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User:Jane023/Paintings in the Metropolitan Museum of Art

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image Article creator inception inventory number depicts owned by
Jinshan Island and West Lake Kanō Sanraku 1630 2015.300.74.1, .2
Scenes in and around the Capital anonymous 1650s 2015.300.106.1, .2 Kyoto
Rough Waves Ogata Kōrin 1706s 26.117

hanging scroll

image Article creator inception inventory number depicts owned by
Landscape with Rocky Precipice Sesson Shukei 1550s 2015.300.54
Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove Sesson Shukei 1550s 2015.300.50


image Article creator inception inventory number depicts owned by
Wall painting from Room H of the Villa of P. Fannius Synistor at Boscoreale anonymous 0001 03.14.5 woman
musical instrument
Portrait of the Boy Eutyches anonymous 0125s 18.9.2
Panel with the god Zeus/Serapis/Ohrmazd and worshiper anonymous 0250s 2000.42.2
Glass Fragment anonymous 0750s 1985.91.3
Glass Fragment anonymous 0750s 1985.91.5
Glass Fragment anonymous 0750s 1985.91.4
Glass Fragment anonymous 0750s 1985.91.6
Two Scenes of Christ and the Apostles anonymous 0850 2000.486
Bursa Reliquary anonymous 0950s 53.19.2
Summer Mountains Qu Ding 1050s 1973.120.1 mountain
北宋 郭熙 樹色平遠圖 卷 -Old Trees, Level Distance Guo Xi 1080s 1981.276
The Virgin and Child in Majesty and the Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1100 50.180a-l
北宋 徽宗 竹禽圖 卷-Finches and bamboo Emperor Huizong of Song 1113s 1981.278
Christ on the Cross anonymous 1125 1984.129
Enthroned Virgin and Child anonymous 1135s 47.101.15
Border Fragment with Musical Angel anonymous 1140 1980.10
Chapter House from Notre-Dame-de-Pontaut anonymous 1149s 35.50
Torso of Christ from a Deposition anonymous 1150s 25.120.221
Capital with intertwining animals anonymous 1150s 62.249
Gibbons Raiding an Egret's Nest anonymous 1150s 13.100.104 tree
Game Piece with Hercules Slaying the Three-Headed Geryon anonymous 1150 1970.324.4
Plaque with Christ Before the High Priest Caiaphas anonymous 1150 63.127
Emperor Xuanzong's Flight to Shu anonymous 1150s 41.138
Enthroned Virgin and Child anonymous 1175s 67.153
Manuscript Illumination with Initial V, from a Bible anonymous 1175 1999.364.2
Manuscript Illumination with Initial H, from a Bible anonymous 1175 1999.364.1
Ornamental Window anonymous 1180 26.218.1
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Lamb at the Foot of the Cross, Flanked by Two Angels; The Calling of Saint John with the Enthroned Christ flanked by Angels and a Man Holding a Book anonymous 1180 1991.232.1
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Sixth Angel Delivers the Four Angels that had been Bound at the River Euphrates; an Altar Appears in the Heavens as the Enthroned Christ Raises His Hand in Blessing anonymous 1180 1991.232.11
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Seventh Angel Proclaims the Reign of the Lord anonymous 1180 1991.232.12
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: Table of the Antichrist anonymous 1180 1991.232.13
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: Seven Angels Hold the Cups of the Seven Last Plagues; The Hymn of the Lamb anonymous 1180 1991.232.14 musical instrument
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Angel of the Church of Sardis with Saint John anonymous 1180 1991.232.4
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Opening of the Fifth Seal anonymous 1180 1991.232.6
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the First Angel Sounds the Trumpet; Fire, Hail-stones, and Blood are Cast Upon the Earth anonymous 1180 1991.232.8
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: Angels Restrain the Four Winds; the Angel Ascends from the Rising Sun anonymous 1180 1991.232.7 musical instrument
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Fourth Angel Sounds the Trumpet and an Eagle Cries Woe anonymous 1180 1991.232.9
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: the Angel of the Church of Philadelphia with Saint John anonymous 1180 1991.232.5
Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence anonymous 1180s 1984.232
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: at the Clarion of the Fifth Angel's Trumpet, a Star Falls from the Sky; the Bottomless Pit is Opened with a Key; Emerging from the Smoke, Locusts Come Upon the Earth and Torment the Deathless anonymous 1180s 1991.232.10
Leaf from a Beatus Manuscript: Christ in Majesty with Angels and the Angel of God Directs Saint John to Write the Book of Revelation anonymous 1180s 1991.232.3 John of Patmos
Fragment of a Border anonymous 1185 1978.408.2
Fragment of a Border anonymous 1185 1978.408.1
God Closing the Door of Noah’s Ark anonymous 1190 25.120.394a
Saint Martial Founding the Cathedral of Saint-Pierre anonymous 1190 25.120.394b
Dragon anonymous 1200s 31.38.2a, b
Section of a Border with Zigzag Pattern anonymous 1200s 1992.284
Condemned Soldiers from Scenes from the Life of St. Nicholas anonymous 1200 1980.263.2 Saint Nicholas
Enthroned Virgin and Child anonymous 1200 1972.143
St. Nicholas Accuses the Consul from Scenes from the Life of St. Nicholas anonymous 1205s 1980.263.3 Saint Nicholas
Theodosius Arrives at Ephesus, from a Scene from the Legend of the Seven Sleepers of Ephesus anonymous 1205s 1980.263.4 horse
Enthroned Virgin and Child anonymous 1220 2002.285
Altar Frontal anonymous 1225 25.120.256
Border with "Block" Foliate Pattern anonymous 1230 1982.356
Fragment of a Compendium of the Genealogy of Christ anonymous 1230 2002.433
Madonna and Child Berlinghiero Berlinghieri 1230s 60.173 Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1235 1975.1.2482 Robert Lehman
Oculus anonymous 1235 35.82.1
Oculus anonymous 1235 35.82.2
Profile of a Bearded Man anonymous 1235 1991.472
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1240 1982.204.2
The Virgin from a Pentecost Scene and the Figure of St. Martin anonymous 1245 37.173.2
King Louis IX Carrying the Crown of Thorns anonymous 1245 37.173.3
Archbishop Gauthier Cornut of Sens Displaying the Crown of Thorns anonymous 1245 37.173.4
Two Seated Apostles from a Pentecost Scene anonymous 1245 37.173.5
Lion anonymous 1249s 31.38.1a, b
Bowl, Mina'i ("enameled") ware anonymous 1250s 1975.1.1640 Robert Lehman
Faceted Basin, Mina'i ("enameled") ware anonymous 1250s 1975.1.1644 Robert Lehman
Scenes from the Life of Christ: Arrest of Christ, Christ in Limbo; Descent from the Cross, Preparation of Christ’s Body for His Entombment anonymous 1250s 55.62a, b
Scenes from the Life of Christ: Disrobing Youths from the Entry into Jerusalem, Flagellation, and Angel at the Sepulchre anonymous 1250s 1977.94
Glass Fragment anonymous 1250s 1985.91.2
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1250s 1982.433.1
Glass panel anonymous 1250s 1982.204.4
Glass Fragment anonymous 1250s 1985.91.1
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1250s 1982.204.5
Angel anonymous 1250s 25.120.231
Angel anonymous 1250s 25.120.230
Head of an Angel (?) anonymous 1250 1990.132
Saints Bartholomew and Simon Master of Saint Francis 1262s 1975.1.104 Bartholomew the Apostle Robert Lehman
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1264 1994.108.1
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1264 1994.108.2
Grisalle Glass Panel anonymous 1265s 1982.204.9
Panel anonymous 1265s 1982.433.2
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1265 69.236.3 leaf
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1265 69.236.4
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1265 69.236.5
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1265 69.236.7
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1265 69.236.8
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1265 69.236.9
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1265 69.236.2
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1265 69.236.6
Grisaille Panels anonymous 1275s 2010.253.1–.12
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1275s 1982.204.3
Altar Angel (one of a pair) anonymous 1275 52.33.1
Altar Angel (one of a pair) anonymous 1275 52.33.2
Saint Margaret of Antioch anonymous 1275 25.120.328 Margaret the Virgin
Madonna and Child Master of the Magdalen 1280 64.189.1 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Central Panel of a Triptych anonymous 1280 1970.324.6
Enthroned Virgin and Child anonymous 1280 53.67
北野天神縁起絵巻|Illustrated Legends of the Kitano Tenjin Shrine (Kitano Tenjin engi emaki) anonymous 1283s 25.224a–e
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Angels Master of Varlungo 1285 49.39 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
The Standing Virgin anonymous 1290 1993.251.2
The Angel Annunciate anonymous 1290 1993.251.1
The Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1290 2003.478.2
The Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1290 2003.478.1
元 錢選 王羲之觀鵝圖 卷-Wang Xizhi watching geese Qian Xuan 1295s 1973.120.6
Madonna and Child Enthroned Master of the Magdalen 1300s 41.100.8 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Reparata Being Prepared for Execution Bernardo Daddi 1300s 43.98.4
Madonna and Child Enthroned Master of the Magdalen 1300s 41.100.21 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned anonymous 1300s 69.280.4 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Standing Virgin and Child anonymous 1300 25.120.213
Seated Virgin and Child anonymous 1300 25.120.290
Madonna and Child Duccio di Buoninsegna 1300s 2004.442 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Glass Fragment anonymous 1302s 1985.91.8
Madonna and Child with the Annunciation and the Nativity Goodhart Master 1310 20.160 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Annunciation in an Initial M Maestro Daddesco 1310 1975.1.2478 Feast of the Annunciation Robert Lehman
Christ Blessing Segna di Bonaventura 1311 65.181.2
Figure of a King anonymous 1312s 52.82
The Crucifixion anonymous 1315 41.190.31a crucifixion
Madonna and Child with Nine Angels Segna di Bonaventura 1315 1975.1.1 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
The Crucifixion Segna di Bonaventura 1315 1975.1.2 Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Donors Goodhart Master 1315 1975.1.24 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Robert Lehman
Saint Andrew anonymous 1317 43.98.12 Andrew
Saint Thomas anonymous 1317 43.98.9 Thomas the Apostle
Saint Bartholomew anonymous 1317 43.98.10 Bartholomew the Apostle
Saint Matthias anonymous 1317 43.98.11
Saint Benedict Segna di Bonaventura 1320s 24.78b
Saint Silvester Gozzolini Segna di Bonaventura 1320s 24.78c
Saint John on Patmos, Madonna and Child Enthroned, and Death of the Virgin; The Crucifixion Pacino di Buonaguida 1320s 64.189.3ab Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John of Patmos
Saints and Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Master of Monte Oliveto 1320 41.190.31bc
Madonna and Child Segna di Bonaventura 1320 24.78a Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint John the Evangelist Segna di Bonaventura 1320 41.100.22 John the Evangelist
The Nativity Maestro Daddesco 1320 1975.1.60 Nativity of Jesus Robert Lehman
Window with Grisaille Decoration anonymous 1320 48.183.2
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1320 1984.199.1a-e
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1320 1984.199.2
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1320 1984.199.3 leaf
Panels of Grisaille Glass with Grostesques anonymous 1320 1982.433.3
Roundel with Grotesque anonymous 1320 1991.144.1
Grisaille Panel with Grotesques anonymous 1320 1982.433.4
The Adoration of the Magi Giotto di Bondone 1320s 11.126.1
수월관음도 고려-水月觀音圖 高麗-Water-moon Avalokiteshvara anonymous 1324s 14.76.6
The Crucifixion Bernardo Daddi 1325 1999.532
Madonna and Child Ugolino di Nerio 1325 1975.1.5 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Glass panel anonymous 1325 1982.204.1 flower
Prophet Isaiah anonymous 1325 28.107.1
Saint Mary Magdalene anonymous 1325 28.107.2 Mary Magdalene
Martyred Deacon Saint anonymous 1325 25.120.196
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1325 1984.199.7
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1325 1984.199.5
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1325 1984.199.6
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1325 1984.199.9 flower
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1325 1984.199.10
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1325 1984.199.11 flower
Grisaille Panel anonymous 1325 1984.199.8
Saint Romuald Guiduccio Palmerucci 1325s 1982.60.1 Romuald
Saint Ansanus Simone Martini 1326 1975.1.13 Robert Lehman
Saint Andrew Simone Martini 1326s 41.100.23 Andrew
Madonna and Child Simone Martini 1326s 1975.1.12 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
The Last Supper Ugolino di Nerio 1327s 1975.1.7 Robert Lehman
The Feast of Herod and the Beheading of the Baptist Master of the Life of Saint John the Baptist 1330s 1975.1.103 Beheading of St. John the Baptist
Feast of Herod
Robert Lehman
Saint Clare Lippo Memmi 1330 64.189.2
Saint Paul Lippo Memmi 1330 88.3.99
Saint Matthew Ugolino di Nerio 1330 1975.1.6 Robert Lehman
The Lamentation Master of the Codex of Saint George 1330 61.200.2
The Crucifixion Master of the Codex of Saint George 1332s 61.200.1
Madonna and Child Ambrogio Lorenzetti 1333s 41.190.26 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Petronella anonymous 1335s 47.101.12a, b
Saint Margaret of Antioch under Canopy anonymous 1335s 47.101.13a, b
Madonna and Child Enthroned anonymous 1335 1975.1.59 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Saint Reparata before the Emperor Decius Bernardo Daddi 1338 43.98.3
The Assumption of the Virgin Bernardo Daddi 1338s 1975.1.58 Robert Lehman
Scenes from the Life of Christ Giovanni Baronzio 1340s 09.103
Saint Julian Taddeo Gaddi 1340s 1997.117.1
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Taddeo Gaddi 1340 10.97 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1340 1975.1.9 Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Barna da Siena 1340 1975.1.10 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Manuscript Leaf with the Martyrdom of Saint Bartholomew, from a Laudario Pacino di Buonaguida 1340 2006.250 Bartholomew the Apostle
Virgin and Child anonymous 1340 37.159
Saints Procopius and Adalbert anonymous 1340 2013.272
Saint Anthony of Padua Maso di Banco 1340 43.98.13 Anthony of Padua
Ascension in an Initial V Niccolò di Ser Sozzo Tegliaccio 1342 1975.1.2472 Robert Lehman
The Crucifixion Pietro Lorenzetti 1342s 2002.436 horse
Book Cover anonymous 1343 10.203.3
Saint Catherine of Alexandria Pietro Lorenzetti 1343s 13.212 Catherine of Alexandria
Christ Enthroned with Saints Bernardo Daddi 1350s 1974.217
Tabernacle frame anonymous 1350s 1975.1.10b Robert Lehman
Bowl anonymous 1350s 1975.1.1646 flower Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child anonymous 1350s 1975.1.3 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Pietà anonymous 1350s 1975.1.4 Robert Lehman
Saint Peter anonymous 1350s 1975.1.15 Peter Robert Lehman
The Vision of Saint Catherine of Alexandria Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci 1350s 1975.1.62 Catherine of Alexandria Robert Lehman
The Last Judgment; The Virgin and Child with a Bishop-Saint and Saint Peter Martyr; The Crucifixion; The Glorification of Saint Thomas Aquinas; The Nativity Master of the Dominican Effigies 1350s 1975.1.99 Peter of Verona
Thomas Aquinas
Robert Lehman
The Crucifixion Allegretto Nuzi 1350s 1975.1.106 Robert Lehman
Scenes from the Life of Saint Andrew anonymous 1350s 25.120.257 Andrew
Crozier anonymous 1350s 53.63.4
Standing Virgin and Child anonymous 1350s 26.63.9
Ornamental Lancet Heads anonymous 1350s 68.224.13
Ornamental Lancet Heads anonymous 1350s 68.224.12 leaf
Triangular-shaped Tracery Light anonymous 1350s 68.224.11
Triangular-shaped Tracery Light anonymous 1350s 68.224.10
Triangular-shaped Tracery Light anonymous 1350s 68.224.9 leaf
Trefoil-shaped Tracery Light anonymous 1350s 68.224.7 leaf
Trefoil-shaped Tracery Light anonymous 1350s 68.224.8
Dormition of the Virgin anonymous 1350s 68.224.4
Madonna of Mercy anonymous 1350s 68.224.5
Doubting Thomas anonymous 1350s 68.224.3
Panel with the Harrowing of Hell anonymous 1350s 68.224.1
Saint Thomas anonymous 1350s 65.96.1 Thomas the Apostle
Stained Glass Panel with Queen Kunigunde anonymous 1350s 65.96.4
Saint Philip anonymous 1350s 65.96.2
Stained Glass Panel with Emperor Henry II anonymous 1350s 65.96.3
Saint Lawrence anonymous 1350s 65.97.2
Saint Ambrose anonymous 1350s 65.97.6 Ambrose
Saint Agnes anonymous 1350s 65.98
Saint Augustine anonymous 1350s 65.97.4 Augustine of Hippo
Saint Nicholas anonymous 1350s 65.97.5 Saint Nicholas
Quatrefoil-shaped Tracery Light anonymous 1350s 68.224.6
Saint Martin anonymous 1350s 65.97.1
Saint John anonymous 1350s 25.120.261 John the Evangelist
Virgin and Child anonymous 1350s 25.120.235
Virgin and Child anonymous 1350s 25.120.289a-e
Saint Eleuthere or Saint Rustique anonymous 1350s 25.120.281
Saint Eleuthere or Saint Rustique anonymous 1350s 25.120.282
Saint John anonymous 1350s 25.120.262 John the Evangelist
Saint Denis anonymous 1350s 25.120.283 Saint Denis
Virgin and Child anonymous 1350s 25.120.248
Virgin and Child anonymous 1350s 25.120.229
Tracery Light anonymous 1350s 25.120.381
Tomb Slab of Madame Blanche of France, Duchesse d'Orléans anonymous 1350s 25.120.380a
Madonna and Child Enthroned anonymous 1350 1971.115.5 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child with Saints and Angels Lippo Memmi 1350 43.98.6 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Nativity Puccio di Simone 1350 1975.1.105 Robert Lehman
Saints Matthias and Thomas Bartolomeo Bulgarini 1350 1975.1.8 Thomas the Apostle
Matthew the Apostle
Robert Lehman
Blessing Bishop (Saint Nicholas of Bari) anonymous 1350 25.120.218 Saint Nicholas
Madonna of Mercy anonymous 1350 30.133
Enthroned Virgin and Child anonymous 1350 65.215.1
Portrait of Jnanatapa Attended by Lamas and Mahasiddhas anonymous 1350s 1987.144
Madonna and Child Guariento di Arpo 1354s 88.3.86 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Peter and Paul and Angels Lippo Vanni 1358s 32.100.100 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child Luca di Tommè di Nuto 1360 41.100.34 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Donors Lorenzo Veneziano 1360 1975.1.78 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
The Bishop of Assisi Giving a Palm to Saint Clare anonymous 1360 1984.343
Floor Plan of the Tabernacle, one of six illustrated leaves from the Postilla Litteralis (Literal Commentary) of Nicholas of Lyra anonymous 1360 2011.20.2
Arrangement of the Levite Camps around the Tabernacle, one of six illustrated leaves from the Postilla Litteralis (Literal Commentary) of Nicholas of Lyra anonymous 1360 2011.20.3
Elevation of Solomon's Temple, one of six illustrated leaves from the Postilla Litteralis (Literal Commentary) of Nicholas of Lyra anonymous 1360 2011.20.4
Brazen Sea, one of six illustrated leaves from the Postilla Litteralis (Literal Commentary) of Nicholas of Lyra anonymous 1360 2011.20.5
Curtain of the Tabernacle, one of six illustrated leaves from the Postilla Litteralis (Literal Commentary) of Nicholas of Lyra anonymous 1360 2011.20.1
Initial "V" from the commentary of Nehemiah, one of six illustrated leaves from the Postilla Litteralis (Literal Commentary) of Nicholas of Lyra anonymous 1360 2011.20.6
Madonna and Child with Donors Giovanni da Milano 1365 07.200 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Crucifixion Orcagna 1365 1975.1.65 Robert Lehman
Six Angels Jacopo di Cione 1365 1975.1.65a–f Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Paolo di Giovanni Fei 1370s 41.190.13 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Crucifix Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci 1370s 27.231ab
Saint John the Evangelist with Acteus and Eugenius Francescuccio Ghissi 1370 69.280.2 John the Evangelist
Saint John the Evangelist Causes a Pagan Temple to Collapse Francescuccio Ghissi 1370 69.280.3 John the Evangelist
Saint John the Evangelist Raises Satheus to Life Francescuccio Ghissi 1370 69.280.1 John the Evangelist
Man of Sorrows Niccolò di Tommaso 1370 25.120.241
Head of Christ Don Silvestro dei Gherarducci 1374s 1981.365.2
The Adoration of the Shepherds Bartolo di Fredi 1374 25.120.288
Reliquary Bust of Saint Juliana anonymous 1376 61.266
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints James Minor and Lucy Paolo Veneziano 1376s 32.100.87 Saint Lucy Michael Friedsam
The Lamentation over the Dead Christ anonymous 1379s 1975.1.20 Robert Lehman
Saint Catherine Disputing and Two Donors Cenni di Francesco 1380 1982.35.1 Catherine of Alexandria
Engaged cassetta frame on a polyptych panel Niccolò di Buonaccorso 1380
musical instrument Robert Lehman
Medallion with the Face of Christ anonymous 1380 2011.503
Saint Paul Niccolò di Buonaccorso 1380s 41.190.531
Saint Lucy and Her Mother at the Shrine of Saint Agatha; Saint Lucy Giving Alms; Saint Lucy before Paschasius; Saint Lucy Resisting Efforts to Move Her Giovanni di Bartolomeo Cristiani 1381s 12.41.1–4
The Conquest of Naples by Charles of Durazzo Master of Charles of Durazzo 1381 07.120.1 Charles III of Naples
春屋妙葩像 自賛-Portrait of Shun'oku Myōha (1311–1388) anonymous 1383s 2007.329
Saint Philip Spinello Aretino 1384s 1975.1.63 Robert Lehman
A Saint, Possibly James the Greater Spinello Aretino 1384s 1975.1.64 Robert Lehman
One of a pair of pilaster panels anonymous 1385 1975.1.63b Robert Lehman
One of a pair of pilaster panels anonymous 1385 1975.1.64b Robert Lehman
The Trinity in an Initial B Master of the Codex Rossiano 1387 1975.1.2476 Trinity Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Peter, Saint Agnes, Saint Catherine of Alexandria, Saint Lucy, an Unidentified Female Saint, Saint Paul, and Saint John the Baptist, with Eve and the Serpent; the Annunciation Paolo di Giovanni Fei 1387s 1975.1.23 Robert Lehman
Pietà anonymous 1387s 48.85
The Trinity Agnolo Gaddi 1390 41.100.33
Saint Margaret and the Dragon anonymous 1390 41.190.23
Architectural Canopy anonymous 1390 1987.40.1
Panel with the Annunciation anonymous 1390 36.39.1a, b
Architectural canopy anonymous 1390 1986.285.12
Architectural canopy anonymous 1390 1986.285.13
Architectural canopy anonymous 1390 1986.285.10
The Presentation in the Temple anonymous 1390 1986.285.3
The Baptism of Christ anonymous 1390 1986.285.4
The Agony in the Garden anonymous 1390 1986.285.5
The Harrowing of Hell anonymous 1390 1986.285.7
Architectural canopy anonymous 1390 1986.285.8
Christ Before Pilate anonymous 1390 1986.285.6
Prophet from a Throne of Solomon anonymous 1390 1995.301
The Adoration of the Magi Bartolo di Fredi 1390s 1975.1.16 horse Robert Lehman
Adoration of the Magi from Seven Scenes from the Life of Christ anonymous 1390 1986.285.1
Roundel anonymous 1390 36.39.2
Adoration of the Magi from Seven Scenes from the Life of Christ anonymous 1390 1986.285.2
The Conversion of Saint Paul Spinello Aretino 1391 1975.1.11 soldier Robert Lehman
Tomb Plaque of Blanche of France (1328–92), daughter of Charles IV of France and Jeanne d'Evreux anonymous 1392s 25.120.380b
Bust of the Virgin anonymous 1392s 2005.393
The Coronation of the Virgin, and Saints Giovanni di Tano Fei 1394 50.229.2
Saint Mary Magdalen Holding a Crucifix; (reverse) The Flagellation Spinello Aretino 1395 13.175
Head of an Angel in Full Face Taddeo di Bartolo 1397 1975.1.17 Robert Lehman
Head of the Virgin Taddeo di Bartolo 1397 1975.1.18 Robert Lehman
Head of an Angel in Left Profile Taddeo di Bartolo 1397 1975.1.19 Robert Lehman
Katharina Merian Hans Brosamer 1400s 1982.60.38 woman
Madonna and Child anonymous 1400s 47.143 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints anonymous 1400s 32.100.70 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints anonymous 1400s 41.100.15 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Madonna and Child Enthroned Master of Monte Oliveto 1400s 18.117.1
An Episode from the Life of Saint Giovanni Gualberto anonymous 1400s 58.135
Two Angels anonymous 1400s 1971.115.1ab
Madonna and Child with Saints Michael and John the Baptist; The Noli Me Tangere; The Conversion of Saint Paul anonymous 1400s 1982.60.2 Mary Magdalene
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Baptist
Michael the Archangel
Saints John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene anonymous 1400s 1975.1.102 Mary Magdalene
John the Evangelist
Robert Lehman
Saint Mary Magdalen Bartolo di Fredi 1400s 1975.1.14 Mary Magdalene Robert Lehman
The Flagellation Master of Forlì 1400s 1975.1.79 Flagellation of Christ Robert Lehman
The Entombment Master of Forlì 1400s 1975.1.80 Jesus Christ Robert Lehman
Retable Master of Cubélls 1400s
The Crucifixion Andrea di Bartolo 1400 12.6 soldier
The Flagellation Master of the Berswordt Altar 1400 2001.216.2 Flagellation of Christ
The Crucifixion Master of the Berswordt Altar 1400 43.161
The Trinity Adored by All Saints anonymous 1400 39.54
Christ and the Twelve Apostles Taddeo di Bartolo 1400 1991.27.1
Diptych with tabernacle frames anonymous 1400 1975.1.22c Robert Lehman
Saint Michael Presenting a Donor to Christ as Salvator Mundi anonymous 1400 1975.1.2469 Robert Lehman
Relief of a Bishop anonymous 1400 2002.338
Joshua and David (from The Nine Heroes Tapestries) anonymous 1400 47.101.1
Alexander the Great or Hector of Troy (from The Nine Heroes Tapestries) anonymous 1400 47.101.2d
Fragments (from the Nine Heroes Tapestries) anonymous 1400 47.101.5
King Arthur and Two Attendants (from the Nine Heroes Tapestries) anonymous 1400 32.130.3a, b
Archbishop (from The Nine Heroes Tapestries) anonymous 1400 49.123
Angel with Portative Organ Cristoforo Cortese 1401 1975.1.2465a Robert Lehman
Angel with Harp Cristoforo Cortese 1401 1975.1.2465b Robert Lehman
The Intercession of Christ and the Virgin anonymous 1402s 53.37
Tabernacle frame anonymous 1404 1975.1.67b Robert Lehman
Diptych anonymous 1405s 1975.1.22 Robert Lehman
Saint Michael and the Dragon anonymous 1405 12.192
Bifolium with Christ in Majesty in an Initial A, from an Antiphonary anonymous 1405 2013.38
The Crucified Christ between the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist Lorenzo Monaco 1406 1975.1.67 John the Evangelist Robert Lehman
Last Judgment in an Initial C Lorenzo Monaco 1406 1975.1.2485 musical instrument Robert Lehman
David Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.4 musical instrument
Abraham Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.1
Noah Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.2
Saint Giles with Christ Triumphant over Satan and the Mission of the Apostles Miguel Alcañiz the Elder 1408 76.10
Moses Lorenzo Monaco 1408 65.14.3
The Nativity Lorenzo Monaco 1408s 1975.1.66 Robert Lehman
Saint Ursula and Her Maidens Niccolò di Pietro 1410 23.64
A Contest between the Shepherds Alcesto and Acaten Master of 1416 1410 26.287.1 Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine
Ameto's Discovery of the Nymphs Master of 1416 1410 26.287.2 Comedia delle ninfe fiorentine
Saint Bartholomew anonymous 1410 30.113.1 Bartholomew the Apostle
Saint John the Evangelist anonymous 1410 30.113.2 John the Evangelist
Saint Martin Dividing His Cloak anonymous 1410 30.113.3
Saint Martin on Horseback Dividing His Cloak anonymous 1410 30.113.4
Saint James anonymous 1410 65.67
Madonna and Child with Angels Gentile da Fabriano 1410 30.95.262 woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Georges Brauer
Theodore M. Davis
Madonna and Child with Saint Catherine of Siena and a Carthusian Donor anonymous 1411 1975.1.98 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Catherine of Siena
Robert Lehman
The Crucifixion Fra Angelico 1420s 43.98.5 soldier
Madonna and Child with the Donor, Pietro de' Lardi, Presented by Saint Nicholas Master G.Z. 1420 65.181.5 Saint Nicholas
Retable with Scenes from the Life of Saint Andrew anonymous 1420 06.1211.1–.9 Andrew
St. John the Evangelist, probably from a Crucifixion Group anonymous 1420 65.215.4 John the Evangelist
Standing Virgin and Child anonymous 1420 65.215.2
Madonna and Child with Angels Pietro di Domenico da Montepulciano 1420 07.201 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Annunciation Petrus Christus
32.100.35 Gabriel
Virgin Mary
Holy Spirit
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child with Saints Philip and Agnes Donato de' Bardi 1425 37.163.1–3 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
A Bishop Saint Fra Angelico 1425 1991.27.2
Cassone anonymous 1425 1975.1.1938 Robert Lehman
Saint Mark the Evangelist and Saint Sinibaldus Venerated by Members of a Lay Confraternity Cristoforo Cortese 1425 1975.1.2468 Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child with Saints John the Baptist, Jerome, Peter Martyr, and Bernardino and Four Angels Sano di Pietro 1425 1975.1.43 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Peter of Verona
Bernardino of Siena
John the Baptist
Robert Lehman
Saint Martin and Saint Hilary anonymous 1430s 1975.1.1908 Robert Lehman
Saint Martin Brings a Dead Man to Life anonymous 1430s 1975.1.1906 Robert Lehman
Saint Martin Announcing to His Parents That He Will Become a Christian anonymous 1430s 1975.1.1909 Robert Lehman
Saint Martin Offering the Wine Cup to the Priest anonymous 1430s 1975.1.1907 Robert Lehman
Saint Michael Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio 1430s 1975.1.28A Michael the Archangel Robert Lehman
Saint Nicholas of Bari Pietro di Giovanni d'Ambrogio 1430s 1975.1.28B Saint Nicholas Robert Lehman
The Man of Sorrows Michele Giambono 1430 06.180
Man in Prayer anonymous 1430 50.145.35
All Saints in an Initial E or O Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1430 1975.1.2484 Robert Lehman
Sermon of Saint Albertus Magnus Friedrich Walther 1430 64.215
Deep Dish anonymous 1430 56.171.162
Presentation in the Temple Alvaro Pirez d'Evora 1430
The Presentation in the Temple Alvaro Pirez d'Evora 1430s 1982.60.3
Crucifixion and Last Judgement diptych Jan van Eyck 1430s 33.92ab Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Saint Nicholas Providing Dowries Bicci di Lorenzo 1433s 88.3.89 Saint Nicholas
Saint Nicholas Resuscitating Three Youths Bicci di Lorenzo 1433s 16.121 Saint Nicholas
The Nativity Zanobi Strozzi 1433 1983.490
Saints John the Baptist and Matthew Bicci di Lorenzo 1433s 1975.1.68 John the Baptist
Matthew the Apostle
Robert Lehman
The Journey of the Magi Stefano di Giovanni 1434 43.98.1
Saints Matthew and Francis Giovanni di Paolo 1435 88.3.111
The Presentation of Christ in the Temple Giovanni di Paolo 1435 41.100.4
The Annunciation Stefano di Giovanni 1435 1975.1.26 Robert Lehman
The Marriage of the Virgin Michelino Molinari da Besozzo 1435s 43.98.7 Virgin Mary
Saint Anthony Abbot Tempted by a Heap of Gold Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1435 1975.1.27 Anthony the Great Robert Lehman
The Nativity Zanobi Strozzi 1436s 24.22
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Cherubim Master of the Osservanza Triptych 1437s 1975.1.41 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Pietà anonymous 1437s 64.80
Beaker with Apes anonymous 1437s 52.50
Madonna and Child Jacopo Bellini 1440s 59.187
Saint Jerome anonymous 1440s 65.181.6 Jerome
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels anonymous 1440s 37.52.3
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels anonymous 1440s 37.52.1
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels anonymous 1440s 37.52.4
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels anonymous 1440s 37.52.2
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels anonymous 1440s 37.52.5
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels anonymous 1440s 37.52.6
Portrait of a Woman with a Man at a Casement Filippo Lippi 1440 89.15.19 woman
casement window
Henry Gurdon Marquand
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Crucifixion Fra Angelico 1440 14.40.628 Benjamin Altman
Paternoster Pendant with the Virgin and Child (obverse) and the Meeting of Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate (reverse) anonymous 1440 1975.1.1522 Robert Lehman
Justice anonymous 1440 1975.1.264 Robert Lehman
Standing Virgin and Child anonymous 1440 62.169
Head of a Woman anonymous 1440 2012.405
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels Filippo Lippi 1440s 49.7.9 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Jules Bache
Madonna and Child with Saints Priamo della Quercia 1442 41.100.35–37 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Virgin Mary and Five Standing Saints above Predella Panels anonymous 1443s 37.52.1–.6
Madonna and Child with Angels Stefano di Giovanni 1445 41.100.20 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child with Two Angels and a Donor Giovanni di Paolo 1445 41.190.16 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Betrayal of Christ Bartolomeo di Tommaso 1445 58.87.1
The Lamentation and the Entombment Bartolomeo di Tommaso 1445 58.87.2
Santa Francesca Romana (1384–1440) Clothed by the Virgin anonymous 1445 1975.1.100 Robert Lehman
Santa Francesca Romana (1384–1440) Holding the Christ Child Antonio del Massaro 1445 1975.1.101 Robert Lehman
Head of Christ Petrus Christus 1445 60.71.1
Jesus Christ
Paradise Giovanni di Paolo 1445 06.1046
The Creation of the World and the Expulsion from Paradise Giovanni di Paolo 1445 1975.1.31 Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Carthusian Petrus Christus 1446 49.7.19 Jules Bache
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux anonymous 1447 1975.1.70B Robert Lehman
Male Saint anonymous 1447 1975.1.70A Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Man Domenico Ghirlandaio 1448 32.100.67 man Bode Museum
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child anonymous 1448 1975.1.39 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
A Goldsmith in His Shop, Possibly Saint Eligius Petrus Christus 1449 1975.1.110 Saint Eligius
Albert von Oppenheim
Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1450s 32.100.98 Michael Friedsam
The Miraculous Communion of Saint Catherine of Siena Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 32.100.95 Catherine of Siena Michael Friedsam
The Blessed Andrea Gallerani (died 1251) Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 1975.1.55 Robert Lehman
The Blessed Ambrogio Sansedoni (1220–1286) Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 1975.1.56 Ambrose of Siena Robert Lehman
A Man Asleep Alongside a Dog and a Horse anonymous 1450s 1975.1.401 horse Robert Lehman
The Birth and Naming of Saint John the Baptist Sano di Pietro 1450s 1975.1.44 Child Saint John Robert Lehman
Saint Catherine of Siena Beseeching Christ to Resuscitate Her Mother Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 1975.1.33 Catherine of Siena Robert Lehman
Saint Catherine of Siena Receiving the Stigmata Giovanni di Paolo 1450s 1975.1.34 Catherine of Siena Robert Lehman
Dish anonymous 1450s 1975.1.1647 Robert Lehman
The Descent into Limbo anonymous 1450s 1975.1.274 Robert Lehman
Vulcan Building a Fence Around the Mount of Venus anonymous 1450s 1975.1.320 Robert Lehman
A Gazelle in Profile, Moving Toward the Right anonymous 1450s 1975.1.402 Robert Lehman
A Seated Saint Reading from a Book anonymous 1450s 1975.1.409 book Robert Lehman
The Nativity anonymous 1450s 1975.1.61 Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Sano di Pietro 1450s 1975.1.40 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
The Madonna and Child with a Female Martyr Saint, a Bishop Saint, and a Female Donor anonymous 1450s 1975.1.252 Robert Lehman
Integral tondo molding anonymous 1450s 1975.1.40b Robert Lehman
The Nativity anonymous 1450s 49.109
Altarpiece (retablo) with Scenes from the Passion anonymous 1450s 10.12a, b
Panel with Saint John the Baptist Enthroned from Retable Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.670 John the Baptist
The Visitation Panel from Saint John Retable Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.671
Predella pane with Saint Bridget, Saint Christopher, and Saint Kilian from Retable Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.673 Saint Christopher
Panel with the Birth of St. John the Baptist from Retable Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.927 Child Saint John
Panel with The Crucifixion from Retable Domingo Ram 1450s 25.120.928
Ewer anonymous 1450s 53.20.1
Saint Mary Magdalene anonymous 1450s 63.13.1 Mary Magdalene
Bowl anonymous 1450s 56.171.156
The Death of the Virgin (The Dormition) anonymous 1450s 1973.348
Saint Augustine anonymous 1450s 26.63.6 Augustine of Hippo
Roundel with Entry into Jerusalem anonymous 1450s 12.137.5
Panel with the Head of a Bishop anonymous 1450s 2007.69
Saint Barbara anonymous 1450s 50.159 Saint Barbara
Glass Fragment anonymous 1450s 1985.91.7
Standing Apostle anonymous 1450s 55.20
Dormition of the Virgin Relief anonymous 1450s 26.63.11
Entry into Jerusalem Relief anonymous 1450s 55.58
The Entombment anonymous 1450s 25.120.482
Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1450s 25.120.485
Saint Frederick anonymous 1450s 34.123
Head of a Bearded Man anonymous 1450s 26.63.17
Bust of a Bishop anonymous 1450s 37.80.14
Saint Germain and a Donor anonymous 1450s 47.101.18
Roundel with Coat of Arms anonymous 1450s 32.24.14
Saint Stephen anonymous 1450s 59.71 Stephen
Coronation of the Virgin anonymous 1450s 65.121
Saint Jerome anonymous 1450s 65.124 Jerome
Angel anonymous 1450s 1972.31
Palmesel anonymous 1450s 55.24
Saint Geneviève anonymous 1450s 56.101
Pietà anonymous 1450s 25.120.266a, b
Head of Christ anonymous 1450s 25.120.219
Shrine of Saint Anne and the Holy Kinship anonymous 1450s 25.120.210
Man of Sorrows anonymous 1450s 1971.194
Portrait of a Woman Master of the Nativity of Castello 1450s 49.7.6 woman Jules Bache
Saint Peter Martyr Healing the Leg of a Young Man Antonio Vivarini 1450s 37.163.4 Peter of Verona
Saint Francis Sano di Pietro 1450s 1975.1.50 book Robert Lehman
King David in Prayer in an Initial B Zanobi Strozzi 1450s 1975.1.2470 Robert Lehman
The Lamentation Petrus Christus 1450 91.26.12
Madonna and Child with Six Saints Francesco Pesellino 1450 50.145.30 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child; Saint John the Baptist; Saint Jerome Sano di Pietro 1450 64.189.4 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Baptist
Virgin and Child with a Donor Presented by Saint Jerome Master of the Munich Marian Panels
1450 1975.1.133 Jerome
Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Robert Lehman
Cassetta frame anonymous 1450 1975.1.2311 Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Sano di Pietro 1450 1975.1.51 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Crucifix anonymous 1450 1975.1.25 Robert Lehman
The Exultation of Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Giovanni di Paolo 1450 1975.1.35 Nicholas of Tolentino Robert Lehman
Saint Michael Master of Belmonte 1450 55.120.2 Michael the Archangel
Paschal Candlestick anonymous 1450 44.63.1a, b
Embroidery with the Annunciation anonymous 1450s 1990.330
Adoration of the Shepherds Andrea Mantegna 1450 32.130.2 Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Saints Augustine and Francis, a Bishop Saint, and Saint Benedict Filippo Lippi 1452 17.89 Augustine of Hippo
Francis of Assisi
Saint Lawrence Enthroned with Saints and Donors Filippo Lippi 1453 35.31.1a–c
Madonna and Child with Saints Giovanni di Paolo 1454 32.100.76 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Michael Friedsam
Madonna Adoring the Sleeping Child Giovanni Bellini 1455 30.95.256
Coronation of the Virgin anonymous 1455 1975.1.2480 Robert Lehman
Saint Bernardino Sano di Pietro 1455s 1975.1.46 Bernardino of Siena Robert Lehman
Coronation of the Virgin Giovanni di Paolo 1455s 1975.1.38 Robert Lehman
Virgin and Child Dieric Bouts 1457s 30.95.280
The Annunciation to Zacharias; (verso) The Angel of the Annunciation Giovanni di Paolo 1457s 1975.1.37 Robert Lehman
Saint Anne and the Virgin and Child Enthroned with Angels Niccolò Alunno 1458 1975.1.107 Robert Lehman
Saint Catherine of Siena Exchanging Her Heart with Christ Giovanni di Paolo 1460s 1997.117.3 Catherine of Siena
Portrait of a Man in a Turban anonymous 1460s 49.7.24 man
Jules Bache
The Madonna of Humility, the Annunciation, the Nativity, and the Pietà Bartolomeo Vivarini 1460s 1975.1.82 woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Robert Lehman
Head of a Donor anonymous 1460 17.190.22
The Mystic Marriage of Saint Catherine of Siena Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1997.117.2 Catherine of Siena
A Donor Presented by a Saint anonymous 1460 32.100.41 Michael Friedsam
The Adoration of the Magi Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1982.60.4 horse
The Nativity anonymous 1460 32.100.39 Michael Friedsam
The Burial of Saint Martha Sano di Pietro 1460 65.181.7
The Crucifixion, (reverse) Saint Francis of Assisi; The Resurrection, (reverse) An Abbot Saint, Possibly Saint Benedict anonymous 1460 32.100.106–7 Michael Friedsam
Saint Bernardino anonymous 1460 1975.1.45 Bernardino of Siena Robert Lehman
Saint John the Evangelist Raises Drusiana Giovanni di Paolo 1460 1975.1.36 Drusiana
John the Evangelist
Robert Lehman
The Circumcision anonymous 1460 2003.14
Coronation of the Virgin anonymous 1460 25.120.486
Portrait of Francesco d'Este Rogier van der Weyden 1460 32.100.43 man Michael Friedsam
Virgin and Child Andrea Mantegna 1460 32.100.97 woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Michael Friedsam
The Archangel Raphael and Tobias Neri di Bicci 1463s 1975.1.71 Tobias Robert Lehman
Christ Crowned with Thorns Antonello da Messina 1464s 32.100.82 Michael Friedsam
The Annunciation Hans Memling 1465s 17.190.7
Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts Biagio d'Antonio 1465 09.136.2 boat
The Adoration of the Magi Justus van Gent 1465 41.190.21
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Agnes Giovanni di Paolo 1465 1975.1.32 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Engaged arched cassetta frame and arched tabernacle frame anonymous 1465 1975.1.54b Robert Lehman
The Martyrdom of Saint Lawrence; (reverse) Giving Drink to the Thirsty Master of Alkmaar 1465s 1981.365.1
The Archangel Raphael and Tobias Neri di Bicci 1465s 1975.1.72 Tobias Robert Lehman
Devananda's Fourteen Auspicious Dreams Foretelling the Birth of Mahavira: Folio from a Kalpasutra Manuscript 1465s 1992.359
The Annunciation from the Hours of Charles of France Maître de Charles de France 1465 58.71a, b
Saint Ambrose Giovanni di Paolo 1467s 1975.1.30 Ambrose Robert Lehman
The Lamentation of Christ Simon Marmion 1467 1975.1.128 Robert Lehman
The Holy Virgins Greeted by Christ as They Enter the Gates of Paradise Simon Marmion 1467 1975.1.2477 Robert Lehman
Benedictine Antiphonary Belbello da Pavia 1467 60.165
The Birth of the Virgin Fra Carnevale 1467 35.121
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome, Bernardino, John the Baptist, and Anthony of Padua and Two Angels Sano di Pietro 1469 1975.1.42 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Anthony of Padua
Bernardino of Siena
John the Baptist
Robert Lehman
Saint Thomas Aquinas Aided by Saints Peter and Paul Bartolomeo degli Erri 1469s 23.140 Peter
Thomas Aquinas
Saint Dominic Resuscitating Napoleone Orsini Bartolomeo degli Erri 1470s 22.60.59 Saint Dominic
Portrait of a Young Man Cosimo Tura 1470s 14.40.649 Benjamin Altman
Portrait of a Man Dieric Bouts 1470 14.40.644 Albert von Oppenheim
Benjamin Altman
Madonna and Child anonymous 1470 14.40.647 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Benjamin Altman
Portrait of a Young Man Biagio d'Antonio 1470 32.100.68 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Young Man Antonello da Messina 1470 14.40.645 Benjamin Altman
The Nativity Francesco di Giorgio 1470 41.100.2
Saints Catherine of Alexandria, Barbara, Agatha, and Margaret Giovanni di Paolo 1470 32.100.83a–d Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Barbara
Margaret the Virgin
Agatha of Sicily
Michael Friedsam
A Saint (Mark?) Reading Bartolomeo Vivarini 1470 65.181.1
