give a good impression of it, rather than presenting it from a neutral point of view, as required for a Wikipedia article. Such promotional editing is not permitted by Wikipedia policy.