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The Divine Glory of Baba Gangaram

Whenever devil activities intensify, God to be true to His vow, appears in human form. God has to incarnate to bless all the righteous living beings and to show the right path to the mankind. The time and place for His incarnation is regulated according to the intensity of circumstances. For protection of pious and elimination of evilminds, He selects time, place and also the receipient of His human body, just as Lord Rama selected the Raghu dynasty of Ayodhya and the supreme God Sri Krishna, Yadu dynasty of Brijbhumi.

Baba's Appearance and Place for His Spiritual Actions:

Baba descended in this transitory world as incarnation of Lord Vishnu on the 10th light lunar day of the month of Shravana (Year 1895 A.D.), in the abode of Sri Jhutharamji and mother Laxmidevi, in the family of Vaishya dynasty. While at Jhunjhunu, Baba spread the doctrine of devotion and religious discourses and then left for Safdargunj. Apart from regular prayer, tarpan and other rituals, meditation at the bank of holy river Kalyani was one of Baba's daily ritualistic ceremonies. While at Safdarganj, manytimes, few fortunate followers of Baba had glimpses of Chaturbhuj Lord Vishnu in Baba's shadow, in the waters of holy river Kalyani. As such people gained some idea about His transcendental powers and divine glory. But as shastras describe that God prefers to dictate religious activities incognito, Baba prefered to manifest His spiritual games from Vishnulok.

Hence, in the year 1938 A.D., Baba relinquished His human body beneath a banyan tree on the bank of river Kalyani and ascended to his own abode at Vishnulok. Safdargunj, now recognized as a place of pilgrimage, have the temple of Radhakrishna, consecrated by Baba, holy river Kalyani, holy Laxmi-well, dedicated Banyan tree, temple of Kunteswar Mahadeo and the mysterious Parijat tree.

Evolution of Baba's Dham: Shree Panchdeo Mandir

Just after Baba left for Vishnulok, the incidental miracles began to appear before His devotees. Ultimately, His divine ordain to construct a temple revealed before His devoted son Sri Deokinandan through dreams, which is transcribed hereafter on the basis of his own admission.

"A supernatural cosmic ray was prevailing on all sides and many people were standing around a pit. At my request, the pit was excavated and out came the idols of Lord Shiva, Hanuman, Godesses Durga and Laxmi and then appeared the idol of Lord Baba Gangaram. Thereafter with endless cosmic rays glittering all round, the throne, with the idols, started ascending slowly. Showers of flower from heaven together with recitals of hymns, praying Baba, illuminated the horizon. Immediately thereafter an oracle flashed - "I have descended in this Kaliyug for the bliss of the universe. Let a temple be constructed and engage your mind in worshipping and meditating into me, also propogate among people for larger interest of mankind."

After this divine revelation, the mysterious temple of 'Shree Panchdeo' was constructed at Jhunjhunu and the invocation ceremony of the temple was celebrated with rigid Vedic rituals on Ganga Dasahara, the 10th day of light fortnight of the Jestha (Year 1975 A.D.) The idol of Lord Baba Gangaram, alongwith four other deities, was installed and as such the dream came true and the devotees visiting Shree Panchdeo Temple feel delighted in their heart, and they remained standing in obeisance before that splendid glare

Gracefulness in the name "Gangaram" In each incarnation, Lord appears alongwith His own Shakti (Consort). Such as Sita-Ram, Radha-Krishna. Similarly Baba appeared along with Ganga and thus assumed the name `Gangaram.' In Kaliyug, mere chanting the name Ganga and Ram unison, liberates from worldly bondage and one can get rid from continuous cycle of birth and death.

Thus, if a devotee surrenders totally before Lord Baba Gangaram with true faith, devotion and complete dependence, he can realize himself the spiritual

potency of Baba and gets shelter under His lotus feet. Baba manifested many such miracles which reposes complete faith in Him. The immense purpose of Baba’s incarnation is the bliss of the mankind. He gives all the boons, who worship Him. Devotees find a ready and immediate response to their prayers and as such they visit the temple and rejoice in praise of glory of Baba. Big textBig textSmall textBig text