The Massacre of the Innocents Sano di Pietro 1470 58.189.1
The Adoration of the Magi Sano di Pietro 1470 58.189.2 horse
The Man of Sorrows with Two Angels anonymous 1470 1996.341
Madonna and Child with the Dead Christ, Saints Agnes and Catherine of Alexandria, and Two Angels Sano di Pietro 1470 1987.290.2ab Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Catherine of Alexandria
Agnes of Rome
Madonna and Child Giovanni Bellini 1470 1975.1.81 Robert Lehman
Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1470 1975.1.134 Robert Lehman
Saint Bernardino Preaching from a Pulpit Francesco di Giorgio 1470 1975.1.2474 Bernardino of Siena Robert Lehman
Engraved book binding mount anonymous 1470 1975.1.1480 Robert Lehman
Martyrdom of Saint Agatha in an Initial D Sano di Pietro 1470 1975.1.2488 Agatha of Sicily Robert Lehman
Burg Weiler Altar Triptych Master of the Burg Weiler Altarpiece 1470 53.21 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Wendelin of Trier
Saint Apollonia
Saint Barbara
Catherine of Alexandria
Lawrence of Rome
Saint Sebastian
Saint Maurice
Saint Margaret anonymous 1470 63.13.2
Pendant Medallion with Michael Slaying the Dragon anonymous 1470 1975.65
Portrait of Tommaso di Folco Portinari Hans Memling 1470 14.40.626 Tommaso Portinari Léopold Goldschmidt
Benjamin Altman
Lehman Madonna Giovanni Bellini 1470 1975.1.81
Madonna and Child Benvenuto di Giovanni 1470s 1975.1.54 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Portrait of Maria Portinari Hans Memling 1470 14.40.627 Léopold Goldschmidt
Goddess of Chaste Love Francesco di Giorgio 1471s 20.182
An Apostle Carlo Crivelli 1471 1975.1.84 Robert Lehman
Virgin and Child (Bache) Carlo Crivelli 1472 49.7.5 woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Jules Bache
Madonna and Child Enthroned Carlo Crivelli 1472 1982.60.5 woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Saint Dominic Carlo Crivelli 1472 05.41.1 Saint Dominic
Saint George Carlo Crivelli 1472 05.41.2 Saint George
body armor
long hair
Saint Sebastian Francesco Botticini 1473s 48.78 Saint Sebastian
Saint Christopher and the Infant Christ Domenico Ghirlandaio 1473 80.3.674 Child Jesus
Saint Christopher
The Flight into Egypt Cosimo Tura 1474 49.7.17 Jules Bache
Kneeling Virgin anonymous 1474 25.120.217
Base for a Statuette anonymous 1475s 55.116.2
Descent from the Cross Girolamo da Cremona 1475s 49.7.8 Jules Bache
The Adoration of the Magi Hieronymus Bosch 1475 13.26 Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Adoration of the Magi
Biblical Magi
Portrait of an old man Hans Memling 1475 14.40.648 man Albert von Oppenheim
Benjamin Altman
Salvator Mundi anonymous 1475 32.100.54 Salvator Mundi Michael Friedsam
The Chess Players Liberale da Verona 1475 43.98.8 chess
Virgin and Child anonymous 1475 49.7.18 Jules Bache
Virgin and Child anonymous 1475 1982.60.16
Scene from a Novella Liberale da Verona 1475 1986.147
Portrait of a Young Man Hans Memling 1475 1975.1.112 Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Enthroned Nicola di Maestro Antonio d'Ancona 1475 1975.1.83 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1475 1975.1.129 Robert Lehman
Saint Bernardino Benvenuto di Giovanni 1475 1975.1.53 Bernardino of Siena Robert Lehman
Novella del giocatore di scacchi Liberale da Verona 1475 courtship
Pietà Carlo Crivelli 1476 13.178
Virgin and Child Hans Memling 1477s 32.100.59 Nursing Madonna Michael Friedsam
A Benedictine Monk Hugo van der Goes 1478 22.60.53
Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child anonymous 1478s 38.141a-o
Virgin and Child with Saints Catherine of Alexandria and Barbara Hans Memling 1479 14.40.634 Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Barbara
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Léopold Goldschmidt
Benjamin Altman
The Marriage of the Virgin Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.1
The Burial of Saint Zenobius Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.2
Tobias and the Angel Davide Ghirlandaio 1479 13.119.3 Raphael
Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Catherine of Siena Matteo di Giovanni 1479 1975.1.52 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Francis of Assisi
Catherine of Siena
Robert Lehman
Virgin and Child with Saint Anne Presenting Anna van Nieuwenhove Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 1480s 1975.1.114 Robert Lehman
Annunciation Hans Memling 1480s 1975.1.113 Annunciation Robert Lehman
The Nativity Gerard David 1480s 32.100.40a Michael Friedsam
Saint Paul with Paolo Pagagnotti; Christ Appearing to His Mother Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 1480s 32.100.63ab Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Young Man Jacometto Veneziano 1480s 49.7.3 Jules Bache
The Nativity Jacopo da Sellaio 1480s 41.100.10
The Nativity Antoniazzo Romano 1480s 06.1214
Madonna and Child Giovanni Bellini 1480s
Processional Crucifix Pietro di Francesco degli Orioli 1480 22.60.61
The Legend of Cloelia Guidoccio Cozzarelli 1480 11.126.2
The Young Saint John the Baptist Piero di Cosimo 1480 22.60.52 Child Saint John
Abner's Messenger before David (?); The Queen of Sheba Bringing Gifts to Solomon; (The Annunciation, on the reverse) Master of the legend of St. Barbara 1480 32.100.56a–d David
Queen of Sheba
Charles-Léon Cardon
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child Vincenzo Foppa 1480 30.95.293 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Portrait of a Woman Piero del Pollaiolo 1480 50.135.3
Young Man Holding a Book Master of the View of Saint Gudula 1480 50.145.27 book
The Martyrdom of Saint Adrian; The Martyrdom of Two Saints, Possibly Ache and Acheul anonymous 1480 22.60.56–57
Portrait of a Man Hugo van der Goes 1480 29.100.15 Louisine Havemeyer
The Crucifixion Monogrammist IM 1480 1975.1.2475 crucifixion of Jesus Robert Lehman
Saint Anthony anonymous 1480 1975.1.2467 Anthony the Great Robert Lehman
Christ's Entry into Jerusalem anonymous 1480 1975.1.2471 Robert Lehman
The Annunciation Alesso di Benozzo 1480 1975.1.77 Robert Lehman
Nativity of the Virgin anonymous 1480 56.211
The Lamentation anonymous 1480 55.85
Man of Sorrows Master of the Lautenbach Altar 1480 1998.215.1 Jesus Christ
Virgin and Child on a Crescent Moon anonymous 1480 1984.198
The Mater Dolorosa Master of the Lautenbach Altar 1480 1998.215.2 Our Lady of Sorrows
Virgin of the Apocalypse anonymous 1480 1982.47.1
Tríptico da Adoração dos Magos Master of the legend of St. Barbara 1480 Adoration of the Magi
The Pérussis Altarpiece anonymous 1480 54.195
The Crucifixion anonymous 1481s 1975.1.2479 Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Man Cosimo Rosselli 1481 50.135.1
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Two Angels and a Donor Vittore Crivelli 1481 41.100.32 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child with Two Angels Vittore Crivelli 1481 1982.60.6 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints and Angels Francesco Botticini 1481s 61.235 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Christopher and the Infant Christ anonymous 1481s 1975.1.115 Saint Christopher Robert Lehman
Saints Nicholas of Tolentino, Roch, Sebastian, and Bernardino of Siena, with Kneeling Donors Benozzo Gozzoli 1481 1976.100.14 Saint Sebastian
Nicholas of Tolentino
Saint Roch
Bernardino of Siena
Madonna and Child Antoniazzo Romano 1482s 41.190.9 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madonna and Child with Angels Cosimo Rosselli 1483s 32.100.84 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child Filippino Lippi 1483s 49.7.10 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Jules Bache
Saint Louis of Toulouse Cosimo Tura 1484 30.95.259 Louis of Toulouse
Roundel with Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1485s 32.24.1
Roundel with the Flight into Egypt anonymous 1485s 32.24.2
Roundel with the Circumcision anonymous 1485s 32.24.3
Roundel with the Baptism of Christ anonymous 1485s 32.24.4
Roundel with the Resurrection anonymous 1485s 32.24.8 soldier
Roundel with the Flagellation anonymous 1485s 32.24.6 soldier
Roundel with the Virgin and Child anonymous 1485s 32.24.13
Roundel with Christ crowned with thorns and mocked anonymous 1485s 32.24.7
Roundel with the Betrayal anonymous 1485s 32.24.5 soldier
Young Woman with a Pink Hans Memling 1485 49.7.23 woman
Jules Bache
Virgin and Child Master of Guillaume Lambert 1485 1975.1.2466 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Robert Lehman
The Death of the Virgin Bartolomeo Vivarini 1485 50.229.1
Christ before Pilate; The Resurrection Ludwig Schongauer 1487s 1982.60.34ab soldier
Virgin and Child Master of the Cologne legend of St. Ursula 1487s 17.190.16
Selvaggia Sassetti (born 1470) Davide Ghirlandaio 1487s 32.100.71 woman Michael Friedsam
Virgin and Child anonymous 1487 1975.1.111 Thomas Baring, 1st Earl of Northbrook
Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child with Saints Giovanni Bellini 1487s 49.7.1 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Jules Bache
Holy Face Gerard David 1487s 1975.1.2486 Robert Lehman
Francesco Sassetti and His Son Teodoro Domenico Ghirlandaio 1488s 49.7.7 Francesco Sassetti Jules Bache
Joseph Duveen, 1st Baron Duveen
Madonna and Child Giovanni Bellini 1488s 08.183.1 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Melchior of the Three Kings from an Adoration Group anonymous 1489s 52.83.1
Caspar of the Three Kings from an Adoration Group anonymous 1489s 52.83.2
Balthasar of the Three Kings from an Adoration Group anonymous 1489s 52.83.3
The Annunciation Sandro Botticelli 1489 1975.1.74 Virgin Mary
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Madonna Adoring the Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and an Angel Lorenzo di Credi 1490s 09.197 Child Saint John
Virgin and Child anonymous 1490s 32.100.58 Michael Friedsam
Saint John the Baptist; Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata Gerard David 1490s 32.100.40bc John the Baptist
Francis of Assisi
Richard von Kaufmann
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist Michele da Verona 1490s 27.41 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Child Saint John
Saint Michael; The Mass of Saint Gregory; Saint Jerome Master of the Legend of Saint Catherine 1490s 21.134.3a–c Jerome
Saint Justina of Padua Bartolomeo Montagna 1490s 14.40.606 Benjamin Altman
Virgin and Child anonymous 1490 49.7.22 Jesus Christ
Virgin Mary
Jules Bache
Saint Adalbert and Saint Procopius Master of Eggenburg 1490 44.147.1 Adalbert of Prague
Procopius of Sázava
The Burial of Saint Wenceslas Master of Eggenburg 1490 44.147.2 Saint Wenceslaus I, Duke of Bohemia
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalen Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi 1490 61.43 Mary Magdalene
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Donatian; Saint Victor Presenting a Donor anonymous 1490 1982.60.18–19
The Mass of Saint Gregory anonymous 1490 1976.100.24
Portrait of a Young Woman Lorenzo di Credi 1490 43.86.5
Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist Cosimo Rosselli 1490 1975.1.73 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Child Saint John
Robert Lehman
Margaret of Austria Jean Hey 1490 1975.1.130 Margaret of Austria, Duchess of Savoy Robert Lehman
Scenes from the Life of Saint Augustine of Hippo Master of the Legend of St. Augustine 1490 61.199 Augustine of Hippo
Private Devotional Shrine anonymous 1490 1991.10
Saint Barbara anonymous 1490 55.166 Saint Barbara
Roundel with Martyrdom of Saint Leger anonymous 1490 1980.223.4
Roundel with Saint Agnes anonymous 1490 1983.237
Enthroned Virgin anonymous 1490 2010.446
The Story of Joseph Biagio d'Antonio 1490s 32.100.69 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Woman, Possibly a Nun of San Secondo; (verso) Scene in Grisaille Jacometto Veneziano 1490s 1975.1.85 Robert Lehman
Portrait of Alvise Contarini(?); (verso) A Tethered Roebuck Jacometto Veneziano 1490s 1975.1.86 Robert Lehman
Design for a Wall Monument Francesco di Giorgio 1490s 1975.1.376 Robert Lehman
Girl with Cherries anonymous 1491 91.26.5
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1491 23.255
The Assumption of the Virgin with Saints Michael and Benedict Luca Signorelli 1493 29.164
Madonna and Child Francesco Francia 1494s 1982.448 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Portrait of a Man, possibly Matteo di Sebastiano di Bernardino Gozzadini anonymous 1494 1975.1.95 Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Woman, possibly Ginevra d'Antonio Lupari Gozzadini anonymous 1494 1975.1.96 horse Robert Lehman
The Crucifixion Gerard David 1495 09.157
Virgin and Child Jan Provoost 1495 1976.201.17 Virgin Mary
The Crucifixion anonymous 1495 1982.60.21
Portrait of a Young Man anonymous 1495 32.100.115 Michael Friedsam
Tondo mirror frame anonymous 1495s 1975.1.2101 Robert Lehman
The Last Communion of Saint Jerome Sandro Botticelli 1495 14.40.642 Jerome Benjamin Altman
The Holy Family with Saint Mary Magdalen Andrea Mantegna 1495 14.40.643 woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Mary Magdalene
long hair
Benjamin Altman
Christ Appearing to His Mother Juan de Flandes 1496 22.60.58
Saint John the Baptist; Saint Lucy Pietro Perugino 1496s 1981.293.1–2 Saint Lucy
John the Baptist
Storing up Manna anonymous 1497s 2010.22.2
Gathering Manna anonymous 1497s 2010.22.1
Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist Fra Bartolomeo 1497 06.171 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
chestnut hair
long hair
John the Baptist
window seat
The Adoration of the Christ Child anonymous 1499s 1975.1.116 Robert Lehman
Scenes from the Story of the Argonauts Biagio d'Antonio 1500s 09.136.1
Virgin and Child anonymous 1500s 1975.1.118 Robert Lehman
Ceiling anonymous 1500s 29.69
Panel from Saint John Retable Domingo Ram 1500s 25.120.668 John the Baptist
Panel of Saint John the Baptist with Scenes from His Life Domingo Ram 1500s 25.120.669 John the Baptist
Panel with the Angel Appearing to Zacharias (from a Retable depicting Saint John the Baptist and scenes from his life) Domingo Ram 1500s 25.120.929
Quatrefoil Roundel with Arms and Secular Scenes anonymous 1500s 11.120.1
Roundel with Three Apes Building a Trestle Table anonymous 1500s 1990.119.3
Roundel with the Annunciation anonymous 1500s 1985.244
Roundel with Saint Barbara or Saint Catherine Thrown into Prison anonymous 1500s 32.24.9 Saint Barbara
Catherine of Alexandria
Roundel with Christ before Pilate anonymous 1500s 32.24.11
Roundel with Angel Supporting a Heraldic Shield anonymous 1500s 32.24.12
Roundel with Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child anonymous 1500s 32.24.15
Roundel with Crucifixion, the Virgin and Saint John anonymous 1500s 32.24.19 John the Evangelist
Roundel with Saint Martin and the Beggar anonymous 1500s 1971.278
Quatrefoil Roundel with Arms and Secular Scenes anonymous 1500s 11.120.2
Saint Gudule anonymous 1500s 2013.637
The Life of Christ anonymous 1500s 09.104 Jesus Christ
The Holy Family with Saint Paul and a Donor anonymous 1500s 32.100.44 Holy Family
Michael Friedsam
The Virgin anonymous 1500s 52.35
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1500s 2010.118 man
The Angel of the Annunciation anonymous 1500s 32.100.108–11 Annunciation Michael Friedsam
Salome Dancing before Herod anonymous 1500s 32.100.126 Salome
Michael Friedsam
The Annunciation anonymous 1500s 2005.103
Virgin and Child in an Apse anonymous 1500s 05.39.2
Christ Bearing the Cross anonymous 1500s 43.95
The Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1500s 71.100 William T. Blodgett
The Lamentation anonymous 1500s 26.26
Madonna and Child with Two Angels Sandro Botticelli 1500s 29.100.17 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Louisine Havemeyer
The Beheading of Saint John the Baptist anonymous 1500s 32.100.127 John the Baptist
Michael Friedsam
Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist anonymous 1500s 32.100.128 Salome
human head
John the Baptist
Michael Friedsam
King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba Master of Lecceto 1500s 14.44 Solomon
Queen of Sheba
Christ Bearing the Cross anonymous 1500s 32.100.112 soldier Michael Friedsam
Rodolfo Gonzaga (1451–1495) anonymous 1500s 49.7.11 Jules Bache
The Life and Miracles of Saint Godelieve Master of the Saint Godelieve Legend 1500s 12.79 Godelina
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Saints Catherine and Jerome anonymous 1500s 32.100.105 Jerome
Catherine of Alexandria
Michael Friedsam
The Descent from the Cross anonymous 1500s 12.168
Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist and Angels Pseudo-Pier Francesco Fiorentino 1500s 32.100.79 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
John the Baptist
Michael Friedsam
The Resurrection anonymous 1500s 1982.60.40 soldier
The Annunciation anonymous 1500s 32.100.38 Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Mary Magdalen Matteo di Giovanni 1500s 65.234 Mary Magdalene
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Virgin and Child with the Pietà and Saints anonymous 1500s 41.190.27a–e
The Annunciation anonymous 1500s 43.98.2
Madonna and Child Master of the Lanckoronski Annunciation 1500s 30.95.254 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
The Coronation of the Virgin anonymous 1500s 49.7.4 Jules Bache
Portrait of a Noblewoman, Probably Isabella of Portugal (1397–1472) anonymous 1500s 50.145.15 Isabella of Portugal
Christ among the Doctors anonymous 1500s 32.100.123 Michael Friedsam
The Annunciation anonymous 1500s 32.100.96 Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child anonymous 1500s 32.100.93 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saint John the Baptist and Another Saint anonymous 1500s 06.1048 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Baptist
Madonna and Child with Angels anonymous 1500s 14.40.635 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Benjamin Altman
Madonna and Child with Angels anonymous 1500s 64.288 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Virgin and Child Enthroned with Scenes from the Life of the Virgin Master of the Morata Retable 1500s 41.190.28a–d
Six Apostles anonymous 1500s 61.249
The Presentation in the Temple anonymous 1500s 31.67.8
Saint Parasceva anonymous 1500s 1972.145.28
Christ in Glory anonymous 1500s 44.101 book
The Dormition of the Virgin anonymous 1500s 1972.145.27
Head of Christ anonymous 1500s 1976.100.4
Saint Sebastian in a Landscape anonymous 1500s 1975.1.319 Saint Sebastian Robert Lehman
The Rape of Lucretia Master of Marradi 1500s 1975.1.75 Lucretia
Robert Lehman
The Funeral of Lucretia Master of Marradi 1500s 1975.1.76 Lucretia Robert Lehman
Predella panel with Saint Martial, Saint Sebastian, and Saint Mary Magdalen from Retable Domingo Ram 1500s 25.120.674 Saint Sebastian
Mary Magdalene
Saint Anne Enthroned with the Virgin and Child Master of Osma 1500s 88.3.82 Saint Anna
Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
musical instrument
Stained-Glass Panel with a Coat of Arms and a Female Supporter anonymous 1500s 2000.135
Christ Taking Leave of His Mother Gerard David 1500 14.40.636 Benjamin Altman
Portrait of a Monk in Prayer anonymous 1500 37.155 monk
Saint Agapitus of Praeneste in the Arena; (interior) The Beheading of Saint Agapitus of Praeneste anonymous 1500 71.40ab William T. Blodgett
The Marriage Feast at Cana Juan de Flandes 1500 1982.60.20 Marriage at Cana
Christ Blessing Gerard David 1500 2009.415
Saint Remigius Replenishing the Barrel of Wine; (interior) Saint Remigius and the Burning Wheat anonymous 1500 71.33ab William T. Blodgett
Head of Saint John the Baptist on a Charger Aelbrecht Bouts 1500 60.55.2 John the Baptist
The Virgin of the Nativity anonymous 1500 1982.73
Virgin and Child in a Niche anonymous 1500 89.15.24
Triptych: The Last Judgment Master of the Orléans Triptych 1500 1975.1.1225 Robert Lehman
Virgin and Child with a Dragonfly Master of Saint Giles 1500 1975.1.131 Robert Lehman
David with His Foot in a Noose in an Initial O Domenico Morone 1500 1975.1.2483 Robert Lehman
Cassone anonymous 1500 1975.1.1941 Robert Lehman
Armorial Roundel anonymous 1500 1980.214.5
Roundel with Saints Barbara and Catherine anonymous 1500 2013.979 Saint Barbara
Catherine of Alexandria
Man of Sorrows anonymous 1500 1999.227
Roundel with the Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1500 1983.235
Roundel with Descent of the Damned anonymous 1500 1990.119.2
Roundel with Playing at Quintain anonymous 1500 1980.223.6
Roundel with Saint John The Baptist anonymous 1500 1984.205 John the Baptist
Roundel with Saint Catherine of Alexandria anonymous 1500 1984.338 Catherine of Alexandria
Scenes from the Life of the Virgin anonymous 1500 57.126
Armorial Roundel anonymous 1500 1980.214.1
Armorial Roundel anonymous 1500 1980.214.3
Roundel with Saint Mark anonymous 1500 1980.223.1
Virgin and Child anonymous 1500 26.63.30
Saint Barbara anonymous 1500 50.102.2 Saint Barbara
Saint Anne with the Virgin and Child anonymous 1500 55.26
Joseph Interpreting the Dreams of His Fellow Prisoners Master of Affligem 1500s 53.168
The Annunciation Master of Budapest 1500s 58.145.1
The Theological Virtues: Faith, Charity, Hope anonymous 1500s 1982.177.1–3
Adoration of the Shepherds Francesco di Marco Marmitta da Parma 1500s 1975.1.2491 Robert Lehman
Ewer with Wild Man Finial anonymous 1500s 53.20.2
A Hunting Scene Piero di Cosimo 1500 75.7.2
The Meditation on the Passion Vittore Carpaccio 1500 11.118 Jesus Christ
The Return from the Hunt Piero di Cosimo 1500 75.7.1
Three Miracles of Saint Zenobius Sandro Botticelli 1500 11.98
Madonna Adoring the Child Bartolomeo Montagna 1501s 09.102
The Twelve Apostles: Saints Bartholomew, Andrew, Matthew, James the Greater, Thaddeus, Philip, James the Lesser, Simon, Peter, Paul, Thomas, and John anonymous 1501s 27.39.2–13 Bartholomew the Apostle
Thomas the Apostle
John the Apostle
Saint Roch Francesco Francia 1502 65.220.1 Saint Roch
The Agony in the Garden Raphael 1504 32.130.1
Heraldic Panel with Arms of the House of Hapsburg anonymous 1504 37.147.3
Heraldic Panel with Arms of the House of Hapsburg anonymous 1504 37.147.2
Heraldic Panel with Arms of the House of Hapsburg anonymous 1504 37.147.4
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Raphael 1504 16.30ab woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Lucy
Heraldic Roundel with Saints John the Evangelist and Christina anonymous 1505s 2003.346 John the Baptist
Roundel with Souls Tormented in Hell anonymous 1505s 32.24.43
Roundel with Christ and Zacchaeus anonymous 1505s 32.24.44
Roundel with Tobias Drawing the Fish from the Water anonymous 1505s 32.24.22 Tobias
Roundel with Annunciation to the Shepherds anonymous 1505s 32.24.23
Roundel with King Arthur Riding on a Camel (from a Series of the Nine Heroes) anonymous 1505s 32.24.58
Roundel with two Kings from an Adoration Group anonymous 1505s 32.24.21
Roundel with Annunciation to the Virgin anonymous 1505s 1972.245.1
Salvator Mundi Albrecht Dürer the Elder 1505 32.100.64 Salvator Mundi Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child Luca Signorelli 1505 49.7.13 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Jules Bache
Roundel with Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata anonymous 1505 32.24.34
Standing Bishop anonymous 1505 1975.25
Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Jerome Francesco Francia 1505s 41.100.3 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Francis of Assisi
Saints Michael and Francis Juan de Flandes 1505s 58.132 Michael the Archangel
Francis of Assisi
Salome with the Head of Saint John the Baptist Andrea Solari 1506s 32.100.81 John the Baptist
Michael Friedsam
The Annunciation Gerard David 1506 50.145.9ab angel
Scenes from the Life of Saint John the Baptist Francesco Granacci 1506 1970.134.1 Child Saint John
Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness anonymous 1506 1970.134.2 John the Baptist
Head of Christ Fernando Yáñez de la Almedina 1506 2014.149
Portrait of a Man Fra Bartolomeo 1507s 1982.60.8
Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1507 1996.262
Portrait of a Young Man; (reverse) Girl Making a Garland Hans von Kulmbach 1508 17.190.21
Portrait of a Man with a Rosary Lucas Cranach the Elder 1508 29.100.24 Louisine Havemeyer
The Nativity Bernardino Fungai 1508s 26.109
Madonna and Child Bramantino 1508s 12.178.2 woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Head of the Madonna Franciabigio 1509 32.100.89 Michael Friedsam
Charles Coguin, Abbot of Anchin Jehan Bellegambe 1509 32.100.125 Michael Friedsam
A Kneeling Man in Fifteenth-Century Costume (recto); a small, fragmentary sketch of a recumbant boy, probably by a later hand (verso) anonymous 1509 1975.1.255 Robert Lehman
Christ Blessing Andrea Solari 1509s 22.16.12
The Le Cellier Altarpiece Jehan Bellegambe 1509 32.100.102 Michael Friedsam
Angel Supporting a Heraldic Shield anonymous 1510s 2005.141
Virgin and Child Enthroned between Saints Cecilia and Catherine of Alexandria Francesco Morone 1510s 1975.1.2489 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Catherine of Alexandria
Saint Cecilia
Robert Lehman
Virgin and Child with Four Angels Gerard David 1510 1977.1.1 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
The Translation of the Holy House of Loreto anonymous 1510 1973.319 boat
Madonna and Child anonymous 1510 49.7.2 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Jules Bache
The Martyrdom of Saint Barbara Lucas Cranach the Elder 1510 57.22 Saint Barbara
Portrait of a Woman Bernhard Strigel 1510 71.34 William T. Blodgett
The Crucifixion Francesco Granacci 1510 2006.409
Christ Shown to the People Jan Mostaert 1510 1982.60.25
Saint Paul Francesco Morone 1510 1975.1.382 Robert Lehman
The Annunciation anonymous 1510 1975.1.2473 Robert Lehman
Roundel (tondo) anonymous 1510 1975.1.1025 Robert Lehman
Roundel with Susanna In Judgement anonymous 1510 1984.339
Roundel with Allegorical Figure anonymous 1510 1988.304.2
Virgin & Child with Donor anonymous 1510 2004.382
Roundel with Justice anonymous 1510 1983.418
Roundel with the Blinding of Zaleucus of Locria anonymous 1510 1991.291.1 soldier
Roundel with Saint John the Baptist anonymous 1510 32.24.27 John the Baptist
Roundel with Lazarus at the House of Dives anonymous 1510 32.24.37
Roundel with Saint John on Patmos anonymous 1510 32.24.33 John of Patmos
Roundel with Susanna Led to Judgement anonymous 1510 32.24.59
Roundel with the Blinding of Tobit (from a Series) anonymous 1510 37.120
Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Clare Cima da Conegliano 1510s 41.190.11 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Christ Carrying the Cross, with the Crucifixion; The Resurrection, with the Pilgrims of Emmaus Gerard David 1510s 1975.1.119 Robert Lehman
Archangel Gabriel; The Virgin Annunciate Gerard David 1510s 1975.1.120 Annunciation
Virgin Mary
Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Titian 1510 49.7.15 woman
Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Jules Bache
Federigo Gonzaga (1500–1540) Francesco Francia 1510 14.40.638 man
Benjamin Altman
Roundel with Christ Taking Leave of His Mother anonymous 1511s 1985.146
Madonna and Child with Saint Joseph and an Angel Raffaellino del Garbo 1511s 14.40.641 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Benjamin Altman
The Assumption of the Virgin Ambrogio Bergognone 1511s 27.39.1
Saint John on Patmos Hans Baldung 1511s 1983.451 John of Patmos
The Circumcision anonymous 1511 17.190.9
Madonna and Child Boccaccio Boccaccino 1512s 30.95.289 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Nativity with Donors and Saints Jerome and Leonard Gerard David 1512s 49.7.20a–c Jerome Jules Bache
The Holy Family Joos van Cleve 1512 32.100.57 Nursing Madonna Michael Friedsam
Eugène Secrétan
Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Jerome Francesco Francia 1512 1975.1.97 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Francis of Assisi
Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Young Man of the Van Steynoert Family anonymous 1512s 32.100.45 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man Titian 1512 14.40.640 Benjamin Altman
Portrait of a Man and His Wife (Lorenz Kraffter and Honesta Merz?) Ulrich Apt the Elder 1512 12.115
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt Gerard David 1513s 49.7.21 Jules Bache
The Penitence of Saint Jerome Joachim Patinir 1513s 36.14a–c Jerome
Three Saints: Roch, Anthony Abbot, and Lucy Cima da Conegliano 1513 07.149 Virgin Mary
Anthony the Great
Saint Roch
Saint Lucy
The Ascension of Christ Hans von Kulmbach 1513 21.84
The Birth and Naming of Saint John the Baptist; (reverse) Trompe-l'oeil with Painting of The Man of Sorrows Bernard van Orley 1514 2001.216.3 Child Saint John
The Lamentation Ludovico Mazzolino 1514 2014.448
Saints Peter, Martha, Mary Magdalen, and Leonard Antonio da Correggio 1514 12.211 Mary Magdalene
long hair
Virgin Mary
Sorgheloos ("Carefree") in Poverty anonymous 1515s 1999.243
Roundel with Joab Murdering Abner anonymous 1515s 1984.206
Roundel with Vanitas anonymous 1515s 1977.89
Roundel with Saint Dunstan of Canterbury anonymous 1515s 32.24.51
Roundel with Mordecai Overhearing the Conspirators anonymous 1515s 32.24.41
Roundel with Saint Lambrecht of Maastricht anonymous 1515s 32.24.48
Roundel with the Holy Trinity anonymous 1515s 32.24.61
Roundel with Adoration of the Kings anonymous 1515s 1972.245.3
Virgin and Child Supported by Angels anonymous 1515s 63.71a, b
Roundel with the Nativity anonymous 1515s 1977.40
The Holy Family anonymous 1515 41.190.19
Christ in the Wilderness Moretto da Brescia 1515 11.53 tree
The Three Ages of Man Dosso Dossi 1515 26.83 tree
Man Weighing Gold Adriaen Isenbrandt 1515 32.100.36 Michael Friedsam
The Last Supper anonymous 1515 17.190.18a–c
Roundel with Agony in the Garden anonymous 1515 1988.304.1
Roundel with Sacrifice in the Temple anonymous 1515 1980.223.5
Roundel with Nude Woman Supporting a Heraldic Shield anonymous 1515 32.24.32
Roundel with Saint Basil the Great with a Donor anonymous 1515 32.24.39
Saint Lucy Francesco da Cotignola 1515s 30.95.292 Saint Lucy
Madonna and Child with Angels Bernardino da Genoa 1515 41.100.13
Virgin and Child Albrecht Dürer 1516 17.190.5
Roundel with Christ Condemned by Pilate anonymous 1517s 32.24.67
The Fifteen Mysteries and the Virgin of the Rosary anonymous 1517s 1987.290.3a–p soldier
Benedikt von Hertenstein (born about 1495, died 1522) Hans Holbein 1517 06.1038
Sebastian Andorfer (1469–1537) Hans Maler zu Schwaz 1517 32.100.33 Michael Friedsam
Virgin and Child with Angels Bernard van Orley 1518 14.40.632 Benjamin Altman
Frescoes from the Villa Stati-Mattei Baldassare Peruzzi 1518s 48.17.1–22
Heraldic Panel of Wilhelm von Weitingen anonymous 1518 30.113.6
Heraldic Panel of Barbara von Zimmern anonymous 1518 30.113.5
The Adoration of the Shepherds Ortolano 1519s 30.95.296
Madonna and Child Bernardino de' Conti 1519s 1982.60.7 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Virgin and Child with Saint Anne Albrecht Dürer 1519 14.40.633 Virgin Mary
Saint Anna
Child Jesus
Benjamin Altman
Portrait of a Man, Said to be Christopher Columbus (born about 1446, died 1506) Sebastiano del Piombo 1519 00.18.2 Christopher Columbus Otto Henry, Elector Palatine
Wolfgang, Count Palatine of Zweibrücken
Philip Louis, Count Palatine of Neuburg
Wolfgang William, Count Palatine of Neuburg
Philip William, Elector Palatine
Charles I Louis, Elector Palatine
Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
Louis de Talleyrand-Périgord
Georges Petit
Lawrie & Co
Thomas Agnew & Sons
J. P. Morgan
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Marriage Panel of Gabriel Weydacher and his wife Juliana Wemis with the Virgin and Child and Saints Barbara and Catherine anonymous 1519 2013.156 Saint Barbara
Catherine of Alexandria
The Adoration of the Shepherds Vincenzo Catena 1520s 69.123
Roundel with Wild Man Supporting a Heraldic Shield anonymous 1520s 32.24.28
Heinrich(?) vom Rhein zum Mohren (1477–1536) anonymous 1520s 1982.60.37 man
Madonna and Child Francesco Bacchiacca 1520s 1982.60.10 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Eve with Cain and Abel Francesco Bacchiacca 1520s 38.178 Cain
Portrait of a Man Jan Gossaert 1520s 32.100.62 Michael Friedsam
Page from a Sketchbook Depicting a City under Siege and a Scene of Homage(?) (recto); standing figures and a horseman; male and female figures; a battle scene (verso) anonymous 1520s 1975.1.272 horse
Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child with Saints Girolamo dai Libri 1520 20.92
Madonna and Child Francesco Granacci 1520 2000.420 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Last Judgment Joos van Cleve 1520 40.174.1
Portrait of a Man Quentin Matsys 1520 32.100.49 Michael Friedsam
Virgin and Child anonymous 1520 32.100.53 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man Moretto da Brescia 1520 28.79
The Crucifixion with Saints and a Donor Joos van Cleve 1520 41.190.20a–c
Saint Maurice Lucas Cranach the Elder 1520 2006.469 Saint Maurice
The Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1520 1982.60.17
Virgin and Child Master of the Mansi Magdalen 1520 21.134.2
Charles V (1500–1558), Holy Roman Emperor anonymous 1520 32.100.46 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Woman Quentin Matsys 1520 32.100.47 Michael Friedsam
Roundel with Martyrdom of Saint Jacobus Intercisus anonymous 1520 1991.291.2 soldier
Roundel with Sorgheloos ("Carefree") with Easy Fortune anonymous 1520 1976.47
Roundel with Saint Peter anonymous 1520 12.137.6 Peter
Roundel with Allegorical Scene of Book Burning anonymous 1520 1992.415 book
Roundel with Judgment or Allegorical Scene anonymous 1520 1992.412
Roundel of The Planet Venus and Her Children anonymous 1520 1995.397
Roundel with Delilah Cutting the Hair of Samson anonymous 1520 1980.223.3 Delilah
Roundel with Christ Carrying the Cross with Saint Veronica anonymous 1520 1980.223.2
Roundel with Daniel Slaying the Dragon anonymous 1520 32.24.49
Roundel with Saint John the Baptist anonymous 1520 32.24.26 John the Baptist
Roundel with Christ Bearing the Cross anonymous 1520 32.24.50 soldier
Roundel with Lazarus at the House of Dives anonymous 1520 32.24.38
Roundel with Joseph Buying Corn in Egypt anonymous 1520 32.24.47 horse
Christ Carrying the Cross Jan Gossaert 1520 2016.39 Christ carrying the cross
Saints John the Evangelist and Lawrence Defendente Ferrari 1520s 15.56 John the Evangelist
Lawrence of Rome
The Life of the Virgin Adriaen Isenbrandt 1521s 13.32a–c
Monsieur de Bellefourière anonymous
Jean Perréal
1521 32.100.114 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man Tommaso di Stefano 1521 17.190.8
Roundel with Nude Woman Supporting a Heraldic Shield anonymous 1522s 32.24.35
Roundel with Joseph Presenting his father, Jacob, to the Pharoah (from a Series of the History of Joshua) anonymous 1522s 32.24.63
Roundel with Christ Healing the Blind Man anonymous 1522s 2009.281
The Lamentation Ambrosius Benson 1522s 1982.60.23
Head of a Young Woman Albrecht Dürer the Elder 1522 1975.1.859 Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child Enthroned with Saints Mary Magdalen and John the Baptist Giuliano Bugiardini 1523 30.83 Mary Magdalene
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
John the Baptist
The Holy Family with the Infant Saint John the Baptist Perino del Vaga 1524 2011.26 Child Saint John
Adam; Eve Giuliano Bugiardini 1524s 1971.115.3ab
Roundel with Turkish Soldier holding an Arrow and Support anonymous 1525s 32.24.29 soldier
Roundel with Saint Jodocus and St. Clare of Assisi anonymous 1525s 32.24.31
Roundel with Saint John on Patmos with Apocalyptic Vision anonymous 1525s 32.24.65 John of Patmos
Roundel with Christ as Savior of the World anonymous 1525s 32.24.60
The Man of Sorrows Aelbrecht Bouts 1525 32.100.55 Michael Friedsam
The Annunciation Joos van Cleve 1525 32.100.60 Michael Friedsam
Ulrich Fugger (1490–1525) Hans Maler zu Schwaz 1525 14.40.630 Ulrich Fugger the Younger Benjamin Altman
Virgin and Child Joos van Cleve 1525 1982.60.47
Venus and Cupid Lucas Cranach the Elder 1525 1982.60.48 Venus
Portrait of a Venetian Senator Vincenzo Catena 1525 30.95.258
The Crucifixion with Donors and Saints Peter and Margaret Cornelis Engebrechtsz. 1525 88.3.88 Peter
Margaret the Virgin
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt anonymous
Master of the Female Half-Lengths
1525 29.100.599 Louisine Havemeyer
Portrait of a Man in Profile anonymous 1525 32.100.99 man Charles-Léon Cardon
Michael Friedsam
Virgin and Child Master of the Female Half-Lengths 1525 1975.1.123 Robert Lehman
Roundel with Mary of Egypt crossing the Jordan anonymous 1525 2005.313
Virgin and Child anonymous 1525 26.63.4
Roundel with the Crucifixion, the Virgin, and Saint John anonymous 1525 32.24.53 John the Evangelist
Roundel with the Crucifixion, the Virgin, and Saint John anonymous 1525 32.24.66 John the Evangelist
Roundel with Saint John the Baptist and Donors anonymous 1525 32.24.68
Roundel with Saint Peter as Pope anonymous 1525 32.24.62 Peter
Roundel with Ben-Hadid and the Siege of Samaria anonymous 1525 32.24.30 soldier
Roundel with Christ and the Adulterous Woman anonymous 1525 1972.245.2
The Last Supper Bernard van Orley 1525s 1975.1.1915 Robert Lehman
Diana the Huntress Giampietrino 1526s 1989.21 Diana
The Adoration of the Magi Quentin Matsys 1526 11.143 Holy Family
Adoration of the Magi
Rodolphe Kann
Chancellor Leonhard von Eck (1480–1550) Barthel Beham 1527 12.194
The Judgment of Paris Lucas Cranach the Elder 1528 28.221 Judgement of Paris
Samson and Delilah Lucas Cranach the Elder 1528 1976.201.11 Samson
Mary of Burgundy Master H.A. or A.H. 1528 1975.1.137 Robert Lehman
Armorial dish: Supper at the House of Simon the Pharisee anonymous 1528 1975.1.1103 Robert Lehman
Venus with Cupid the Honey Thief anonymous 1529 1975.1.135 Robert Lehman
The Holy Family with the Young Saint John the Baptist Andrea del Sarto 1529 22.75 Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Child Saint John
Christ Crowned with Thorns (Ecce Homo), and the Mourning Virgin Adriaen Isenbrandt 1530s 04.32 Ecce Homo
Our Lady of Sorrows
Frieze with Three Horsemen anonymous 1530s 1975.1.406 horse Robert Lehman
Judith with the Head of Holofernes Lucas Cranach the Elder 1530 11.15 Judith and Holofernes
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Reviving the Birds Benvenuto Tisi 1530 17.190.23 Nicholas of Tolentino
Saint Nicholas of Tolentino Reviving a Child Benvenuto Tisi 1530 17.190.24 Nicholas of Tolentino
Saint Michael anonymous 1530 53.65
Roundel with the Crucifixion anonymous 1530 32.24.52
Roundel with Return of the Prodigal Son anonymous 1530 32.24.55
Roundel with Angel Supporting a Heraldic Shield anonymous 1530 32.24.36
Roundel with the Hanging of Haman anonymous 1530 32.24.40
Roundel with the Prodigal Son among the Swine anonymous 1530 32.24.42
Roundel with Saint Christopher anonymous 1530 32.24.57 Saint Christopher
The Legend of the Infant Servius Tullius Bonifazio Veronese 1530s 32.100.78 Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child with Saints Bonifazio Veronese 1530s 1995.536 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
The Holy Family anonymous 1530s 1975.1.117 Robert Lehman
Saint Matthew and the Angel Girolamo Savoldo 1530 12.14 Matthew the Apostle
Venus and Cupid Lorenzo Lotto 1530 1986.138 Venus
half reclining
laurel wreath
bird's wing
swagger stick
aspic viper
Portrait of a Man in a Red Cap Hans Holbein 1532s 50.145.24
Johann I (1468–1532), the Constant, Elector of Saxony Lucas Cranach the Elder
1532s 46.179.2 John, Elector of Saxony
Martin Luther (1483–1546) anonymous
Lucas Cranach the Elder
1532 55.220.2 Martin Luther
Johann I (1468–1532), the Constant, Elector of Saxony anonymous
Lucas Cranach the Elder
1532 71.128 William T. Blodgett
Erasmus of Rotterdam Hans Holbein 1532s 1975.1.138 Robert Lehman
Hermann von Wedigh III (died 1560) Hans Holbein 1532 50.135.4
Lukas Spielhausen Lucas Cranach the Elder 1532 1981.57.1
Jacob Willemsz. van Veen (1456–1535), the Artist's Father Maarten van Heemskerck 1532 71.36 man William T. Blodgett
Roundel with the Temptation of Saint Anthony anonymous 1532 1982.433.5 Anthony the Great
Portrait of a Woman Barthel Bruyn the Elder 1533 62.267.2
Portrait of a Man Barthel Bruyn the Elder 1533 62.267.1
Friedrich III (1463–1525), the Wise, Elector of Saxony Lucas Cranach the Elder 1533 46.179.1
Johann (1498–1537), Duke of Saxony Lucas Cranach the Elder 1534s 08.19 John, Hereditary Prince of Saxony
Joseph Interpreting the Dreams of Pharaoh anonymous 1534 89.15.20 Joseph
Alfonso I d'Este (1476–1534), Duke of Ferrara anonymous 1535s 14.25.1874
Roundel with Virgin and Child and a Carmelite Donatrix anonymous 1535s 32.24.54
William Roper (1493/94–1578) Hans Holbein 1535s 50.69.1
Portrait of a Man with Gloves Corneille de Lyon 1535 30.95.279
Thomas Wriothesley (1505–1550), First Earl of Southampton Hans Holbein 1535 25.205
Portrait of a Young Woman anonymous 1535 49.7.32 Jules Bache
Portrait of a Man with a Black-Plumed Hat anonymous 1535 49.7.45 hat Jules Bache
Anne de Pisseleu (1508–1576), Duchesse d'Étampes Corneille de Lyon 1535 29.100.197 Anne de Pisseleu d'Heilly Louisine Havemeyer
Charles de Cossé (1506–1563), Count of Brissac Jean Clouet 1535 35.89.1
Roundel with Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1535 32.24.69
Portrait Miniature of Margaret Roper Hans Holbein 1535 50.69.2 Margaret Roper
Portrait of a Man (Sir Ralph Sadler?) anonymous 1535 49.7.28 Jules Bache
Guillaume Budé (1467–1540) Jean Clouet 1536 46.68 Guillaume Budé
Derick Berck of Cologne Hans Holbein 1536 49.7.29 Jules Bache
Saint Vincent, Patron Saint of Lisbon Frei Carlos 1537s 58.145.2
Moses and Aaron before Pharaoh: An Allegory of the Dinteville Family Master of the Dinteville Allegory 1537 50.70
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1537 32.100.61 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man with a Moor's Head on His Signet Ring Conrad Faber von Kreuznach 1538s 12.75
Portrait of a Man, Possibly Jean de Langeac (died 1541), Bishop of Limoges anonymous 1539 91.26.3
Lady Lee (Margaret Wyatt, born about 1509) anonymous 1540s 14.40.637 Margaret Lee Benjamin Altman
Portrait of a Man with His Hand on His Chest anonymous 1540s 1975.1.132 Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Man Tintoretto 1540 41.100.12
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt anonymous 1540 32.100.52 Rest on the Flight into Egypt Albert von Oppenheim
Michael Friedsam
Lady Rich (Elizabeth Jenks, died 1558) anonymous 1540 14.40.646 woman
English people
Benjamin Altman
Portrait of a Young Woman anonymous 1540 49.7.30 Jules Bache
The Flagellation; (reverse) The Madonna of Mercy Girolamo Romanino 1540 1989.86
Portrait of a Man in a Fur-Trimmed Coat anonymous 1540 91.26.2
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1540 69.282
Portrait of a Man Corneille de Lyon 1540 29.100.22 Louisine Havemeyer
Portrait of a Member of the de Thou Family anonymous 1540 22.60.46
Portrait of a Man with Gloves anonymous 1540 41.190.532 man
The Arrival in Bethlehem anonymous 1540 16.69
Portrait of a Young Man with a Book Bronzino 1540 29.100.16 Louisine Havemeyer
Michelangelo Buonarroti Daniele da Volterra 1544 1977.384.1 Michelangelo
Christ Presented to the People (Ecce Homo) Il Sodoma 1544s 1996.261
The Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes Tintoretto 1545 13.75
Edward VI (1537–1553), When Duke of Cornwall anonymous 1545 49.7.31 Edward VI of England Jules Bache
Christ Blessing the Children Lucas Cranach the Younger
1545 1982.60.36
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1545 1982.60.41
Nymph of the Spring Lucas Cranach the Younger 1545 1975.1.136 Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Man in Armor with Two Pages Paris Bordone 1545s 1973.311.1
Portrait of a Man with a Rosary anonymous 1545 1982.60.27
Portrait of a Man Francesco de' Rossi 1546s 55.14
Brother Gregorio Belo of Vicenza Lorenzo Lotto 1547 65.117 book
The Finding of Moses Tintoretto 1550s 39.55
Portrait of a Man Andrea del Sarto 1550s 1982.60.9 man
Leda and the Swan Francesco Bacchiacca 1550s 1982.60.11
