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Well, this is me. My name is Jaiden. Full name is Jaiden Bhardwaj. I know I got quite a surname and it's because I am from India. Yes! India, I know right it is so cool to live here. I love it here. So much traffic, Corruption in the government I just love it so much. The education system here should be like everywhere. Ya know what Einstein said about education right? well if you are fish in this country they'll still grab out of water and put you on a tree. Dead or alive doesn't matter you just gotta get there on the tree. Well enough about my country, it's not like my life evolves around just my country or something. So moving on, I love to write, I love to love, I love to learn, I love money. Money is like the number 1 thing I love. I wanna be a billionaire nah maybe a trillionaire. Oopsie Jeff Bezos can become the first one. Well yeah just wanna be world's number 1. It's going to be a quite a journey to get there. Well, I am sure I'll get there. The only way I'll stop maybe when I am dead. So right now I am just a 17 year old with big dreams. oh and yeah I love cheese too.