Saint John the Baptist Innocenzo di Pietro Francucci da Imola 1550s 1975.1.282 John the Baptist Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child with Saints Roch and Sebastian Michele da Verona 1550s 1975.1.384 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Roch
Saint Sebastian
Robert Lehman
The Madonna Adoring the Child, with an Angel anonymous 1550s 1975.1.371 Robert Lehman
Frieze with Male Figures and Two Horses anonymous 1550s 1975.1.407 horse Robert Lehman
Virgin and Child with Saint Joseph anonymous 1550s 1975.1.121 Robert Lehman
Virgin and Child anonymous 1550s 1975.1.124 Robert Lehman
Cassone (chest), pair with 1975.1.1947 anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1940 Robert Lehman
Part of a tabernacle frame anonymous 1550s 1975.1.2324 Robert Lehman
Man and Woman Striding Toward the Left anonymous 1550s 1975.1.313 Robert Lehman
Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata Lo Spagna 1550s 1975.1.396 Robert Lehman
The Abduction of Helen Giuseppe Porta 1550s 1975.1.405 boat Robert Lehman
Devotional pendant anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1519 Robert Lehman
Adoration of the Shepherds anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1556 Robert Lehman
The Deposition anonymous 1550s 1975.1.1557 Robert Lehman
Beaker anonymous 1550s 1983.16
Roundel with Killing of the Ox (December) anonymous 1550s 1970.323
Roundel with Netting Quail anonymous 1550s 1979.185
Memento Mori: Dives in Hell anonymous 1550s 1985.136
Mary Magdalene anonymous 1550s 25.120.211 Mary Magdalene
Virgin and Child anonymous 1550s 25.120.265
Saint Hubert and the Stag anonymous 1550s 25.120.284
Mourning Woman anonymous 1550s 25.120.268
Reliquary Bust of a Female Saint anonymous 1550s 1976.89
Birds and Flowers of Summer and Autumn Shikibu Terutada 1550s 2015.300.64a, b flower
Portrait of Cardinal Filippo Archinto Titian 1550s 14.40.650 Filippo Archinto Benjamin Altman
The Marriage of Cupid and Psyche Andrea Schiavone 1550 1973.116
Christ and the Adulteress Lucas Cranach the Younger 1550 1982.60.35 Jesus and the woman taken in adultery
The Temptation of Saint Anthony anonymous 1550 1976.100.1 Anthony the Great
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1550 80.3.180 man
Cassone anonymous 1550 1975.1.1939 Robert Lehman
The Lamentation anonymous 1550 1975.1.1411 Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Man Lambert Sustris 1551s 49.7.14 Jules Bache
Portrait of a Young Man Benedetto Pagni 1551s 56.51
Portrait of a Young Man Tintoretto 1551 58.49 man
The Entombment Moretto da Brescia 1554 12.61
Dish (piatto): Man Washing the Mouth of an Ass anonymous 1555s 1975.1.1039 Robert Lehman
Henri d'Albret (1503–55), King of Navarre Léonard Limousin 1556 49.7.108 Jules Bache
The Martyrdom of Saint Paul Taddeo Zuccari 1557s 1975.1.553 soldier Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Woman of the Slosgin Family of Cologne Barthel Bruyn the Younger 1557 32.100.50 Michael Friedsam
Abbess Lucrezia Agliardi Vertova (1490?–1558) Giovanni Battista Moroni 1557 30.95.255
Self-portrait Simon Bening 1558 1975.1.2487 Simon Bening
Robert Lehman
Frans Hals (1582/83–1666) anonymous 1560s 32.100.8 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Woman Bernardino Campi 1560s 63.43.1
Bartolommeo Bonghi (died 1584) Giovanni Battista Moroni 1560s 13.177
Venus and the Lute Player Titian 1560 36.29
The Lamentation Luis de Morales 1560 2015.398
Venus and Adonis Titian 1560 49.7.16 Adonis
clothed male, naked female
Titian hair
hunting dog
rural area
Dimples of Venus
intergluteal cleft
dog collar
eye contact
Jules Bache
Charles IX (1550–1574), King of France anonymous 1561 32.100.124 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man Giovanni Battista Moroni 1561s 30.95.238
Roundel with Architecture (from a series of The Septem Artes Mechanicae) anonymous 1563s 1979.186
Portrait of a Man, Possibly Ottavio Farnese (1524–1586), Duke of Parma and Piacenza Antonis Mor 1563 51.5 Ottavio Farnese
Portrait of a Young Woman Pieter Pourbus 1564s 39.143
The Temptation of Saint Anthony Pieter Huys 1564s 15.133 Anthony the Great
The Harvesters Pieter Brueghel the Elder 1565 19.164 harvest
broad-leaved tree
rural area
group of humans
church building
aerial perspective
Nicolaes Jonghelinck
Archduke Ernest of Austria
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
Archduke Leopold Wilhelm of Austria
Antoine-François Andréossy
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of a Knight of Malta anonymous 1566 41.100.5 man
Holy Family Jacopino del Conte 1566s 1976.100.15
Fish Market Joachim Beuckelaer 1568 2015.146
Portrait of a Woman Alonso Sánchez Coello 1569s 1976.100.18
Madonna and Child with the Infant Saint John the Baptist Santi di Tito 1570s 2012.451 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Child Saint John
Christ Healing the Blind El Greco 1570s 1978.416
Boy with a Greyhound Paolo Veronese 1570s 29.100.105 Louisine Havemeyer
Portrait of a Man with a High Hat anonymous 1570 32.100.104 hat
Michael Friedsam
Tazza anonymous 1570 1975.1.1192 Robert Lehman
Venus and Mars Paolo Veronese 1570s 10.189 clothed male, naked female
ancient Roman military clothing
brown hair
bird's wing
broad-leaved tree
rural area
true lover's knot
combat helmet
Rudolf II, Holy Roman Emperor
Matthias, Holy Roman Emperor
Ferdinand II
Ferdinand III, Holy Roman Emperor
Christina of Sweden
Decio Azzolino
Livio Odescalchi
Philippe, Duke of Orléans, Regent of France
Louis Philippe II, Duke of Orléans
Édouard de Walckiers
François Louis Jean-Joseph de Laborde de Méréville
Francis Egerton, 3rd Duke of Bridgewater
Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of Carlisle
George Leveson-Gower, 1st Duke of Sutherland
Ivor Guest, 1st Baron Wimborne
Christ Blessing, Surrounded by a Donor Family anonymous 1573 17.190.13–15
The Birth of Cupid Master of Flora 1574s 41.48
Portrait of a Man in White Monogrammist LAM 1574 32.100.119 man Michael Friedsam
Saint Catherine of Alexandria in Prison Paolo Veronese 1580s 1999.225 Catherine of Alexandria
Alessandro Vittoria (1524/25–1608) Paolo Veronese 1580 46.31
Portrait of a Prelate anonymous 1580 62.122.141 man
Christ Carrying the Cross El Greco 1580 1975.1.145 Jesus Christ
Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Woman Francesco Montemezzano 1581s 29.100.104 Louisine Havemeyer
The Lamentation Ludovico Carracci 1582 2000.68
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1584s 32.100.101 Michael Friedsam
The Annunciation Peter Candid 1585 2011.75
Guidobaldo II della Rovere, Duke of Urbino (1514–1574), With his Armor by Filippo Negroli anonymous 1585 2009.224 Guidobaldo II della Rovere, Duke of Urbino
body armor
Order of the Golden Fleece
Sir John Shurley of Isfield (1565–1632) anonymous 1588 51.194.2
Portrait of a Young Man, Probably Robert Devereux (1566–1601), Second Earl of Essex Nicholas Hilliard 1588 35.89.4
Two Children Teasing a Cat Annibale Carracci 1590 1994.142
The Baptism of Christ Jacopo Bassano 1590 2012.99
Portrait of a Woman Nicholas Hilliard 1590 32.100.311 Michael Friedsam
明 吳彬 十六羅漢圖 卷-The Sixteen Luohans Wu Bin 1591 1986.266.4
The Lamentation Scipione Pulzone 1593 1984.74
The Musicians Caravaggio 1595 52.81 Caravaggio
Portrait of a man El Greco 1595 24.197.1 El Greco
The Burial of Christ Annibale Carracci 1595 1998.188
Allegory of Avarice Jacopo Ligozzi 1596s 1991.443
The Crucifixion Palma il Giovane 1596s 57.170 crucifixion of Jesus
View of Toledo El Greco 1596 29.100.6 Toledo Louisine Havemeyer
Moses Striking the Rock Abraham Bloemaert 1596 1972.171 Moses
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1597 32.100.88 man Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man, Possibly an Architect or Geographer Peter Paul Rubens 1597 1982.60.24 man
Portrait of a Woman Nicholas Hilliard 1597 35.89.2
Paradise Carlo Saraceni 1598 1971.93
Portrait of a Woman Cornelis de Vos 1599 89.15.37
The Adoration of the Shepherds with Saint Catherine of Alexandria Cigoli 1599 1991.7 Catherine of Alexandria
Christ Presented to the People anonymous 1600s 89.15.13 Jesus Christ
Christ's Descent into Hell anonymous 1600s 26.244 Harrowing of Hell
Jan (1438–1516), First Count of Egmond; Countess of Egmond (Magdalena van Werdenburg, 1464–1538) anonymous 1600s 32.100.118, 122 woman Michael Friedsam
The Mourning Virgin; The Man of Sorrows anonymous 1600s 71.156–57 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
William T. Blodgett
Twelve Heads anonymous 1600s 05.2.1–12 woman
Henry II (1519–1559), King of France anonymous 1600s 45.128.12 Henry II of France
The Nymph of Fontainebleau anonymous 1600s 42.150.12 nymph
Portrait of an Olivetan Monk anonymous 1600s 1986.339.1 monk
Mary (1505–1558), Queen of Hungary anonymous 1600s 1982.60.26 Mary of Hungary
Madonna and Child with Saints and Donors anonymous 1600s 1973.155.5 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Portrait of an Italian Woman anonymous 1600s 49.7.27 woman
Jules Bache
Lady Guildford (Mary Wotton, born 1500) anonymous 1600s 20.155.4 Margaret Wotton, Marchioness of Dorset
Virgin and Child anonymous 1600s 22.96 Jesus Christ
Virgin Mary
Francis I (1494–1547), King of France anonymous 1600s
32.100.120 Michael Friedsam
Virgin Suckling the Child anonymous 1600s 45.170.1
The Annunciation anonymous 1600s 1982.319
The Adoration of the Christ Child anonymous 1600s 1982.60.22
Giuliano de' Medici (1479–1516), Duke of Nemours anonymous 1600s 49.7.12 Jules Bache
The Adoration of the Magi anonymous 1600s 21.132.2
Virgin and Child anonymous 1600s 17.190.17
Doge Andrea Gritti (1455–1538) anonymous 1600s 32.100.85 Michael Friedsam
The Calling of Matthew anonymous 1600s 71.155 William T. Blodgett
Madonna and Child with Saints Jerome and Francis anonymous 1600s 32.100.74 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Michael Friedsam
Madonna and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist anonymous 1600s 53.45.1 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Child Saint John
Charles de Cossé (1506–1563), Comte de Brissac anonymous 1600s 49.7.44 Jules Bache
A Sermon on Charity (possibly the Conversion of Saint Anthony) anonymous 1600s 08.183.2 Anthony the Great
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1600s 32.100.66 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man Wearing the Order of the Annunziata of Savoy anonymous 1600s 32.100.116 man Michael Friedsam
Cosimo I de' Medici (1519–1574) anonymous 1600s 08.262
Panel from a Saints' Calendar (painted on both sides) anonymous 1600s 1972.145.23
Portrait of a Dwarf anonymous 1600s 22.60.63 man
Madonna and Child Ercole Banci 1600s 32.100.94 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Michael Friedsam
Jean d'Albon de Saint-André (1472–1549) Corneille de Lyon 1600s 32.100.103 Q55597414 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man with a Pointed Collar anonymous 1600s 32.100.131 man Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1600s 1982.60.28 man
Portrait of a Bearded Man in Black Corneille de Lyon
Hans Holbein
1600s 1978.301.6 man
Portrait of a Man with a Gold Chain anonymous 1600s 32.100.129 man Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Widow anonymous 1600s 32.100.113 Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man in a White Fur Coat anonymous 1600s 17.190.4 man
Alfonso II d'Este (1533–1597), Duke of Ferrara anonymous 1600s 14.25.1870
The Congregation of the Mother of God anonymous 1600s 1972.145.19
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1600s 32.100.121 man Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1600s 30.95.286 man
Portrait of a Bearded Man in White anonymous 1600s 1978.301.7 man
Portrait of a Young Woman anonymous 1600s 41.190.533
Henri III (1551–1589), King of France anonymous 1600s 67.55.2 Henry III of France
The Protection of the Mother of God anonymous 1600s 1972.145.24
Saint Elias's Fiery Ascension anonymous 1600s 1972.145.20 horse
The Annunciation anonymous 1600s 1972.145.14
Saint George anonymous 1600s 1972.145.13 Saint George
The Christ Child with Saints Boris and Gleb anonymous 1600s 33.84ab
Portrait of a Moravian Woman anonymous 1600s 24.80.529
Henry III (1551–1589), King of France anonymous 1600s 24.80.512
Alfonso d'Este (1486–1534), Duke of Ferrara anonymous 1600s 27.56
Saint John the Baptist Bearing Witness Annibale Carracci 1600 2009.252 John the Baptist
A Mountainous Landscape with a Waterfall Kerstiaen de Keuninck 1600 1983.452
Saint Francis Federico Barocci 1600 2003.281 book
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1600 11.149.1 dress
Candlestick in the form of a Putto (see also 1975.1.1375, .1376, .1377) anonymous 1600 1975.1.1374 horse Robert Lehman
Candlestick in the form of a Putto (see also 1975.1.1374, .1375, .1377) anonymous 1600 1975.1.1376 Robert Lehman
Imaginary Landscape Master of Bellaert 1600 1975.1.865 Robert Lehman
Venus with Cupid the Honey Thief Lucas Cranach the Elder 1600s 1975.1.135
Cardinal Fernando Niño de Guevara El Greco 1600 29.100.5 Fernando Niño de Guevara
Louisine Havemeyer
The Coronation of the Virgin Annibale Carracci 1602s 1971.155 musical instrument
The Lamentation Domenichino 1603 2008.72
Henry Frederick (1594–1612), Prince of Wales, with Sir John Harington (1592–1614), in the Hunting Field Robert Peake the elder 1603 44.27 horse
Henry Frederick
John Harington
Vanitas Still Life Jacob de Gheyn II 1603 1974.1 vanitas
Portrait of a Man of the Moncheaux Family anonymous 1605 32.100.130 Michael Friedsam
The Holy Family with Saint John the Baptist Caravaggio 1605 Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Child Saint John
The Golden Age Joachim Wtewael 1605 1993.333 tree
Princess Elizabeth (1596–1662), Later Queen of Bohemia Robert Peake the elder 1606 51.194.1 Elizabeth Stuart, Queen of Bohemia
Landscape with Travelers on a Woodland Path Jan Brueghel the Elder 1607 2001.216.1
Saint Dominic in Penitence Filippo Tarchiani 1607 2015.761 Saint Dominic
Madonna and Child with Saints Ludovico Carracci 1607 2007.330 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
A Woodland Road with Travelers Jan Brueghel the Elder 1607 1974.293
The Holy Family with Saint Elizabeth, Saint John, and a Dove Peter Paul Rubens 1608 55.135.1 Child Saint John
Opening of the Fifth Seal El Greco 1608 56.48 angel
Study of Two Heads Peter Paul Rubens 1609 67.187.99
The Virgin Adored by Saints Scarsellino 1609 2001.417
Head of an Old Woman Orazio Borgianni 1610s 2010.289
Saint Jerome as Scholar El Greco 1610s 1975.1.146 Jerome Robert Lehman
Madonna and Child with Saints Francis and Dominic and Angels Giulio Cesare Procaccini 1610s 1979.209 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Dominic
Francis of Assisi
Landscape with Moses and the Burning Bush Domenichino 1610s 1976.155.2
Saint Andrew El Greco 1610 61.101.8 Andrew
The Adoration of the Shepherds El Greco
1610 05.42 Adoration of the shepherds
The Dead Christ in the Tomb with Two Angels Abraham Janssens 1610 1971.101
The Denial of Saint Peter Caravaggio 1610 1997.167 Denial of Peter
The Tears of Saint Peter Jusepe de Ribera 1612 2012.416 Peter
A Vase with Flowers Jacob Vosmaer 1613 71.5 vase
William T. Blodgett
Bust of Pseudo-Seneca Peter Paul Rubens 1613s 1975.1.843 Robert Lehman
A Winter Landscape with Ice Skaters and an Imaginary Castle Christoffel van den Berghe 1615 2005.331.1
The Feast of Acheloüs Peter Paul Rubens 1615 45.141
A Renaissance Portico with Elegant Figures Hendrik van Steenwijk II 1615 45.94.2
The Wolf and Fox Hunt Peter Paul Rubens 1616s 10.73
Atalanta and Meleager Peter Paul Rubens 1616 44.22
Shrovetide Revellers Frans Hals 1616 14.40.605 Benjamin Altman
The Holy Family with Shepherds Jacob Jordaens 1616 67.187.76
Study Head of an Old Man with a White Beard Anthony van Dyck 1617 22.221
The Supper at Emmaus Diego Velázquez 1618 14.40.631 Benjamin Altman
Portrait of a Man Anthony van Dyck 1618 89.15.11
The Good Samaritan anonymous 1618 30.31 tree
Study Head of a Young Woman Anthony van Dyck 1618 57.37
Virgin and Child anonymous 1618s 32.100.42 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Michael Friedsam
Charity Guido Reni 1618s 1974.348
Susanna and the Elders anonymous 1618s 91.26.4
The Parable of the Mote and the Beam Domenico Fetti 1619 1991.153 The Mote and the Beam
Samson Captured by the Philistines Guercino 1619 1984.459.2 Samson
The Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John Hendrick ter Brugghen 1620s 56.228 crucifixion of Jesus
Virgin Mary
John the Apostle
Still Life with a Nautilus, Panther Shell, and Chip-Wood Box Sebastian Stoskopff 1620s 2002.68
Departure of the Amazons Claude Deruet 1620s 1976.100.6
Triumph of the Amazons Claude Deruet 1620s 1976.100.7 soldier
Virgin and Child Anthony van Dyck 1620 51.33.1
Self-Portrait Anthony van Dyck 1620 49.7.25 Anthony van Dyck
Jules Bache
A Cardinal's Procession Ottavio Leoni 1621 2012.543
Portrait of a Man Monogrammist IS 1621 15.43.291
Salvator Mundi Domenico Fetti 1622 2007.91 Salvator Mundi
Portrait of a Woman, Called the Marchesa Durazzo Anthony van Dyck 1623s 14.40.615 Benjamin Altman
Yonker Ramp and his sweetheart Frans Hals 1623 14.40.602 Benjamin Altman
Duveen Galleries
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Philip IV (1605–1665), King of Spain Diego Velázquez 1624 14.40.639 Philip IV of Spain Benjamin Altman
Portrait of Lucas van Uffel (died 1637) Anthony van Dyck 1624s 14.40.619 Lucas van Uffelen Benjamin Altman
A Basket of Flowers Jan Brueghel the Younger 1624s 67.187.58 flower
Saint Rosalie Interceding for the Plague-stricken of Palermo Anthony van Dyck 1624 71.41 Saint Rosalia William T. Blodgett
Man with a Celestial Globe Nicolaes Eliaszoon Pickenoy 1624 1976.100.22
The Penitent Magdalen Georges de La Tour 1625 1978.517 Mary Magdalene
brown hair
long hair
optical reflection
picture frame
human skull
light source
mirror image
mortification of the flesh
Portrait of a Man with a Shell Thomas de Keyser 1625 2005.331.5
Nymph and Shepherd Johann Liss 1625 1999.121
Portrait of a Woman, Probably Susanna Lunden (Susanna Fourment, 1599–1628) Peter Paul Rubens 1625 1976.218
Portrait of a Woman with a Balance Thomas de Keyser 1625 2005.331.6 Catalina von Pannwitz
The Crucifixion Pedro Orrente 1625 2014.228
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1625 62.122.128
The Lute Player Valentin de Boulogne 1625s 2008.459
Portrait of a Bearded Man with a Ruff Frans Hals 1625 49.7.34 Jules Bache
A Peasant Woman Picking Fleas off a Dog Adriaen Brouwer 1626 32.100.1 Michael Friedsam
The Smoker Frans Hals 1626 89.15.34
Boy with a Lute Frans Hals
Judith Leyster
1626 14.40.604 boy
wine glass
Benjamin Altman
Portrait of Petrus Scriverius Frans Hals 1626 29.100.8 Petrus Scriverius John Waterloo Wilson
Henry Osborne Havemeyer
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Eugène Secrétan
Louisine Havemeyer
Portrait of Anna van der Aar Frans Hals 1626 29.100.9 Anna van der Aar John Waterloo Wilson
Henry Osborne Havemeyer
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Eugène Secrétan
Louisine Havemeyer
Midas Washing at the Source of the Pactolus Nicolas Poussin 1627 71.56 Midas William T. Blodgett
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt Nicolas Poussin 1627 1997.117.6
Still Life Georg Flegel 1627s 21.152.1
Paul and Barnabas at Lystra Jacob Pynas 1627s 1971.255
Portrait of a Young Woman Cornelis de Vos 1627s 71.46 William T. Blodgett
The Immaculate Conception Guido Reni 1627 59.32
Sandy Road with a Farmhouse Jan van Goyen 1627 1972.25 tree
Portrait of a Man David Baudringien 1627 32.75.16
Philip IV (1605–1665) in Parade Armor Gaspar de Crayer 1628 45.128.14
Portrait of a Man Jean Saillant 1628 59.72.2 man
Still Life with a Skull and a Writing Quill Pieter Claesz 1628 49.107 human skull
oil lamp
candle wick
A Banquet Dirck Hals 1628 71.108 William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Churchman Jean Saillant 1628 59.72.1
Breviarium Romanum anonymous 1628 25.120.1017
Portrait of Charles I of England Daniël Mijtens 1629 06.1289 Charles I of England
A Musician and His Daughter Thomas de Keyser 1629 64.65.4 musician
Landscape with a Cottage Pieter de Molijn 1629 95.7
The Sacrifice of Polyxena Giovanni Francesco Romanelli 1630s 54.166
Portrait of a Man Diego Velázquez 1630s 49.7.42 man Jules Bache
Judith with the Head of Holofernes Massimo Stanzione 1630s 59.40 Judith
Rembrandt (1606–1669) as a Young Man anonymous
1630s 53.18 Rembrandt
A Roman Landscape with Figures Goffredo Wals 1630s 1997.157
Tobias Curing His Father's Blindness Bernardo Strozzi 1630s 57.23 Tobit
Portrait of Frans Francken I (1542–1616) anonymous 1630s 32.100.37 Frans Francken I Michael Friedsam
Study Head of an Old Man anonymous 1630s 60.71.16 man
Aeneas and the Sibyl in the Underworld Jan Brueghel the Younger 1630s 1991.444 Cumaean Sibyl
The Holy Family with Saints Francis and Anne and the Infant Saint John the Baptist Peter Paul Rubens 1630s 02.24 Francis of Assisi
Child Saint John
Portrait of a woman, standing full length in an interior Rembrandt
1630s 1971.186 woman
Winter Landscape with a Bird-trap Pieter Brueghel the Younger 1630s man
ice skating
bird trap
Esther before Ahasuerus Artemisia Gentileschi 1630 69.281 Esther
Virgin and Child with Saint Catherine of Alexandria Anthony van Dyck 1630 60.71.5 Catherine of Alexandria
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
A Man Mounting a Horse anonymous 1630 49.145.2 horse
A Man Riding a Horse anonymous 1630 49.145.1
The Glorification of the Eucharist Peter Paul Rubens 1630 37.160.12
Angelica and Medoro Jacques Blanchard 1630 06.1268 Angelica
Antoine Poullain
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1630 32.75.14
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1630 62.122.135
Traveling Players Monogrammist JG 1630 38.50.333 actor
Endymion Porter (1587–1649) John Hoskins 1630 24.80.505
The Triumph of Henry IV Peter Paul Rubens 1630 42.187 horse
The Fortune Teller Georges de La Tour 1630 60.30 fortune teller
The Young Virgin Francisco de Zurbarán 1630 27.137
Sarra de Peyster anonymous 1631 61.154
The Coronation of the Virgin Peter Paul Rubens 1632 1984.433.336
A Couple in an Interior with a Gypsy Fortune-Teller Jacob Duck 1632 1971.102
Portrait of a Woman with a Lace Collar Michiel van Mierevelt 1632 30.95.257
A Peasant with a Bird Adriaen Brouwer 1632s 32.100.3 Michael Friedsam
Man in Oriental Costume Rembrandt 1632 20.155.2
Portrait of a Man Rembrandt 1632 64.126 man
Portrait of a Man, probably a Member of the Van Beresteyn Family Rembrandt 1632 29.100.3 Louisine Havemeyer
Portrait of a Woman, probably a Member of the Van Beresteyn Family Rembrandt 1632 29.100.4 Louisine Havemeyer
The Companions of Rinaldo Nicolas Poussin 1633 1977.1.2 Carlo
Portrait of a Young Man wrongly called Burgomaster Six anonymous 1633 15.30.1 man Morris Ketchum Jesup
Portrait of a Young Woman wrongly called Wife of Burgomaster Six anonymous 1633 15.30.2 woman
The Abduction of the Sabine Women Nicolas Poussin 1633s 46.160 horse
Portrait of James Stuart, Duke of Lennox and Richmond Anthony van Dyck 1633 89.15.16 James Stuart, 1st Duke of Richmond
Bellona Rembrandt 1633 32.100.23 woman
Michael Friedsam
Portrait of a Young Woman with a Fan Rembrandt 1633 43.125 woman Helen Swift Neilson
Portrait of a Woman Rembrandt 1633 14.40.625 woman Benjamin Altman
Portrait of Robert Rich, second earl of Warwick Anthony van Dyck 1634 49.7.26 Robert Rich, 2nd Earl of Warwick Jules Bache
The Preaching of John the Baptist Bartholomeus Breenbergh 1634 1991.305
Herodias Francesco Cairo 1635s 1973.165
Cassetta frame anonymous 1635s 1975.1.2351 Robert Lehman
Rubens, His Wife Helena Fourment (1614–1673), and One of Their Children Peter Paul Rubens 1635 1981.238 Helena Fourment
Peter Paul Rubens
A Party of Merrymakers Pieter Quast 1635 1973.155.1
A Forest at Dawn with a Deer Hunt Peter Paul Rubens 1635 1990.196
Still Life with Oysters, a Silver Tazza, and Glassware Willem Claesz. Heda 1635 2005.331.4
Portrait of a Woman Jan van Ravesteyn 1635 12.202
A Young Woman in a Landscape anonymous 1636 32.100.10 Michael Friedsam
A panoramic view of Rhenen, seen from the North-East Jan van Goyen 1636 06.290 man
horse-drawn wagon
Charity Cesare Dandini 1636s 69.283
A Hare, Partridges, and Fruit Jan Fyt 1636s 32.100.141 Michael Friedsam
Don Gaspar de Guzmán (1587–1645), Count-Duke of Olivares Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1636 52.125 Gaspar de Guzmán, Count-Duke of Olivares
The Smokers Adriaen Brouwer 1637 32.100.21 Michael Friedsam
The Battle between Christians and Moors at El Sotillo Francisco de Zurbarán 1637 20.104
Portrait of a Young Boy anonymous 1637 59.23.17
Interior of a Gothic Church by Day Pieter Neeffs I 1637s 30.58.20
Interior of a Gothic Church at Night Pieter Neeffs I 1637s 30.58.21
The Sense of Sight Giovanni Do 1637s 1982.60.12
Market by the Seashore Salomon van Ruysdael 1637 60.55.4 boat
Venus and Adonis Peter Paul Rubens 1638 37.162
Portrait of Claes Duyst van Voorhout Frans Hals 1638 49.7.33 Claes Duyst van Voorhout Jules Bache
Pastoral Landscape: The Roman Campagna Claude Lorrain 1639 65.181.12 landscape
The Holy Family with Saint Anne and the Young Baptist and His Parents Jacob Jordaens 1639s 71.11 William T. Blodgett
Soldiers Bivouacking Peter Snayers 1639s 32.75.3 tree
Margaretha van Clootwijk (born about 1580/81, died 1662), Wife of Jacob van Dalen Michiel van Mierevelt 1639 25.110.12
Calm Sea Simon de Vlieger 1640s 06.1200 boat
Portrait of an Old Woman anonymous
Jacob Adriaensz Backer
1640s 29.100.2 woman
Louisine Havemeyer
François de Robiano
Portrait of a Man with a Breastplate and Plumed Hat anonymous
1640s 29.100.102 man
Louisine Havemeyer
Tobit Burying the Dead Andrea di Leone 1640s 1989.225
Portrait of a Woman anonymous
Ferdinand Bol
Jan Victors
1640s 29.100.103 woman
Louisine Havemeyer
The Judgment of Solomon Leonaert Bramer 1640s 11.73
Saint Michael the Archangel Ignacio de Ries 1640s 89.15.17
Portrait of a Man Seated in an Armchair anonymous 1640s 1975.1.139 Robert Lehman
A Bacchanal Johan Danckerts 1640s 27.146
Portrait of Herman Doomer Rembrandt 1640 29.100.1 Herman Doomer Louisine Havemeyer
The Disillusioned Medea ("The Enchantress") Paulus Bor 1640 1972.261
Old Woman in an Armchair Jacob Adriaensz Backer 1640 14.40.603 woman
Benjamin Altman
Saint Benedict Francisco de Zurbarán 1640 1976.100.21
Still Life with a Glass and Oysters Jan Davidsz. de Heem 1640 71.78 lemon wedge
William T. Blodgett
Landscape with a Battle between Two Rams Jan Miel 1640 93.29
The Rape of Tamar Eustache Le Sueur 1640 1984.342
Christ Blessing the Children Artemisia Gentileschi 1640
Jesus Christ
Old Woman Praying Matthias Stom 1640s 1981.25
Still Life: A Basket of Grapes and Other Fruit Jacob van Hulsdonck 1640s 64.294 leaf
Still Life: A Banqueting Scene Jan Davidsz. de Heem 1640s 12.195
Jacob van Dalen (1570–1644), Called Vallensis Michiel van Mierevelt 1640 25.110.13
Marcantonio Pasqualini (1614–1691) Crowned by Apollo Andrea Sacchi 1641 1981.317 Apollo
Marc'Antonio Pasqualini
Portrait of a Man, Possibly a Botanist anonymous 1641 1982.60.29
Interior of a Kitchen Willem Kalf 1642 71.69 William T. Blodgett
Isaac Blessing Jacob Gerbrand van den Eeckhout 1642 25.110.16 Jacob
Memorial Gilded Ewer for Amsterdam Guild in Memory of the Artist's Brother
Portrait of a Woman Ferdinand Bol 1642 30.95.269
Piping Shepherds Aelbert Cuyp 1643 25.110.15
A Kitchen Hendrik Martenszoon Sorgh 1643 89.15.7
River Scene with Boats Adam Willaerts 1643 06.1303 man
Portrait of Paulus Verschuur Frans Hals 1643 26.101.11 Paulus Verschuur
Bathsheba at her Toilette Rembrandt 1643 14.40.651 Bathsheba
group of humans
Benjamin Altman
Antoine Poullain
The Trojan Women Setting Fire to Their Fleet Claude Lorrain 1643 55.119 ship
Portrait of a Man Abraham de Vries 1643 71.63 William T. Blodgett
The Annunciation Philippe de Champaigne 1644 2004.31
Bacchus and Nymphs in a Landscape Abraham van Cuylenborch 1644s 25.110.37
Rest Nicolaes Pieterszoon Berchem 1644 71.125 William T. Blodgett
Saint Philip Neri (1515–1595) Carlo Dolci 1645s 2016.507 Philip Neri
Young Woman with a Red Necklace anonymous
1645 2005.331.7 woman
Guardroom with the Deliverance of Saint Peter David Teniers the Younger 1645 64.65.5 Peter
Family Group in a Landscape Jacques d'Arthois 1645 30.95.241
The Death of Cleopatra Guido Cagnacci 1645 2016.63 Cleopatra
View of the Town of Alkmaar Salomon van Ruysdael 1645s 71.135 Grote or Sint-Laurenskerk
William T. Blodgett
Bearded Man with a Velvet Cap Govert Flinck 1645 25.110.27 hat
María Teresa (1638–1683), Infanta of Spain Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1645 43.101
Portrait of a Man Johannes Cornelisz Verspronck 1645 36.162.1
Still Life of Fruit and Game Pieter van Overschie 1645 22.45.10
Landscape with the Rest on the Flight into Egypt Claude Lorrain 1645 1975.1.658 Robert Lehman
Rustic Interior David Ryckaert 1646s 71.13 William T. Blodgett
The Yard of the Inn at Emmaus David Ryckaert 1646s 71.12 William T. Blodgett
Sunrise Claude Lorrain 1646 47.12 tree
Landscape with a Village in the Distance Jacob van Ruisdael 1646 65.181.10 man
church building
View of Haarlem and the Haarlemmer Meer Jan van Goyen 1646 71.62 Q53477141 William T. Blodgett
Ferry near Gorinchem Salomon van Ruysdael 1646 15.30.4 boat
The Pelkus Gate near Utrecht Jan van Goyen 1646 45.146.3 Pellecussenpoort
ice skating
Country House near the Water Jan van Goyen 1646 32.100.6 boat Michael Friedsam
老梅図襖-Old Plum Kanō Sansetsu 1646 1975.268.48a–d Prunus mume
The Sacrifice of Polyxena Charles Le Brun 1647 2013.183 Polyxena
Portrait of a Man Bartholomeus van der Helst 1647 71.73 William T. Blodgett
Castle by a River Jan van Goyen 1647 64.65.1 boat
A View of The Hague from the Northwest Jan van Goyen 1647 2005.331.3
Man with a Steel Gorget anonymous 1648 14.40.601 man Benjamin Altman
Wide River Landscape Philip de Koninck 1648 63.43.2 boat
Landscape with Sheep Claude Lorrain 1648 1975.1.657 Robert Lehman
Portrait of a man with gloves in hand Rembrandt 1648 14.40.620 Benjamin Altman
The Holy Family with Saints Anne and Catherine of Alexandria Jusepe de Ribera 1648 34.73 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Saint Anna
Catherine of Alexandria
A Country Road Salomon van Ruysdael 1648 06.1201 tree
Portrait of a Woman Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen 1648 57.30.2
Portrait of a Man Cornelis Janssens van Ceulen 1648 57.30.1
Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Philip Wharton (1613–1696), Fourth Baron Wharton John Hoskins 1648 62.122.22
A Panoramic Landscape with a Country Estate Philip de Koninck 1649 11.144
The Rest on the Flight into Egypt Pier Francesco Mola 1649s 1993.20 tree
Allegory of music Laurent de La Hyre 1649 50.189 book
Henry Carey (1596–1661), Second Earl of Monmouth Samuel Cooper 1649 49.33
View of La Crescenza Claude Lorrain 1650s 1978.205 tree
The Meeting of Alexander the Great and Diogenes Gaspar de Crayer 1650s 71.1 horse William T. Blodgett
Margherita Gonzaga (1591–1632), Princess of Mantua Frans Pourbus the Younger 1650s 25.110.21
Still Life with Silver and Gold Plate, Shells, and a Sword Meiffren Conte 1650s 2012.542
Two Musicians anonymous 1650s 1975.1.125 Robert Lehman
María Teresa, Infanta of Spain anonymous 1650s 1975.1.147 Robert Lehman
Tabernacle frame anonymous 1650s 1975.1.2091 Robert Lehman
Tabernacle frame anonymous 1650s 1975.1.2092 Robert Lehman
Chair seat cushion anonymous 1650s 1975.1.2437 Robert Lehman
Mirror: Venus Mourning the Dead Adonis Suzanne de Court 1650s 1975.1.1236 Robert Lehman
Mirror; Minerva Visits the Muses on Mount Helicon Suzanne de Court 1650s 1975.1.1237 Minerva
Mount Helicon
Robert Lehman
Dante Chair back anonymous 1650s 1975.1.2438 Robert Lehman
Birds and Flowers Kanō Tan'yū
Kanō Naonobu
Kiyohara Yukinobu
1650s 14.76.62a–f flower
Portrait of a Man Rembrandt 1650s 91.26.7
Man in a Red Cloak anonymous
1650s 49.7.36 man Jules Bache
A Young Woman at Her Toilet with a Maid Gerard ter Borch 1650s 17.190.10 woman
Drawing the Eel Salomon van Ruysdael 1650s 71.75 William T. Blodgett
Hendrickje Stoffels (1626–1663) Rembrandt 1650s 26.101.9 Hendrickje Stoffels
Old Woman Cutting Her Nails anonymous
1650s 14.40.609 woman Benjamin Altman
A Young Woman as a Shepherdess ("Saskia as Flora") Govert Flinck
1650s 60.71.15 woman
Saskia van Uylenburgh
Shepherds and Sheep David Teniers the Younger 1650s 89.15.22
A Musical Party Gerbrand van den Eeckhout 1650s 26.260.8
Judith with the Head of Holofernes David Teniers the Younger 1650s 72.2 Judith
A Partridge and Small Game Birds Jan Fyt 1650s 71.45 William T. Blodgett
Abraham's Parting from the Family of Lot Jan Victors 1650s 71.170 Abraham
Lot's daughters
Lot's wife
William T. Blodgett
Children and a Cow Aelbert Cuyp 1650s 34.83.1 child
Landscape at Sunset Aert van der Neer 1650s 17.190.11 tree
Head of Christ anonymous
1650s 17.120.222 Jan Wandelaar
Johannes Enschedé II
Isaac Dudley Fletcher
Maurice Kann
A Female Martyr Saint Carlo Francesco Nuvolone 1650 2012.100.2
Barnyard Scene Anthonie van Borssom 1650 32.100.12 cow
Michael Friedsam
The Vocation of Saint Aloysius (Luigi) Gonzaga Guercino 1650 1973.311.3
Saint Francis in Ecstasy Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione 1650 2014.270
Pomegranates and Other Fruit in a Landscape Abraham Brueghel 1650 71.118 Punica granatum
William T. Blodgett
Landscape with the Flight into Egypt Aelbert Cuyp 1650 1973.155.2 tree
Alexander the Great Rescued from the River Cydnus Pietro Testa 1650 1987.75 soldier
The Baptism of Christ Sébastien Bourdon 1650 1974.2
A Knight of Alcántara or Calatrava Bartolomé Esteban Murillo 1650 54.190
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1650 62.122.23
Portrait of a Child anonymous 1650 62.122.124
Saint John the Baptist Preaching Mattia Preti 1650 2005.477 John the Baptist
Trees anonymous 1650 1975.1.659 tree Robert Lehman
Portrait of Juan de Pareja Diego Velázquez 1650s 1971.86 Juan de Pareja
Portrait of a Woman Frans Hals 1650 91.26.10 woman
Portrait of a man Frans Hals 1650 91.26.9 man
A Brazilian Landscape Frans Post 1650 1981.318
Portrait of a Man Juan Bautista Martínez del Mazo 1650 89.15.29 man
Marine Salomon van Ruysdael 1650 71.98 ship William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Woman Jürgen Ovens 1650 89.15.28
María Teresa (1638–1683), Infanta of Spain Diego Velázquez 1651s 49.7.43 Jules Bache
The Good Samaritan David Teniers the Younger 1651s 89.15.25 man
The Good Samaritan
Still Life with Lobster and Fruit Abraham van Beijeren 1651s 1971.254 lobster
Peasants Dancing Johannes Lingelbach 1651 71.123 William T. Blodgett
Equestrian Portrait of Cornelis (1639–1680) and Michiel Pompe van Meerdervoort (1638–1653) with Their Tutor and Coachman ("Starting for the Hunt") Aelbert Cuyp 1652 32.100.20 Michael Friedsam
The Van Moerkerken Family Gerard ter Borch 1653 1982.60.30
Portrait of a Woman Adriaen Hanneman 1653 89.15.27
A Man and a Woman on Horseback Philips Wouwerman 1653 1971.48 boat
The Farrier Aert van der Neer 1653s 71.60 William T. Blodgett
Aristotle Contemplating a Bust of Homer Rembrandt 1653 61.198 Aristotle
portrait at bust length
Abraham Dismissing Hagar and Ishmael Nicolaes Maes 1653 1971.73 Banishment of Hagar and Ishmael
The Spinner Quirijn van Brekelenkam 1653 71.110 William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Lucy Percy (1600?–1660), Countess of Carlisle Samuel Cooper 1653 24.80.516
Portrait of a Man (Self-Portrait?) Willem Drost 1654 41.116.2 man
Willem Drost
Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace anonymous 1654 14.40.629 woman
Young Woman with a Pearl Necklace
Benjamin Altman
Duveen Galleries
The Sibyl Willem Drost 1654 30.95.268 woman
Skating at Sloten, near Amsterdam Jan Abrahamsz Beerstraaten 1654s 11.92 ice skating
Classical Landscape with Figures Henri Mauperché 1654s 1976.100.9 tree
Flora Rembrandt 1654 26.101.10 Hendrickje Stoffels
red hair
George Spencer, 2nd Earl Spencer
John Spencer, 3rd Earl Spencer
Frederick Spencer, 4th Earl Spencer
John Spencer, 5th Earl Spencer
Charles Spencer, 6th Earl Spencer
Joseph Duveen, 1st Baron Duveen
Archer Milton Huntington
Arabella Huntington
Portrait of Floris Soop Rembrandt 1654 49.7.35 Jules Bache
Christ and the Woman of Samaria anonymous
1655 60.71.14
An Evening School Gerrit Dou 1655 40.64
Young Woman Peeling Apples Nicolaes Maes 1655 14.40.612 woman
Benjamin Altman
Old Age in Search of Youth David Teniers the Younger 1655 1975.1.126 Metropolitan Museum of Art
John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough
Robert Lehman
Adam and Eve in Paradise David Teniers the Younger 1655 1975.1.127 John Spencer-Churchill, 7th Duke of Marlborough
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Robert Lehman
An interior of a barn with a scullery maid at a well David Teniers the Younger
<some value>
1655 74.55 woman
butcher shop
William H. Webb
Imaginary Landscape Gaspard Dughet 1655s 08.227.1 tree
Jean-Baptiste Colbert (1619–1683) Philippe de Champaigne 1655 51.34
Saints Peter and John Healing the Lame Man Nicolas Poussin 1655 24.45.2 Peter
John the Apostle
The Lacemaker Nicolaes Maes 1656 32.100.5 woman
baby bumper
high chair
diadem cap
bobbin lace
lace pillow
Michael Friedsam
The Baker's Cart Jean Michelin 1656 27.59
Bandits on a Rocky Coast Salvator Rosa 1657s 34.137
Young Herdsmen with Cows Aelbert Cuyp 1657s 14.40.616 Benjamin Altman
The Visit Pieter de Hooch 1657 29.100.7 Eugène Secrétan
Paul Durand-Ruel
Henry Osborne Havemeyer
Louisine Havemeyer
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pietà Juan de Valdés Leal 1657 54.168
Hagar and the Angel Francesco Maffei 1657 2012.100.1
A Woman and Two Men in an Arbor Pieter de Hooch 1657 1976.100.25
A Girl Asleep Johannes Vermeer 1657 14.40.611 woman
Benjamin Altman
Rodolphe Kann
Joseph Duveen, 1st Baron Duveen
John Waterloo Wilson
Petronella Elias (1648–1667) with a Basket of Fruit Ferdinand Bol 1657 57.68
Portrait of a Man with a Watch Cornelius Janson van Ceulen the Younger 1657 41.116.3
Dr. Brian Walton (born about 1600, died 1661) John Hoskins 1657 35.89.3
Portrait of a Woman Nicolaes Maes 1657 2004.392
Portrait of a Man ("The Auctioneer") anonymous
1658 14.40.624 man Benjamin Altman
A Woman Playing the Theorbo-Lute and a Cavalier Gerard ter Borch 1658 14.40.617 woman
sheet music
Benjamin Altman
Willem Lormier
Blind Orion Searching for the Rising Sun Nicolas Poussin 1658 24.45.1 Orion
Abraham Dismissing Hagar and Ishmael Barent Fabritius 1658 1976.100.23
Sir Henry Capel (1638–1696) Peter Lely 1659 39.65.6 Henry Capell, 1st Baron Capell of Tewkesbury
Still Life with Fruit, Glassware, and a Wanli Bowl Willem Kalf 1659 53.111
A Musical Party Gabriël Metsu 1659 91.26.11 musical instrument
Woman with a Pink Rembrandt 1660s 14.40.622 woman
Dianthus caryophyllus
Benjamin Altman
Man with a Magnifying Glass Rembrandt 1660s 14.40.621 man
magnifying glass
Benjamin Altman
Sentimental Conversation Quirijn van Brekelenkam 1660s 32.100.19 Michael Friedsam
The Dream of Aeneas Salvator Rosa 1660s 65.118 Aeneas
Pilate Washing His Hands anonymous
1660s 14.40.610 man
Pontius Pilatus
Pilate washing his hands
Benjamin Altman
A Young Woman and a Cavalier Cornelis Bisschop 1660s 1982.60.33
A Cat Stealing Fish Giuseppe Recco 1660s 71.17 William T. Blodgett
Fishing Boats on a River Salomon van Ruysdael 1660s 2005.331.8 boat
Scene in a Courtyard Ludolf Leendertsz de Jongh 1660s 20.155.5 house
Sir Henry Blount (1602–1682) Nicholas Dixon 1660s 24.80.513 man
Self portrait Rembrandt 1660 14.40.618 Rembrandt
Benjamin Altman
The Curious Gerard ter Borch 1660 49.7.38 Jules Bache
Joseph Duveen, 1st Baron Duveen
Demidov collection
Everhard Jabach (1618–1695) and His Family Charles Le Brun 1660 2014.250 Everhard Jabach
The Lovesick Maiden Jan Steen 1660 46.13.2 Helen Swift Neilson
Peasants Dancing and Feasting David Teniers the Younger 1660 71.99 William T. Blodgett
A State Yacht and Other Craft in Calm Water Jan van de Cappelle 1660 12.31 ship
Interior of a Gothic Church at Night Pieter Neeffs II 1660 71.50 William T. Blodgett
Sports on a Frozen River Aert van der Neer 1660 32.100.11 Michael Friedsam
Man Holding a Jug Michiel Sweerts 1660 2001.613
Portrait of a Seated Man Gerard ter Borch 1660s 89.15.15
Portrait of a Boy with a Falcon Wallerant Vaillant 1660s 57.104
The Forest Stream Jacob van Ruisdael 1660s 89.15.4 waterfall
Woman with a Water Jug Johannes Vermeer 1660 89.15.21 woman
The Seventeen Provinces of the Netherlands
Interior of the Oude Kerk, Delft Hendrick Cornelisz. van Vliet 1660 1976.23.2
Christ with a Staff Rembrandt 1661 49.7.37 man
walking stick
Jesus Christ
Jules Bache
A Woman Seated at a Window Gabriël Metsu 1661 1982.60.32
Clothing the Naked Michiel Sweerts 1661s 1984.459.1
The Visit to the Nursery Gabriël Metsu 1661 17.190.20 Jan Jacobszoon Hinlopen
Sara Hinlopen
Jan Jacobszoon Hinlopen
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Interior with a Young Couple Pieter de Hooch 1662 14.40.613 Benjamin Altman
Orpheus and Eurydice anonymous 1662s 29.100.20 Orpheus
Louisine Havemeyer
Woman with a Lute Johannes Vermeer 1662 25.110.24 lute
Europae nova descriptio
The Musician Bartholomeus van der Helst 1662 73.2
Vanitas Still Life Evert Collier 1662 71.19 book William T. Blodgett
A Bouquet of Flowers in a Crystal Vase Nicolaes van Verendael 1662 81.1.652 vase
Head of Saint John the Baptist Emmanuel Tzanes 1663s 33.79.18 John the Baptist
Head of the Virgin Emmanuel Tzanes 1663s 33.79.15
Pilate Washing His Hands Mattia Preti 1663 1978.402 Pilate washing his hands
Group Portrait: A Wedding Celebration Gillis van Tilborgh 1664s 71.32 wedding William T. Blodgett
The Dissolute Household Jan Steen 1664 1982.60.31
Leisure Time in an Elegant Setting Pieter de Hooch 1664 1975.1.144 Robert Lehman
A Classical Landscape Sébastien Bourdon 1664s 1985.90 horse
An Artist Painting a Heraldic Shield in a Cabinet of Curiosities Monogrammist FA 1664 48.187.740
Portrait of a Man David Myers 1664 24.80.510
The Reader Eglon van der Neer 1665 32.100.9 Michael Friedsam
The Crucifixion Bartolomé Esteban Murillo 1665 1976.100.17 crucifix
Don Andrés de Andrade y la Cal Bartolomé Esteban Murillo 1665 27.219
Self-Portrait Gerrit Dou 1665 14.40.607 Gerrit Dou
Infants playing with a He-goat
The Card Party Caspar Netscher 1665 89.15.6
Entrance to a Dutch Port Willem van de Velde the Younger 1665 20.155.6 ship
Portrait of a Woman Nicolaes Maes 1665 06.1325
Portrait of Gerard de Lairesse Rembrandt 1665 1975.1.140 Gerard de Lairesse Robert Lehman
The Pigeon House Roelof Jansz van Vries 1665s 71.116 boat
William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Young Woman Johannes Vermeer 1665 1979.396.1 woman
The Lacemaker Bernhard Keil 1665 1971.115.2 girl
house cat
Burgomaster Jan van Duren (1613–1687) Gerard ter Borch 1666s 1975.1.141 Robert Lehman
Margaretha van Haexbergen (1614–1676) Gerard ter Borch 1666s 1975.1.142 Robert Lehman
Woman with a Water Pitcher, and a Man by a Bed ("The Maidservant") Pieter de Hooch 1667 32.100.15 maid Michael Friedsam
Grainfields Jacob van Ruisdael 1668 32.100.14 field
Michael Friedsam
The Huis ten Bosch at The Hague and Its Formal Garden (View from the South) Jan van der Heyden 1668 64.65.2 Huis ten Bosch
The Huis ten Bosch at The Hague and Its Formal Garden (View from the East) Jan van der Heyden 1668 64.65.3
Christ among the Doctors Abraham Hondius 1668 1974.368
The Allegory of Faith Johannes Vermeer 1670s 32.100.18 allegory
terrestrial globe
Michael Friedsam
An Extensive Wooded Landscape Philip de Koninck 1670s 1980.4 boat
Lieven Willemsz van Coppenol (born about 1599, died 1671 or later) Rembrandt 1670s 50.145.33
Mary Capel (1630–1715), Later Duchess of Beaufort, and Her Sister Elizabeth (1633–1678), Countess of Carnarvon Peter Lely 1670s 39.65.3
Study for a Portrait of a Woman Peter Lely 1670s 06.1198
Mountain Torrent Jacob van Ruisdael 1670s 25.110.18 waterfall
The Love Letter Jacob Ochtervelt 1670s 1980.203.5
View of the Pantheon, Rome Lievin Cruyl 1670s 1975.1.578 Robert Lehman
Wheat Fields Jacob van Ruisdael 1670 14.40.623 wheat
Benjamin Altman
Merry Company on a Terrace Jan Steen 1670 58.89
Woodland Road Meindert Hobbema 1670 50.145.22 tree
Portrait of a Woman Giovanni Battista Gaulli 1670 2014.277
Still Life with Poppy, Insects, and Reptiles Otto Marseus van Schrieck 1670 53.155
The Annunciation of the Death of the Virgin Samuel van Hoogstraten 1670 1992.133
Portrait of Johan Hulshout (1623–1687) Pieter Cornelisz van Slingelandt 1670 71.70 man
Johan Hulshout
Rapenburg 8
Johan Hulshout
Daniël Hooft Jzn.
William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Man, Said to Be John Cecil (1628–1678), Fourth Earl of Exeter anonymous 1670 24.80.509
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1670 62.122.85
Couple playing cards and a serving woman Pieter de Hooch 1670 1975.1.143 Robert Lehman
Mercury and Battus Francisque Millet 1670s 29.100.21 tree Louisine Havemeyer
A Cavalry Engagement Adam Frans van der Meulen 1671s 71.96 William T. Blodgett
The Old Castle Emanuel Murant 1671s 30.95.260
Virgin and Child Bartolomé Esteban Murillo 1671s 43.13
Apollo and Aurora Gerard de Lairesse 1671 43.118 horse
Battle Scene Johannes Lingelbach 1671 71.23 soldier William T. Blodgett
View of Lateran, Rome Lievin Cruyl 1672s 1975.1.577 Robert Lehman
The Annunciation Luca Giordano 1672 1973.311.2
Officer paying a woman in a stable Pieter de Hooch 1674
58.144 man
The Newborn Baby Matthijs Naiveu 1675 71.160 William T. Blodgett
Admiral Jacob Binkes (born about 1640, died 1677) Nicolaes Maes 1676 11.149.2 Jacob Binckes
Ingena Rotterdam (died 1704), Betrothed of Admiral Jacob Binkes Nicolaes Maes 1676 11.149.3 woman
Vertumnus and Pomona Thomas Lefèbvre 1676 33.136.13
The Serenade Frans van Mieris the Elder 1678 60.71.3
Rembrandt's Son Titus anonymous
1680s 14.40.608 Titus van Rijn
Portrait of Titus van Rijn
Benjamin Altman
Man in a Beret anonymous 1680s 1975.373 man
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1680 60.55.1
The Last Communion of Saint Mary of Egypt Marcantonio Franceschini 1680 1996.9
Portrait of a Man David Loggan 1680 44.36.3
An Allegory, Probably of the Peace of Utrecht of 1713 Antoine Rivalz 1681 1976.100.11
Peacocks Melchior d'Hondecoeter 1683 27.250.1 peacock Samuel Henry Kress
Cephalus and Procris Godfried Schalcken 1684s 1974.109
Portrait of a Woman Willem Wissing 1687 39.65.7
清 龔賢 自題 山水十六開 冊-Ink Landscapes with Poems Gong Xian 1688 1981.4.1a–o
Ten Thousand Miles along the Yellow River anonymous work 1690s 2006.272a
Yellow River
Entrance to a Village Meindert Hobbema 1690s 14.40.614 tree
church building
Benjamin Altman
The Birth of the Virgin Francesco Solimena 1690 07.66
Charles Beauclerk (1670–1726), Duke of St. Albans Godfrey Kneller 1690 39.65.8
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1690 32.75.17
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1690 62.122.155
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1690 15.43.302
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1690 32.75.18
Small wine pot or teapot anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1713 leaf
Robert Lehman
Covered wine pot or teapot anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1708 flower Robert Lehman
Small covered wine pot or teapot (similar to 1975.1.15-17) anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1714 Small covered winepot or teapot (similar to 1975.1.1714-15 and 1975.1.1717) Robert Lehman
Covered wine pot or teapot anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1701 Robert Lehman
Small vase anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1685 vase Robert Lehman
Small wine pot or teapot with a lid anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1709 Robert Lehman
Club-shaped vase anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1739 Robert Lehman
Small vase anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1737 Robert Lehman
Small covered wine pot or teapot anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1733 Robert Lehman
Ewer anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1695 Robert Lehman
Small covered wine pot or teapot anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1730 Robert Lehman
Covered teapot or winepot (pair with 1975.1.1702) anonymous 1692s 1975.1.1703 Robert Lehman
Portrait of a Man Hyacinthe Rigaud 1693 48.187.733
Q29383254 1694s 57.185.2
Gamepiece with a Dead Heron ("Falconer's Bag") Jan Weenix 1695 50.55 flower
The Flight into Egypt Luca Giordano 1696s 61.50 boat
Portrait of a Woman, Possibly Madame Claude Lambert de Thorigny (Marie Marguerite Bontemps, 1668–1701) Nicolas de Largillière 1696 03.37.2
Man in Armor (Mars?) anonymous 1700s 71.84 man
William T. Blodgett
The Crucifixion anonymous 1700s 65.220.2 crucifixion of Jesus
Saint Teresa of Ávila Interceding for Souls in Purgatory anonymous 1700s 17.190.19 Teresa of Ávila
Jesus Christ
Self-Portrait Salvator Rosa 1700s 21.105 Salvator Rosa
Malle Babbe anonymous 1700s 71.76 William T. Blodgett
Man with a Beard anonymous 1700s 89.15.3 man
Tavern Scene anonymous 1700s 21.134.5 musical instrument
Two Tritons at the Feast of Acheloüs anonymous 1700s 06.1039
Saint Catherine of Alexandria anonymous 1700s 43.23 Catherine of Alexandria
Portrait of a Young Boy anonymous 1700s 49.7.39 Jules Bache
Saint Cecilia Abraham van Diepenbeeck 1700s 29.100.14 Saint Cecilia Louisine Havemeyer
Mariana of Austria (1634–1696), Queen of Spain anonymous 1700s 89.15.18
Beggars at a Doorway Master of the Béguins 1700s 71.80 Caucasian
William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1700s 32.100.7 Michael Friedsam
Head of a Man anonymous 1700s 29.100.607 Louisine Havemeyer
Barbara Villiers (1640–1709), Duchess of Cleveland anonymous 1700s 39.65.9
Man with a Tankard anonymous 1700s 29.100.198 Louisine Havemeyer
Landscape with Thatched Cottages anonymous 1700s 22.47.3
Doña Marianna Stampa Parravicina (born 1612), Condesa di Segrate anonymous 1700s 45.128.15
River View with a Village Church anonymous 1700s 65.181.11 boat
The Brawl anonymous
Adriaen Brouwer
32.100.2 man
Michael Friedsam
Rodolphe Kann
Holy Family with Saint Anne anonymous 1700s 1976.100.12
Trompe l'oeil with Palettes and Miniature anonymous 1700s 1976.100.13
Ferdinando II de' Medici (1610–1670) as a Boy anonymous 1700s 45.128.13
The Trinity anonymous 1700s 1972.145.16
Calendar of Saints and Festivals anonymous 1700s 33.79.1–12
Still Life with Strawberries anonymous 1700s 1976.100.10 flower
The Resurrection of Christ and the Harrowing of Hell anonymous 1700s 1982.378
Saints Boris and Gleb anonymous 1700s 1972.145.29
Christ's Entry into Jerusalem anonymous 1700s 1972.145.21
Saint John the Evangelist "in Silence" anonymous 1700s 1972.145.17 John the Evangelist
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1700s 62.122.71
Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Arnold Franz anonymous 1700s 62.122.109
Charles II (1630–1685), King of England anonymous 1700s 62.122.21
Quail and Millet Kiyohara Yukinobu 1700s 36.100.45 leaf
Bathsheba at Her Bath Giuseppe Bartolomeo Chiari 1700 1993.401 Bathsheba
The Holy Family with Angels Sebastiano Ricci 1700 1986.347
Lady Mary Berkeley, Wife of Thomas Chambers Godfrey Kneller 1700 96.30.6 woman
James Delancey anonymous 1700 41.35.1
Mrs. Augustus Jay Gerrit Duyckinck 1700 1970.283.5
The Ark Lodewijk Tieling 1700 39.184.20 Noah's Ark
Genesis flood narrative
Portrait of a Man Thomas Forster 1700 44.36.2
Portrait of a Woman Thomas Forster 1700 44.36.5
Portrait of a Woman Thomas Forster 1701 44.36.1
The Entombment of Christ Juan Rodríguez Juárez 1702s 2014.269
Hotei Ogata Kōrin 1704 2015.300.89 Budai
Portrait of a Man Thomas Forster 1705 44.36.4
A Young Knight of the Garter, Possibly George Augustus (1683–1760), Later George II of Great Britain and Ireland anonymous 1706 62.122.103
A Woman, Possibly Sophia Dorothea (1687–1757), Later Queen of Prussia anonymous 1706 62.122.104
The Tame Magpie Alessandro Magnasco 1707 1984.191
Cup and Cover Supported by an Enchained Turk anonymous 1708s 1975.1.1508 Robert Lehman
Piazza San Marco, Venice Luca Carlevarijs 1709 1975.1.89 Robert Lehman
The Molo, Venice, from the Bacino di San Marco Luca Carlevarijs 1709 1975.1.87 boat Robert Lehman
The Bacino, Venice, with the Dogana and a Distant View of the Isola di San Giorgio Luca Carlevarijs 1709 1975.1.88 boat Robert Lehman
The Molo, Venice, Looking West Luca Carlevarijs 1709 1975.1.90 ship Robert Lehman
Dead Christ Supported by Angels Francesco Trevisani 1710 2012.256
Portrait of a Man Rosalba Carriera 1710 49.122.2
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1710 1972.263.1
Marie Adélaïde de Savoie (1685–1712), Duchesse de Bourgogne Pierre Gobert 1710 63.120
Portrait of a Woman, Called Maria Taylor Byrd anonymous 1712s 25.108
The Baptism of Christ Sebastiano Ricci 1713 1981.186
Louis XV (1710–1774) at the Age of Five in the Costume of the Sacre Hyacinthe Rigaud 1715 60.6
Seated Woman Antoine Watteau 1716s 1975.1.763 Robert Lehman
A Vase of Flowers Margaretha Haverman 1716 71.6 Rosa ×centifolia
Alcea rosea
Calendula officinalis
Papaver somniferum
Red Admiral
William T. Blodgett
Louis Fould
Mezzetin Antoine Watteau 1717 34.138
Study of a Boy in a Blue Jacket Benedetto Luti 1717 2007.360
Study of a Girl in Red Benedetto Luti 1717 2007.361
Panthers of Bacchus Eating Grapes Alexandre-François Desportes 1719 07.225.287
Portrait of a Woman Michael Dahl 1719s 56.224.1
Bacchus and Ariadne Giovanni Antonio Pellegrini 1720s 1984.458
Portrait of a Lady (possibly Tryntje Otten Veeder) anonymous 1720s 1977.135
The French Comedians Antoine Watteau 1720 49.7.54 Jules Bache
Portrait of a Military Officer Hyacinthe Rigaud 1720 59.119 Louis Henri de La Tour d'Auvergne
Still Life with Silver Alexandre-François Desportes 1720 64.315 flower
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1720 68.190 man
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1720 42.104 man
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1720 54.196.1 man
Boy with a Fawn anonymous 1720 69.279.1
Radha and Krishna Walk in a Flowering Grove 1720
2003.178a, b Radha
Fruit and Flowers Jan van Huysum 1720 59.23.53 leaf
An Allegory Domenico Guidobono 1723s 1970.261 book
Richard Abell Christian Friedrich Zincke 1724 95.14.61
Portrait of a Lady (Possibly Hannah Stillman) anonymous 1725s 1972.263.4
The Capture of Carthage Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1725s 65.183.2 soldier
The Battle of Vercellae Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1725s 65.183.3 soldier
Troops on the March Jean-Baptiste Pater 1725 56.55.1
Troops at Rest Jean-Baptiste Pater 1725 56.55.2 tree
Christ Healing the Blindman Gerardus Duyckinck I 1725 2014.178
The Golden Age Jean-Baptiste Pater 1725s 1982.60.43 tree
Harbor Scene: An English Ship with Sails Loosened Firing a Gun Peter Monamy 1726s 60.94.2 ship
André François Alloys de Theys d'Herculais (1692–1779) Nicolas de Largillière 1727 1973.311.4
The Silver Tureen Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin 1728 59.9
Piazza San Marco Canaletto 1728s 1988.162 Venice
Piazza San Marco
St Mark's Basilica
St Mark's Campanile
St Mark's Clocktower
Piazzetta San Marco
The Triumph of Marius Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1729 65.183.1 horse
The Wedding of Stephen Beckingham and Mary Cox William Hogarth 1729 36.111
Francis Brinley John Smybert 1729 62.79.1 Francis Brinley
Mrs. Francis Brinley and Her Son Francis John Smybert 1729 62.79.2 orange blossom
Deborah Lyde Brinley
Francis Brinley, Jr.
Flora and Zephyr Jacopo Amigoni 1730s 1985.5
Saint Christopher Carrying the Infant Christ Giovanni Battista Piazzetta 1730s 67.187.90 Saint Christopher
Gustavus Hamilton (1710–1746), Second Viscount Boyne, in Masquerade Costume Rosalba Carriera 1730s 2002.22 Gustavus Hamilton, 2nd Viscount Boyne
The Fair at Bezons Jean-Baptiste Pater 1730 49.7.52 tree Jules Bache
Mrs. Vanderbank Christian Friedrich Zincke 1730 95.14.99
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1730 15.43.287 man
A Patrician and His Wife anonymous 1730 68.156
Candlestand and holder (guéridon) anonymous 1730 1975.1.2027 Robert Lehman
A Musical Gathering at the Court of the Elector Karl Albrecht of Bavaria Peter Jacob Horemans 1730 32.75.4 musical instrument
Nathaniel Byfield John Smybert 1730 24.109.87
Uvedale Tomkyns Price (1685–1764) and Members of His Family Bartholomew Dandridge 1731s 20.40
The Strong Family Charles Philips 1732 44.159
Young Lady with a Rose anonymous 1732 62.256.1
Soap Bubbles Jean-Baptiste-Siméon Chardin 1733s 49.24
Concert Champêtre Jean-Baptiste Pater 1734 37.27
Imaginary Landscape with the Palatine Hill from Campo Vaccino François Boucher 1734 1982.60.44
Hannah Pemberton John Smybert 1734 43.51
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1735 46.60
The Triumph of Mordecai Jean François de Troy 1736 07.225.285
Comedy Pierre Charles Trémolières 1736 1974.356.27
Brother Philippe's Geese Nicolas Lancret 1736 2004.86
Antiphonary anonymous 1736 25.120.345
The Hunt Breakfast Charles-André van Loo 1737 1995.317
Sir James Dashwood (1715–1779) Enoch Seeman 1737 56.190 James Dashwood
The Spring (La Source) Jean-Marc Nattier 1738 56.100.2
Autumn Ivy Ogata Kenzan 1740s 1975.268.67 leaf
The Empress Elizabeth of Russia (1709–1762) on Horseback, Attended by a Page Georg Cristoph Grooth 1740s 1978.554.2 Elizabeth of Russia
Russian Navy
A Woman with a Dog Giacomo Ceruti 1740s 30.15
A Female Allegorical Figure Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1740 1984.49
The Servant Justified Nicolas Lancret 1740 2004.85
The Death of Harmonia Jean-Baptiste Marie Pierre 1740 69.129
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1740 62.122.132
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1740 62.122.112
Teapot (a) and saucer (b) anonymous 1740 1975.1.1724 a,b leaf
Robert Lehman
Study for an Inkstand Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1740 1975.1.425 Robert Lehman
Bacchus and Ariadne Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1740s 1975.1.443 Robert Lehman
Venice: Santa Maria della Salute Canaletto 1740 59.38 Venice
Santa Maria della Salute
The Rebuke of Adam and Eve Charles-Joseph Natoire 1740 1987.279 tree
Christ Healing the Sick Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich 1742 85.9
Allegory of the Arts Jacob de Wit 1742 07.225.298
Double Portrait Presumed to Represent François de Jullienne (1722–1754) and His Wife (Marie Élisabeth de Séré de Rieux, 1724–1795) Charles-Antoine Coypel 1743 2011.84
Flora and Zephyr Jacob de Wit 1743 07.225.301
Vaprio d'Adda Bernardo Bellotto 1744 39.142 boat
Marie Françoise de La Cropte de St. Abre, Marquise d'Argence Jean-Marc Nattier 1744 58.102.1
Jean Marc Nattier (1685–1766) Louis Tocqué 1745s 55.205.1 Jean-Marc Nattier
The Mass of Saint Basil Pierre Subleyras 1746 2007.166
The Meeting Pietro Longhi 1746 36.16
The Letter Pietro Longhi 1746 14.32.1
The Temptation Pietro Longhi 1746 17.190.12
The Visit Pietro Longhi 1746 14.32.2
Pope Benedict XIV (Prospero Lambertini, 1675–1758) Pierre Subleyras 1746 2009.145 Benedict XIV
Tench Francis Robert Feke 1746 34.153
The Building of Westminster Bridge Samuel Scott 1747s 44.56 boat
A Masked Ball in Bohemia anonymous 1748 34.83.2
Capriccio with St. Paul's and Old London Bridge Antonio Joli 1748s 1970.212.2
Thomas (1740–1825) and Martha Neate (1741–after 1795) with His Tutor, Thomas Needham Joshua Reynolds 1748 1986.264.5
Mrs. Cadwallader Colden John Wollaston the Younger 1749 22.45.7
Mrs. Joseph Reade John Wollaston the Younger 1749 48.129.2
William Axtell John Wollaston the Younger 1749 1976.23.1 William Axtell
Card Players in a Drawing Room Pierre Louis Dumesnil 1749s 1976.100.8
Madame Marsollier and Her Daughter Jean-Marc Nattier 1749 45.172
Mrs. Horton, Later Viscountess Maynard (died 1814/15) Joshua Reynolds 1750s 45.59.3
Fantastic Landscape Francesco Guardi 1750s 41.80 boat
A Female Allegorical Figure Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1750s 1997.117.8
Portrait of a Woman Johann Nikolaus Grooth 1750s 22.174
The Rope Dance Léonard Defrance 1750s 71.105 William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1750s 41.35.2
Joseph Reade John Wollaston the Younger 1750s 48.129.1 Joseph Reade
The Bathing Pool Hubert Robert 1750s 17.190.29
Cadwallader Colden John Wollaston the Younger 1750s 22.45.6 Cadwallader Colden
Virgin of the Rosary of Guápulo anonymous 1750s 64.164.385 Virgin Mary
Jesus Christ
Saint Luke Painting the Virgin Georg Anton Urlaub 1750s 1975.1.874 Luke the Evangelist Robert Lehman
View of the Brenta, near Dolo Giovanni Battista Cimaroli 1750s 1975.1.91 Robert Lehman
Capriccio with an Island, a Tower, and Houses anonymous 1750s 1975.1.94 tree
Robert Lehman
Capriccio with a Circular Tower, Two Houses, and a Bridge anonymous 1750s 1975.1.92 boat Robert Lehman
Capriccio with a Square Tower and Two Houses anonymous 1750s 1975.1.93 house Robert Lehman
The Life of Christ anonymous 1750s 1975.1.1578 Robert Lehman
The Temptation of St. Anthony anonymous 1750s 1975.1.1577 Anthony the Great Robert Lehman
Water coupe anonymous 1750s 1975.1.1744 Robert Lehman
Small vase anonymous 1750s 1975.1.1742 flower Robert Lehman
The Supper at Emmaus anonymous 1750s 1975.1.1573 Robert Lehman
Flowers in a Blue Vase Willem van Leen 1750s 07.225.470 vase
The Temptation of Eros Angelica Kauffman 1750s 39.184.18
The Sacrifice of Isaac Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo 1750s 71.28 William T. Blodgett
Apollo and the Four Continents Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1750s
The Penitent Magdalen Corrado Giaquinto 1750 2006.54 Mary Magdalene
The Glorification of the Barbaro Family Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1750 23.128
Jean Charles Garnier d'Isle (1697–1755) Maurice Quentin de La Tour 1750 2002.439 Jean-Charles Garnier d'Isle
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1750 25.106.36
View of a Harbor anonymous 1750 62.122.75 boat
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1750 62.122.152
Louis XV (1710–1774), King of France anonymous 1750 62.122.84
The Hunting Party—New Jersey anonymous 1750 1979.299
The Deer Hunt anonymous 1750 1980.360.7 tree
Snuffbox anonymous 1750 1975.1.1548 Robert Lehman
The Dance Hubert Robert 1750s 17.190.28
The Fountain Hubert Robert 1750s 17.190.26
Arches in Ruins Hubert Robert 1750s 17.190.31
A Colonnade in Ruins Hubert Robert 1750s 17.190.32
The Return of the Cattle Hubert Robert 1750s 35.40.1
The Swing Hubert Robert 1750s 17.190.27 tree
Wandering Minstrels Hubert Robert 1750s 17.190.30
Aqueduct in Ruins Hubert Robert 1750s 07.225.264b
Bridge over a Cascade Hubert Robert 1750s 07.225.264a horse
The Interrupted Sleep François Boucher 1750 49.7.46 Jules Bache
John Isham anonymous 1750 46.50.1
The Investiture of Bishop Harold as Duke of Franconia Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1751 71.121 musical instrument William T. Blodgett
The Toilette of Venus François Boucher 1751 20.155.9
Henrietta Middleton Mary Roberts 1752 2007.65
Williams Middleton Mary Roberts 1752 2007.61
William Middleton Mary Roberts 1752 2007.62
Thomas Middleton Mary Roberts 1752 2007.63
Hester Middleton Mary Roberts 1752 2007.64
Allegory of the Planets and Continents Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1752 1977.1.3
Catherina Elmendorf anonymous 1752 2006.418 flower
Elizabeth Greenleaf John Singleton Copley 1753s 2002.612
John Greenleaf John Singleton Copley 1753s 2002.611 tree
Surprised, or Infidelity Found Out Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich 1753s 71.142 William T. Blodgett
Dog Guarding Dead Game Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1753 71.89 William T. Blodgett
Ducks Resting in Sunshine Jean-Baptiste Oudry 1753 71.57 William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Woman, Called the Marquise Perrin de Cypierre Jean-Marc Nattier 1753 1982.60.42
Allegory of Lyric Poetry François Boucher 1753 69.155.2 musical instrument
Allegory of Autumn François Boucher 1753 69.155.1
Interior of Saint Peter's, Rome Giovanni Paolo Panini 1754s 71.31 William T. Blodgett
Pleasure Anton Raphael Mengs 1754 2005.231 flower
The Return of Neptune John Singleton Copley 1754 59.198 horse
Mary Sylvester Joseph Blackburn 1754 16.68.2
Mrs. David Chesebrough Joseph Blackburn 1754 16.68.3
A Dance in the Country Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo 1755 1980.67
Admiral Adam Duncan (1731–1804) anonymous 1755 24.80.524
Archibald McCall John Hesselius 1755 2001.51
Landscape with Peasants at a Fountain Francesco Zuccarelli 1755s 59.189.1
Lake Nemi and Genzano from the Terrace of the Capuchin Monastery Richard Wilson 1756 05.32.3 tree
Broken Eggs Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1756 20.155.8
Madame de Maison-Rouge as Diana Jean-Marc Nattier 1756 03.37.3 woman
Sarah Ursula Rose Benjamin West 1756 64.309.2
Olivier Journu (1724–1764) Jean-Baptiste Perronneau 1756 2003.26
Ancient Rome Giovanni Paolo Panini 1757 52.63.1
Portrait of a Woman, Said to be Madame Charles Simon Favart (Marie Justine Benoîte Duronceray, 1727–1772) François-Hubert Drouais 1757 17.120.210
Gabriel Manigault Jeremiah Theus 1757 28.126.1
Mrs. Gabriel Manigault Jeremiah Theus 1757 28.126.2
Modern Rome Giovanni Paolo Panini 1757 52.63.2 Rome
Saint Thecla Praying for the Plague-Stricken Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1758s 37.165.2
Saint Margaret of Cortona Gaspare Traversi 1758 68.182
Mrs. Jacob Motte (Rebecca Brewton) Jeremiah Theus 1758 1997.340 Rebecca Brewton Motte
Watch: gallant scene in the Fragonard manner anonymous 1758 1975.1.1245 Robert Lehman
John St. Clair John Singleton Copley 1758 2012.355a, b
Les fêtes vénitiennes Gabriel de Saint-Aubin 1759s 1975.1.702 Robert Lehman
Moses Gill John Singleton Copley 1759 2006.1 Moses Gill
Putti with a Medallion Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen 1759s 07.225.438a putto
Putti with a Medallion Charles-Dominique-Joseph Eisen 1759s 07.225.438b putto
Pirna: The Obertor from the South Bernardo Bellotto 1760s 1991.306
The Reverend Philip Cocks (1735–1797) Johann Zoffany 1760s 2006.566
The Adoration of the Shepherds Christian Wilhelm Ernst Dietrich 1760s 71.162 William T. Blodgett
Count Giacomo Durazzo (1717–1794) in the Guise of a Huntsman with His Wife (Ernestine Aloisia Ungnad von Weissenwolff, 1732–1794) Martin van Meytens 1760s 50.50 Giacomo Durazzo
Portrait of a Woman as Diana anonymous 1760s 25.106.31
Folding fan anonymous 1760s 1975.1.1559 Robert Lehman
The Happy Mother Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1760 46.30
The Grand Canal above the Rialto Francesco Guardi 1760 71.119 boat William T. Blodgett
Santa Maria della Salute Francesco Guardi 1760 71.120 boat William T. Blodgett
Portrait of a Young Man Pompeo Batoni 1760 03.37.1
Teasing a Sleeping Girl Gaspare Traversi 1760 1976.100.19
Diana Carl Friedrich Thienpondt 1760 24.80.519
A Sea Nymph Carl Friedrich Thienpondt 1760 24.80.520
Hannah Mahady Jeremiah Meyer 1760 95.14.78
Mrs. Comyns John Smart 1760 59.23.76
Mrs. Caroline Deas John Smart 1760 59.23.79
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1760 62.122.27
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1760 62.122.72
Medea Rejuvenating Aeson Corrado Giaquinto 1760 2011.82
Samuel Verplanck anonymous 1760 40.176.1
The Stolen Kiss Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1760s 56.100.1 couple
lovers' embrace
Prudence anonymous 1760 43.85.21
A Virtue, Possibly Patriotism anonymous 1760 43.85.22
Fortitude anonymous 1760 43.85.24
Temperance anonymous 1760 43.85.23
Geometry Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1760 43.85.15
Grammar Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1760 43.85.16
Metaphysics Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1760 43.85.13
Virtue and Abundance Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1760 43.85.12
Arithmetic Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1760 43.85.14
James Badger Joseph Badger 1760 29.85
The Honorable Henry Fane (1739–1802) with Inigo Jones and Charles Blair Joshua Reynolds 1761s 87.16
Boy with a Black Spaniel François-Hubert Drouais 1761s 49.7.48 Jules Bache
The Departure of Saints Paula and Eustochium for the Holy Land Giuseppe Bottani 1761s 1991.445
Diana and Cupid Pompeo Batoni 1761 1982.438 Diana
Marie Rinteau, called Mademoiselle de Verrières François-Hubert Drouais 1761 49.7.47 Jules Bache
Mrs. Jacob Hurd and Child William Johnston 1762 64.114.2
Mrs. Samuel Cutts Joseph Blackburn 1762 1979.196.2 dress
Samuel Cutts Joseph Blackburn 1762 1979.196.1
Jacob Hurd William Johnston 1762 64.114.1
Madame Sophie de France (1734–1782) François-Hubert Drouais 1762 64.159.1
Mrs. Jerathmael Bowers John Singleton Copley 1763 15.128
Mrs. Andrew Symmes (Lydia Gale) anonymous 1763 68.222.31
Head of a Young Boy Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1763 32.100.137 Michael Friedsam
Jupiter, in the Guise of Diana, and Callisto François Boucher 1763 1982.60.45
Charles Claude de Flahaut (1730–1809), Comte d'Angiviller Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1763 66.28.1
Angelica and Medoro François Boucher 1763 1982.60.46 Angelica
Jean Jacques Caffieri (1725–1792) Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1763 56.55.3
Samuel Gardiner William Johnston 1763 1970.283.2 Samuel Gardiner
Mrs. Samuel Gardiner William Johnston 1763 1970.283.3 flower
The Chariot of Aurora Giovanni Battista Tiepolo 1764s 1997.117.7 horse
Anne Dashwood (1743–1830), Later Countess of Galloway Joshua Reynolds 1764 50.238.2
Portrait of a Lady Lawrence Kilburn 1764 2002.259
Mrs. Richard Galloway John Hesselius 1764 22.206
The Ridotto Pubblico at Palazzo Dandolo Francesco Guardi 1765 1997.117.5
Fantastic Landscape Francesco Guardi 1765 53.225.4 boat
The Antechamber of the Sala del Maggior Consiglio Francesco Guardi 1765 1997.117.4
Fantastic Landscape Francesco Guardi 1765 53.225.3 boat
Venice from the Bacino di San Marco Francesco Guardi 1765 65.181.8 boat
Figure Studies Francesco Guardi 1765 1975.1.340 Robert Lehman
Admiral Harry Paulet (1719/20–1794), Sixth Duke of Bolton Francis Cotes 1765s 39.65.5
Maria Luisa of Parma (1751–1819), Later Queen of Spain Laurent Pêcheux 1765 26.260.9 Maria Luisa of Parma
The Dispatch of the Messenger François Boucher 1765 44.141
Virgin and Child with the Young Saint John the Baptist and Angels François Boucher 1765 66.167 Child Saint John
The American School Matthew Pratt 1765 97.29.3 Benjamin West
Matthew Pratt
A River Landscape Edmé Charles de Lioux de Savignac 1766 24.80.525 river
A Picnic Edmé Charles de Lioux de Savignac 1766 24.80.527 picnic
Sir William Hood John Smart 1766 24.80.493
Boy of the Crossfield Family (Possibly Richard Crossfield) John Durand 1766 69.279.2 boy
Mrs. Sylvanus Bourne John Singleton Copley 1766 24.79
Aegina Visited by Jupiter Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1767 1970.295
Joseph Sherburne John Singleton Copley 1767 23.143
Queen Charlotte Thomas Gainsborough 1767s 49.7.55 Jules Bache
Mrs. Ralph Izard (Alice De Lancey, 1746/47–1832) Thomas Gainsborough 1767s 66.88.1
Portrait of a Woman Joshua Reynolds 1767s 42.152.1
John Hobart (1723–1793), 2nd Earl of Buckinghamshire Thomas Gainsborough 1767s 60.71.7
Lieutenant Colonel Paul Pechell (1724–1800) Thomas Gainsborough 1767s 1990.200
Portrait of a Young Woman as a Vestal Virgin François-Hubert Drouais 1767 65.242.2 flower
Portrait of a Woman Samuel Cotes 1767 62.122.33
Jeremiah Platt John Mare 1767 55.55
Susannah or Mary Bontecou John Durand 1768 62.256.6 Caucasian
Piazza San Marco Francesco Guardi 1768s 50.145.21 Piazza San Marco
Doge's Palace
St Mark's Campanile
Portrait of a Gentleman Henry Benbridge 1768s 1996.563
Shepherd's Idyll François Boucher 1768 53.225.1
Washerwomen François Boucher 1768 53.225.2 tree
George Capel, Viscount Malden (1757–1839), and Lady Elizabeth Capel (1755–1834) Joshua Reynolds 1768 48.181
The Third Duke of Dorset's Hunter with a Groom and a Dog George Stubbs 1768 1980.468 horse
The Two Sisters Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1769 53.61.5
A Woman with a Dog Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1769 37.118
Jeremiah Lee John Singleton Copley 1769 39.174
Christiana Stille Keen Matthew Pratt 1769 2008.243
Reynold Keen Matthew Pratt 1769 2008.244
Nine dessert plates anonymous 1769 1975.1.2514a-i flower Robert Lehman
Self-portrait miniature John Singleton Copley 1769 2006.235.32 John Singleton Copley
The Love Letter Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1770s 49.7.49 woman
love letter
Jules Bache
Portrait of a Young Woman, said to be Gabrielle de Caraman, Marquise de la Fare Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1770s 65.226
Portrait of a Young Woman, Called Miss Sparrow Thomas Gainsborough 1770s 17.120.224
Self-Portrait Richard Cosway 1770s 62.49 Richard Cosway
Portrait of a Woman James Jennings 1770s 62.122.35 woman
Head of a Bishop Gaetano Gandolfi 1770 2010.117
The Execution of Saint John the Baptist Ubaldo Gandolfi 1770 2014.566 John the Baptist
Portrait of a Woman Joseph Wright 1770 1986.264.6
Miss Ramus John Smart 1770 59.23.75
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1770 32.75.28
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1770 25.106.33
Portrait of a Gentleman Henry Benbridge 1770 69.202
Mrs. Clark anonymous 1770 28.209.3
Mrs. Michael Taney (Monica Brooke) Charles Willson Peale 1770 38.165.32
Portrait of a Boy, Probably of the Crossfield Family William Williams 1770 65.34
Richard Dana John Singleton Copley 1770 2014.440 Richard Dana
The Two Sisters Jean-Claude Richard 1770 1977.383
The Reverend Dr. Ezra Stiles Samuel King 1770 68.222.26
Mrs. Peter De Lancey Matthew Pratt 1771 57.38
Margaret Strachan (Mrs. Thomas Harwood) Charles Willson Peale 1771 33.24
Samuel Verplanck John Singleton Copley 1771 39.173
Daniel Crommelin Verplanck John Singleton Copley 1771 49.12
Gulian Verplanck John Singleton Copley 1771 49.13 Gulian Verplanck
The Glorification of the Royal Hungarian Saints Franz Anton Maulbertsch 1772 2007.28
The Afternoon Meal (La Merienda) Luis Egidio Meléndez 1772 1982.60.39
Young Woman Reading Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1772 53.161
John Dart Jeremiah Theus 1772 67.268.1
Mrs. John Dart Jeremiah Theus 1772 67.268.2
Mrs. Benjamin Simons Henry Benbridge 1772s 29.58
Abbé Charles Bossut (1730–1814) Pierre Pasquier 1772 25.106.20
The Painter Louis Joseph Maurice (1730–1820) Peter Adolf Hall 1772 95.14.53
Cadwallader Colden and His Grandson Warren De Lancey Matthew Pratt 1772 69.76
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792) anonymous 1773 62.122.60
The Outer Harbor of Brest Henri-Joseph Van Blarenberghe 1773 1978.493 ship
The Portico of a Country Mansion Hubert Robert 1773 35.40.2
A Woman with the Initials MCC John Bogle 1773 40.186.2
The Virgin of Guadalupe with the Four Apparitions Nicolás Enríquez 1773 2014.173
Portrait of William Duguid Prince Demah 1773 2010.105
The Virgin of El Camino with St. Fermín and St. Saturnino Nicolás Enríquez 1773 2014.172
Mrs. John Winthrop John Singleton Copley 1773 31.109
The Apparition of the Virgin of el Pilar to St. James Nicolás Enríquez 1773 2014.175
The Baptism of Christ Nicolás Enríquez 1773 2014.171
The Return of the Holy Family from Egypt Nicolás Enríquez 1773 2014.174
Stephen Hooper Henry Pelham 1773 25.98
Cavalier and Shepherd Francesco Giuseppe Casanova 1774s 07.225.253
A Man with the Initials AC John Bogle 1774 40.186.1
The Cascade Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1775 49.7.50 tree Jules Bache
A Shaded Avenue Jean-Honoré Fragonard 1775 49.7.51 tree Jules Bache
Domestic Scene anonymous 1775 1971.115.6
Portrait of a Boy Marie-Anne Fragonard 1775 60.14
Portrait of a Gentleman Charles Willson Peale 1775 26.129.1
Elizabeth Ann Timothy Henry Benbridge 1775 26.286
Portrait of a Woman Charles Willson Peale 1775 26.129.2
Lady Elizabeth Hamilton (1753–1797), Countess of Derby George Romney 1776 49.7.57 Elizabeth Smith-Stanley, Countess of Derby Jules Bache
Edward Smith Stanley (1752–1834), Twelfth Earl of Derby, with His First Wife (Lady Elizabeth Hamilton, 1753–1797) and Their Son (Edward Smith Stanley, 1775–1851) Angelica Kauffman 1776 59.189.2 Edward Smith-Stanley, 12th Earl of Derby
Elizabeth Smith-Stanley, Countess of Derby
Edward Smith-Stanley, 13th Earl of Derby
Self-Portrait Anton Raphael Mengs 1776 2010.445 Anton Raphael Mengs
Madame de Saint-Maurice Joseph Duplessis 1776 69.161
Joseph Donaldson Charles Willson Peale 1776 2006.235.124
William Gale Philip Leslie Hale 1776 68.222.30
Mrs. Joseph Donaldson (Frances Johnston) Charles Willson Peale 1776 2006.235.125
Ennion Williams Charles Willson Peale 1776 2006.235.128
Johann Joachim Winckelmann (1717–1768) Anton Raphael Mengs 1777 48.141
Portrait of a Gentleman Charles Willson Peale 1777 38.146.11
Major Greene, B.A. John Ramage 1777 63.35.2
George Washington Charles Willson Peale 1777 83.2.122 George Washington
Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790), after a Painting by Greuze of 1777 Charles Paul Jérôme de Bréa 1777 68.222.9 Benjamin Franklin
Mrs. Charlotte Lennox John Smart 1777 49.122.1
Samuel Mifflin Charles Willson Peale 1778s 22.153.1
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1778 25.106.37
Portrait of a Lady Charles Willson Peale 1778 2006.235.123
Watson and the Shark anonymous 1778 42.71.1 boat
Mrs. John Cox (Esther Bowes) Charles Willson Peale 1778 2006.235.315
Mrs. Charles Frederick (Martha Rigden, died 1794) George Romney 1778s 45.59.5
Portrait of a Man George Romney 1778s 50.169
Mrs. Samuel Mifflin and Her Granddaughter Rebecca Mifflin Francis Charles Willson Peale 1778s 22.153.2
George Washington Charles Willson Peale 1778s 97.33 George Washington
Battle of Trenton
Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) Joseph Duplessis 1778 32.100.132 Benjamin Franklin Michael Friedsam
Mrs. Grace Dalrymple Elliott (1754?–1823) Thomas Gainsborough 1778 20.155.1
Nathanael Greene Charles Willson Peale 1778 24.109.92 Nathanael Greene
General Henry Knox Charles Willson Peale 1778 68.222.5 Henry Knox
Man in a Green Coat Gilbert Stuart 1779 50.145.37
Great Indian Fruit Bat Bhawani Das 1779s 2008.312
Virgil's Tomb by Moonlight, with Silius Italicus Declaiming Joseph Wright 1779 2013.155 tree
Portrait of a Gentleman Henry Pelham 1779 2006.235.149
The Bell Inn George Morland 1780s 25.110.20
Anne Elizabeth Cholmley (1769–1788), Later Lady Mulgrave Gainsborough Dupont 1780s 49.7.56 Jules Bache
The Triumph of Bacchus Piat Sauvage 1780s 07.225.272
The Triumph of Bacchus anonymous 1780s 07.225.314a
Infant Bacchanal anonymous 1780s 07.225.314b
Capriccio Francesco Guardi 1780s 1974.356.28
Madame Jean-Baptiste Nicolet (Anne Antoinette Desmoulins, 1743–1817) Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1780s 55.205.2
Study Head of a Woman Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1780 71.91 William T. Blodgett
Charles Rousseau Burney (1747–1819) Thomas Gainsborough 1780 50.145.16 Charles Rousseau Burney
Princess Varvara Nikolaevna Gagarina (1762–1802) Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1780 65.242.3
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1780 25.106.34
Putti Harvesting Wheat anonymous 1780 62.122.74
Portrait of a Young Woman James Nixon 1780 39.122
Portrait of a Man Louis Marie Sicard 1780 25.106.13
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1780 17.120.119
Portrait of a Man Edme Quenedey des Ricets 1780 62.122.73
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1780 62.122.137
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Princess Apraxine anonymous 1780 62.122.138
Joseph II (1741–1790), Emperor of Austria Adam Ludwig d'Argent 1780 95.14.68 Joseph II
A Man with the Initials RH anonymous 1780 95.14.96
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1780 62.122.78
Portrait of a Man George Engleheart 1780 95.14.55
Portrait of a Gentleman John Ramage 1780 2006.235.155
Portrait of a Gentleman Henry Benbridge 1780 68.222.21
The Forge Léonard Defrance 1780s 71.93 William T. Blodgett
Vase of Flowers and Conch Shell Anne Vallayer-Coster 1780 07.225.504 vase
George Washington John Trumbull 1780 24.109.88 George Washington
Arthur St. Clair Charles Willson Peale 1780 32.110 Arthur St. Clair
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Emily Bertie Pott (died 1782) George Romney 1781 58.102.2
Miss Chambers Isabella Beetham 1782s 50.187.44
Mrs. George Baldwin (Jane Maltass, 1763–1839) anonymous 1782 06.1241
A Shipwreck in a Storm Jean-Baptiste Pillement 1782 56.7 ship
Admiral Sir Chaloner Ogle (1726–1816) George Romney 1782 53.220
George Washington James Peale 1782 85.1 George Washington
Siege of Yorktown
Portrait of Monsieur Aublet Guillaume Voiriot 1782s 2007.442
Captain George K. H. Coussmaker Joshua Reynolds 1782 20.155.3 horse
Telemachus and the Nymphs of Calypso Angelica Kauffman 1782 25.110.188 Telemachus
Thomas Willing Charles Willson Peale 1782 66.46
Anthony Butler Charles Willson Peale 1782 1974.151
Midshipman Augustus Brine John Singleton Copley 1782 43.86.4
George Washington James Peale 1782 2006.235.326 George Washington
Martha Washington James Peale 1782 2006.235.327 Martha Washington
Study for "Elkanah Watson" John Singleton Copley 1782 60.44.10 recto
The Glorification of the Giustiniani Family Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo 1783 13.2 musical instrument
Master Rees Goring Thomas anonymous 1783 15.30.35
Secretary anonymous 1783s 1975.1.2026 flower Robert Lehman
Madame Grand (Noël Catherine Verlée, 1761–1835) Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun 1783 50.135.2 Catherine Grand
The Sorrow of Telemachus Angelica Kauffman 1783 25.110.187 Telemachus
Mrs. Peter De Lancey (Elizabeth Colden, 1720–1784) George Engleheart 1783 38.146.16
Lady Williams and Child Ralph Earl 1783 06.179
Richard Montgomery Charles Willson Peale 1784 2006.235.126
Head of a Young Woman Jean-Baptiste Greuze 1784s 67.187.72
Georgiana Augusta Frederica Elliott (1782–1813), Later Lady Charles Bentinck Joshua Reynolds 1784 15.30.38
The Mouth of a Cave Hubert Robert 1784 17.190.25
Seascape Fantasy anonymous 1785s 1972.263.2 ship
Thomas Smith Gilbert Stuart 1785s 67.220
The Saithwaite Family Francis Wheatley 1785 2009.357
Portrait of a Gentleman Ezra Ames 1785 2006.235.62
James DeLancey Gilbert Stuart 1785 2008.467
Portrait of a Gentleman James Peale 1785 2006.235.139
Portrait of a Lady Robert Fulton 1785 2006.235.70
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1785 29.134.2
Portrait of a Gentleman William Verstille 1785 1992.311.1
George Heathcote Gilbert Stuart 1785 1986.264.1
Eliza Champlin anonymous 1785 2006.235.61
Gilbert Van Cortlandt John Ramage 1785 34.131
Governor George Clinton John Ramage 1785 59.122
John Maunsell John Ramage 1785 1991.90
Portrait of a Gentleman Nathaniel Hancock 1785 24.109.95 man
Snuffbox with Portrait of Unidentified Woman anonymous 1785 1975.1.1545 Robert Lehman
Self-Portrait with Two Pupils, Marie Gabrielle Capet (1761–1818) and Marie Marguerite Carreaux de Rosemond (died 1788) Adélaïde Labille-Guiard 1785 53.225.5 Adélaïde Labille-Guiard
Marie-Gabrielle Capet
Marie Marguerite Carraux de Rosemond
Eugène Joseph Stanislas Foullon d'Écotier (1753–1821) Antoine Vestier 1785 1983.405
Benjamin Franklin Dulieu du Chenevoux 1785 2006.235.63 Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin anonymous 1785 2006.235.64 Benjamin Franklin
Captain John Gell Gilbert Stuart 1785 2000.450
Mary Birch William Russell Birch 1785 28.209.1
View from the Villa d'Este, Tivoli anonymous 1786 2003.42.17
Thomas Witter John Ramage 1786 2006.235.157
Portrait of the Artist Gilbert Stuart 1786 26.16
Lady Lemon (1747–1823) George Romney 1786s 1975.1.235 Robert Lehman
Panaromic View of the Bacino di San Marco, Looking up the Giudecca Canal Francesco Guardi 1786s 1975.1.342 boat Robert Lehman
John Barker (1707–1787) Joshua Reynolds 1786 54.192
Flowers by a Stone Vase Pieter Faes 1786 48.187.737 vase
Flowers in a Stone Vase Pieter Faes 1786 48.187.738 vase
Lady with a Dog Mather Brown 1786 64.129
John Brown Robert Fulton 1786 36.34
Mrs. Bryan Cooke (Frances Puleston, 1765–1818) George Romney 1787 45.59.4
Mrs. George Horsley (Charlotte Mary Talbot, died 1828) anonymous 1787 39.65.1
Madame Élisabeth de France (1764–1794) Adélaïde Labille-Guiard 1787 2007.441
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1787 25.106.29
Joseph Howell, Jr. Charles Peale Polk 1787 1982.373
William Few John Ramage 1787 2006.235.154 William Few
Condesa de Altamira and Her Daughter, María Agustina Francisco Goya 1787s 1975.1.148 woman
Robert Lehman
The Death of Socrates Jacques-Louis David 1787 31.45 Trial of Socrates
Don Manuel Osorio de Zuniga Francisco Goya 1787 49.7.41 boy
house cat
Jules Bache
A Boy with a Cat—Morning Thomas Gainsborough 1787 89.15.8
Cottage Children (The Wood Gatherers) Thomas Gainsborough 1787 50.145.17
Lady Smith (Charlotte Delaval) and Her Children (George Henry, Louisa, and Charlotte) Joshua Reynolds 1787 25.110.10
Alexandre Charles Emmanuel de Crussol-Florensac (1743–1815) Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun 1787 49.7.53 Jules Bache
Louis XVI (1754–1793), King of France anonymous 1787 32.75.10 Louis XVI of France, Versailles
Mrs. William Few (Catherine Nicholson) John Ramage 1787 2006.235.303
Mrs. John Puget (Catherine Hawkins) anonymous 1787-12 50.145.18
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792) Archibald Robertson 1788s 24.21
Portrait of Antoine-Laurent Lavoisier and his wife Jacques-Louis David 1788 1977.10 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier
Marie-Anne Pierrette Paulze
James Peale Charles Willson Peale 1788 68.222.4
James Bleecker John Ramage 1788 2003.64.1a–d
Mrs. James Bleecker (Elizabeth Garland Bache) John Ramage 1788 2002.476.2
Thomas Jefferson John Trumbull 1788 24.19.1 Thomas Jefferson
Lake Fucino and the Abruzzi Mountains Jean-Joseph-Xavier Bidauld 1789 2003.42.4 Fucine Lake
Alexandre Théodore Victor (1760–1829), Comte de Lameth Jean-Urbain Guérin 1789 61.77
George Washington John Ramage 1789 24.109.93 George Washington
Portrait of a Military Family anonymous 1789 1975.1.149 Robert Lehman
Hagar and Ishmael Benjamin West 1789s 95.22.8
The Sortie Made by the Garrison of Gibraltar, 1789 John Trumbull 1789 1976.332 soldier
The Sacrifice of Iphigenia Gaetano Gandolfi 1789 2015.46 The Sacrifice of Iphigenia
Mrs. Lewis Thomas Watson (Mary Elizabeth Milles, 1767–1818) Joshua Reynolds 1789 1987.47.2
The Interior of an Atelier of a Woman Painter Marie-Victoire Lemoine 1789 57.103 palette
art of painting
The Triumph of Aemilius Paulus Carle Vernet 1789 06.144 horse
Comtesse de la Châtre (Marie Charlotte Louise Perrette Aglaé Bontemps, 1762–1848) Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun 1789 54.182
Elie Williams Charles Willson Peale 1789 67.242
Esther Boardman Ralph Earl 1789 1991.338
Elijah Boardman Ralph Earl 1789 1979.395 Elijah Boardman
Self-portrait James Peale 1789 2006.235.133 James Peale
Portrait of a Woman; (reverse, now covered by relining canvas) Study of a Child's Head John Hoppner 1790s 06.1242
Dancing Dogs anonymous 1790 52.11
François Gérard (1770–1837), later Baron Gérard Antoine-Jean Gros 1790 2002.441
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1790 25.106.19
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1790 26.168.63
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1790 26.168.64
Portrait of a Child anonymous 1790 26.168.65
Portrait of a Child anonymous 1790 26.168.66
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1790 26.168.67
Caroline Maria Therese of Parma (1770–1804) anonymous 1790 26.168.68
Portrait of a Child anonymous 1790 26.168.69
Portrait of a Child anonymous 1790 26.168.70
Portrait of a Man, Said to Be John Durham James Barry 1790 62.122.40
Portrait of a Man Jean-Pierre-Frédéric Barrois 1790 17.134.8 Ella Church Strobell
Portrait of a Man John Barry 1790 30.111.1
Portrait of a Woman John Barry 1790 30.111.2 woman
Portrait of a Woman Villers 1790 26.168.55 woman
Madame Ingouf Vincent 1790 15.43.298 woman
Portrait of a Woman, Possibly Barbara (1768–1829), Marchioness of Donegall Anne Mee 1790 17.190.1150
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Lady Sophia Boyle Anne Mee 1790 95.14.60
Portrait of a Woman James Nixon 1790 62.122.42
Portrait of a Young Woman anonymous 1790 25.106.6
Portrait of a Girl Sampson Towgood Roch 1790 95.14.72
Portrait of a Young Woman Peter Adolf Hall 1790 26.168.45
Portrait of a Man Jeanne-Philiberte Ledoux 1790 1972.145.11
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1790 24.80.533
Self-Portrait of an Unidentified Artist anonymous 1790 62.122.76
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1790 55.111.4
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1790 24.80.514
Maria Louisa (1745–1792), Empress of Austria Heinrich Füger 1790 41.68
Marquis de Lafayette (1757–1834) anonymous 1790 68.222.24
Gulian Ludlow John Ramage 1790 26.125.1
Jonathan Dwight anonymous 1790 61.90
Joseph Barrell Jr. William Verstille 1790 2006.235.266
Portrait of a Gentleman John Ramage 1790 95.14.70
Elijah Boardman John Ramage 1790 1989.204 Elijah Boardman
George Washington Charles Peale Polk 1790 24.109.81 George Washington
Theophylact Bache John Ramage 1790 2003.64.2a, b
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1790 2006.235.314
George Henry Remsen William Verstille 1790 68.222.10
Joseph Barrell, Jr. (1765-1801) anonymous 1790 2007.362a, b
T. Matthew Pratt anonymous 1790 2006.235.260
Thomas Mifflin John Trumbull 1790 68.222.15
George Johnston anonymous 1790 2006.235.182
Mrs. Charles Willson Peale (Rachel Brewer) Charles Willson Peale 1790 68.222.3
Mrs. Gulian Ludlow (Maria Ludlow) John Ramage 1790 26.125.2
Stephen Salisbury Nathaniel Hancock 1790 12.220 Stephen Salisbury I
A Man with the Initials JD Villers 1790 25.106.21 man
Louis XVI (1754–1793), King of France Jean-Laurent Mosnier 1790 62.122.69 Louis XVI of France, Versailles
The Reader Jean-Baptiste Isabey 1790 25.106.7 book
Sally Sanford Perit Reuben Moulthrop 1790 65.254.2
General George Eliott Mather Brown 1790 2004.276
Mrs. Charles Willson Peale (Rachel Brewer) and Baby Eleanor Charles Willson Peale 1790 2006.235.127
Lady with Her Pets (Molly Wales Fobes) Rufus Hathaway 1790 63.201.1
Job Perit Reuben Moulthrop 1790 65.254.1
Marinus Willett Ralph Earl 1791 17.87.1 Marinus Willett
Portrait of Marianne Dorothy Harland (1759–1785), Later Mrs. William Dalrymple Richard Cosway 1791s 69.104 Marianne Dorothy Harland
Elizabeth Farren (born about 1759, died 1829), Later Countess of Derby Thomas Lawrence 1791 50.135.5 Elizabeth Farren
William Man Godschall (1720–1802) John Russell 1791 61.182.1 William Man Godschall
Self-Portrait with a Harp Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux 1791 67.55.1 Rose-Adélaïde Ducreux
Mrs. William Man Godschall (Sarah Godschall, 1730–1795) John Russell 1791 61.182.2
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Lady Agnes Anne Wrothesley Horace Hone 1791 62.122.28
Mrs. John McAllister (Frances Wardale) James Peale 1791 2006.235.131
Portrait of a Gentleman James Peale 1791 2006.235.141
Portrait of a Lady James Peale 1791 41.36
George Washington before the Battle of Trenton John Trumbull 1792 22.45.9 horse
Johnathan Trumbull James Peale 1792 38.146.14
Giuseppe Ceracchi John Trumbull 1792 36.35 Giuseppe Ceracchi
Horatio Gates Gilbert Stuart 1792s 1977.243 Horatio Gates
Portrait of Sebastián Martínez y Pérez Francisco Goya 1792 06.289 Sebastián Martínez y Pérez
Sir Joshua Reynolds (1723–1792) Thomas Peat 1792 32.75.8 Joshua Reynolds
Alexander Hamilton John Trumbull 1792 2013.454 Alexander Hamilton Metropolitan Museum of Art
Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art
The Damsel and Orlando Benjamin West 1793 95.22.5 Roland
Augustus Vallette Van Horne, Jr. Walter Robertson 1793 23.80.85
Mrs. Richard Bache (Sarah Franklin, 1743–1808) John Hoppner 1793 01.20
John Shaw Gilbert Stuart 1793 2005.462.1
Portrait of a Woman Frédéric Dubois 1793-09-22 62.122.66 woman
Mrs. Richard Alexander Oswald (Louisa Johnston, ?born about 1760, died 1797) Henry Raeburn 1794 1980.305
Egbert Benson John Vanderlyn 1794 33.120.619 Egbert Benson
Portrait of a Gentleman Walter Robertson 1794 2006.235.159
Jasper Ely Cropsey Ebenezer Mack 1794 2000.70 Jasper Ely Cropsey
Mrs. Richard Brinsley Sheridan (Hester Jane Ogle, 1775/76–1817) and Her Son (Charles Brinsley Sheridan, 1796–1843) John Hoppner 1794s 65.203
Richard Humphreys, the Boxer John Hoppner 1794s 53.113
View of Pantheon Ferdinando Partini 1794 Pantheon
Piazza della Rotonda
Fontana del Pantheon
Mrs. John Sevier, Jr. (Rebecca Richards) James Peale 1794 1974.30
Matilda Stoughton de Jaudenes Gilbert Stuart 1794 07.76
Joseph Griffiths anonymous 1794 1985.141.8
Benjamin Lincoln James Peale 1794 68.222.8
Benjamin Franklin anonymous 1794 2006.235.313
Memorial to Mary Long John Ramage 1794 24.109.96
Josef de Jaudenes y Nebot Gilbert Stuart 1794 07.75 Josef de Jaudenes y Nebot
Matthew Clarkson Gilbert Stuart 1794 38.61
Portrait of a Gentleman James Peale 1794 2006.235.140
Washington Reviewing the Western Army at Fort Cumberland, Maryland anonymous 1795s 63.201.2
A Hunter with a Dog Mortier 1795 25.106.15 man
Portrait of a Young Woman anonymous 1795 25.106.16
Portrait of a Woman Jean-Baptiste Isabey 1795 62.122.88
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1795 62.122.70
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be the Comtesse de Guiche anonymous 1795 26.168.41
Portrait of a Gentleman William Franks 1795 49.67
Joseph Anthony Jr. Gilbert Stuart 1795 05.40.1
Portrait of a Lady Lawrence Sully 1795 2006.235.197 woman
William Loughton Smith Archibald Robertson 1795 2006.235.160
Clarissa Storrs William Verstille 1795 39.149
Jonathan Snelling anonymous 1795 68.222.28
Mrs. James Bleecker (Sarah Bache) John Ramage 1795 2002.476.1
Memorial Brooch anonymous 1795 32.134.2
Portrait of a Gentleman Archibald Robertson 1795 2006.235.158
Mrs. Ethan Stone (Abigail Maria Storrs) William Verstille 1795 39.132
Mrs. Abijah Cheever (Elizabeth Scott) Nathaniel Hancock 1795 2006.235.318 woman
Cornelius George Bowler Edward Malbone 1795 40.155
John Quincy Adams anonymous 1795 95.14.120
Samuel Low anonymous 1795 20.130.4
Frederick Kuhl William Verstille 1795 2006.235.261
Portrait of a Gentleman William Verstille 1795 2006.235.265
Lieutenant Colonel Elias Parker William Verstille 1795 2006.235.262
Portrait of a Gentleman William Verstille 1795 2006.235.264
Portrait of a Gentleman William Russell Birch 1795 2006.235.11
Portrait of a Gentleman James Peale 1795 2006.235.138
John Henry Remsen anonymous 1795 68.222.7
James Smith Livingston Archibald Robertson 1795 65.18
Pierre Van Cortlandt Jr. Archibald Robertson 1795 68.222.11
Mrs. Gabriel Manigault (Margaret Izard) Walter Robertson 1795 28.169.2
Portrait of a Lady Walter Robertson 1795 95.14.112
Mary House Mary Way 1795 65.84 girl
Covered Cup and Saucer anonymous 1795 1975.1.2313a-c Robert Lehman
Mrs. Joseph Anthony Jr. (Henrietta Hillegas) Gilbert Stuart 1795s 05.40.2
Self-Portrait George Romney 1795 15.30.37 George Romney
Marie-Thérèse-Charlotte (1778–1851), Daughter of Louis XVI Jacques-Joseph de Gault 1795 62.122.67 Marie Thérèse Charlotte of France
Portrait of a Man, Said to Be James Madison (1751–1836) Annibal Christian Loutherbourg 1795 95.14.94 James Madison
Nathaniel Pearce Edward Malbone 1795 2006.235.106
George Washington Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller 1795 24.109.82 George Washington
George Washington Gilbert Stuart 1795 07.160 George Washington
Mrs. William Bingham (Anne Willing) William Russell Birch 1795 2006.235.16
Mrs. John Garden (Ann Garden, 1769–1842) and Her Children, John (1796–1854) and Ann Margaret (born 1793) John Hoppner 1796s 15.30.41
Madame Jean-Baptiste Isabey (Jeanne Laurice de Salienne, died 1829) Jean-Baptiste Isabey 1796 32.75.20
Mrs. Whaley (died 1798, Isle of Man) John Hoppner 1796s 47.138
The Night-Hag Visiting Lapland Witches Henry Fuseli 1796 1980.411
The Sackville Children John Hoppner 1796 53.59.3 George Sackville, 4th Duke of Dorset
Elizabeth Sackville-West, Countess De La Warr
William Jonas Keen James Peale 1796 2006.235.129
William Kerin Constable Gilbert Stuart 1796 43.86.2
Richard Thomas III James Peale 1796 31.118
Moses Cox James Peale 1796 68.222.6
Portrait of a Boy anonymous 1797s 2006.235.255
Don Bernardo de Iriarte (1735–1814) anonymous 1797 50.145.19 Bernardo de Iriarte
Mrs. John Nightingale (Martha Washington Greene) Edward Malbone 1797 95.14.100
Governor George Clinton Thomas Bluget de Valdenuit 1797 40.167.1
Mrs. George Clinton (Cornelia Tappen) Thomas Bluget de Valdenuit 1797 40.167.2
Mrs. Joseph Cooper (Mary Justice) James Peale 1797 2006.235.143
John Langdon Sullivan Edward Malbone 1797 38.165.29
Portrait of a Girl Philippe Abraham Peticolas 1797 2006.235.152
Pryor Smallwood James Peale 1798 2006.235.134
Portrait of a Gentleman Benjamin Trott 1798 2006.235.207
George Washington Gilbert Stuart 1798 43.86.1 George Washington
William Smallwood James Peale 1798 2006.235.135
James G. Almy Edward Malbone 1798 28.47.1
Mrs. James G. Almy (Myra Eliot) Edward Malbone 1798 28.47.2
Monsignor Giuseppe Spina (1756–1828) Angelica Kauffman 1798 2016.392 Giuseppe Spina
Fukurokuju Katsukawa Shunshō 1798 1975.268.131 Fukurokuju
Louis-Marie, Vicomte de Noailles Gilbert Stuart 1798 1970.262 horse
Alexander Murray anonymous 1798 25.29
Mrs. Jonathan Pinkney, Jr. (Elizabeth Munroe) James Peale 1798 25.117.2
Gouverneur Morris Pierre Henri 1798 2006.235.84
Jonathan Pinkney, Jr. James Peale 1798 25.117.1
Portrait of a Gentleman Philippe Abraham Peticolas 1798 2004.109
Mrs. Noah Smith and Her Children Ralph Earl 1798 64.309.1
Curtis Clay James Peale 1798 2006.235.132
The Angel Appearing to Zacharias William Blake 1799s 51.30.1 angel
Cup and saucer anonymous 1799 1975.1.1604a,b Robert Lehman
Lady Maitland (Catherine Connor, died 1865) Henry Raeburn 1799s 53.180
James Johnston of Straiton (died 1841) Henry Raeburn 1799s 65.181.13
Alexander Maconochie (1777–1861) of Meadowbank Henry Raeburn 1799s 60.94.1
John Gray (1731–1811) of Newholm Henry Raeburn 1799s 60.71.13 John Gray
Janet Law Henry Raeburn 1799s 46.13.5 Helen Swift Neilson
Mrs. Thomas Pechell (Charlotte Clavering, died 1841) John Hoppner 1799 46.13.4 Helen Swift Neilson
Major Thomas Pechell (1753–1826) John Hoppner 1799 46.13.3 Helen Swift Neilson
Sharp Delany Robert Field 1799 31.51
Portrait of a Gentleman James Peale 1799 2006.235.142
Portrait of a Gentleman Raphaelle Peale 1799 2006.235.146
Vase of Flowers in a Niche anonymous 1800s 07.225.461 vase
The Cascade anonymous 1800s 60.71.21
The Country Dance anonymous 1800s 60.71.20
Harbor Scene with a Grotto and Fishermen Hauling in Nets anonymous 1800s 48.187.739 boat
Cambyses Appointing Otanes Judge anonymous 1800s 00.16
Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) anonymous 1800s 95.21
Children Playing with a Goat anonymous 1800s 07.225.257 Infants playing with a He-goat
Venice: The Rialto anonymous 1800s 1982.60.15 boat
Girl Building a House of Cards anonymous 1800s 91.26.1
Portrait of a Man Gaspare Traversi 1800s 29.100.179 Louisine Havemeyer
Venice: The Dogana and Santa Maria della Salute anonymous 1800s 1982.60.14 boat
Cartoon for the Back of a Tapestry Settee anonymous 1800s 1975.39
Caroline of Ansbach (1683–1737), Consort of George II of Great Britain and Ireland anonymous 1800s 55.107.1
Nuns at Work anonymous 1800s 1982.60.13
The Dormition of the Virgin Ioannes Mokos 1800s 33.79.17 Dormition of the Mother of God Day
Stormy Sky Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes 1800s 2009.400.118
Waterfalls at Terni Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes 1800s 2009.400.119
Waterfalls and Rocks at Terni Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes 1800s 2009.400.111
View in the Roman Campagna (Colonna?) Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes 1800s 2009.400.115
View in the Roman Campagna Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes 1800s 2009.400.114
Study of Trees and Bushes Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes 1800s 2009.400.117
All Saints anonymous 1800s 31.67.9
Portrait of a Woman in a Rose Dress anonymous 1800s 48.187.731
Portrait of a Man in a Brown Coat anonymous 1800s 48.187.732
Portrait of a Woman Holding a Book anonymous 1800s 48.187.734 book
Three Female Saints anonymous 1800s 1972.145.31
The Resurrection of Christ and the Harrowing of Hell anonymous 1800s 1972.145.32
William Paulet Carey (1759–1839) anonymous 1800s 68.222.12 William Paulet Carey
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1800s 62.122.154
Portrait of a Boy anonymous 1800s 62.122.32
Portrait of an Officer Imitator of John Smart 1800s 41.191.2 Caucasian
military officer
Pierre Louis Dubus (1721–1799), Called Préville, of the Comédie-Française anonymous 1800s 57.54
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1800s 62.122.113
Pavilion by the Lake anonymous 1800s 15.96.2 house
Jérôme Bonaparte (1784–1860), King of Westphalia Giacomo Andreoli 1800s 42.53.2 Jérôme Bonaparte
French people
Portrait of a Woman F. Carbonara 1800s 32.75.7 woman
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1800s 2006.235.235
James Stuart Joseph Wood 1800s 2006.235.277
Memorial to Peter Philip Walter Samuel Folwell 1800s 1989.228a, b
Hope anonymous 1800s 32.134.3
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1800s 2006.235.237
Self Portrait anonymous 1800s 2014.512 anonymous
Ferdinand VII (1784–1833), When Prince of Asturias Francisco Goya 1800 51.70
José Costa y Bonells (died l870), Called Pepito Francisco Goya 1800 61.259
Infanta María Luisa (1782–1824) and Her Son Carlos Luis (1799–1883) anonymous 1800 30.95.243
A Girl with a Basket of Birds anonymous 1800 24.80.488
Portrait of a Woman with Tapestry Work anonymous 1800 95.14.50
Portrait of a Woman Charles Etienne Leguay 1800 26.168.9
Portrait of a Woman Peter Edward Stroehling 1800 50.57
William Forsyth (1749–1814) Henry Raeburn 1800 96.30.5
Edward C. Cunningham Lawrence Sully 1800 2006.235.199 man
Memorial anonymous 1800 2006.235.227 tree
Portrait of a Gentleman Raphaelle Peale 1800 2006.235.116
Portrait of a Lady James Peale 1800 2006.235.144
John R. Murray Gilbert Stuart 1800 50.213
William Udall Archibald Robertson 1800 1992.311.2
The Artist's Family Pierre Henri 1800 2000.25 boy
George Bethune Edward Malbone 1800 2006.235.102
Hunting Scene anonymous 1800 37.84 tree
William Conklin anonymous 1800 30.49.7
Nathaniel Griffing anonymous 1800 20.86
Miss Annis Lawrence Sully 1800 2006.235.200 girl
Portrait of a Child De Majo 1800 2006.235.291 child
Portrait of a Lady Robert Field 1800 2006.235.67
Portrait of a Gentleman Raphaelle Peale 1800 2006.235.147
George Washington Robert Field 1800 24.109.90 George Washington
The Picnic anonymous 1800 66.242.2 boat
Covered cup and saucer Anton Kothgaßner 1800 1975.1.1605a-c boat Robert Lehman
Landscape with Cattle Jacob van Strij 1800s 91.26.8
View on the Quirinal Hill, Rome Simon Denis 1800 2003.42.20 tree
William Cross anonymous 1800 2006.235.218
Portrait of a Gentleman Jeremiah Paul 1800 2009.322
Portrait of the Artist John Vanderlyn 1800 18.118 John Vanderlyn
Mrs. John Montgomery (Sarah Diemer) Raphaelle Peale 1800 33.158
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1801 2006.235.247
Portrait of Charlotte du Val d'Ognes Marie-Denise Villers 1801 17.120.204 woman Isaac Dudley Fletcher
Mrs. Robert Shurlock (Henrietta Ann Jane Russell, 1775–1849) and Her Daughter Ann John Russell 1801 67.132
Mrs. Robert Shurlock Sr. (Ann Manwaring) John Russell 1801 1975.217.2
Robert Shurlock (1772–1847) John Russell 1801 67.131
Portrait of a Man Jean Baptist Ponce Lambert 1801 25.106.27
The Hours Samuel Shelley 1801 26.168.71
Joel Roberts Poinsett Edward Malbone 1801 38.165.30 Joel Roberts Poinsett
Portrait of a Young Woman Mather Brown 1801 65.235
Self Portrait William M. S. Doyle 1801 68.222.20 William M. S. Doyle
Moses Shown the Promised Land Benjamin West 1801 69.73
Mrs. James Lowndes (Catherine Osborn) Edward Malbone 1801 14.51
William Fraser of Reelig (1784–1835) Henry Raeburn 1801 1975.1.234 Robert Lehman
Mrs. Thomas Sully (Sarah Annis) Thomas Sully 1802 28.169.1
Mrs. Anstis Stone William Verstille 1802 2006.235.263
Mrs. Marinus Willett and Her Son Marinus, Jr. John Vanderlyn 1802 17.87.2
Eye of Maria Miles Heyward Edward Malbone 1802 2009.243 eye
The Banks of the Rance, Brittany Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes 1802s 2003.42.54 tree
Madame Philippe Panon Desbassayns de Richemont (Jeanne Eglé Mourgue, 1778–1855) and Her Son, Eugène (1800–1859) Marie-Guillemine Benoist 1802 53.61.4
Henry Hope (1735/36–1811), after Jones Henry Bone 1802 24.80.521
Francis Depau James Peale 1802 63.182.1
Susan Poinsett Edward Malbone 1802 38.165.31
Charles Goldsborough Robert Field 1802 1991.272 Charles Goldsborough
The American Star (George Washington) Frederick Kemmelmeyer 1803 62.256.7
George Washington Gilbert Stuart 1803 88.18 George Washington
Albert Gallatin Gilbert Stuart 1803 08.90 Albert Gallatin
Classical Landscape with Figures Jean-Victor Bertin 1803 2003.42.3
Madame Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord (1761–1835) François Gérard 1804 2002.31 Catherine Grand
Piazza San Marco, Looking toward the Basicila Giacomo Guardi 1804 1975.1.345 Robert Lehman
Piazza San Marco, Looking toward the Church of San Gemignano Giacomo Guardi 1804 1975.1.346 Robert Lehman
San Pietro di Castello Giacomo Guardi 1804 1975.1.354 boat Robert Lehman
The Island of L'Anconetta, on the Way to Mestre, with the Church of La Madonnetta Giacomo Guardi 1804 1975.1.359 boat Robert Lehman
Campo Santi Giovanni e Paolo, Looking Toward the Scuola di San Marco Giacomo Guardi 1804 1975.1.348 boat Robert Lehman
View of Murano Giacomo Guardi 1804 1975.1.364 boat Robert Lehman
Josefa de Castilla Portugal y van Asbrock de Garcini (1775–about 1850) Francisco Goya 1804 55.145.2
Ignacio Garcini y Queralt (1752–1825), Brigadier of Engineers Francisco Goya 1804 55.145.1
Elizabeth Bushby Andrew Plimer 1804 26.168.59
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Emma (1765–1815), Lady Hamilton Adam Buck 1804 95.14.81
Dusk, Monte Mario, Rome François Marius Granet 1804 2009.400.70
Sarah Louisa Jenkins Robert Field 1804 46.169
Robert Gilmor Sr. Robert Field 1804 24.109.91
Robert Stuart Robert Field 1804 39.141
Portrait of a Gentleman William M. S. Doyle 1804 50.187.46
Portrait of a Woman William Beechey 1805 05.32.1
View in the Stables of the Villa of Maecenas, Tivoli François Marius Granet 1805 2007.164.3
Robert Shurlock (1772–1847) anonymous 1805 1975.217.1
Portrait of a Woman Jacques Delaplace 1805 33.136.8 flower
Portrait of a Man, Said to Be Mr. De Wolf George Engleheart 1805 11.218
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1805 1985.141.7
Mrs. Fox Benjamin Trott 1805 29.134.1
Portrait of a Gentleman and His Daughter Francois M. Guyol de Guiran 1805 2001.95 Caucasian
Abraham Bickley anonymous 1805 2006.235.317
Edward and Sarah Rutter Joshua Johnson 1805 65.254.3 boy
Fragaria ×ananassa
Mrs. Nathaniel Bowen (Margaret Blake) Jean Francois De Vallee 1805 37.54.2 woman
Portrait of a Lady Adolf Ulrik Wertmüller 1805 2003.191
Johannis Van Kouwenhoven anonymous 1805 48.56.2
Gerrit Van Kouwenhoven anonymous 1805 48.56.1
Madame Jerome Bonaparte (Elizabeth Patterson) anonymous 1805 2000.359
Peter Gilman Odlin Raphaelle Peale 1805 1986.29
Self-portrait Thomas Gimbrede 1805 38.146.7 Thomas Gimbrede
Captain Graham Andrew Robertson 1805 27.217
Emma Van Name Joshua Johnson 1805 2016.116 girl
Alexander Hamilton John Trumbull 1805s 81.11
William Robertson (1753–1835), Lord Robertson Henry Raeburn 1805 50.145.32 William Robertson
The Children of Martin Anton Heckscher: Johann Gustav Wilhelm Moritz (1797–1865), Carl Martin Adolph (1796–1850), and Leopold (born 1792) Johann Heinrich Wilhelm Tischbein 1805 2002.564
Mrs. William Wortley Worsley (Rebecca Smith) Thomas Sully 1805 44.107
Rudolphus Bogert Parmenas Howell 1806 69.187
Mrs. Robert Macomb (Mary Cornell Pell ) Edward Malbone 1806 63.122.2
William Eustis Gilbert Stuart 1806 46.28
John Murray John Trumbull 1806 22.76.1
Mrs. John Murray John Trumbull 1806 22.76.2
Robert Macomb Edward Malbone 1806 63.122.1
Cup and saucer anonymous 1806 1975.1.1606a,b Robert Lehman
George IV (1762–1830), When Prince of Wales William Beechey 1806s 1986.264.3
An Interesting Story (Miss Ray) William Wood 1806 95.14.95 book
Mrs. Phineas Miller (Catherine Littlefield) Joseph-Pierre Picot de Limoelan de Cloriviere 1806 95.14.101
Study for "Portrait of an Indian" Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson 1807 1997.371
Gentleman of the Hale Family William Jennys 1807 66.242.18
J. W. Gale Anson Dickinson 1807 15.43.297
William Burrows Anson Dickinson 1807 2006.235.39
The Grandchildren of Sir William Heathcote, 3rd Baronet William Owen 1807s 1986.264.4
Lady Hester King (died 1873) John Hoppner 1807s 59.189.3
Dr. Henry Nicolls Kitchin James Peale 1807 2006.235.130
Portrait of a Gentleman Horace Hone 1807 2006.235.274
William Young James Peale 1807 2006.235.145
Mrs. Robert Dickey (Anne Brown) John Wesley Jarvis 1808s 69.22.2
The Billiard Room Nicolas-Antoine Taunay 1808 1982.60.49
Cyrus Mansfield Samuel Morse 1808 2006.235.114
Portrait of a Lady Joseph-Pierre Picot de Limoelan de Cloriviere 1808 25.106.12
Mr. Rutherford anonymous 1808 68.222.19
Cup and saucer anonymous 1808 1975.1.1607a,b Robert Lehman
Robert Dickey John Wesley Jarvis 1808s 69.22.1
George Harley Drummond (1783–1855) Henry Raeburn 1808s 49.142
Majas on a Balcony Francisco Goya 1808 29.100.10 balcony
Spanish costume
Louisine Havemeyer
Monks in the Cloister of the Church of Gesù e Maria, Rome François Marius Granet 1808 2003.42.36
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord (1754–1838), Prince de Bénévent François Gérard 1808 2012.348 Charles-Maurice de Talleyrand-Périgord
writing desk
Thomas Howard (1585–1646), Second Earl of Arundel, after Rubens Henry Bone 1808 95.14.82
Portrait of a Woman Karl August Senff 1808 24.80.511
Portrait of a Woman Joseph Bordes 1808 95.14.51
Portrait of a Gentleman William M. S. Doyle 1808 2006.235.58
The Drummond Children Henry Raeburn 1809 50.145.31 Edward Harkness
John Julius Angerstein (1736–1823) Thomas Lawrence 1809s 65.181.9
Portrait of a Gentleman John Wesley Jarvis 1809 95.14.80
Omnia Vincit Amor, or The Power of Love in the Three Elements Benjamin West 1809 95.22.1
Study of a Nude Man anonymous 1810s 52.71
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1810s 2006.235.59
Eliza Hall Ann Hall 1810s 2006.235.79
Joseph-Antoine Moltedo Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1810 29.100.23 Louisine Havemeyer
Stoke-by-Nayland John Constable 1810 26.128 tree
Ponte San Rocco and Waterfalls, Tivoli François Marius Granet 1810 1996.181
Joseph and Karl August von Klein Heinrich Franz Schalck 1810 95.14.85 musical instrument
Portrait of a Woman Vincent Bertrand 1810 45.110.1
Portrait of a Woman Vincent Bertrand 1810 42.150.15
Portrait of a Man J. Lecourt 1810 25.106.35 man
Portrait of a Man Joseph Bordes 1810 95.14.83
Mrs. Cephas Thompson (Olivia Leonard) Cephas Thompson 1810 1985.22 tree
Mrs. John Cox (Mrs. Thankful Harris Gore) Henry Williams 1810 1985.141.11
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1810 25.178.4
Robert Dugan anonymous 1810 28.198.2
Anthony Bleecker anonymous 1810 2003.64.3a–e Anthony Bleecker
Self-portrait Joseph Wood 1810 1993.283 Joseph Wood
Portrait of a Gentleman Louis Francis de Paul Binsse 1810 1991.91
John Cox Henry Williams 1810 1985.141.10
Edward Coverly Henry Williams 1810 15.65
Portrait of a Gentleman Joseph Wood 1810 38.146.9
Benjamin Chew Wilcocks Benjamin Trott 1810 2006.235.213
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1810 2006.235.316
Hope anonymous 1810 2006.235.101 tree
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1810 2006.235.249
George Washington anonymous 1810 2006.235.299 George Washington
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1810 2006.235.305
Alexander Henry Durdin Benjamin Trott 1810 2006.235.208
Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer III (Cornelia Paterson) Robert Fulton 1810 24.19.2
Mrs. Robert Watts (Matilda Ridley) Anson Dickinson 1810 15.129
Hautbois Common, Norfolk John Crome 1810s 89.15.14
The Public Viewing David’s "Coronation" at the Louvre Louis-Léopold Boilly 1810 2012.156 The Coronation of Napoleon
Louvre Museum
Louis-Léopold Boilly
Portrait of a Mameluke, said to be Roustam Raza (ca. 1781–1845) Horace Vernet 1810 2014.435.3 Roustam Raza
Portrait of a Man Charles Robertson 1810 62.122.61
Napoléon I (1769–1821) Jean-Baptiste Isabey 1810 47.33.3
Count Alexander Ivanovich Sollogoub (1788–1844) Johann Dominik Bossi 1810 1972.145.7
Philip Van Cortlandt Ezra Ames 1810 40.94
Allan Melville John Rubens Smith 1810 46.192.4
Portrait of a Gentleman William M. S. Doyle 1810 2004.285
Mr. Cook John Wesley Jarvis 1810 33.73
Tableau of Indian Faces anonymous 1811s 42.95.29
A Ferry Scene on the Susquehanna at Wright's Ferry, near Havre de Grace Pavel Svinyin 1811s 42.95.37 boat
Fourth of July in Centre Square, Philadelphia anonymous 1811s 42.95.22 tree
Exhibition of Indian Tribal Ceremonies at the Olympic Theater, Philadelphia anonymous 1811s 42.95.28
Saltash with the Water Ferry, Cornwall J. M. W. Turner 1811 89.15.9 boat
Beulah Elmy Twining (Mrs. Torbert) James Peale 1811 2006.235.136
Anthony Wayne Robinson James Peale 1811 2006.235.137
Gulian Verplanck John Wesley Jarvis 1811 2000.161
Memorial painting Sally Miller 1811 48.81 Caucasian
Trees in the Bois de Boulogne, Paris Achille Etna Michallon 1812 2009.400.86 Bois de Boulogne
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Madame Récamier (1777–1849) Nicolas François Dun 1812 26.168.17
Christopher Colles James Frothingham 1812 17.160
Portrait of a Gentleman Benjamin Trott 1812 50.145.36
Portrait of the Actor Arashi Rikan I Shunkōsai Hokushū 1812 2011.525 Q11477275
Mrs. Katherine Matthews Thomas Sully 1812s 06.178
Napoléon I (1769–1821) Jean-Baptiste Isabey 1812 42.53.5
Portrait of a Woman Joseph Bordes 1812 95.14.86
Anna Claypoole Peale James Peale 1812 38.146.8 Anna Claypoole Peale
Portrait of a Gentleman Joseph Wood 1812 2006.235.278
Commodore Isaac Hull anonymous 1813s 24.109.84
Ellen Vanderpoel McCoy John Wesley Jarvis 1813 2003.189
The Deluge towards Its Close Joshua Shaw 1813 09.14
Mrs. William Thomas John Wesley Jarvis 1813 62.183.1
Mrs. Manigault Heyward (Susan Hayne Simmons) Robert Fulton 1813 14.135
Portrait of a Man Louis-Léopold Boilly 1813s 1976.100.3
Portrait of a Woman Louis-Léopold Boilly 1813s 1976.100.2
Castel Sant'Elmo from Chiaia, Naples Alexandre-Hyacinthe Dunouy 1813 2009.400.52
Portrait of a Gentleman Nathaniel Rogers 1813 2006.235.169
Portrait of a Lady William P. Sheys 1813 1998.349 woman
Gorham L. Freeman Henry Williams 1813 50.187.49
Fight Between the U.S. Frigate President and H.B.M. Endymion, January 15, 1814 anonymous 1814s 46.67.84 ship
The Choir of the Capuchin Church in Rome François Marius Granet 1814s 80.5.2
A Section of the Via Sacra, Rome (The Church of Saints Cosmas and Damian) Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg 1814s 2012.25 Via Sacra
Portrait of a Gentleman Anson Dickinson 1814 2006.235.41
Portrait of a Gentleman William M. S. Doyle 1814 2006.235.60
Martha Stewart Wilson James Peale 1814 1972.191 Martha Stewart Wilson
Portrait of a Gentleman William M. S. Doyle 1814 37.54.1
Landscape anonymous 1815s 46.67.83 tree
Narcisa Barañana de Goicoechea Francisco Goya 1815 29.100.180 Louisine Havemeyer
William Scott-Elliot of Arkleton (1811–1901) Henry Raeburn 1815 45.59.2
Portrait of a Woman Jean-Urbain Guérin 1815 62.122.87
Portrait of a Woman Jean-Baptiste Isabey 1815 55.111.2
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1815 2006.235.232
Joseph Dugan Joseph Wood 1815 44.68.2
Charles Wagner Benjamin Trott 1815 2006.235.212
Benjamin Kintzing Benjamin Trott 1815 56.72
Self-portrait Samuel Lovett Waldo 1815 22.217.1 Samuel Lovett Waldo
David Sears, Jr. Gilbert Stuart 1815 81.12
Henry Rice Gilbert Stuart 1815 97.39 Henry Rice
A Study from Life [and] Study for Angel Releasing Saint Peter from Prison Washington Allston 1815 56.53
Ebenezer Slocum Burling anonymous 1815 44.65
Portrait of a Gentleman Joseph Wood 1815 68.222.14
George Wood Benjamin Trott 1815 2006.235.214
Elizabeth Freeman Duran John Wesley Jarvis 1815 1985.141.5
The Abraham Pixler Family anonymous 1815 66.242.3
Portrait of Mrs. Crofts anonymous 1815 1999.491
The Stump (after Ruisdael) William Russell Birch 1815 2006.235.14 tree
Alexander Anderson John Wesley Jarvis 1815 81.16
Bullfight in a Divided Ring anonymous 1816 22.181 bullfighting
General Étienne-Maurice Gérard (1773–1852), Marshal of France Jacques-Louis David 1816 65.14.5 Étienne Maurice Gérard
George IV (1762–1830) as Prince Regent, after Lawrence Henry Bone 1816 26.168.61
George William Fairfax Joseph Wood 1816 45.155
Portrait of a Lady Louis Antoine Collas 1816 2006.235.31
The Reverend John Brodhead Romeyn Samuel Lovett Waldo 1817 29.148.1
John Payne Todd anonymous 1817 36.73 John Payne Todd
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand Périgord (1754–1838), Prince de Bénévent Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 1817 1994.190
The Flagellation of Christ Louis-Vincent-Léon Pallière 1817 2003.42.43 Flagellation of Christ
Matthew Baillie (1761–1823), F.R.S., after Hoppner Henry Bone 1817 24.80.503
Portrait of a Woman Nicolas-Henri Jacob 1817 48.187.742 woman
Portrait of a Lady William John Thomson 1817 2006.235.205
Brock Livingston Delaplaine William Russell Birch 1817 1985.141.12
James Fowle Baldwin Elkanah Tisdale 1817 2006.235.323
Andromache and Astyanax Pierre-Paul Prud'hon 1818s 25.110.14
Virgil's Tomb, Naples Franz Ludwig Catel 1818 2003.42.49
Lions in a Mountainous Landscape Théodore Géricault 1818 2011.5
Sarah Ann Beck Anna Claypoole Peale 1818 2002.292
Thomas Macdonough Joseph Wood 1818 49.146
Mrs. Andrew Sigourney Gilbert Stuart 1818s 1978.380
Still Life: Balsam Apple and Vegetables James Peale 1818s 39.52
Panoramic View of the Palace and Gardens of Versailles John Vanderlyn 1818 52.184
Mrs. James Pulham Sr. (Frances Amys, ca. 1766–1856) John Constable 1818 06.1272
Waterfall at Mont-Dore Achille Etna Michallon 1818 1994.376 waterfall
Massif Central
Evening: Landscape with an Aqueduct Théodore Géricault 1818 1989.183
Princess María Francisca de Asis de Borbón and Her Son Infante Carlos Luis María Fernando de Borbón Luis de la Cruz 1818 45.110.4 woman
Order of Queen Maria Luisa
Order of the Golden Fleece
John LaPorte Given
Stephen Thorn George Augustus Baker, Sr. 1818 2001.40
Benjamin West (fragment from a portrait) James Green 1818 95.22.6b horse
Major John Biddle Thomas Sully 1818 24.115.1 John Biddle
Benjamin West James Green 1818 95.22.6a
Still Life with Cake Raphaelle Peale 1818 59.166
Philip Slade Ammi Phillips 1818 64.309.3 book
Mrs. John Biddle (Eliza Falconer Bradish) Thomas Sully 1818 24.115.2
Mrs. Thomas Larcombe (Anna Smith) Anna Claypoole Peale 1818 41.122
The Bay of Naples with Vesuvius and Castel dell'Ovo Franz Ludwig Catel 1819s 2009.400.18
Alfred Dedreux (1810–1860) as a Child Théodore Géricault 1819 41.17 Alfred de Dreux
Washington Allston Gilbert Stuart 1819 28.118 Washington Allston
Old Pat, the Independent Beggar Samuel Lovett Waldo 1819 04.29.3
General Andrew Jackson John Wesley Jarvis 1819 64.8
Rev. Christopher Edwards Gadsden Charles Fraser 1819 28.209.2
General Andrew Jackson Samuel Lovett Waldo 1819 06.197 Andrew Jackson
Colonel James Elliott McPherson Charles Fraser 1819 2006.235.310
First Steps Franz Ludwig Catel 1820s 2003.42.9
A Village in a Valley Théodore Rousseau 1820s 32.100.133 Michael Friedsam
The U. S. Ship Franklin, with a View of the Bay of New York Thomas Thompson 1820s 54.90.289 USS Franklin
Portrait of a Gentleman Daniel Dickinson 1820s 31.61
William Archer Shee (1810–1899), the Artist's Son Martin Archer Shee 1820 15.30.48
The Mill of Montmartre Georges Michel 1820 25.110.8
At the Edge of the Forest August Heinrich 1820 2008.6
Landscape with a Shepherd anonymous 1820 2003.42.41
Pope Pius VII (1742–1823) anonymous 1820 1999.287
Portrait of an Officer anonymous 1820 62.122.46
Portrait of a Gentleman Nathaniel Rogers 1820 2001.693
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1820 33.136.10
Portrait of a Lady Henry Inman 1820 25.178.5
Mrs. George Ingersoll (Martha Goldthwaite) Sarah Goodridge 1820 1989.117
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1820 2006.235.226
Portrait of a Man Samuel Lovett Waldo 1820 06.200
Mrs. Daniel DeSaussure Bacot Samuel Morse 1820 30.130
James Monroe Gilbert Stuart 1820 29.89 James Monroe
Henry Leighton anonymous 1820 30.43
Portrait of a Boy anonymous 1820 2006.235.292
Portrait of a Lady Sarah Goodridge 1820 2006.235.75
Charles Henry Hall Ann Hall 1820 2006.235.78
Portrait of a Boy anonymous 1820 2006.235.304b
Stephen Danforth Hassam John S. Porter 1820 38.146.12 man
Jean Pierre Barre Nathaniel Rogers 1820 53.86.1 man
Portrait of a Lady Nathaniel Rogers 1820 1985.141.9
Dr. Richard A. Maupin anonymous 1820 68.222.22
Maurice Levy anonymous 1820 95.12
Dr. Valentine Mott Anson Dickinson 1820 25.106.11
The Start of the Race of the Riderless Horses Horace Vernet 1820 87.15.47 horse
Tiburcio Pérez y Cuervo (1785/86–1841), the Architect Francisco Goya 1820 30.95.242 Tiburcio Pérez Cuervo
The Grotto of Posillipo, Naples Gustaf Söderberg 1820 2009.400.106
Mausoleum of San Vito near Pozzuoli Johan Christian Dahl 1820 2009.400.36
Houses, Rome Gustaf Söderberg 1820 2009.400.104
Augustus Washington Clason anonymous 1820 75.8
Ravine at Sorrento Édouard Bertin 1821s 1986.296
Sketchbook: Souvenir of Naples anonymous 1821s 1975.1.557 Robert Lehman
Rome with St. Peter's and Castel Sant'Angelo Gustaf Söderberg 1821 2009.400.105
The Basilica of Constantine, Rome Johann Adam Klein 1821 2009.400.78
Portrait of a Gentleman William P. Sheys 1821 2006.235.185
Mrs. Warren Rogers John Paradise 1821 62.183.2
William Gwynn Thomas Sully 1821 94.23.1
Portrait of the Artist Thomas Sully 1821 94.23.3
John Finley Thomas Sully 1821 94.23.2
Portrait of a Gentleman William Hudson, Jr. 1821 2006.235.89
P. F. Ronbeau Raphaelle Peale 1821 2006.235.148
Interior of a Lottery James Kidder 1821 1999.351
View of the Basilica of Constantine from the Palatine, Rome Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond 1822s 2003.42.47 tree
View of the Colosseum and the Arch of Constantine from the Palatine Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond 1822s 2003.42.48 tree
Jean-Louis-André-Théodore Gericault (1791–1824) Horace Vernet 1822
1998.84 Théodore Géricault
Entrance to the Grotto of Posillipo Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond 1822 2003.42.46
Humphry Howland Nathaniel Rogers 1822 95.14.118
Leete Farm, West Claremont, New Hampshire anonymous 1822 1972.263.5 house
Interior of a Wood at Pierrefitte Léopold Leprince 1822 2009.400.82 tree
Portrait of a Woman Rudolphe Bel 1822 25.106.1
Prince Klemens Wenzel Lothar von Metternich (1773–1859) Friedrich Lieder 1822 41.67
Ali Pasha (born about 1741, died 1822) Jacob Ritter von Hartmann 1822 95.14.52 Ali Pasha
Portrait of a Lady Anna Claypoole Peale 1822 2006.235.119
Portrait of a Lady John Robinson 1822 1998.245
Portrait of a Gentleman Daniel Dickinson 1822 2006.235.302
Charles Leland Daniel Dickinson 1822 2006.235.42
Portrait of a Lady William John Thomson 1822 2006.235.204
Man in Oriental Costume in the Artist’s Studio Auguste-Xavier Leprince 1823s 2003.42.39
A Shepherd and a Rider on a Country Lane Auguste-Xavier Leprince 1823 2003.42.40 tree
Banks of the Stream near the Corot Property, Ville d'Avray Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1823 2009.400.27
View over a Mountain Gorge with Waterfall Johan Christian Dahl 1823
The Calmady Children (Emily, 1818–?1906, and Laura Anne, 1820–1894) Thomas Lawrence 1823 25.110.1
Jacques-Louis Leblanc (1774–1846) Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1823 19.77.1
Madame Jacques-Louis-Étienne Reizet (Colette-Désirée-Thérèse Godefroy, 1782–1850) Anne-Louis Girodet de Roussy-Trioson 1823 1999.101 Colette-Désirée-Thérèse Godefroy
Madame Jacques-Louis Leblanc (Françoise Poncelle, 1788–1839) Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1823 19.77.2
Matthew Clarkson Samuel Lovett Waldo 1823 23.80.80
Isaac O'Brien L. McPherson Charles Fraser 1823 2006.235.309
Musidora Thomas Sully 1824s 21.48
Lady Maria Conyngham (died 1843) Thomas Lawrence 1824s 55.89
The Arch of Titus and the Forum, Rome anonymous 1824 2003.42.32
Copy after Rubens's "Wolf and Fox Hunt" Edwin Henry Landseer 1824 1990.75
An Overgrown Mineshaft Carl Gustav Carus 1824 2007.164.1 leaf
John Grimes Matthew Harris Jouett 1824 95.23
The Duchesse de Berry in a Blue Velvet Dress Louise Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun 1824 Princess Caroline of Naples and Sicily
Heroic Landscape with Rainbow Joseph Anton Koch 1824 2008.420
The Highland Family David Wilkie 1824 15.30.52
Brigand and His Wife in Prayer Léopold Robert 1824 2003.42.50
Ravine at Sorrento Jean-Claude Bonnefond 1824 2009.400.11
Sarnen Thales Fielding 1824 2009.400.58
The Sack of Jerusalem by the Romans François Joseph Heim 1824 2002.69 soldier
Portrait of a Gentleman Henry Williams 1824 2006.235.276
View of Amalfi from the Capuchin Monastery anonymous 1825s 1975.1.560 Robert Lehman
View of Sorrento anonymous 1825s 1975.1.558 Robert Lehman
View of Naples from San Martino anonymous 1825s 1975.1.559 Robert Lehman
Salisbury Cathedral from the Bishop's Garden John Constable 1825s 50.145.8 Salisbury Cathedral
Two men contemplating the Moon Caspar David Friedrich 1825 2000.51 moonlight
light source
View near Rouen Richard Parkes Bonington 1825 2001.45 tree
Italian Landscape Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1825 50.71.2
Stormy Coast Scene after a Shipwreck anonymous 1825 2003.42.56
Portrait of a Man Samuel John Stump 1825 62.122.44
Edward Blake Parkman Sarah Goodridge 1825 1990.204.3
Gilbert Stuart Sarah Goodridge 1825 95.14.123 Gilbert Stuart
Mr. Hagner Daniel Dickinson 1825 2006.235.43
Mrs. Charles Cummings (Rebecca Pittard) Henry Inman 1825 2008.69
Benjamin Moore McVickar Charles C. Ingham 1825 37.161
Portrait of a Gentleman Elizabeth Goodridge 1825 2006.235.73
Mrs. William Edward Wilmerding (Joanna Mary Gosman) Benjamin Trott 1825 1992.30.2
Portrait of a Gentleman William John Thomson 1825 2006.235.206
Mrs. Stephen Van Rensselaer III (Cornelia Paterson) Nathaniel Rogers 1825 32.68
Portrait of a Gentleman Sarah Goodridge 1825 2006.235.72
Samuel Humes Jacob Eichholtz 1825 59.163
Portrait of a Lady George Freeman 1825 27.249
Self-portrait William Dunlap 1825 2004.117a, b William Dunlap
Still Life: Peaches, Apple, and Pear John A. Woodside 1825 41.152.2
The Plantation anonymous 1825 63.201.3 ship
Portrait of a Gentleman Nathaniel Rogers 1825 1992.71
The Falls of Niagara Edward Hicks 1825 62.256.3 tree
Still Life: Peaches and Grapes John A. Woodside 1825 41.152.1
Self-portrait Thomas Seir Cummings 1825 2000.452.1 Thomas Seir Cummings
Portrait of a Lady Henry Inman 1825 1996.562
Portrait of a Gentleman Benjamin Trott 1825 2006.235.209
Naval Officer Medeschini 1825 2006.235.110 man
navy officer
Mrs. Daniel Parkman (Mary George McDonough) Anthony Meucci 1825 1990.204.2
William Edward Wilmerding Benjamin Trott 1825 1992.30.1
Carolyn Mishner Hugh Bridport 1825 1985.141.4
Interior Passage in the Colosseum François Diday 1825 2003.42.24
The Roman Theater, Taormina Louise-Joséphine Sarazin de Belmont 1825 2009.400.102 Ancient theatre of Taormina
Mount Etna
blue sky
The Marquis de Lafayette Rembrandt Peale 1825 21.19
Dr. Francis Kinloch Huger Charles Fraser 1825 38.165.33 Francis Kinloch Huger
Landscape at Olevano Romano Johann Joachim Faber 1825 2009.400.53
Janet Halleck Drake Henry Inman 1825 1996.348
Self-Portrait George Chinnery 1826s 43.132.4 George Chinnery
Landscape at Civita Castellana Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1826s 2009.400.31
Lake Albano and Castel Gandolfo Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1826s 22.27.2
William Charles Macready as William Tell Henry Inman 1826s 06.195
Mrs. Samuel L. Waldo Samuel Lovett Waldo 1826 22.217.2
Waterfall at Terni Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1826 2003.42.13 tree
Roadside Halt Richard Parkes Bonington 1826 45.146.1 tree
Pilgrims Arriving at Rome during the Jubilee Jean-Claude Bonnefond 1826 2003.42.6
Portrait of a Lady Henry Williams 1826 2006.235.275
Michael Angelo and Emma Clara Peale Rembrandt Peale 1826 2000.151
De Witt Clinton Samuel Morse 1826 09.18
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1827s 2006.235.220
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1827s 2006.235.221
Portrait of a Gentleman Thomas Seir Cummings 1827s 2006.235.36
Mrs. George Burroughs (Mary Fullerton) Anson Dickinson 1827s 2006.235.38
Mrs. Jean Pierre Barre Charles Fraser 1827s 53.86.2
Portrait of a Woman anonymous 1827 48.187.743
Mrs. Thomas Brewster Coolidge Chester Harding 1827 20.75 hat
Edward Livingston Anson Dickinson 1827 38.41
Portrait of a Lady Henry Inman 1827 2003.520
Frederick Gore King Thomas Seir Cummings 1827 1996.425.1
Moving Day (in Little Old New York) anonymous 1827 New York City
The Five Points anonymous 1827 Five Points
Henry La Tourette de Groot Samuel Lovett Waldo 1827s 36.114
John Johnston Rembrandt Peale 1827s 1980.77
Algernon Percy (1602–1668), Tenth Earl of Northumberland, after Van Dyck Henry Bone 1827 95.14.47
Portrait of a Man Ferdinand Machéra 1827 62.122.108
Portrait of a Gentleman George Catlin 1827 1985.141.1
Portrait of a Gentleman Carl Koch 1827 2006.235.98
Eugenie Simon Louis Antoine Collas 1827 1997.520
Mrs. John A. Brown (Grace Brown) Anna Claypoole Peale 1827 2006.235.118
The Abduction of Rebecca by a Knight Templar anonymous 1828 2003.42.11
An Old Bridge at Hendon, Middlesex Frederick W. Watts 1828 97.41.3
Gothic Windows in the Ruins of the Monastery at Oybin Carl Gustav Carus 1828 2007.192
United States Military Academy at West Point, Looking South anonymous 1828 2006.235.252
Mrs. William Gordon Ver Planck and Her Son Samuel Hopkins Ver Planck anonymous 1828 67.263
United States Military Academy at West Point, Looking North anonymous 1828 2006.235.253
Stephen Van Rensselaer Chester Harding 1828 54.51
Allegory William Etty 1828s 59.131 tree
Beauty Revealed Sarah Goodridge 1828 2006.235.74 drapery
Sarah Goodridge
Near Penshurst, Kent Patrick Nasmyth 1828 15.30.56 tree
Cloud Study Johan Christian Dahl 1828 2009.400.33
Mrs. Rufus Prime (Augusta Temple Palmer, 1807–1840) Jean-Baptiste Isabey 1828 08.60
Portrait of a Man Andrew Robertson 1828 1986.390
The Custom House at Greenock, Scotland Robert Salmon 1828 1979.488 ship
John Haviland John Neagle 1828 38.82 John Haviland
Honfleur: Calvary Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1829s 1974.3 Seine estuary
German Landscape with View towards a Broad Valley Fritz Petzholdt 1829 2009.285
Landscape Study with Clouds Émile Loubon 1829 2011.597
John Ludlow Morton Nathaniel Rogers 1829 2006.235.165
Portrait of a Boy Elizabeth Goodridge 1829 2006.235.71
Joseph Stallings George Catlin 1829 2006.235.27
The Young Fisherman Henry Inman 1829 95.17.3
Joseph Stevens Buckminster Thacher George Harvey 1829 1990.204.1
Portrait of a Gentleman Elizabeth Goodridge 1829 2006.235.284
Cup and saucer with painted winter scenes anonymous 1829 1975.1.1611a,b Robert Lehman
David at the Cave of Adullam Giovanni Maldura 1829s 21.184 Cave of Adullam
Dr. John Wakefield Francis Charles Robert Leslie 1829s 96.25
Charles X (1757–1836), King of France, after Gérard Henry Bone 1829 24.80.523
Portrait of a Woman François Theodore Rochard 1829 62.122.90
Portrait of a Gentleman James Passmore Smith 1829 2006.235.288
Mrs. E. Hunt Carl Weinedel 1829 2006.235.271
Mrs. John Adams Conant William Dunlap 1829 13.217.2
Portrait of a Lady Elizabeth Goodridge 1829 2006.235.285
John Adams Conant William Dunlap 1829 13.217.1
Portrait of a Girl anonymous 1830s 2006.235.85
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1830s 2006.235.234
On the Hudson Thomas Doughty 1830s 91.27.1 tree
Portrait of Three Boys Thomas Badger 1830s 2006.235.324 leaf
The Three Graces William Etty 1830 05.31
Landscape at Sunset Carl Gustav Carus 1830 2009.400.17
Portrait of a Woman Mikhail Ivanovich Terebenyov 1830 1972.145.10
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Marie de Mautesson François Meuret 1830 42.53.1
Portrait of a Girl anonymous 1830 35.114
Mrs. George Catlin (Clara Bartlet Gregory) George Catlin 1830 38.146.13
Portrait of Mrs. Daniel Strobel Jr. (Anna Church) Louisa Catherine Strobel 1830 17.134.6 Ella Church Strobell
Self portrait Louisa Catherine Strobel 1830 17.134.5 Louisa Catherine Strobel Ella Church Strobell
Peaceable Kingdom Edward Hicks 1830 1970.283.1 tree
Bishop William White William Russell Birch 1830 55.202
Ivory-billed Woodpeckers Joseph Bartholomew Kidd 1830 41.18
M.T. Webb anonymous 1830 2009.210
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1830 2006.235.210
Portrait of Daniel Strobel, Jr. Louisa Catherine Strobel 1830 17.134.7 Ella Church Strobell
John Inman Henry Inman 1830 2006.235.312
The Magdalen Ann Hall 1830 2006.235.298 Mary Magdalene
Little Girl with Flowers (Amelia Palmer) Charles C. Ingham 1830 50.220.1 tree
Portrait of a Lady George Harvey 1830 32.75.13
Mrs. Henry Scudder Plat (Maria Frisbie) anonymous 1830 49.18.2
Henry Scudder Platt anonymous 1830 49.18.1
Alice Goudry Elizabeth Goodridge 1830 29.74
Thomas Storm Ammi Phillips 1830 1980.360.1
Mrs. Huges Thomas Sully 1830 54.181 recto hat
Jacob Gerard Koch Louisa Catherine Strobel 1830 2006.235.194 Jacob Gerard Koch
Family Group of Four on Sofa anonymous 1830 1970.283.4
Sarah Cornell Clarkson (Mrs. William Richmond) anonymous 1830 23.80.81
John A. Sidell John Vanderlyn 1830 02.25
Catherine Brooks Hall Shepard Alonzo Mount 1830 1971.249
Charles Carroll of Carrollton William James Hubard 1830 56.207 Charles Carroll
Mrs. Jacob Gerard Koch (Jane Griffith) Louisa Catherine Strobel 1830 2006.235.195
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1830 2006.235.211
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1830 2006.235.228
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1830 2006.235.238
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1830 2006.235.231
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1830 2006.235.311
Portrait of a Gentleman Henry Inman 1830 62.122.168
Papier-mâché side chair anonymous 1830 1975.1.2060 Robert Lehman
Papier-mâchè side chair anonymous 1830 1975.1.2066 Robert Lehman
Papier-mâchè side chair anonymous 1830 1975.1.2062 chair Robert Lehman
Papier-mâché side chair anonymous 1830 1975.1.2069 flower Robert Lehman
Fontainebleau: Oak Trees at Bas-Bréau Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1830 1979.404 Fontainebleau
Mother and Child by the Sea Johan Christian Dahl 1830 2007.164.2
Napoléon I (1769–1821) on Horseback Luigi Marta 1830 1992.104 Napoleon
Mrs. David Cadwallader Colden Charles C. Ingham 1830 22.45.2
Gideon Tucker William Sidney Mount 1830 49.10.1
Portrait of a Lady Sarah Goodridge 1830 68.222.25
Martin Euclid Thompson William Sidney Mount 1830 59.68 Martin E. Thompson
John Neagle Daniel Dickinson 1830 2006.7
Mrs. Gideon Tucker William Sidney Mount 1830 49.10.2
Self-Portrait George Harvey 1830 2006.235.81 George Harvey
Portrait of a Lady Frederick R. Spencer 1830 2008.97
Edward Kellogg Samuel Lovett Waldo 1831s 99.29.1 Edward Kellogg
Mrs. Edward Kellogg Samuel Lovett Waldo 1831s 99.29.2
Madame Edmond Cavé (Marie-Élisabeth Blavot, born 1810) Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1831 43.85.3
Ariadne Asher Brown Durand 1831 97.29.2 tree
Parochialstrasse in Berlin Eduard Gaertner 1831 2006.258
Shipyard at Le Havre Jules Coignet 1831 2009.400.24
The Spanish Girl in Reverie Washington Allston 1831 01.7.2
Mrs. Winfield Scott Asher Brown Durand 1831 65.69 woman
Portrait of a Gentleman James Lambdin 1831 2004.567
The Knapp Children Samuel Lovett Waldo 1832s 59.114
A View near Tivoli (Morning) Thomas Cole 1832 03.27 tree
The Nation Is in Danger, or the Enrollment of Volunteers at the Place du Palais-Royal in July 1792 Auguste-Hyacinthe Debay 1832 2003.42.33
Portrait of a Woman Étienne Bouchardy 1832 25.106.4
View of Monte Sant'Angelo from the Villa Auriemma near Sorrento August Lucas 1832 2009.400.83
Portrait of a Gentleman Anna Claypoole Peale 1832 27.221
Miss Emeline Parker of Lowell, Massachusetts Ruth Whittier Shute 1832 66.242.13
Moses Pond George Peter Alexander Healy 1832 39.37
Portrait of a Lady (Possibly of the Buloid Family) Samuel Lovett Waldo 1832 29.148.2
Leatherstocking's Rescue John Quidor 1832 1978.262 tree
Sarah Annis Sully (Mrs. Thomas Sully) Thomas Sully 1832 14.126.3
James O. Owens John Wood Dodge 1832 2006.235.53
Daniel Webster William Russell Birch 1833s 95.14.116 Daniel Webster
Bertel Thorvaldsen (1768–1844) with the Bust of Horace Vernet Horace Vernet 1833 62.254
Daniel Webster William Russell Birch 1833 2006.235.17 Daniel Webster
Portrait of a Gentleman John Wood Dodge 1833 2006.235.54
The Family of John Q. Aymar anonymous 1833 2008.573
The Titan's Goblet Thomas Cole 1833 04.29.2
Toussaint Lemaistre (1807/8–1888) Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1833 1976.201.13
Uprooted Tree at Olevano Romano Antoine Xavier Gabriel Gazeau 1833 2009.400.65
Winter Landscape, Holland Barend Cornelis Koekkoek 1833 87.15.30
Rip Van Winkle Albertus Del Orient Browere 1833 2002.444
Portrait of a Lady and Child George W. Twibill, Jr. 1833 2002.508 tree
Henry L. Taylor George H. Hite 1833 66.238
Portrait of a Baby Henry Colton Shumway 1833 1984.116.2
Louisa W. Dixon William Lewis 1833 2006.235.222
George Weaver Anna Claypoole Peale 1833 2006.235.122
Quarantine, Staten Island anonymous 1833 54.90.18 ship
Powell Macrae Charles Fraser 1833 63.182.4
Lazarus M. Goldsmith William Lewis 1833 2006.235.223
Portrait and Birth Record of Mahala Wechter Jacob Maentel 1833 66.242.28
Portrait of a Gentleman Moses B. Russell 1834 68.222.32
Self Portrait James Van Dyck 1834 1990.58 James Van Dyck
Sunset, Sorrento Thomas Fearnley 1834 2009.400.57
Reverend William Lupton Johnson John Wood Dodge 1834 2006.235.241
Portrait of a Lady James Passmore Smith 1834 38.146.10
Portrait of a Lady Moses B. Russell 1834 68.222.33
Thomas Dillard Jean Christophe Alexandre 1834 2006.235.3
Aaron Burr anonymous 1834 2006.235.257
Portrait of a Gentleman Moses B. Russell 1834 2006.235.175
Mary Ann Garrits Frederick R. Spencer 1834 28.198.1
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1834 2006.235.325
L. P. Church William A. Watkins 1834 2006.235.269
Mrs. Thomas Dillard (Matilda Kuhl) Jean Christophe Alexandre 1834 2006.235.2
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Otis and Child Joseph H. Davis 1834 1972.263.6
An Old Chapel in a Valley Théodore Rousseau 1835 03.28 tree
Portrait of a Child Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1835 29.100.564 Louisine Havemeyer
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1835 49.110
Landscape anonymous 1835 2006.116
Henriette Sontag (1806–1854) Franz Napoleon Heigel 1835 41.191.3
Portrait of a Gentleman Nathaniel Rogers 1835 2006.235.167
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 2006.235.254
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1835 2006.235.297
Portrait of a Gentleman Nathaniel Rogers 1835 2006.235.164
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 2006.235.248
Eunice Harriet Brigham Chester Harding 1835 55.111.10
Portrait of a Girl with Flowers Samuel Lovett Waldo 1835 1973.123 flower
William Boerum Henry Colton Shumway 1835 2006.235.48
Portrait of a Lady Thomas Seir Cummings 1835 2000.452.2
Portrait of a Lady Alvan Clark 1835 38.146.3
James Bogert, Jr. Henry Inman 1835 44.68.1
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1835 2006.235.240
Portrait of a Gentleman Alfred Thomas Agate 1835 1990.20
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 2006.235.242
North Battery or "Red Fort" anonymous 1835 54.90.276 ship
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1835 2006.235.259
Portrait of a Child anonymous 1835 2006.235.217
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1835 2006.235.94
Portrait of a Gentleman Thomas Seir Cummings 1835 43.39
Portrait of a Lady Hugh Bridport 1835 2006.235.282
Mrs. Luman Reed Charles C. Ingham 1835 1977.342.2
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 2000.452.3
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 2006.235.196
Hannah P. Moore anonymous 1835 2006.235.198
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 2006.235.243
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 2006.235.256
Captain John Lovejoy anonymous 1835 2006.235.225
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 2006.235.99
Portrait of a Gentleman George Catlin 1835 2006.235.28
Portrait of a Lady John Wood Dodge 1835 2006.235.56
Portrait of a Lady John Wood Dodge 1835 2006.235.55
Mrs. Edward Loyd (C. Louisa Foster) Mrs. Dove 1835 2006.235.57 girl
house cat
Portrait of a Gentleman William Lewis 1835 2006.235.250
Mrs. A. Otis anonymous 1835 2006.235.95
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1835 1985.141.3
Gustavus Adolphus Rollins Thomas Seir Cummings 1835 27.216
The Bay of Naples anonymous 1835 1975.1.556 Robert Lehman
Landscape with a Plowed Field and a Village Georges Michel 1835s 80.2
Venice, from the Porch of Madonna della Salute J. M. W. Turner 1835s 99.31 Venice
Grand Canal
Susan Walker Morse (The Muse) Samuel Morse 1835s 45.62.1
Hagar in the Wilderness Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1835 38.64
The Natchez Eugène Delacroix 1835 1989.328
Madame Henri François Riesener (Félicité Longrois, 1786–1847) Eugène Delacroix 1835 1994.430
Wanderer in the Storm Carl Julius von Leypold 1835 2008.7 tree
Deer at the Edge of a Wood Jean-Victor Bertin 1835 2009.400.5
George Catlin John Wood Dodge 1835 26.47
Luman Reed Asher Brown Durand 1835 63.36 Luman Reed
Edward S. Dodge John Wood Dodge 1835 2006.235.51
Henry Larcom Abbot Washington Blanchard 1835 2001.400
The Bracelet Thomas Seir Cummings 1835 27.134
Mrs. George Pine anonymous 1835 26.185
The Children of Nathan Starr Ambrose Andrews 1835 1987.404
John Henry Adam Anson Dickinson 1835 1988.352a, b
Portrait of a Lady Charles C. Ingham 1836 2006.235.92
John Wood Dodge Edward S. Dodge 1836 2006.235.44
The Oxbow Thomas Cole 1836 08.228 landscape
Cows Crossing a Ford Jules Dupré 1836 67.213
The Gate to the Temple of Luxor Antoine Xavier Gabriel Gazeau 1836 2003.42.37 Luxor Temple
The Family of Mr. Westfal in the Conservatory Eduard Gaertner 1836 2007.70 flower
Escarpment with Tree Stumps, Romsdal Thomas Fearnley 1836 2009.400.56
Trenton Falls, New York Robert Jones 1836 1981.446.1 tree
Portrait of a Gentleman William Warner Jr. 1836 2006.235.93
Sketch for View from Mount Holyoke, Northampton, Massachusetts, after a Thunderstorm (The Oxbow) Thomas Cole 1836 2014.59 tree
Mrs. John Wood Dodge (Mary Louise Dodge) John Wood Dodge 1836 2005.29 woman
Portrait of a Gentleman Carl Weinedel 1836 2006.235.270
Diana and Actaeon (Diana Surprised in Her Bath) Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1836 1975.1.162 Robert Lehman
Mrs. Alvan Clark (Maria Pease) Alvan Clark 1837s 50.187.45
Mrs. Mayer and Daughter Ammi Phillips 1837s 62.256.2
View of Venice anonymous 1837s 1975.1.766 boat Robert Lehman
Martin Van Buren Henry Inman 1837s 93.19.2
An Evening beside Lake Arresø Johan Lundbye 1837 2007.164.6
View of the Tunnel of the Harlem Railroad Nicolino Calyo 1837 54.90.155 tree
Henry Inman Jacob Hart Lazarus 1837 93.19.1
Daughter of William Page (Possibly Anne Page) William Page 1837 25.85.2
Watson Van Benthuysen II and Thomas Van Benthuysen Aramenta Dianthe Vail 1837 2005.175 child
Head of Saint John the Evangelist Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1837s 1985.118 John the Evangelist
View on the Catskill Early Autumn Thomas Cole 1837 95.13.3 Catskill Mountains
The Experts Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1837 29.100.196 Louisine Havemeyer
Louis-Félix Amiel (1802–1864) Eugène Devéria 1837 53.160 Louis-Félix Amiel
View in a Broad Valley, Italy Alexandre Desgoffe 1837 2009.400.123
A Large Oak Lorenz Frølich 1837 2009.400.64
Portrait of a Gentleman Carl Weinedel 1837 2006.235.290
Francis Lucas Waddell John Vanderlyn 1837 19.18
The Raffle (Raffling for the Goose) William Sidney Mount 1837 97.36
Alexander Van Rensselaer George Peter Alexander Healy 1837 61.70 Alexander Van Rensselaer
Mrs. Williams Ralph Eleaser Whiteside Earl 1837 66.242.20
Mr. Boardman Margaret Maclay Bogardus 1837 2000.71
Miss Bruce Alfred Thomas Agate 1837 2006.235.1
Portrait of a Lady Samuel Broadbent, Jr. 1837 2005.399
Landscape with Cattle at Limousin Jules Dupré 1837 1975.1.169 Robert Lehman
Valdemar Hjartvar Købke (1813–1893), the Artist's Brother Christen Købke 1838 1990.233
Scene from the Gallic Wars: The Gaul Littavicus, Betraying the Roman Cause, Flees to Gergovie to Support Vercingétorix Théodore Chassériau 1838 2001.720
A Gentleman of the Wilkes Family Henry Inman 1838 22.45.3
View of Hoboken Taken from the Ferry Nicolino Calyo 1838 54.90.147 boat
The Raymond Children Robert Peckham 1838 66.242.27
Clouds Thomas Cole 1838 2013.201
Mary Kellogg James Whitehorne 1838 2006.235.273
Columns of the Temple of Neptune at Paestum Constantin Hansen 1838 2007.164.4
Portrait of a Woman Étienne Bouchardy 1838 33.136.7
Portrait of a Gentleman Samuel Broadbent, Jr. 1838 2006.235.18
Mrs. A. L. Clements (Mary Louisa Wells) John Wood Dodge 1838 2006.235.50
Portrait of a Gentleman Anson Dickinson 1838 2006.235.40
Samuel Baldwin Ludlow Theodore Lund 1838 2006.235.100
Queen Victoria Thomas Sully 1838 14.126.1 Victoria
Spring Cephas Giovanni Thompson 1838 1971.244 leaf
Henry G. Stebbins Henry Inman 1838 2001.269
A. L. Clements John Wood Dodge 1838 2006.235.49
Queen Victoria Thomas Sully 1838 L.1993.45 Victoria
Nancy Kellogg James Whitehorne 1838 2006.235.272
Mrs. Samuel Vaughan Anna Claypoole Peale 1838 2006.235.120
Mrs. Albert Bridges (Eliza Kimball ) Alvan Clark 1839 27.84.3
Warren Rogers Theodore Lund 1839 1981.447.3
Alfred Sully Thomas Sully 1839 2006.235.201 Alfred Sully
Portrait of a Gentleman Emanuel Leutze 1839 2006.235.287
The Alling Children Oliver Tarbell Eddy 1839 66.242.21 girl
Self Portrait George Hewitt Cushman 1839 37.176.2 George Hewitt Cushman
The Student Thomas Sully 1839 14.126.4
View from the Citadel Ramparts in Copenhagen by Moonlight Martinus Rørbye 1839 2007.164.7 soldier
Sentry box
sailing ship
Mary Elizabeth Snow anonymous 1839 2006.235.29
Mrs. Warren Rogers (Julie Francoise Gabrielle d'Anterroches) Theodore Lund 1839 1981.447.2
The Pool (Memory of the Forest of Chambord) Théodore Rousseau 1839 1975.1.204 Robert Lehman
George Sand's Garden at Nohant Eugène Delacroix 1840s 22.27.4 tree
View of Lormes Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1840s 1980.203.4
Portrait of a Boy anonymous 1840s 2006.444
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1840s 2006.235.239
Portrait of a Gentleman Thomas Seir Cummings 1840s 2006.235.7
Portrait of a Gentleman Edward S. Dodge 1840s 2006.235.45
Mrs. McKinley Thomas Seir Cummings 1840 2006.235.35
John Pickering Alvan Clark 1840 2006.235.30 John Pickering
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1840 2006.235.244
Portrait of a Gentleman Thomas E. Barratt 1840 2006.235.8 man
Mr. McKinley Thomas Seir Cummings 1840 2006.235.34
Daughter of William Page (Probably Mary Page) William Page 1840 25.85.1
Portrait of a Boy Miss Leland 1840 2000.484 boy
miniature horse
Lover's Eyes anonymous 1840 1999.313
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1840 2006.235.230
View of New York from Weehawken anonymous 1840 54.90.7 boat
Rainstorm—Cider Mill at Redding, Connecticut George Harvey 1840 1991.206 tree
Portrait of a Lady William Harrison Scarborough 1840 2006.235.183
Paul Joseph Revere Margaret Maclay Bogardus 1840 2009.15a–c
John Walsh John Neagle 1840 08.229
Boy with Blond Hair anonymous 1840 1973.323.5
Henry Clay John Alexander McDougall 1840 25.119
Canton Waterfront (The Hongs at Canton) anonymous 1840 56.212 boat
Henry Clay Oliver Frazer 1840 68.222.23 Henry Clay
Mrs. Francis Stanton Blake Chester Harding 1840 25.156
The Last Throw Charles Robert Leslie 1840 1995.66
Jonathan Sturges Asher Brown Durand 1840 1977.342.1 Jonathan Sturges
Amos Binney Pamela Hill 1840 2014.444 Caucasian
Portrait of a Lady William Harrison Scarborough 1840 2006.235.184 woman
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1840 2006.235.245
Portrait of a Lady Daniel F. Ames 1840 2006.235.281 woman
Portrait of a Lady John Henry Brown 1840 2006.235.20
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1840 2006.235.96
Anne Catherine Ward and John Ward Ann Hall 1840 2006.235.77
Sarah May Holland George Harvey 1840 2006.235.80
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1840 2006.235.82
Portrait of a Gentleman Thomas Seir Cummings 1840 1970.118
Mrs. Christopher Grant Perry (Frances Sargeant) Richard Morrell Staigg 1840 1992.270.2
Dr. Samuel A. Bemis Alvan Clark 1840 37.82
A River in a Meadow Théodore Rousseau 1840s 25.110.52 tree
Cider Making William Sidney Mount 1840s 66.126
James Merrill Cook Nelson Cook 1840 31.29.1
Mother and Son Thomas Sully 1840 14.126.5
Mrs. James Merrill Cook Nelson Cook 1840 31.29.2
Mary Crosby George Augustus Baker 1840 2006.235.6
Harbor Scene anonymous 1840 56.108.1 ship
Christopher Grant Perry Richard Morrell Staigg 1840 1992.270.1
Charlotte Allard Leopold Paul Unger 1840 2006.235.215
Portrait of a Gentleman James H. Kimberly 1840 2006.235.97
Study of a Female Nude Henri Lehmann 1840 2003.42.38
Chinese Seaport anonymous 1840 56.108.2 ship
George Washington Thomas Wilcocks Sully 1840 54.74 George Washington
View of the Bay and City of New York from Weehawken Robert Havell 1840 54.90.32 tree
Portrait of a Gentleman Ezra Atherton 1840 2006.235.5
The Williamson Family John Mix Stanley 1841 1976.338
The Cemetery at Pronoia near Nauplia Carl Rottmann 1841 2007.164.8
Edward Parkman anonymous 1841 1990.204.4
View from the House of Henry Briscoe Thomas, Baltimore anonymous 1841 67.143
The Night Patrol at Smyrna Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1841s 87.15.93
Comtesse de La Tour-Maubourg (Marie-Louise-Charlotte-Gabrielle Thomas de Pange, 1816–1850) Théodore Chassériau 1841 2002.291
A Mother's Pearls Thomas Seir Cummings 1841 28.148.1
William Henry Tallmadge Edward S. Dodge 1841 2006.235.46
The Starbird Children Clarissa Peters 1841 2006.235.177
Washington Allston Richard Morrell Staigg 1841 95.14.49 Washington Allston
Portrait of a Gentleman Alfred S. Waugh 1841 2006.235.289
Mrs. George M. Gill (Ann McKim Bowly) George Lethbridge Saunders 1841 38.146.2
Child Asleep (The Rosebud) Thomas Sully 1841 14.126.6
Portrait of a Gentleman John Wood Dodge 1841 1981.447.1
A Village Street: Dardagny Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1842 25.110.17 house
View of Orange with Mont Ventoux Paul Flandrin 1842 2009.400.59 Orange
Théâtre antique d'Orange
Mont Ventoux
blue sky
View of Ischia from the Sea Jean-Charles-Joseph Rémond 1842 2009.400.98 ship
Study of Rocks, Shrubs, and Tree Trunks at Monte Casale near Sansepolcro, Tuscany Edward Lear 1842 2009.400.81
Faustine Léo (1832–1865) Henri Lehmann 1842 2004.243
Baby with Rattle and Dog anonymous 1842 1999.6
Euphemia White Van Rensselaer George Peter Alexander Healy 1842 23.102 Euphemia White Van Rensselaer Cruger
Portrait of a Lady Edward Dalton Marchant 1842 2006.235.107
Portrait of a Child William Lydston, Jr. 1842 2006.235.193
The Children of Homer Ramsdell, Esq. Thomas Seir Cummings 1842 2001.666
Henry Peters Gray Henry Colton Shumway 1842 47.121
A River Glimpse Thomas Doughty 1843 95.17.2 tree
Houqua anonymous 1843 41.160.405 Howqua
Portrait of a Boy Samuel V. Homan 1843 2006.235.87
Portrait of a Lady Thomas Sully 1843 2006.235.202
Pope Gregory XVI Visiting the Church of San Benedetto at Subiaco Jean François Montessuy 1843 2003.42.42
View of Genzano Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1843 2009.400.29 Genzano di Roma
rural area
Study for "The Destruction of Sodom" Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1843 1984.75
Landscape Jules Coignet 1843 2009.400.23
The Palace of Donn'Anna, Naples Jules Coignet 1843 2009.400.25
Mary R. Whitlock Aramenta Dianthe Vail 1843 2006.235.258
Henry Clay Theodore Sydney Moise 1843 09.24 Henry Clay
Mr. Pierce Augustus Fuller 1843 2006.235.69
Catherine Augusta Wilmerding Henry Colton Shumway 1843 2007.437
Portrait of a Gentleman Charles F. Berger 1843 2006.235.10
Joel Roberts Poinsett Hugh Bridport 1843 68.107
Mrs. Israel Thorndike (Sarah Dana) George Lethbridge Saunders 1843 2006.235.181
Mrs. Thomas Streatfield Clarkson (Elizabeth Van Horne) Thomas Seir Cummings 1844 23.80.83
Emma Homan John Bradley 1844 66.242.23 flower
Landscape with a Cave Théodore Caruelle d'Aligny 1844s 1989.138
Edmond Cavé (1794–1852) Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1844 43.85.2 Hygin-Auguste Cavé
View of Beirut Jules Coignet 1844 2003.42.12
Pozzuoli and the Bay of Naples Alexandre Calame 1844 2003.42.8
View over Hallingdal Johan Christian Dahl 1844 2012.447 Hallingdal
Entrance to the Giardino del Lago, Villa Borghese, Rome Gustaf Wilhelm Palm 1844 2009.400.91
Baron Joseph Dominique Louis (1755–1837) Pierre Laurent Canon 1844 95.14.90 Joseph Dominique, baron Louis
Uncle Charles Charles C. Ingham 1844 2006.235.91
Mary Inman Daniel Huntington 1844 64.95
Portrait of a Lady John Carlin 1844 37.168
Portrait of a Gentleman Thomas Dawson 1844 2006.235.37
Aunt Rhoda Charles C. Ingham 1844 2006.235.90
Daniel Webster George H. Hite 1844 2006.235.86
Road in the Woods Constant Troyon 1845s 25.110.19 tree
A Meadow Bordered by Trees Théodore Rousseau 1845 11.45.5 tree
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1845 2006.235.229
Portrait of a Gentleman George Lethbridge Saunders 1845 51.142
Henry Clay Savinien Edme Dubourjal 1845 95.2.4 Henry Clay
David Clarkson anonymous 1845 23.80.82
Powell MacRae Henry Colton Shumway 1845 63.182.2
Portrait of a Lady Daniel F. Ames 1845 2005.90a, b woman
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Ship "John W. Brewer" anonymous 1845 41.14 ship
Charles Henry Augustus Carter Nicholas Biddle Kittell 1845 65.232.1
William Popham George Linen 1845 97.29.1
Mrs. James Montgomery, Jr. Thomas Sully 1845 37.130
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1845 2006.235.300
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1845 1996.425.2
Portrait of a Gentleman Ebenezer F. Brundage 1845 2006.235.283 man
Portrait of a Gentleman Edward S. Dodge 1845 2006.235.47
Portrait of a Gentleman John Henry Brown 1845 68.222.16
Cup (with a view of the Odeonsplatz, Munich) and saucer anonymous 1845 1975.1.1612a,b Robert Lehman
A Syce Shaikh Muhammad Amir of Karraya 1845
Whalers J. M. W. Turner 1845s 96.29 boat
The Constitution and the Guerriere Thomas Chambers 1845s 62.256.5 sky
sailing ship
flag of the United States of America
Atlantic Ocean
USS Constitution
HMS Guerriere
USS Constitution vs HMS Guerriere
naval battle
Maharana Sarup Singh Inspects a Prize Stallion Tara 1845s 2001.344 horse
Fur Traders Descending the Missouri George Caleb Bingham 1845 33.61 fur trader
Missouri River
Florine Turner John Carlin 1845 2006.235.23 tree
John and Louisa Stock Joseph Whiting Stock 1845 66.242.19 book
The Beeches Asher Brown Durand 1845 15.30.59 river
Portrait of a Boy George W. Stevens 1845 2006.235.188
Levinus Clarkson Thomas Seir Cummings 1845 23.80.84
Retreat from the Storm Jean-François Millet 1846 2002.613
The Forest in Winter at Sunset Théodore Rousseau 1846 11.4
Self-Portrait John Henry Brown 1846 1990.21.1 John Henry Brown
George Washington Rembrandt Peale 1846 24.109.86 George Washington
George Washington Rembrandt Peale 1846 54.15.1 George Washington
The Abduction of Rebecca Eugène Delacroix 1846 03.30
The Thompson Children John Carlin 1846 1979.188
The Flower Girl Charles C. Ingham 1846 02.7.1 flower
The Greek Lovers Henry Peters Gray 1846 02.7.2
The Mountain Ford Thomas Cole 1846 15.30.63 tree
Hudson's Bay Lemming John Woodhouse Audubon 1846 63.200.5
Adaline Peters Brown John Henry Brown 1846 1990.21.2
John C. Calhoun Savinien Edme Dubourjal 1846 95.2.5
Jubal Anderson Early George Lethbridge Saunders 1847s 2006.235.180
Red Shōki, the Demon Queller Katsushika Hokusai 1847 14.76.37
Catania and Mount Etna Edward Lear 1847 61.233 Catania
Mount Etna
View in the Roman Campagna Ernest-Joachim Dumax 1847 2009.400.51
Reverend Samuel Brown Wiley John Neagle 1847 2007.26
The Allen Children John Carlin 1847 68.222.17
Edward Ranstead Jones Walter G. Gould 1847 2006.235.286
Ada Brown John Henry Brown 1847 2003.51
Basket of Flowers Eugène Delacroix 1848s 67.187.60 leaf
Girl of the Bangs-Phelps Family Erastus Salisbury Field 1848 63.201.4 book
The Faïence Restorer Paul-Narcisse Salières 1848 2003.42.51
Castel San Elmo (from Cropsey Album) anonymous 1848 1970.9.4
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1848 2006.235.109
The Wages of War Henry Peters Gray 1848 73.5 soldier
Holy Eyes Thomas Story Officer 1848 2006.235.322
Benjamin Daniel Greene Henry I. Brown 1848 2006.235.19
Mrs. Nicholas Fish (Elizabeth Stuyvesant) John Carlin 1848 2006.235.22 woman
Aretino in the Studio of Tintoretto Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1848 1975.1.185 Robert Lehman
The Pont Neuf Johan Jongkind 1849 1980.203.3 boat
Rebecca Wetherill George Hewitt Cushman 1849 50.153
Head Study of a Fisherman from Capri Lorenz Frølich 1849 2014.205
A Path among the Rocks Théodore Rousseau 1849s 14.40.814 tree Benjamin Altman
A River Landscape Théodore Rousseau 1849s 43.86.7 tree
Crusaders before Jerusalem Wilhelm von Kaulbach 1849s 87.15.110
Hamlet and His Mother Eugène Delacroix 1849 67.187.61
Diana Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1849 25.110.30
Birch Tree in a Storm Johan Christian Dahl 1849 2009.400.32 tree
George Henry Loring Richard Morrell Staigg 1849 37.54.4
Mrs. George Henry Loring (Amalia Heredia) Richard Morrell Staigg 1849 37.54.3
The Calumny of Apelles John Vanderlyn 1849 24.186
Rufus Morse Newhall anonymous 1849 1984.116.1
Italian Lake Scene with Villa (from Cropsey Album) Carl Werner 1849 1970.9.6 boat
In the Meadow Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1850s 51.112.4 tree
The Burning of Sodom Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1850s 29.100.18 Louisine Havemeyer
Sophia (1464–1512) of Poland Franz Wolfgang Rohrich 1850s 07.245.2 Sophia Jagiellon, Margravine of Brandenburg-Ansbach
Portejoie on the Seine Charles-François Daubigny 1850s 30.95.275
Portrait of a Gentleman James Lambdin 1850s 1985.141.6
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1850s 64.97.4
View of the Battery, New York anonymous 1850s 54.90.179 ship
Still Life—Flowers and Fruit in White and Pink Bowl anonymous 1850s 64.309.7 flower
Madame Cézanne (Hortense Fiquet, 1850–1922) in a Red Dress Paul Cézanne 1850s 62.45 woman
Black Hawk anonymous 1850s 63.138.4 leaf
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1850s 64.97.5
Portrait of a Little Girl Picking Grapes anonymous 1850s 1973.323.6 tree
Bay and Harbor of New York from Bedlow's Island anonymous 1850s 54.90.8 ship
Portrait of a Baby anonymous 1850s 2006.235.190
Portrait of a Baby anonymous 1850s 2006.235.216
Portrait of a Gentleman anonymous 1850s 2006.235.301
Maria Margaretta Oswald Thomas Seir Cummings 1850s 2006.235.189
Hudson River Scene anonymous 1850s 1975.1.245 Robert Lehman
Painting of a Dancer anonymous 1850s 1971.22
Still Life: Flowers and Fruit Severin Roesen 1850s 67.111
Mountain Range James McDougal Hart 1850s 1973.14.3 tree
Charles A. Macy Jacob Hart Lazarus 1850s 2006.235.9
Roman Landscape anonymous 1850 26.100
Self-Portrait anonymous 1850 45.110.3
View of New York from New Jersey anonymous 1850 1977.258.3
Mrs. Adrian Baucker Holmes Charles Wesley Jarvis 1850 13.21.8
New York Bay F. G. W. Hunten 1850 54.90.38 New York Bay
Portrait of a Gentleman in a Carriage anonymous 1850 1973.323.1 horse
View of New York from New Jersey anonymous 1850 1977.258.1 ship
A Family Group anonymous 1850 2008.5
Harlem Bridge, New York anonymous 1850 54.90.154 boat
Martha Washington Rembrandt Peale 1850 54.15.2
Bay and Harbor from near Fort Castle William anonymous 1850 54.90.9 ship
Marine anonymous 1850 63.138.3
Miss Foote anonymous 1850 07.233.38
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1850 55.73.3
Woman with a Muff anonymous 1850 62.241.1
Washington's Triumphal Entry into New York anonymous 1850 54.90.177 hat
Tobacco Sign anonymous 1850 1980.360.9 ship
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1850 38.146.4
Portrait of a Child anonymous 1850 2006.235.191
Portrait of a Gentleman John Carlin 1850 2006.235.25
Portrait of a Lady John Carlin 1850 2006.235.26
Portrait of a Lady anonymous 1850 1974.152
The Hudson River Valley near Hudson, New York anonymous 1850 1975.1.244 Robert Lehman
Tiger in Repose Antoine-Louis Barye 1850 2015.438
Canadian Rockies (Lake Louise) Albert Bierstadt 1850s 1982.119.1 Lake Louise
Rocky Mountains
Nevada Falls, Yosemite Albert Bierstadt 1850s 1979.490.3 Nevada Fall
Studies of Indian Chiefs Made at Fort Laramie Albert Bierstadt 1850s 2012.1
Sunrise on the Matterhorn Albert Bierstadt 1850s 66.114 Matterhorn
Sea Cove Albert Bierstadt 1850s 1979.490.4 tree
Mountain Scene Albert Bierstadt 1850s 1979.490.2
Lake George and the Village of Caldwell Thomas Chambers 1850s 66.242.17 Lake George
church building
The Rhine at Remagen Vilhelm Petersen 1850 2009.400.93
Preston Hodges Charles Loring Elliott 1850 27.145
Montmorency Falls, Canada John Mackie Falconer 1850 1972.262
Landscape—Scene from "Thanatopsis" Asher Brown Durand 1850 11.156 river
The Rabbit Hunters Thomas Hewes Hinckley 1850 43.52
Portrait of the Artist Charles Loring Elliott 1850 87.19
Young Ladies of the Village Gustave Courbet 1851s 40.175
Conversation Piece Lilly Martin Spencer 1851 1998.413 baby
Washington Crossing the Delaware Emanuel Leutze 1851 97.34 George Washington
Delaware River
James Monroe
Nathanael Greene
Marshall O. Roberts
Alphonse Promayet (1822–1872) Gustave Courbet 1851 29.100.132 Louisine Havemeyer
Scene in the Jewish Quarter of Constantine Théodore Chassériau 1851 1996.285
Landscape near Rome Henri Harpignies 1851 2009.400.74
Portrait of the Artist George Peter Alexander Healy 1851 91.27.2
The Artist's Sitting Room in Ritterstrasse Adolph von Menzel 1851 2009.64 interior
Seventh Regiment on Review, Washington Square, New York Otto Boetticher 1851 54.90.295 soldier
Rats amongst the Barley Sheaves Thomas Hewes Hinckley 1851 1982.444
The Edge of the Woods at Monts-Girard, Fontainebleau Forest Théodore Rousseau 1852s 96.27 tree
Girl at the Fountain William Morris Hunt 1852s 08.88
The Hamlet of Optevoz Charles-François Daubigny 1852 11.45.3
Madame Auguste Cuoq (Mathilde Desportes, 1827–1910) Gustave Courbet 1852 29.100.130 Louisine Havemeyer
Landscape William Morris Hunt 1852 06.170
Dress Parade (from Sketchbook) James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1852 1970.121.18 soldier
The Virgin Adoring the Host Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1852 2005.186
The Tow Boat Conqueror James Guy Evans 1852 62.256.4
Mrs. George P. Burne John Wood Dodge 1852 46.14
Caleb Gasper Charles Loring Elliott 1852 00.17.3
Civita Castellana and Mount Soracte, 1852 William Thompson Russell Smith 1852 1981.116 tree
Godesberg James McDougal Hart 1852 1973.14.4 tree
Landscape with Shepherd Robert S. Duncanson 1852 1975.88 tree
Great-Grand-Father's Tale of the Revolution—A Portrait of Reverend Zachariah Greene William Sidney Mount 1852 1984.192
Figures and a Dog in a Landscape Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1852 1975.1.242 Robert Lehman
Madame Félix Gallois Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1852 1975.1.647 Robert Lehman
The Good Samaritan Alexandre-Gabriel Decamps 1853s 29.160.36 horse
The Horse Fair Rosa Bonheur 1853s 87.25 horse
Pitié-Salpêtrière Hospital
boulevard de l'Hôpital
Paris horse market
Christ Asleep during the Tempest Eugène Delacroix 1853 29.100.131 boat Louisine Havemeyer
Spring Landscape Thomas Doughty 1853 17.66
Le Christ sur le lac de Génésareth Eugène Delacroix 1853
Florinda Franz Xaver Winterhalter 1853 01.21 Florinda
Sunset after a Storm on the Coast of Sicily Andreas Achenbach 1853 87.15.23 boat
Sunset on the Rhine Barend Cornelis Koekkoek 1853 87.15.45
Torre dei Schiavi, The Roman Campagna (from Cropsey Album) Jasper Francis Cropsey 1853 1970.9.26 recto
High Point: Shandaken Mountains Asher Brown Durand 1853 77.3.1 river
Catskill Mountains
The Basket Maker Louis Lang 1853 77.3.4 tree
View near Sherburne, Chenango County, New York Jasper Francis Cropsey 1853 77.3.2 tree
Portrait of a Girl Samuel Lovett Waldo 1854s 38.146.5 musical instrument
Church Scene (from Sketchbook) James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1854s 1970.121.16
Christ and Two Disciples on the Road to Emmaus (from Sketchbook) James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1854s 1970.121.41
Seated Artist, Viewed from the Rear, Painting at an Easel (from Whistler Album) anonymous 1854s 1970.121.83
Burning of the Sidewheeler Henry Clay anonymous 1854 54.90.223 ship
Young Husband: First Marketing Lilly Martin Spencer 1854 2015.401 tree
Landscape with Rocks, Augerville Eugène Delacroix 1854 2009.400.38
View from the Quai d'Orsay Johan Jongkind 1854 2001.652 Tuileries Garden
quai d'Orsay
blue sky
Louvre Palace
Palais de la Légion d'Honneur
Notre Dame de Paris
Seine in Paris
Portrait of Empress Eugénie de Montijo Franz Xaver Winterhalter 1854 1978.403 Eugénie de Montijo
Garden Scene Jean-François Millet 1854 15.30.24 tree
Portrait of a Young Man John Henry Brown 1854 2006.235.21
Mrs. James Clinton Griswold Charles Loring Elliott 1854 00.17.2
Kate Roselie Dodge John Wood Dodge 1854 1988.280
River Scene Asher Brown Durand 1854 1970.58 sky
The Golden State Entering New York Harbor Fitz Henry Lane 1854 1974.33 ship
Taking the Census Francis William Edmonds 1854 2006.457
Portrait of a Gentleman John Carlin 1854 2006.235.24
Fir Trees in Les Trembleaux, near Marlotte (Sapins aux Trembleaux à Marlotte) Henri Harpignies 1854 1975.1.183 tree Robert Lehman
Ingres (1780–1867) as a Young Man anonymous 1855s 43.85.1 Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres
Self-Portrait Edgar Degas 1855s 61.101.6 Edgar Degas
Spring Flowers anonymous 1855 29.100.121 flower Metropolitan Museum of Art
Louisine Havemeyer
General Winfield Scott Robert Walter Weir 1855 10.54
The Claremont anonymous 1855 54.90.169 tree
Trappers Jonathan K. Trego
J. L. Williams
1855 1985.354 tree
View from Staten Island anonymous 1855 54.90.181 ship
A Storm off the Normandy Coast Eugène Isabey 1855s 2007.164.5
View of Ornans Gustave Courbet 1855s 1995.537
The Antiquary Edwin White 1855 77.5 book
In the Woods Asher Brown Durand 1855 95.13.1 forest
Still Life: Fruit Severin Roesen 1855 63.99
The Pond (La Mare) Théodore Rousseau 1855 1975.1.205 Robert Lehman
A Limier Briquet Hound Rosa Bonheur 1856 87.15.77 hound
Ida Cushman George Hewitt Cushman 1856 37.176.1
Woman with a Rake Jean-François Millet 1856s 38.75
Shepherdess Seated on a Rock Jean-François Millet 1856 1983.446
Woman in a Riding Habit (L'Amazone) Gustave Courbet 1856 29.100.59 Louisine Havemeyer
Male Nude Edgar Degas 1856 2007.529
Window Anton Dieffenbach 1856 2010.279
On Hampstead Heath James Hamilton 1856 12.64
Kate Lyon Cornell Theodore E. Pine 1856 24.89
Worthington Whittredge Emanuel Leutze 1856 03.16 Worthington Whittredge
Morning on the Mountain Richard William Hubbard 1856 20.189.2 tree
Near Squam Lake, New Hampshire David Johnson 1856 17.110 tree
Alice Cushman George Hewitt Cushman 1856 37.176.3
Still Life with Fruit John F. Francis 1857 1982.139
Off Greenland—Whaler Seeking Open Water William Bradford 1857s 1990.197.2 ship
An Incident of Whaling William Bradford 1857s 1990.197.1
Hunting Dogs with Dead Hare Gustave Courbet 1857 33.77
Louis Gueymard (1822–1880) as Robert le Diable Gustave Courbet 1857 19.84
The Old Italian Woman Edgar Degas 1857 66.65.2
The Sheepfold Charles Jacque 1857 97.40
The Daughters of Daniel T. MacFarlan Theodore E. Pine 1857 50.155.2
Wall Street, Half Past Two, October 13, 1857 James H. Cafferty 1857 54.90.136
After a Long Cruise John Carlin 1857 49.126 ship
View at Amalfi, Bay of Salerno George Loring Brown 1857 03.34 sky
Mediterranean Sea
wind wave
Gulf of Salerno
Hudson River Scene John Frederick Kensett 1857 07.162
Lake George John William Casilear 1857 15.30.64 tree
Levi Hale Willard Samuel H. Sexton 1857 91.32
Mathew B. Brady Charles Loring Elliott 1857 96.24
Self-Portrait Henri Fantin-Latour 1858 1995.91 Henri Fantin-Latour
Women Carrying Faggots Jean-François Millet 1858 1975.1.671 Robert Lehman
A Brook in the Forest Gustave Courbet 1858s 67.212
The Pride of the Village Henry Peters Gray 1858s 49.166
Madame de Brayer Gustave Courbet 1858 29.100.118 Louisine Havemeyer
Thorvaldens Museum, Copenhagen Constantin Hansen 1858 2009.400.73 Thorvaldsen Museum
Bertel Thorvaldsens Plads
Christiansborg Palace
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel T. MacFarlan Theodore E. Pine 1858 50.155.1
New York from the Harbor Showing the Battery and Castle Garden Alfred Copestick 1858 54.90.89 ship
The New Bonnet Francis William Edmonds 1858 1975.27.1
The Belated Party on Mansfield Mountain Jerome Thompson 1858 69.182
Red School House (Country Scene) George Henry Durrie 1858 2011.506
Mercy's Dream Daniel Huntington 1858 97.35
The Ohio River near Wheeling, West Virginia Lefevre James Cranstone 1859s 1989.257 boat
After the Hunt Gustave Courbet 1859 29.100.61 Louisine Havemeyer
Self-portrait Joseph Kyle 1859 06.1311 Joseph Kyle
Soap Bubbles Thomas Couture 1859 87.15.22 book
Copy after Delacroix's "Bark of Dante" Édouard Manet 1859 29.100.114 Louisine Havemeyer
The Third Avenue Railroad Depot William H. Schenck 1859 54.90.178 horse
Heart of the Andes Frederic Edwin Church 1859 09.95 Andes
Baron Alexander von Humboldt (1769–1859) Julius Schrader 1859 89.20
Portrait of Countess Alexander Nikolaevitch Lamsdorff Franz Xaver Winterhalter 1859 67.187.119
Approaching Thunder Storm Martin Johnson Heade 1859 1975.160 sky
Andrew Varick Stout Charles Loring Elliott 1859 65.139
Portrait of the Painter John La Farge 1859 34.134 John La Farge
Summer Flowers Jerome Thompson 1859 1984.252.1 house
Washington and Lafayette at Mount Vernon, 1784 (The Home of Washington after the War) Thomas Prichard Rossiter
Louis Rémy Mignot
1859 05.35 sky
George Washington
Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette
Mount Vernon
A Forest Cascade at Hiram, Maine Henry Hitchings 1859 1996.183.1 tree
Don Quixote and the Dead Mule Honoré Daumier 1860s
Girl Weaving a Garland Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1860s 29.100.562 Louisine Havemeyer
The Curious Little Girl Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1860s 1999.288.2
Young Woman with Ibis Edgar Degas 1860s 2008.277
The Environs of Paris Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1860s 30.95.272 tree
Reverie Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1860 29.100.563 Louisine Havemeyer
Sunset near Arbonne Théodore Rousseau 1860 25.110.4 tree
The Crossing Sweeper Seymour Joseph Guy 1860 25.110.50
George Washington: Design for an Engraving Alonzo Chappel 1860 83.2.473
Shipwreck off Nantucket (Wreck off Nantucket after a Storm) William Bradford 1860 1971.192 boat
Martha Bartlett with Kitten anonymous 1860 1980.341.11
Amory Sibley Carhart Thomas Le Clear 1860 64.220.3
Adelaide Mott Bell anonymous 1860 25.106.2
Kauterskill Clove (from Sketchbook of Landscape and Animal Subjects) Thomas Hewes Hinckley 1860 1992.373.15 recto tree
Valley of the River Loire Jules Dupré 1860s 1997.257
The Spanish Singer Édouard Manet 1860 49.58.2 man
Bacchante by the Sea Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1860
29.100.19 woman
brown hair
long hair
rural area
mons pubis
Louisine Havemeyer
The Two Central Figures in "Derby Day" William Powell Frith 1860 2008.547.3
Going to Market Constant Troyon 1860 17.120.220
Mrs. Birdsall Cornell Daniel Huntington 1860 53.76
The Drinkers Honoré Daumier 1861s 54.143.1
Still Life with Flowers, Fan, and Pearls Édouard Manet 1861s 1993.399
Mrs. William Loring Andrews George Augustus Baker 1861s 40.144
Boy Carrying a Sword Édouard Manet 1861 89.21.2 gaze towards the viewer
Henri Fantin-Latour (1836–1904) Carolus-Duran 1861 2014.608
Charles Suisse Gustave Courbet 1861 29.100.120 Louisine Havemeyer
Henry Osborne Havemeyer
Florentine Poet Alexandre Cabanel 1861 23.103.1
Study in a Wood Daniel Huntington 1861 25.110.42 tree
Delaware Water Gap George Inness 1861 32.151
Portrait of a Lady Joseph Kyle 1861 95.20
Long Island Farmhouses William Sidney Mount 1862s 28.104 tree
The Source Gustave Courbet 1862 29.100.58 woman
brown hair
long hair
Dimples of Venus
intergluteal cleft
Gluteal sulcus
river source
rural area
Louisine Havemeyer
Fishing Édouard Manet 1862 57.10 boat
Anna Watson Stuart Daniel Huntington 1862 43.55.2
Martin Van Buren anonymous 1862 95.14.119
Bouquet of Small Chrysanthemums Léon Bonvin 1862
Portrait of a Man Gustave Courbet 1862s 29.100.201 Louisine Havemeyer
Mademoiselle V. . . in the Costume of an Espada Édouard Manet 1862 29.100.53 Victorine Meurent
list of female bullfighters
traje de luces
ballet flat
Spanish costume
gaze towards the viewer
Édouard Manet
Paul Durand-Ruel
Jean-Baptiste Faure
Henry Osborne Havemeyer
Louisine Havemeyer
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Third-Class Carriage Honoré Daumier 1862 29.100.129 Louisine Havemeyer
Underneath Niagara Falls Ferdinand Richardt 1862 1980.209
Ovid among the Scythians Eugène Delacroix 1862 2008.101 Ovid
Stage Fort across Gloucester Harbor Fitz Henry Lane 1862 1978.203 ship
A Gorge in the Mountains Sanford Robinson Gifford 1862 15.30.62 sky
Kaaterskill Clove
Catskill Mountains
The Laundress Honoré Daumier 1863 47.122
Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Entertained by Basil and Quiteria Gustave Doré 1863 28.113
Corn Husking David Gilmour Blythe 1863 57.19 house
The Delaware Valley George Inness 1863 99.27
Springtime Charles Jacque 1863s 60.71.10 tree
Young man in Mayo costume Édouard Manet 1863 29.100.54 Majo
walking stick
chin curtain
brown hair
dress shirt
Gustave Manet
Spanish costume
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Rocky Mountains, Lander's Peak Albert Bierstadt 1863 07.123 Lander Peak
Rocky Mountains
Shoshone people
blue sky
On the Beach at Trouville Eugène Boudin 1863 07.88.4 horse
The Card Players Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1863 25.110.39
Nude with Flowering Branch Gustave Courbet 1863 29.100.60 flower Louisine Havemeyer
Landscape on a River Charles-François Daubigny 1863 64.149.7
Still Life with Roses and Fruit Henri Fantin-Latour 1863 1987.119
Heart's Ease William P. W. Dana 1863 90.24 flower
John Quincy Adams Ward Henry Augustus Loop 1863 1992.407
Mrs. Annie C. Hyde John Wood Dodge 1863 2006.235.52
A Study of Trap Rock (Buttermilk Falls) John Henry Hill 1863 82.9.7 tree
The Banks of the Oise Charles-François Daubigny 1863 14.40.815 tree Benjamin Altman
The Vigilant Stuyvesant's Wall Street Gate John Quidor 1863 61.79 tree
Aurora James McDougal Hart 1863 1973.14.1 tree
The Lost Mind Elihu Vedder 1864s 21.132.1
Peonies Édouard Manet 1864 1976.201.16 vase
Cider Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1864 26.46.1
The River Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1864 26.46.2
The Village of La Celle-sous-Moret Eugène Lavieille 1864s 60.155
Environs of Fontainebleau: Woodland and Cattle Auguste Bonheur 1864s 90.25
Mother and Child Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1864s 30.13
Oedipus and the Sphinx Gustave Moreau 1864 21.134.1 Oedipus
The Dead Christ with Angels Édouard Manet 1864 29.100.51 Jesus Christ
Holy Wounds
male toplessness
bird's wing
long hair
Louisine Havemeyer
The Kearsarge at Boulogne Édouard Manet 1864 1999.442 USS Kearsarge
sailing ship
The Source of the Loue Gustave Courbet 1864 29.100.122 Louisine Havemeyer
The Arab Falconer Eugène Fromentin 1864 23.103.2
On the Banks of the Oise Charles-François Daubigny 1864 64.149.6
Dr. Leclenché Claude Monet 1864 51.32
Portrait of a Woman (Marianna Panciatichi, marchesa Paolucci delle Roncole, 1835–1919, or her sister-in-law, Beatrice Ferrari-Corbelli di Reggio, contessa di Lucciano) Michele Gordigiani 1864 2011.9
On the Beach, Dieppe Eugène Boudin 1864 2003.20.1 Beach of Dieppe
sailing ship
low tide
Wyoming Valley, Pennsylvania Jasper Francis Cropsey 1864 25.110.63 tree
The Roman Campagna John Gadsby Chapman 1864 67.54
A River Landscape with Storks Charles-François Daubigny 1864 14.40.818 tree Benjamin Altman
Christmas-Time, The Blodgett Family Eastman Johnson 1864 1983.486
Study of a Tree Albert Bierstadt 1864
1976.337 tree
The Sea Gustave Courbet 1865s 22.27.1
Jo, La Belle Irlandaise Gustave Courbet 1865s 29.100.63 woman Louisine Havemeyer
The Letter Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1865 29.160.33
The Green Wave Claude Monet 1865 29.100.111 boat Louisine Havemeyer
Portrait of a Woman in Gray Edgar Degas 1865 57.171
The Deer Gustave Courbet 1865 29.160.34
The Banks of the Seine at Conflans Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1865 21.70.4 Seine
Boatman among the Reeds Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1865 32.100.136 boat
Michael Friedsam
Two Men Edgar Degas 1865 1992.380
Princess Pauline Metternich (1836–1921) on the Beach Eugène Boudin 1865 1999.288.1
Landscape with Waterfall and Figures William Louis Sonntag, Sr. 1865 1976.154
A Fisherman Eastman Johnson 1865s 46.22.1
The Court of the Princess Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1865s 07.267
Market Scene August von Pettenkofen 1865s 23.103.3 horse
Four Figures Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1865s 67.187.198
The Ferryman Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1865s 14.40.811 boat
Benjamin Altman
Bay and Harbor of New York from Bedlow's Island Edmund C. Coates 1865s 54.90.165 ship
A Woman Seated beside a Vase of Flowers Edgar Degas 1865 29.100.128 woman
Bouquet, Henry (DNB00)
Louisine Havemeyer
Bacchante in a Landscape Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1865 29.100.598 woman Louisine Havemeyer
The Bodmer Oak, Fontainebleau Forest Claude Monet 1865 64.210
General Garibaldi's Residence at Caprera Frederick Richard Lee 1865 1974.159
The Fishing Boat Gustave Courbet 1865 99.11.3 boat
The Muse: History Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1865 29.100.193 Louisine Havemeyer
Madame Gaye Marià Fortuny 1865 89.22
Soldier Playing the Theorbo Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1865 08.136.7 theorbo
Honfleur Johan Jongkind 1865 16.39 ship
Sunset Johan Jongkind 1865 06.1284
River with a Distant Tower Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1865 11.45.4 river
rural area
On the Beach, Sunset Eugène Boudin 1865 2003.20.2
The Hill of the Alhambra, Granada Samuel Colman 1865 68.19 tree
Summer Afternoon Asher Brown Durand 1865 15.30.60 river
The Valley of Wyoming Jasper Francis Cropsey 1865 66.113 sky
Wyoming Valley
church building
The Veteran in a New Field Winslow Homer 1865 67.187.131 man
A Bit of War History: The Contraband Thomas Waterman Wood 1865 84.12a
Peace and Plenty George Inness 1865 94.27 tree
The African Sentinel Elihu Vedder 1865 81.1.657 tree
Luigi Palma di Cesnola Jacob D. Blondel 1865 67.29 soldier
Vechte House at Gowannus, Brooklyn, New York anonymous 1865 36.123.1 house
Making the Splice between the Shore End and the Ocean Cable Robert Charles Dudley 1866 92.10.47 ship
Homeward Bound: "The Great Eastern" Robert Charles Dudley 1866 92.10.42 ship
Grappling for the Lost Cable Robert Charles Dudley 1866 92.10.45 ship
Awaiting the Reply Robert Charles Dudley 1866 92.10.43
Landing at Newfoundland Robert Charles Dudley 1866 92.10.46 ship
Italian Boy William Morris Hunt 1866 08.136.1 hat
Hugo van der Goes Painting the Portrait of Mary of Burgundy Wilhelm Koller 1866s 81.1.662
Young Lady in 1866 Édouard Manet 1866 89.21.3 Victorine Meurent
red hair
A Matador Édouard Manet 1866
29.100.52 Eugène Manet
brown hair
traje de luces
dress shirt
Spanish costume
Théodore Duret
Louisine Havemeyer
Henry Osborne Havemeyer
Paul Durand-Ruel
Jean-Baptiste Faure
Woman with a Parrot Gustave Courbet 1866 29.100.57 woman
long hair
red hair
Joanna Hiffernan
bird's wing
bed sheet
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Prisoners from the Front Winslow Homer 1866 22.207 soldier
Francis C. Barlow
The Young Bather Gustave Courbet 1866 29.100.124 woman
nude swimming
red hair
long hair
rural area
underarm hair
mons pubis
Louisine Havemeyer
Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert (born 1817), the Artist's Uncle Paul Cézanne 1866 53.140.1
Antoine Dominique Sauveur Aubert (born 1817), the Artist's Uncle, as a Monk Paul Cézanne 1866 1993.400.1
The Collector of Prints Edgar Degas 1866 29.100.44 Louisine Havemeyer
Still Life with Flowers and Fruit Henri Fantin-Latour 1866 1980.3 vase
Landing the Shore End of the Atlantic Cable Robert Charles Dudley 1866 92.10.44 ship
A Church Interior Eugène Isabey 1866 25.110.38
A Bit of War History: The Recruit Thomas Waterman Wood 1866 84.12b soldier
Tennessee Alexander Helwig Wyant 1866 13.53 tree
Seashore, Morning William Hart 1866 09.214.2 boat
A Bit of War History: The Veteran Thomas Waterman Wood 1866 84.12c soldier
The Contest for the Bouquet: The Family of Robert Gordon in Their New York Dining-Room Seymour Joseph Guy 1866 1992.128
Merced River, Yosemite Valley Albert Bierstadt 1866 09.214.1 Yosemite Valley
Merced River
Still Life with Strawberries in a Compote Severin Roesen 1867s 2004.541.2 leaf
Still Life Fruit and Wine Glass Severin Roesen 1867s 2004.541.1
Mademoiselle Marie Dihau (1843–1935) Edgar Degas 1867s 29.100.182 Louisine Havemeyer
Sleep Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1867 30.95.253
Village by a River Eugène Boudin 1867 59.140
A Pond in Picardy Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1867 14.40.813 tree Benjamin Altman
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.5
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.4
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.3 tree
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.6
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.1
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.2
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.7
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.8
The Fable of the Miller, His Son, and the Donkey Elihu Vedder 1867 1992.205.9
Ideal Head of a Boy (George Spencer Fuller) George Fuller 1867 87.8.4
Study from Nature William Stanley Haseltine 1867s 1980.350
The Funeral Édouard Manet 1867s 10.36 tree
Garden at Sainte-Adresse Claude Monet 1867 67.241 Sainte-Adresse
Regatta at Sainte-Adresse Claude Monet 1867 51.30.4 Sainte-Adresse
James-Jacques-Joseph Tissot (1836–1902) Edgar Degas 1867 39.161 James Tissot
Jalais Hill, Pontoise Camille Pissarro 1867 51.30.2 village
Porte de la Reine at Aigues-Mortes Frédéric Bazille 1867 1988.221 horse
Autumn: The Woodland Pond Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1867 17.120.214
Lake Como Thomas Moran 1867 64.198.5 tree
On to Liberty Theodore Kaufmann 1867 1982.443.3
Pompton Plains, New Jersey Jasper Francis Cropsey 1867 25.110.22 Pequannock Township
Italian Girl William Morris Hunt 1867 08.136.2
The Studio Winslow Homer 1867 39.14
The 9:45 Accommodation Edward Lamson Henry 1867 39.47.1 horse
Penelope Charles Marchal 1868 17.138.2
Women's Art Class Louis Lang 1868 1999.143
Ship by Moonlight Ivan Aivazovsky 1868s 1975.280.2 ship
The Flood Gate Emile van Marcke 1868s 36.162.2
The Love Song Edward Burne-Jones 1868s 47.26 musical instrument
The Woman in the Waves Gustave Courbet 1868 29.100.62 woman
wind wave
sea bathing
sailing ship
underarm hair
nude swimming
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Weeders Jules Breton 1868 25.110.66
Gathering Olives at Tivoli François-Louis Français 1868 97.18
Joseph-Henri Altès (1826–1895) Edgar Degas 1868 29.100.181 Joseph-Henri Altès Louisine Havemeyer
Asters and Fruit on a Table Henri Fantin-Latour 1868 2001.202.3 flower
Panorama of Roman Campagna, Nov. 12, 1868 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1868 1982.217.3 recto
Roman Campagna, Nov. 12, 1868 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1868 1982.217.2 verso
Charles Loring Elliott Seymour Joseph Guy 1868 03.31 Charles Loring Elliott
Macomb's Dam Hotel M. A. Sullivan 1868 54.90.160 tree
Autumn Study, View over Hanging Rock, Newport, R.I. John La Farge 1868 49.76
Mary Cadwalader Rawle William Oliver Stone 1868 53.144
The Morning Paper John Ferguson Weir 1868 60.72
An Egyptian Peasant Woman and Her Child Léon Bonnat 1869s 87.15.97
New York Harbor with Brooklyn Bridge G. Baker 1869 1977.258.2 Brooklyn Bridge
New York Harbor
Study for Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts Winslow Homer 1869 1979.135.1
Cloud Study; Lake [Maggiore?] and Village (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.10 verso house
La Grenouillère Claude Monet 1869 29.100.112 La Grenouillère
optical reflection
Louisine Havemeyer
Femme Lisant Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1869 28.90 woman
brown hair
rural area
Black Bashi-Bazouk Jean-Léon Gérôme 1869 2008.547.1 bashi-bazouk
military uniform
The Calm Sea Gustave Courbet 1869 29.100.566 boat Louisine Havemeyer
A General and His Aide-de-camp Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1869 87.15.37
Madame Théodore Gobillard (Yves Morisot, 1838–1893) Edgar Degas 1869 29.100.45 Louisine Havemeyer
The Meeting on the Lake Arthur von Ramberg 1869 87.15.132
Two Men at a Table, Man Eating (from Switzerland 1869 Sketchbook) John Singer Sargent 1869 50.130.147hh
Carmelita Requena Thomas Eakins 1869 1979.135.2
Lake Maggiore, May 11,1869: Village and Landscape (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.9 recto
Village on Lake Como: May 1, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.7 verso
Lake George John Frederick Kensett 1869 15.30.61 sky
Lake George
Landscape with Ruins (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.2 recto
Lake Como, May 3, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.4 verso
Lake Maggiore, May 12, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.9 verso
James Topham Brady Joseph Alexander Ames 1869 10.106 James T. Brady
Lake Como, May 1, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.8 recto
Mountains Overlooking Lake Maggiore, May 11, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.8 verso boat
The North Dutch Church, Fulton and William Streets, New York Edward Lamson Henry 1869 15.30.66 horse
Mountain View at Bormio (from Switzerland 1869 Sketchbook) John Singer Sargent 1869 50.130.147dd
Lake Maggiore, May 11, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.6 recto
Polyhymnia Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.45
Lake Como, May 3, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.5 recto
Euterpe Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.46
Lake of Lecco (from Switzerland 1869 Sketchbook) John Singer Sargent 1869 50.130.147pp boat
Autumn Meadows George Inness 1869 1974.75 tree
Calliope Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.43 musical instrument
Clio Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.42
Erato Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.49
Melpomene Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.41
Terpsichore Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.44 Terpsichore
Thalia Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.48
Urania Giuseppe Fagnani 1869 74.47
Winter Scene in Moonlight Henry Farrer 1869 1999.19 tree
Lake Maggiore May 12 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.10 recto
Village, Mountains, and Lake [Maggiore?] (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.11 recto
Lake Como, May 1, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.6 verso
Cloud Study (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.4 recto
Lake Como, May 1, 1869 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.7 recto tree
Outline Sketch of Mountains (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1869 1982.217.1 verso
The Rocky Path in the Morvan (Chemin des roches dans le Morvan) Henri Harpignies 1869 1975.1.182 Robert Lehman
Ortler Spitz from Summit of Stelvio Pass (from Switzerland 1869 Sketchbook) John Singer Sargent 1869-09-25 50.130.147aa verso
Ortler Spitz from Summit of Stelvio Pass (from Switzerland 1869 Sketchbook) John Singer Sargent 1869-09-25 50.130.147bb
Two Birds Perched on a Flowering Rose Bush Ren Bonian 1870s bird
Gustave Boyer (b. 1840) in a Straw Hat Paul Cézanne 1870s 29.100.65 hat Louisine Havemeyer
Still Life with Ham Philippe Rousseau 1870s 1982.320
Old Ferry Stairs William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.491 boat
Fighting a Fire William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.495 tree
Berg's Ship Yard William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.511 ship
The Sewer William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.508 horse
House Raising William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.512 horse
The Garbage Cart William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.507 house
The Boot Black William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.501 house
Hot Corn Seller William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.497 house
Firemen's Washing Day William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.496
Bull's Head Tavern William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.493 tree
The Lamp Lighter William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.490
Tea water pump William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.504 house
Tea Party William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.499 tree
Self-portrait Jacob Hart Lazarus 1870s 08.18 Jacob Hart Lazarus
The Beach, Late Afternoon Winslow Homer 1870s 67.187.207
Infant Funeral Procession William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.502
Militia Drilling William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.509
Strawberry Pedlar William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.506 house
Adult Funeral Procession William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.489 tree
Tea Rusk and Brick House William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.503 house
Baked Pears in Duane Park William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.494 tree
Baptism William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.515 boat
The Baker's Wagon William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.510 house
Bathing Party William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.514 tree
Buttermilk Pedlar William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.498 house
Chimney Sweeps William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.505 tree
City Watchman William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.500 house
The Dog Killer William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.513 house
Fly Market William P. Chappel 1870s 54.90.492
View of the Hudson River from the Catskills Stanford White 1870s 1999.250
A Road in Louveciennes Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1870 1974.356.32 tree
Sulking Edgar Degas 1870 29.100.43 Louisine Havemeyer
The Pink Dress (Albertie-Marguerite Carré, later Madame Ferdinand-Henri Himmes, 1854–1935) Berthe Morisot 1870 2003.20.8 Albertie-Marguerite Carré
A Peasant Girl Knitting Jules Breton 1870 87.15.21 knitting
After the Storm anonymous 1870 66.214 tree
Sunset Harvey O. Young 1870 64.198.7
View of Poestenkill, New York Joseph H. Hidley 1870 63.201.5 house
Cremorne Gardens, No. 2 James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1870 12.32
Pulpit in Saint Mark's, Venice George Henry Yewell 1870 90.23
Story of Golden Locks Seymour Joseph Guy 1870 2013.604
Song of the Waters Jerome Thompson 1870 1984.252.2 tree
A Lane through the Trees Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1870 14.40.817 tree Benjamin Altman
In Mischief Walter Shirlaw 1870 53.45.7
Saddle Horse in Farm Yard Winslow Homer 1870 67.187.130 horse
Mother and Child Antoine Émile Plassan 1870s 07.233.39
Santa Maria della Salute, Sunset William Stanley Haseltine 1870s 54.100 sky
Santa Maria della Salute
The Dancing Class Edgar Degas 1870s 29.100.184 class
ballet dancer
ballet tutu
red hair
chestnut hair
brown hair
grand piano
white hair
top hat
watering can
Psyche (furniture)
optical reflection
mirror image
Louisine Havemeyer
Sibylle Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1870s 29.100.565 sibyl Louisine Havemeyer
Autumn Landscape, Sugar Loaf Mountain, Orange County, New York Jasper Francis Cropsey 1870s 61.262 sky
church building
The Hatch Family Eastman Johnson 1870s 26.97
Salome Henri Regnault 1870 16.95 Salome
see-through clothing
black hair
long hair
Examining Antique Arms José Villegas Cordero 1870 87.15.39
Ville-d'Avray Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1870 87.15.141
The Brioche Édouard Manet 1870 1991.287 flower
Marine: The Waterspout Gustave Courbet 1870 29.160.35
Shepherd with a Flock of Sheep Ilya Repin 1870 1975.280.4
Just Moved Henry Mosler 1870 62.80 woman
Convent near Rome George Henry Yewell 1870 67.55.162 house
Stony Clove, June 26, 1870 (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1870 1982.217.12 recto
The Trout Pool Worthington Whittredge 1870 21.115.4
The Music Lesson John George Brown 1870 21.115.3
Stony Clove, June 26, 1870; Landscape Composition (from Sketchbook) Jervis McEntee 1870 1982.217.11 verso tree
Eagle Head, Manchester, Massachusetts (High Tide) Winslow Homer 1870 23.77.2
The Muse of Painting John La Farge 1870 09.176 leaf
Tivoli Sanford Robinson Gifford 1870 12.205.1 sky
Old Brewery, Five Points Mission, New York F. A. Mead 1870 54.90.183
Summer Day on Conesus Lake John Frederick Kensett 1870 25.110.5 boat
Finish — First International Race for America's Cup, August 8, 1870 Samuel Colman 1870 62.202 sailboat
1870 America's Cup
Atlantic Ocean
wind wave
Jungfrau (from "Splendid Mountain Watercolours" Sketchbook) John Singer Sargent 1870 50.130.146b verso
Bay of Uri, Brunnen (from Switzerland 1870 Sketchbook) John Singer Sargent 1870-06-04 50.130.148l
A Woman Gathering Faggots at Ville-d'Avray Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1871s 17.120.225 tree
Railroad Bridge over the Marne at Joinville Armand Guillaumin 1871s 1975.1.180 boat Robert Lehman
Marine Edward Moran 1871 64.198.6 boat
Palamedes Palamedesz John Singer Sargent 1871 50.130.143q Palamedes Palamedesz
Max Schmitt in a Single Scull Thomas Eakins 1871 34.92 boat
Prayer in the Mosque Jean-Léon Gérôme 1871 87.15.130
Madame Édouard Bernier (Marie-Octavie-Stéphanie Laurens, 1838–1920) Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1871 51.200
The Ballet from "Robert le Diable" Edgar Degas 1871 29.100.552 ballet Louisine Havemeyer
Breton Brother and Sister William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1871 87.15.32
Boats on the Seacoast at Étaples Charles-François Daubigny 1871 03.29 boat
A Footman Sleeping Charles Bargue 1871 81.1.656
Young Mother Gazing at Her Child William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1871 1993.402
Night Scene on the Volga Alexei Kondratievich Savrasov 1871 1972.145.4 Volga
William H. Riggs (1837–1924) in Sixteenth-Century Half-Armor Ferdinand Humbert 1871 14.25.1878
The Parthenon Frederic Edwin Church 1871 15.30.67 Parthenon
ancient Greek temple
low-angle shot
Acropolis of Athens
Nicoll Havens Dering Daniel Huntington 1871 16.68.5
John David Wolfe Daniel Huntington 1871 87.15.78 John David Wolfe
Isola Bella In Lago Maggiore Sanford Robinson Gifford 1871 21.115.1 Lake Maggiore
Isola Bella
church building
Landscape with Cows Watering in a Stream Robert S. Duncanson 1871 1974.359 tree
An Arctic Summer: Boring though the Pack in Melville Bay William Bradford 1871 1982.443.1 iceberg
sea ice
Melville Bay
Coming Events Cast Their Shadows Before Charles Caleb Ward 1871 67.155.2 house
Rainy Day in Camp Winslow Homer 1871 23.77.1 horse
On the Qui Vive, Buck and Three Does Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait 1871 1979.490.8
Houses on the Achterzaan Claude Monet 1871 1975.1.196 boat
Robert Lehman
Henry Irving as Philip II of Spain anonymous 1872s 55.49
The Death of the First Born Erastus Salisbury Field 1872s 66.242.24
Egyptian Scene (possibly Moses and Zipporah) Erastus Salisbury Field 1872s 66.242.25
Autumn Landscape with a Flock of Turkeys Jean-François Millet 1872s 17.120.209 Isaac Dudley Fletcher
Greek Girls Bathing Elihu Vedder 1872s 58.28
Calling the Cows Home Jean-François Millet 1872 50.151 character
French horn
The Japanese Robe Alfred Stevens 1872 87.15.56
The Dream after the Ball Hans Makart 1872s 87.15.133
The Bridge at Villeneuve-la-Garenne Alfred Sisley 1872 64.287 Q3397238
suspension bridge
road bridge
roof tile
broad-leaved tree
Jean Monet (1867–1913) on His Hobby Horse Claude Monet 1872 2000.195 horse
Tea James Tissot 1872 1998.170
'Ghâtaignier' Apples and Glazed Earthenware on a Table Camille Pissarro 1872 1983.166 apple
A Circus Boy Antonio Mancini 1872 92.1.62
Falling Leaves, Allegory of Autumn Hugues Merle 1872 87.15.107 leaf
The Proposal William-Adolphe Bouguereau 1872 60.122
Choosing the Dinner Alexander Louis Leloir 1872 87.15.90
A Mosque Alberto Pasini 1872 25.110.94 Yeni Valide Mosque
blue sky
The Edge of the Woods Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1872 14.40.819 tree Benjamin Altman
The Prize for the Hunt Jean Richard Goubie 1872 25.110.54
Sunset on the Sea John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.3
Salt Meadow in October John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.28
Lake George, Free Study John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.20
The Old Pine, Darien, Connecticut John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.38 tree
Lake George, 1872 John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.12 tree
Passing off of the Storm John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.27 boat
Sunset Sky John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.30
Snake Charmer at Tangier, Africa Louis Comfort Tiffany 1872 21.170
Lake George, A Reminiscence John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.11 tree
October in the Marshes John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.25 tree
Twilight in the Cedars at Darien, Connecticut John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.4 tree
George P. Putnam Platt Powell Ryder 1872 93.18.1
Snap the Whip Winslow Homer 1872 50.41 house
Eaton's Neck, Long Island John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.29
Newport Rocks John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.6
Talking It Over Enoch Wood Perry, Jr. 1872 1980.361 horse
The Gypsies Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot 1872 17.120.212 tree
Gathering Storm on Long Island Sound John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.39 tree
Twilight on the Sound, Darien, Connecticut John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.24 boat
A Foggy Sky John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.8
Lake George, New York John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.7
The Sea John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.35
Study of Beeches John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.13 tree
Sunset John Frederick Kensett 1872 74.37
Lake Squam and the Sandwich Mountains William Trost Richards 1872 80.1.8 Squam Lake
Sandwich Mountain
Landscape with Ducks Charles-François Daubigny 1872 1975.1.165 Robert Lehman
River and Rocks Gustave Courbet 1873s 22.16.14
Madame Édouard Manet (Suzanne Leenhoff, 1830–1906) Édouard Manet 1873 67.187.81
The Hidden Brook Gustave Courbet 1873 22.16.13
Lost: Souvenir of Auvergne August Friedrich Schenk 1873 87.15.61
Harvest Scene Winslow Homer 1873 09.26.6 tree
The Return to the Fold Anton Mauve 1873s 14.40.816 Benjamin Altman
Gathering Wood Anton Mauve 1873s 43.86.8 horse
Battle Scene: Arabs Making a Detour Adolf Schreyer 1873s 94.24.2
Arabs on the March Adolf Schreyer 1873s 87.15.127
A Shepherdess and Her Flock Anton Mauve 1873s 1985.88
Twilight Anton Mauve 1873s 14.40.812 tree Benjamin Altman
Camille Monet on a Garden Bench Claude Monet 1873 2002.62.1
A Woman Ironing Edgar Degas 1873 29.100.46 Louisine Havemeyer
Springtime Pierre Auguste Cot 1873 2012.575
Apple Blossoms Charles-François Daubigny 1873 25.110.3 tree
Gossip Giovanni Boldini 1873 87.15.81
Spring (Fruit Trees in Bloom) Claude Monet 1873 26.186.1 tree
Arabs Crossing a Ford Eugène Fromentin 1873 87.15.64
The Artist's Cousin, Probably Mrs. William Bell (Mathilde Musson, 1841–1878) Edgar Degas 1873 29.100.40 Louisine Havemeyer
Before the Mirror Pierre-Paul-Léon Glaize 1873 87.15.74
A Pool in a Meadow Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1873 15.30.13
A Vista through Trees: Fontainebleau Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1873 17.120.230 tree
A Day in October, near Waxholm, Sweden Alfred Wahlberg 1873 87.15.99 house
Boats at Cape May Xanthus Russell Smith 1873 1981.446.2 boat
Moonlight on Mount Lafayette, New Hampshire William Trost Richards 1873 80.1.2 Mount Lafayette
A Basket of Clams Winslow Homer 1873 1995.378 boy
Gloucester Harbor
Lady with Fan Frank Duveneck 1873 66.19 hat
Boys in a Dory Winslow Homer 1873 2001.608.1 boat
Bathers Paul Cézanne 1874s 1976.201.12
Forging the Shaft John Ferguson Weir 1874s 01.7.1
Haystacks: Autumn Jean-François Millet 1874 60.71.12 character
The Rehearsal of the Ballet Onstage Edgar Degas 1874 29.160.26
The True American Enoch Wood Perry, Jr. 1874 55.177 house
January: Cernay, near Rambouillet Léon Germain Pelouse 1874s 87.24
Boating Édouard Manet 1874 29.100.115 man
Louisine Havemeyer
The Dance Class Edgar Degas 1874 1987.47.1
A Cowherd at Valhermeil, Auvers-sur-Oise Camille Pissarro 1874 56.182 cattle
horse-drawn wagon
The Monet Family in Their Garden at Argenteuil Édouard Manet 1874 1976.201.14
The Public Garden at Pontoise Camille Pissarro 1874 64.156 Pontoise
Still Life with Pansies Henri Fantin-Latour 1874 66.194 flower
After the Ball Alfred Stevens 1874 46.150.1
The Reprimand Jehan Georges Vibert 1874 87.15.101
The Seine: Morning Charles-François Daubigny 1874 87.15.120 Seine
church building
Interior of the Cathedral of Freiberg Carl Graeb 1874 87.15.33
Echo Alexandre Cabanel 1874 65.258.1
Objects of Art from the Louvre Blaise Alexandre Desgoffe 1874 87.15.119
The Forest of Fontainebleau Narcisse Virgilio Díaz 1874 25.110.92
Spring in Brittany Paul Sébillot 1874 49.114 tree
On Point Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait 1874 1979.490.6
Lake Squam from Red Hill William Trost Richards 1874 80.1.6 Squam Lake
Burnham Beeches Thomas Charles Farrer 1874 2007.37 tree
Pushing for Rail Thomas Eakins 1874 16.65
The Camp Meeting Worthington Whittredge 1874 13.39.1 tree
Sundown at Centre Harbor, New Hampshire William Trost Richards 1874 80.1.1 Center Harbor
Side of a Greenhouse George Cochran Lambdin 1875s 1979.490.10
Masqueraders Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta 1875s 1975.1.233 Robert Lehman
1807, Friedland Jean-Louis-Ernest Meissonier 1875 87.20.1
Thusnelda at the Triumphal Entry of Germanicus into Rome Karl von Piloty 1875 87.2
Spring Morning James Tissot 1875 2009.359
The Fishermen (Fantastic Scene) Paul Cézanne 1875 2001.473 tree
A Canal in Venice Martín Rico 1875 87.15.57 Venice
Girls at a Window Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta 1875 87.15.131
Corn Husking at Nantucket Eastman Johnson 1875 07.68
A Male Model Standing before a Stove John Singer Sargent 1875 1972.32
View in County Kerry Alexander Helwig Wyant 1875 87.8.11
Breton Fishermen and Their Families Augustin Théodule Ribot 1875s 48.187.736
Hummingbird and Passionflowers Martin Johnson Heade 1875s 46.17 Trochilidae
A Waitress at Duval's Restaurant Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1875 61.101.14 dress
chestnut hair
long hair
gaze towards the viewer
A Bashi-Bazouk Charles Bargue 1875 87.15.102
Roman Girl at a Fountain Léon Bonnat 1875 87.15.137
The Birth of Venus Alexandre Cabanel 1875 94.24.1
In the Sun Edouard de Beaumont 1875 46.150.2
Poppy Fields near Argenteuil (1875) Claude Monet 1875 2001.202.5 tree
Reverie Matthijs Maris 1875 92.1.49
Woman on a Sofa Edgar Degas 1875 29.100.185 Louisine Havemeyer
Charles Sumner William Morris Hunt 1875 25.182
Indian Summer William Trost Richards 1875 25.110.6 indian summer
Saint George's Church, New York Edward Lamson Henry 1875 33.136.2
Hummingbird and Apple Blossoms Martin Johnson Heade 1875 1979.490.11 Trochilidae
Malus pumila
Saturday Afternoon Jervis McEntee 1875 13.39.2 tree
John Taylor Johnston Daniel Huntington 1875 2006.276
Evening at Medfield, Massachusetts George Inness 1875 10.64.6 tree
John F. Kensett George Augustus Baker 1875 81.13
Skating on the Wissahickon Johan Mengels Culverhouse 1875 1974.263 tree
Dish of Apples Paul Cézanne 1876 1997.60.1
William Cullen Bryant Thomas Le Clear 1876 06.1323
Benjamin Franklin William Perkins Babcock 1876 83.2.468 Benjamin Franklin
Gitana John Singer Sargent 1876 10.64.10
Harmony in Yellow and Gold: The Gold Girl—Connie Gilchrist James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1876 11.32
Still Life with Cheese Antoine Vollon 1876s 18.22.1
Head of a Man Vasily Perov 1876s 1975.280.6
Newburyport Meadows Martin Johnson Heade 1876s 1985.117 marsh
Autumn Oaks George Inness 1876s 87.8.8
The Chess Players Thomas Eakins 1876 81.14 parlour
house cat
chess table
fireplace mantel
pendulum clock
Ave Caesar Morituri te Salutant
picture frame
chess player
Staunton chess set
white hair
wedding ring
dress shirt
bow tie
Metropolitan Museum of Art
The Seine at Bougival Alfred Sisley 1876 1992.103.4 Seine
View of Marly-le-Roi from Cœur-Volant Alfred Sisley 1876 67.187.103 Marly-le-Roi
Camille Monet (1847–1879) in the Garden at Argenteuil Claude Monet 1876 2000.93.1 Camille Doncieux
Landscape: The Parc Monceau Claude Monet 1876 59.206 parc Monceau
blue sky
Nini in the Garden (Nini Lopez) Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1876 2002.62.2
Catharine Lorillard Wolfe (1828–1887) Alexandre Cabanel 1876 87.15.82 Catharine Lorillard Wolfe
Auction Sale in Clinton Hall, New York, 1876 Ignacio León y Escosura 1876 83.11
Pallas Athena and the Herdsman's Dogs Briton Rivière 1876 1980.510.3
Samuel P. Avery (1822–1904) Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta 1876 04.29.1
Barges at Pontoise Camille Pissarro 1876 1979.135.16 barge
A Dragoon on Horseback Édouard Detaille 1876 08.136.5
Evening in the Woods Worthington Whittredge 1876 05.13.10 tree
View of the Schuylkill County Almshouse Property Charles C. Hofmann 1876 66.242.26 tree
A Month's Darning Enoch Wood Perry, Jr. 1876 66.240 flower
Still Life with Fruit anonymous 1876 1979.452 leaf
The Pond of Gylieu Charles-François Daubigny 1876 43.86.6
Old Annapolis, Francis Street Francis Blackwell Mayer 1876 39.175 tree
Pasture Scene James McDougal Hart 1876 21.115.2 tree
Pine Grove of the Barberini Villa George Inness 1876 98.16 tree
The New Bonnet Eastman Johnson 1876 25.110.11 hat
Nocturne in Green and Gold James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1877s 06.286
Landscape with a Sunlit Stream Charles-François Daubigny 1877 08.136.4 tree
Dancer Onstage Edgar Degas 1877 1974.356.30
Young Woman Praying Jean-Jacques Henner 1877s 37.20.2
Expectation Jozef Israëls 1877s 87.8.13
Grandmother's Treasure Jozef Israëls 1877s 17.120.227
Still Life with Fruit Carducius Plantagenet Ream 1877s 1999.298
Still Life with Ewer and Fruit Carducius Plantagenet Ream 1877s 1999.299.1
Still Life with Grapes Carducius Plantagenet Ream 1877s 1999.299.2
Lucia Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton 1877s 87.15.79 woman
Still Life with Jar, Cup, and Apples Paul Cézanne 1877s 29.100.66 Louisine Havemeyer
The Aegean Sea Frederic Edwin Church 1877s 02.23 Aegean Sea
Dressing for the Carnival Winslow Homer 1877 22.220
Dancers Practicing at the Barre Edgar Degas 1877 29.100.34 Louisine Havemeyer
Sunday at the Church of Saint-Philippe-du-Roule, Paris Jean Béraud 1877 55.35 Église Saint-Philippe-du-Roule
rue du Faubourg-Saint-Honoré
Eugène Murer (Hyacinthe-Eugène Meunier, 1841–1906) Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1877 2003.20.9
Bouquet Valley, Adirondack Mountains William Trost Richards 1877 2003.545 tree
The Banker's Table William Harnett 1877 56.21 book
Joseph W. Drexel Jacob Hart Lazarus 1877 96.23
The Bathers William Morris Hunt 1877 36.99
Sand Bank with Willows, Magnolia William Morris Hunt 1877 38.153 tree
Three Dancers Preparing for Class Edgar Degas 1878s 29.100.558 Louisine Havemeyer
George Moore (1852–1933) at the Café Édouard Manet 1878s 55.193
Landscape at Saint-Ouen Georges Seurat 1878s 1980.342
Apples Paul Cézanne 1878s 61.103 apple
Fan Mount: The Cabbage Gatherers Camille Pissarro 1878
Portraits at the Stock Exchange Edgar Degas 1878 1991.277.1
Mademoiselle Isabelle Lemonnier (1857–1926) Édouard Manet 1878 29.100.56 Louisine Havemeyer
Côte des Grouettes, near Pontoise Camille Pissarro 1878 1991.277.2 road
Canal Side Jacob Maris 1878s 33.136.3 boat
Mme. Charpentier and Her Children Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1878 07.122 Marguerite Charpentier
Georgette Charpentier
Paul Charpentier
The Parc Monceau Claude Monet 1878 59.142 parc Monceau
The Music Room Mihály Munkácsy 1878 08.136.11
Graziella Jules Lefebvre 1878 87.15.111
Studies of a Dead Bird John Singer Sargent 1878 50.130.23
Roses George Cochran Lambdin 1878 18.116 leaf
Portrait of the Artist Mary Cassatt 1878 1975.319.1 woman
Mary Cassatt
Anahita: A Study for "The Flight of Night" William Morris Hunt 1878 11.34.2
The Boulder and the Flume Ralph Albert Blakelock 1878 1974.212 tree
Fortune: A Study for "The Discoverer" William Morris Hunt 1878 11.34.1
Mrs. Sylvester Dering Daniel Huntington 1878 16.68.4
Wood Carrier, near Amalfi (from Cropsey Album) George Snell 1878 1970.9.3
Allée of Chestnut Trees Alfred Sisley 1878 1975.1.211 tree Robert Lehman
Open Doorway, Morocco John Singer Sargent 1879s 50.130.5
Moorish Buildings in Sunlight John Singer Sargent 1879s 50.130.9
Moorish Buildings on a Cloudy Day John Singer Sargent 1879s 50.130.7
The Balcony, Spain [and] Two Nude Bathers Standing on a Wharf John Singer Sargent 1879s 50.130.10a, b
Spanish Landscape John Singer Sargent 1879s 50.130.8 tree
A Spanish Madonna John Singer Sargent 1879s 50.130.11
Courtyard, Tetuan, Morocco John Singer Sargent 1879s 50.130.6
White Walls in Sunlight, Morocco John Singer Sargent 1879s 50.130.4
The Dispatch-Bearer Giovanni Boldini 1879 08.136.12 soldier
The Dance Lesson Edgar Degas 1879 1971.185
George Moore (1852–1933) Édouard Manet 1879 29.100.55 Louisine Havemeyer
The Way They Live Thomas Pollock Anshutz 1879 40.40 house
Joan of Arc Jules Bastien-Lepage 1879 89.21.1 Joan of Arc
The Road from Versailles to Louveciennes Alfred Sisley 1879 64.154.2 Louveciennes
Fan Mount: The Ballet Edgar Degas 1879 29.100.554 Louisine Havemeyer
Fan Mount: Ballet Girls Edgar Degas 1879 29.100.555 Louisine Havemeyer
The Defense of Champigny Édouard Detaille 1879 87.20.2 Battle of Villiers
Weaning the Calves Rosa Bonheur 1879 87.15.109
Mademoiselle Lucie Delabigne (1859–1910), Called Valtesse de la Bigne Édouard Manet 1879 29.100.561 Louisine Havemeyer
Near Land's End, Cornwall William Trost Richards 1879 50.9 wind wave
On the Old Sod William Magrath 1879 87.3
The Artist's Letter Rack William Harnett 1879 66.13
Marguerite-Thérèse (Margot) Berard (1874–1956) Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1879 61.101.15
Cyrus W. Field Daniel Huntington 1879 92.10.41
Yosemite Falls, from Glacier Point William Keith 1879 52.45 tree
American Eagle on Red Scroll W. H. Bean 1880s 1980.360.12
Jerusalem from the Environs Théodore Frère 1880s 87.15.106
Moonlight Marine Albert Pinkham Ryder 1880s 34.55
And She Was a Witch George Fuller 1880s 87.8.7 tree
Lilacs in a Window Mary Cassatt 1880s 1997.207 Syringa
The Pool at the Jas de Bouffan Paul Cézanne 1880s 61.101.5
A Windy Day on the Pont des Arts Jean Béraud 1880s 52.48.1 wind
Pont des Arts
Cafe House, Cairo (Casting Bullets) Jean-Léon Gérôme 1880s 05.13.4 musical instrument
Dancer Edgar Degas 1880s 2007.332.1
View of the Domaine Saint-Joseph Paul Cézanne 1880s 13.66 tree
Apples and Grapes Claude Monet 1880 57.183 apple
Changing Pasture Anton Mauve 1880 14.40.810 Benjamin Altman
The Outskirts of a Village Edmond Aman-Jean 1880 2002.151 tree
Portrait of a Man anonymous 1880 62.122.34
The Pipe Dance Ralph Albert Blakelock 1880 09.25.1 tree
An Indian Encampment Ralph Albert Blakelock 1880 06.1269 horse
William Henry Huntington Caroline Cranch 1880 90.29 William Henry Huntington
Landscape John Francis Murphy 1880 67.55.165 tree
The Smugglers' Cove Albert Pinkham Ryder 1880 09.58.2 ship
Cypress and Poppies Elihu Vedder 1880 1982.441
The Toilers of the Sea Albert Pinkham Ryder 1880 15.32 boat
The Bridge Albert Pinkham Ryder 1880 09.72.8 tree
Broad, Silent Valley Alexander Helwig Wyant 1880 06.1306 tree
Arrangement in Black: Girl Reading James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1880 67.187.209
Landscape with Road Approaching the City Jean-François Raffaëlli 1880 1975.1.683 Robert Lehman
A Spanish Garden Martín Rico 1880s 81.1.666
On the Seine Martín Rico 1880s 15.30.71 tree
Arrangement in Black, No. 3: Sir Henry Irving as Philip II of Spain James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1880s 10.86
The Cup of Tea Mary Cassatt 1880s 22.16.17
The Storm Pierre Auguste Cot 1880 87.15.134 couple
male toplessness
see-through clothing
black hair
rural area
clothed male, naked female
blowing horn
Madame Manet (Suzanne Leenhoff, 1830–1906) at Bellevue Édouard Manet 1880 1997.391.4
Vétheuil in Summer Claude Monet 1880 51.30.3 tree
View of Vétheuil Claude Monet 1880 56.135.1 tree
View of the Seacoast near Wargemont in Normandy Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1880 56.135.7 tree
Washerwoman, Study Camille Pissarro 1880 56.184.1 woman
The Spy Alphonse de Neuville 1880 25.110.26 soldier
Île aux Fleurs near Vétheuil Claude Monet 1880 56.135.5
The Seine at Vétheuil Claude Monet 1880 30.95.271 Seine
Summer Flowers Henri Fantin-Latour 1880 1997.347 flower
The Peddler Vladimir Makovsky 1880 1972.145.3
The Parthenon Vincent G. Stiepevich 1880 12.113
The Quadroon George Fuller 1880 10.64.3
View of a Ruined English Abbey John Henry Hill 1880 1976.18 tree
Camp Fire Winslow Homer 1880 27.181
Approaching Storm William Keith 1880 51.144 wind
Berks County Almshouse, 1880 John Rasmussen 1880 66.242.22
John Taylor Johnston (1820–1893) Léon Bonnat 1880 80.8
Lydia Crocheting in the Garden at Marly Mary Cassatt 1880 65.184 crochet
elder sister
Lydia Cassatt
Sanford Robinson Gifford Eastman Johnson 1880 88.16 Sanford Robinson Gifford
Isle of the Dead Arnold Böcklin 1880-06 26.90 island
Flowers in a Blue Vase Adolphe Joseph Thomas Monticelli 1881s 56.183 bouquet
Woman Reading Susan Macdowell Eakins 1881s 1995.27 book
In Full Sunlight (En plein soleil) James Tissot 1881 2006.278
Entrance Hall of the Metropolitan Museum of Art when in Fourteenth Street Frank Waller 1881 20.77
Old Souvenirs John F. Peto 1881 68.205.3
Autumn Hugh Bolton Jones 1881 07.119.8 tree
The Route Nationale at Samer Jean Charles Cazin 1881s 15.30.26 house
The Forest at Pontaubert Georges Seurat 1881 1985.237 Pontaubert
Bouquet of Sunflowers Claude Monet 1881 29.100.107 sunflower Louisine Havemeyer
Still Life with Peaches Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1881 61.101.12
Still Life with Peaches and Grapes Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1881 56.218
Bouquet of Chrysanthemums Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1881 2003.20.10 flower
A Bather (Echo) Jean-Jacques Henner 1881 87.15.54
The Bay of Naples Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1881 56.135.8 boat
At the Milliner's Edgar Degas 1881 1997.391.1
Mrs. William F. Milton Abbott Handerson Thayer 1881 23.77.3
The Funding Bill Eastman Johnson 1881 98.14
Interior View of the Metropolitan Museum of Art when in Fourteenth Street Frank Waller 1881 95.29
An Old Clearing Alexander Helwig Wyant 1881 12.205.2
The Harvest, Pontoise (La Récolte, Pontoise) Camille Pissarro 1881 1975.1.197 bag
Robert Lehman
Castles in Spain (Chateaux en Espagne) Thomas Alexander Harrison 1882s 12.226
Curfew Hour Albert Pinkham Ryder 1882s 09.58.1
View of the Seine Georges Seurat 1882s 59.16.5 boat
Jean-Baptiste Faure (1830–1914) Édouard Manet 1882s 50.71.1
The Gardener Georges Seurat 1882s 67.187.102
The Last Moments of John Brown Thomas Hovenden 1882s 97.5 soldier
Dancers in the Rehearsal Room with a Double Bass Edgar Degas 1882 29.100.127 Louisine Havemeyer
Head of Jean-Baptiste Faure (1830–1914) Édouard Manet 1882 59.129 Jean-Baptiste Faure
Strawberries Édouard Manet 1882 56.230.1
The Milliner Edgar Degas 1882 22.27.3
Deer—Sketch from Nature Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait 1882 63.200.6
Old Manor of Criqueboeuf Homer Dodge Martin 1882 22.117 tree
The Arab Jeweler Charles Sprague Pearce 1882 22.69
Suburban Landscape (Scene with Horse and Carriage) Jean-François Raffaëlli 1882 1975.1.684 Robert Lehman
Mont Sainte-Victoire and the Viaduct of the Arc River Valley Paul Cézanne 1882 29.100.64 Montagne Sainte-Victoire
Louisine Havemeyer
Lady with the Rose John Singer Sargent 1882 32.154 woman
Charlotte Louise Burckhardt
Chrysanthemums Claude Monet 1882 29.100.106 vase
Louisine Havemeyer
At the Milliner's Edgar Degas 1882 29.100.38 Louisine Havemeyer
Portrait of an Old Man Francisco Domingo Marqués 1882 08.136.14
Cabin of the Customs Watch Claude Monet 1882 1984.341 house
Lewis Einstein Eastman Johnson 1882 47.128
Nydia George Fuller 1882 87.8.10
Doe and Two Fawns Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait 1882 63.200.7
Hudson House anonymous 1882 1973.323.2 house
The Writing Master Thomas Eakins 1882 17.173
The Road from Moret to Saint-Mammès Alfred Sisley 1883s 1976.201.18
Behind Dunes, Lake Ontario Homer Dodge Martin 1883s 06.1287 tree
Arcadia Thomas Eakins 1883 67.187.125 tree
The Missionary's Adventures Jehan Georges Vibert 1883 25.110.140
Young Woman Knitting Berthe Morisot 1883 67.187.89
Ludus pro patria (Patriotic Games) Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1883 58.15.1
Orange Branch anonymous 1883 66.73 leaf
New York Bay and Harbor J. C. Wales 1883 54.90.106 New York Bay
Brooklyn Bridge
The Mower Georges Seurat 1883 1975.1.206 Robert Lehman
By the Seashore Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1883 29.100.125 woman
Saint Peter Port
Louisine Havemeyer
The Manneporte Claude Monet 1883 51.30.5 Étretat
English Channel
Roses in a Bowl Henri Fantin-Latour 1883 2003.20.6
Hills around the Bay of Moulin Huet, Guernsey Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1883 56.135.9
Reclining Nude Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1883 2003.20.12
Potted Pansies Henri Fantin-Latour 1883 2013.636 flower
The Artist's Wife (Périe, 1849–1887) Reading Albert Bartholomé 1883 1990.117
On the Thames Frank Myers Boggs 1883 09.26.2 boat
Arrangement in Flesh Colour and Black: Portrait of Theodore Duret James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1883 13.20
East Hampton Meadows George Henry Smillie 1883 20.87 tree
A Difficult Question (Une Question Difficile) Ignaz Gaugengigl 1883 08.136.10 book
Scene at Napanoch William Hart 1883 97.6 tree
Mountain Lake Scene John William Casilear 1883 1979.272
Landscape Kenyon Cox 1883 64.221
Famous Connoisseur (Fameux Connaisseur) Giovanni Boldini 1883 1975.1.278 Robert Lehman
Tiger and Cubs Jean-Léon Gérôme 1884 36.162.4
The Singer in Green Edgar Degas 1884 61.101.7
Mrs. Thomas Hicks Thomas Hicks 1884 17.67
Harem Scene Henry Siddons Mowbray 1884 26.158.3 harem
musical instrument
Arques-la-Bataille John Henry Twachtman 1884 1991.130
The Artist's Wife and His Setter Dog Thomas Eakins 1884 23.139
Lady at the Tea Table Mary Cassatt 1884s 23.101
Portrait of Madame X John Singer Sargent 1884 16.53 Virginie Amélie Avegno Gautreau
evening gown
brown hair
Study for "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" Georges Seurat 1884 51.112.6 bathing
Vsevolod Mikhailovich Garshin (1855–1888) Ilya Repin 1884 1972.145.2 Vsevolod Garshin
The Grape Harvest Léon Augustin Lhermitte 1884 87.22.2
Palm Trees at Bordighera Claude Monet 1884 67.187.87
The Valley of the Nervia Claude Monet 1884 30.95.251 Camporosso
Portrait of a Boy Ilya Repin 1884 1972.145.1
Christ and the Woman Taken in Adultery Vasily Polenov 1884 1972.145.5
A Cavalryman Alphonse de Neuville 1884 15.30.20 soldier
Roses with a Glass Goblet and a Cast of Giovanni Bologna's "Venus after the Bath" J. Alden Weir 1884 1978.21
On the Unadilla, New York David Johnson 1884 25.110.135 tree
Hortensia Fernand Khnopff 1884 2015.263 flower
A Cosey Corner Francis Davis Millet 1884 87.8.3
The Quartette (Un quatuor) William Turner Dannat 1884 87.26
Study for "A Sunday on La Grande Jatte" Georges Seurat 1884 1975.1.207 tree Robert Lehman
A Carriage Ride Edward Lamson Henry 1885s 1979.490.12 horse
Pink Azalea—Chinese Vase William Merritt Chase 1885s 1979.490.5 vase
Gardanne Paul Cézanne 1885s 57.181 Gardanne
Woman Drying Her Foot Edgar Degas 1885s 29.100.36 Louisine Havemeyer
Spring Hugh Bolton Jones 1885s 87.8.9 tree
Self-Portrait Theodore Robinson 1885s 2007.281.4 Theodore Robinson
Landscape in the Adirondacks Alexander Helwig Wyant 1885s 06.1307 tree
The Gulf of Marseilles Seen from L'Estaque Paul Cézanne 1885 29.100.67 tree Louisine Havemeyer
Still Life with Flowers and Prickly Pears Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1885 2010.454 vase
Woman Having Her Hair Combed Edgar Degas 1885 29.100.35 Louisine Havemeyer
Race Horses Edgar Degas 1885 1999.288.3
In the Laboratory Henry Alexander 1885 39.46
Glimpse of the Sea Alexander Helwig Wyant 1885 06.1308 tree
Near the Coast Robert Swain Gifford 1885 85.7 tree
Portrait of a Young Woman Edgar Degas 1885 29.100.183 Louisine Havemeyer
The Brook in the Woods Worthington Whittredge 1885 2003.435 tree
Egyptian Revival Triptych anonymous 1885 1978.502
Parisian Street Scene Jean Béraud 1885 1975.1.243 Robert Lehman
Sea and Cliffs Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1885 1975.1.200 boat Robert Lehman
Trees and Houses Near the Jas de Bouffan Paul Cézanne 1885s 1975.1.160 house
Robert Lehman
Peasant Woman Cooking by a Fireplace Vincent van Gogh 1885 1984.393 woman
Amédée Schuffenecker
Auguste Pellerin
Mr. and Mrs. Mortimer Hays
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Moonrise Henri Harpignies 1885 86.6
Woman Bathing in a Shallow Tub Edgar Degas 1885 29.100.41 Louisine Havemeyer
Peasant Girl with a White Headcloth Wilhelm Leibl 1885 16.148.1
Mrs. Charles Warren-Cram (Ella Brooks Carter, 1846–1896) Giovanni Boldini 1885 59.78
In the Studio Hugo von Habermann 1885 16.16
Portrait of a Woman Henri Fantin-Latour 1885 10.41
The Pleiades Elihu Vedder 1885 10.64.13
View of Yosemite Valley Thomas Hill 1885 1971.245
Office Board John F. Peto 1885 55.176
Variations in Violet and Grey—Market Place, Dieppe James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1885 2000.512
Arques-la-Bataille John Henry Twachtman 1885 68.52
The Potato Peeler Vincent van Gogh 1885 67.187.70b woman
Adelaide Milton de Groot
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Vincent van Gogh
Galerie Charpentier
Madonna of the Rose Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret 1885 06.1233.2
James Abbott McNeill Whistler William Merritt Chase 1885 18.22.2 James Abbott McNeill Whistler
Near Jackson, White Mountains John Clinton Ogilvie 1885 19.120
Reapers Resting in a Wheat Field John Singer Sargent 1885 50.130.14 tree
Mountainous Landscape in Italy : "Il Resegone" Frank Randal 1885 1975.1.895 Robert Lehman
A Waterfall, Moonlight Ralph Albert Blakelock 1886s 52.48.2 tree
Gray Weather, Grande Jatte Georges Seurat 1886 2002.62.3 boat
Judith Jean-Joseph Benjamin-Constant 1886 59.185 Judith
Tamaris Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1886 30.20
Delaware Water Gap Village Louis Eilshemius 1886 50.125 tree
In a Courtyard, Tangier Philippe Pavy 1886 N.A.2016.9.3 Tangier
North Africa
In a Courtyard, Tangier Philippe Pavy 1886 N.A.2016.9.3
Landscape George Inness 1886s 67.187.211
The Dining Room Paul Signac 1886s 1975.1.710 dining room
cup with stem
Robert Lehman
The Manneporte near Étretat Claude Monet 1886 31.67.11 Étretat
English Channel
natural arch
Portia John Everett Millais 1886 06.1328
The Pardon in Brittany Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret 1886 31.132.34
A Mosque Alberto Pasini 1886 08.136.13
Boatmen of Barcelona Dionisio Baixeras Verdaguer 1886 87.4.7 ship
Mrs. Chase in Prospect Park William Merritt Chase 1886 63.138.2 boat
Glass Blowers of Murano Charles Frederic Ulrich 1886 86.13 glassblower
Murano glass
Bayside, New Rochelle, New York David Johnson 1886 15.30.65 New Rochelle
A Pond near Nangis Paul Désiré Trouillebert 1887s 1975.1.212 boat Robert Lehman
Peach Blossoms—Villiers-le-Bel Childe Hassam 1887s 1979.490.9 tree
The Old Cremona John F. Peto 1887 39.172.1
The Etcher Stacy Tolman 1887 62.92
The Last Token: A Christian Martyr Gabriel von Max 1887s 87.15.58
The Organ Rehearsal Henry Lerolle 1887 87.8.12 rehearsal
Organ console
organ pipe
Saint-François-Xavier, Paris
church organ
sheet music
group of humans
Madeleine Lerolle
Ernest Chausson
Jeanne Chausson
Henry Lerolle
Sunflowers Vincent van Gogh 1887 49.41 sunflower
Self-Portrait with a Straw Hat Vincent van Gogh 1887 67.187.70a Vincent van Gogh
The Stroller (Suzanne Hoschedé, later Mrs. Theodore Earl Butler, 1868–1899) Claude Monet 1887 2003.20.7 Suzanne Hoschedé
Albert (René) Grenier (1858–1925) Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1887 1979.135.14
The Great Statue of Amida Buddha at Kamakura, Known as the Daibutsu, from the Priest's Garden John La Farge 1887 66.143
Spanish Peaks, Southern Colorado, Late Afternoon Samuel Colman 1887 93.21 Spanish Peaks
The Oak Door Alexander Pope 1887 65.168
William Henry Huntington Walter Gay 1887 11.69
Sunrise George Inness 1887 54.156 tree
Tobias and the Angel Thomas Dewing 1887 19.171.1 Tobias
From Shifting Shade James McDougal Hart 1887 1990.197.3 sky
The Cup of Love Elihu Vedder 1887 1976.106.2
Fair Critics Charles Courtney Curran 1887 2014.128 studio
Moonlight Dwight William Tryon 1887 06.1299
Broad Acres Edward Gay 1887 87.18 flower
The Town Beach, Collioure, Opus 165 Paul Signac 1887 1975.1.208 Collioure
Mediterranean Sea
Château Royal de Collioure
Fort Saint-Elme
Robert Lehman
Appraisement Louis Moeller 1888s 1973.166.2
Woman Combing Her Hair Edgar Degas 1888 56.231
Fruit J. Alden Weir 1888 1980.219 leaf
Circus Sideshow Georges Seurat 1888 61.101.17
Madame Augustine Roulin with Baby Vincent van Gogh 1888 1975.1.231 Marcelle Roulin
Augustine Roulin
Robert Lehman
L'Arlésienne Vincent van Gogh 1888 51.112.3 book
Marie Ginoux
black hair
long hair
Marie Ginoux
Ambroise Vollard
Shoes Vincent van Gogh 1888 1992.374
The Flowering Orchard Vincent van Gogh 1888 56.13 tree
Oleanders Vincent van Gogh 1888 62.24 flower
In the Studio Alfred Stevens 1888 1986.339.2
Kynance John Brett 1888 1974.289.2
Roses and Lilies Henri Fantin-Latour 1888 2001.202.4 Roses
Still Life William Harnett 1888 67.155.1 book
Lady in Black William Merritt Chase 1888 91.11 Mariette Leslie Cotton
Still Life—Violin and Music William Harnett 1888 63.85 sheet music
musical instrument
string instrument
Idle Hours J. Alden Weir 1888 88.7
The Harp Player (A Solo) Kenyon Cox 1888 12.40
Two Girls with Parasols John Singer Sargent 1888 50.130.13
New York Daily News William Harnett 1888 1973.166.1
Mrs. Paul Joseph Revere (Lucretia Watson Lunt) Charles James Turrell 1888 2009.3a–c
Place de Clichy Paul Signac 1888 1975.1.210 place de Clichy
flag of France
horse-drawn vehicle
Monument to Maréchal Moncey
Robert Lehman
The Daughters of Catulle Mendès Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1888-05 1998.325.3 girl
sheet music
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Catulle Mendès
Alexandre Louis Philippe Marie Berthier, 4th Prince of Wagram
Knoedler Art Gallery
Maurice de Rothschild
Wildenstein & Company
Walter Annenberg
Self-Portrait Vincent van Gogh 1888 Vincent van Gogh
Going Home Fritz von Uhde 1889 17.120.203
Waterfall John Henry Twachtman 1889 09.25.2
Two Girls on a Lawn John Singer Sargent 1889 50.130.20
Horseneck Falls John Henry Twachtman 1889 67.187.142
Spring Blossoms, Montclair, New Jersey George Inness 1889s 11.116.4 tree
A Young Girl with Daisies Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1889 59.21
La Berceuse (Woman Rocking a Cradle; Augustine-Alix Pellicot Roulin, 1851–1930) Vincent van Gogh 1889 1996.435 Augustine Roulin
Rapids on the Petite Creuse at Fresselines Claude Monet 1889 67.187.88 Petite Creuse
The Allegory of the Sorbonne Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1889 29.100.117 Louisine Havemeyer
Self-Portrait with Waroquy Édouard Vuillard 1889 55.173 Édouard Vuillard
The Rain William Anderson Coffin 1889 92.16 tree
Landscape Louis Eilshemius 1889 67.155.4
Violin and Bow Jefferson David Chalfant 1889 66.169
Apple Blossoms Charles Caryl Coleman 1889 1996.102 vase
A Bird's-Eye View Theodore Robinson 1889 10.64.9 tree
In Strange Seas George W. Maynard 1889 01.22
Hiawatha's Friends Frederic Remington 1889 62.241.3 boat
Walt Whitman John White Alexander 1889 91.18
Design for the Washington Centennial Celebration, Souvenir Edwin Blashfield 1889 90.18.3
Wheat Field with Cypresses Vincent van Gogh 1889-06 1993.132
Cypresses Vincent van Gogh 1889-06
49.30 Cupressus
Olive Trees Vincent van Gogh 1889-11 1998.325.1 olive grove
Women Picking Olives Vincent van Gogh 1889-12 1995.535 woman
olive grove
Olive Picking Vincent van Gogh 1889-12
Woman in the Garden of Monsieur Forest Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1890s 1976.201.15
Landscape Ralph Albert Blakelock 1890s 29.35 tree
Rocks in the Forest Paul Cézanne 1890s 29.100.194 Louisine Havemeyer
Émilie Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1890s 1974.356.35
Egyptian Woman John Singer Sargent 1890s 50.130.21
Landscape with Goatherd John Singer Sargent 1890s 50.130.17 tree
Egyptians Raising Water from the Nile John Singer Sargent 1890s 50.130.16
The Forest of Arden Albert Pinkham Ryder 1890s 61.101.36 tree
Cliffs at Deir el Bahri, Egypt John Singer Sargent 1890s 50.130.24
Egyptian Woman with Earrings John Singer Sargent 1890s 50.130.22
Dancers, Pink and Green Edgar Degas 1890 29.100.42 Louisine Havemeyer
The Streetwalker Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1890 2003.20.13
Inter artes et naturam (Between Art and Nature) Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1890 58.15.2
Bather Stepping into a Tub Edgar Degas 1890 29.100.190 Louisine Havemeyer
Dancer with a Fan Edgar Degas 1890 29.100.557 Louisine Havemeyer
The Old Oaken Bucket which Hung in the Well anonymous 1890 1980.360.8
Spring Morning in the Heart of the City Childe Hassam 1890 43.116.1 Madison Square and Madison Square Park
Fifth Avenue
Fifth Avenue Hotel
Untitled (Cracked Watermelon) Charles Ethan Porter 1890 2015.118
Alexander Stewart Wetherill Alfred Quinton Collins 1890 65.19
Ship in New York Harbor anonymous 1890 1973.323.4 ship
The Harrower Horatio Walker 1890 11.116.3 tree
A Discussion Louis Moeller 1890 1971.247
Astarte John Singer Sargent 1890 50.130.3
Young Girl in a Blue Dress Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1890 1975.1.688 Robert Lehman
Plate William De Morgan 1890 23.163.1
Head of an Girl from Civita d'Antino in Regional Dress (Catarinella")" Peder Severin Krøyer 1890 2013.937 dress
Winter in Union Square Childe Hassam 1890s 43.116.2 tree
Still Life with Apples and a Pot of Primroses Paul Cézanne 1890s 51.112.1 flower
A Bachelor's Drawer John Haberle 1890s 1970.193 drawer
United States ten-dollar bill
king of spades
nine of hearts
entrance ticket
postage stamp
Surf on Rocks William Trost Richards 1890s 32.73.2 sea
sea foam
At the Seaside William Merritt Chase 1890s 67.187.123
First Steps, after Millet Vincent van Gogh 1890 64.165.2 man
Pygmalion and Galatea Jean-Léon Gérôme 1890 27.200 Pygmalion
brown hair
clothed male, naked female
Roses Vincent van Gogh 1890 1993.400.5 Rosa
Bouquet of Flowers in a Vase Vincent van Gogh 1890 1993.400.4 bouquet
Irises Vincent van Gogh 1890 58.187 Iris
Morning, Interior Maximilien Luce 1890 67.187.80
Mrs. William Astor (Caroline Webster Schermerhorn, 1831–1908) Carolus-Duran 1890 49.4
Celia Thaxter's Garden, Isles of Shoals, Maine Childe Hassam 1890 1994.567
Evening, New Bedford Harbor Dwight William Tryon 1890 17.140.3 ship
Hackensack Meadows Jasper Francis Cropsey 1890 1992.97 sky
New Jersey Meadowlands
Landscape with Rocky Hills and Stream William Louis Sonntag, Sr. 1890 1997.183
Alexander Stuart Murray George Henry Story 1890 90.26
The Sheepfold Horatio Walker 1890 06.1301
Carmencita William Merritt Chase 1890 06.969 Carmencita
Moonrise at Sunset Dwight William Tryon 1890 10.64.12
Eleanor Hardy Bunker Dennis Miller Bunker 1890 93.20
Mark Twain Charles Noel Flagg 1890 17.96
Figures on the Beach Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1890 1975.1.198 boat Robert Lehman
Connecticut Village (Going to School) J. Alden Weir 1891s 67.187.143 tree
Two Young Peasant Women Camille Pissarro 1891
1973.311.5 woman
Still Life with Apples and Pears Paul Cézanne 1891 61.101.3
Young Girl in a Pink-and-Black Hat Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1891 64.150
Grover Cleveland Eastman Johnson 1891 41.125
Mrs. Henry Galbraith Ward John Singer Sargent 1891 30.26
Mannikin in the Snow John Singer Sargent 1891 50.130.12 house
Santa Sofia John Singer Sargent 1891 50.130.18
The Card Players Paul Cézanne 1891s 61.101.1 peasant
card game
Ia Orana Maria Paul Gauguin 1891 51.112.2 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Madame Cézanne (Hortense Fiquet, 1850–1922) in the Conservatory Paul Cézanne 1891 61.101.2 Marie-Hortense Fiquet
The Four Trees Claude Monet 1891 29.100.110 tree Louisine Havemeyer
The Shepherd's Song Pierre Puvis de Chavannes 1891 06.177
Haystacks (Effect of Snow and Sun) Claude Monet 1891 29.100.109 haystack Louisine Havemeyer
Rue Eugène Moussoir at Moret: Winter Alfred Sisley 1891 1992.366
Distant View of the Catskills John William Casilear 1891 97.37.2
Mistress Mary Quite Contrary Lydia Field Emmet 1891 1997.336
Evening Calm, Concarneau, Opus 220 (Allegro Maestoso) Paul Signac 1891 1975.1.209 Concarneau
Atlantic Ocean
Robert Lehman
The Green Interior (Figure Seated by a Curtained Window) Édouard Vuillard 1891 1975.1.222 Robert Lehman
The House with the Cracked Walls Paul Cézanne 1892s 1993.400.2 tree
Henri-Gabriel Ibels (1867–1936) Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1892s 2003.20.14
Jerusalem the Golden Thomas Hovenden 1892s 95.5
Seated Peasant Paul Cézanne 1892 1997.60.2
The Rajah Starting on a Hunt Edwin Lord Weeks 1892 15.30.68
The Old Mill (Vieux Moulin) Theodore Robinson 1892 10.2
The Siesta Paul Gauguin 1892 1993.400.3
Mrs. Hugh Hammersley John Singer Sargent 1892 1998.365
Rouen Cathedral, Portal, Sunlight Claude Monet 1892
30.95.250 Rouen Cathedral
Tahitian Landscape Paul Gauguin 1892 39.182 horse
The Englishman (William Tom Warrener, 1861–1934) at the Moulin Rouge Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1892 67.187.108
Beaulieu: The Bay of Fourmis Eugène Boudin 1892 39.65.2
A Ship in a Stormy Sea Ivan Aivazovsky 1892 13.130 ship
William C. Prime Daniel Huntington 1892 92.17
Stephen Whitney Phoenix Platt Powell Ryder 1892 93.18.2
Tahitian Women Bathing Paul Gauguin 1892 1975.1.179 Robert Lehman
Young Girl Bathing Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1892 1975.1.199 Robert Lehman
Two Young Girls at the Piano Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1892 1975.1.201 Robert Lehman
Edward Guthrie Kennedy James Abbott McNeill Whistler 1893s 09.222
View on the Seine: Harp of the Winds Homer Dodge Martin 1893s 97.32 sky
Still Life with a Ginger Jar and Eggplants Paul Cézanne 1893s 61.101.4
Mme Vuillard in a Set Designer's Studio Édouard Vuillard 1893s 1975.1.223 Robert Lehman
Self-Portrait Eugène Carrière 1893 1979.97 Eugène Carrière
The Ameya Robert Frederick Blum 1893 04.31 Amezaiku
Ice Floes Claude Monet 1893 29.100.108 Louisine Havemeyer
Chrysanthemums in the Garden at Petit-Gennevilliers Gustave Caillebotte 1893 2014.736 leaf
A Washerwoman at Éragny Camille Pissarro 1893 64.154.1 woman
At Table Édouard Vuillard 1893 1984.433.25
Fruit with Blue-footed Bowl Charles S. Raleigh 1893 1973.323.3
Paris Street Scene Frank Myers Boggs 1893 1971.246.1
Old Bruton Church, Williamsburg, Virginia, in the Time of Lord Dunmore Alfred Wordsworth Thompson 1893 99.28 Bruton parish church
Evening at the Lock, Napanoch, New York Theodore Robinson 1893 2011.118
Mrs. Alfred Q. Collins Alfred Quinton Collins 1894s 05.34
Madonna and Child and Little Saint John Robert Loftin Newman 1894s 21.159.2 Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Child Saint John
The Fortune Teller Robert Loftin Newman 1894s 21.159.1
Hagar and Ishmael Robert Loftin Newman 1894s 25.198
Ada Rehan John Singer Sargent 1894s 40.146 Ada Rehan
A Farm in Brittany Paul Gauguin 1894 54.143.2 Pont-Aven
Women Sewing at a Table Eugène Carrière 1894 2013.428
Banks of the Loing William Lamb Picknell 1894 06.199 tree
Springtime Maurice Denis 1894 1999.180.2a,b tree
Ariadne George Frederic Watts 1894 05.39.1
Sahurs Meadows in Morning Sun Alfred Sisley 1894 1991.277.3
Frieda Schiff (1876–1958), Later Mrs. Felix M. Warburg Anders Zorn 1894 1988.72
Marshall Orme Wilson (1860–1926) Léon Bonnat 1894 56.52
Gendarmes d'Ordonnance Édouard Detaille 1894 48.115
Italian Garden Friedrich August von Kaulbach 1894 16.148.3 tree
Horses Paul-Albert Besnard 1894 67.187.54 horse
Moonlight, Wood Island Light Winslow Homer 1894 11.116.2
Dawn—Early Spring Dwight William Tryon 1894 17.140.4
Mother and Child George de Forest Brush 1894 68.222.2
Low Tide, Riverside Yacht Club Theodore Robinson 1894 2007.281.3 boat
Ernesta (Child with Nurse) Cecilia Beaux 1894 65.49
Aurora Will Hicok Low 1894 95.3 tree
Margarette A. Jones William Turner Dannat 1894 07.233.40
Dutch Woman Marcia Oakes Woodbury 1894 1976.241
Frontier Cabin William Louis Sonntag, Sr. 1894 1977.475 tree
Lachrymae Frederic Leighton, 1st Baron Leighton 1895 96.28 Greek vases
Woman Standing Beside Railing with Poodle Paul Ranson 1895 2008.660
Edward Calm Isaac A. Josephi 1895 46.110 man
Vespers George Hitchcock 1895 17.182 tree
Athlete and Dancer Arthur Bowen Davies 1895 48.149.11
James MacAlister (Sketch) Thomas Eakins 1895 67.187.206 James A. MacAlister
Seventeenth Century Lady William Merritt Chase 1895 06.1220 dress
Spring Woods Henry Ward Ranger 1895 06.1293 tree
Delaware Water Gap Village Louis Eilshemius 1895 32.168 tree
Edward Guthrie Kennedy William Merritt Chase 1895 1973.342 Edward G. Kennedy
Misia at the Piano Édouard Vuillard 1895 1975.1.224 Robert Lehman
The Sofa Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1895s 51.33.2
Marine Landscape Alfred Thompson Bricher 1895s 08.237.3 coast
Atlantic Ocean
sailing ship
wind wave
human settlement
Poplars, Éragny Camille Pissarro 1895 67.187.93 poplar
Bather in the Woods Camille Pissarro 1895 29.100.126 woman
Louisine Havemeyer
Madame Thadée Natanson (Misia Godebska, 1872–1950) at the Theater Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1895 64.153
The Children's Meal Pierre Bonnard 1895 1999.180.1
Street Scene, Place Clichy Pierre Bonnard 1895 1999.363.4
The Album Édouard Vuillard 1895 2000.93.2
Cannon Rock Winslow Homer 1895 06.1281 wind wave
Cleopatra's Needle Frank Crane 1895 1998.543 tree
The Red Bridge J. Alden Weir 1895 14.141 tree
Bessie Potter William Merritt Chase 1895 55.118
Jungle Tales (Contes de la Jungle) James Jebusa Shannon 1895 13.143.1
A Morning Vision Henry Oliver Walker 1895 13.74.1
Mount Mansfield in Winter Edward Martin Taber 1895 26.51 tree
A Street in Ikao Theodore Wores 1895 1990.32 house
Repose John White Alexander 1895 1980.224
Un Jardin, Maison Baptiste Theodore Earl Butler 1895 1976.340.1 flower
Street Scene in Paris (Coin de rue à Paris) Félix Vallotton 1895 1975.1.736 Robert Lehman
Woman with a Towel Edgar Degas 1896s 29.100.37 Louisine Havemeyer
View of Saint-Valéry-sur-Somme Edgar Degas 1896s 1975.1.167 Robert Lehman
For the Little One William Merritt Chase 1896 13.90
Excursionists, Nahant Maurice Prendergast 1896 1974.356.2 recto boat
The Dream of the Shepherd (Der Traum des Hirten) Ferdinand Hodler 1896 2013.1134
Steamboats in the Port of Rouen Camille Pissarro 1896 58.133 steamboat
Morning, An Overcast Day, Rouen Camille Pissarro 1896 1980.21.1 Rouen
Three Tahitian Women Paul Gauguin 1896 1997.60.3 tree
Still Life with Teapot and Fruit Paul Gauguin 1896 1997.391.2
The First Communion Eugène Carrière 1896 63.138.5
Gooseberries Joseph Decker 1896 1980.24
Maine Coast Winslow Homer 1896 11.116.1
Pines Along the Shore Henri-Edmond Cross 1896 1975.1.164 tree Robert Lehman
Clearing Off Charlotte B. Coman 1897s 12.47 tree
The Letter Thomas Dewing 1897s 10.82
Conversation Édouard Vuillard 1897s 1999.363.85
Landscape Albert Pinkham Ryder 1897s 52.199
The Boulevard Montmartre on a Winter Morning Camille Pissarro 1897 60.174 boulevard Montmartre
Portrait of Mrs Bacon Anders Zorn 1897 17.204 woman
gaze towards the viewer
Mrs. Atkinson Gwen John 1897 1979.135.27
Woman before a Mirror Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1897 2003.20.15
Morning on the Seine near Giverny Claude Monet 1897 56.135.4 tree
Edward R. Bacon (1846–1915) Anders Zorn 1897 19.112 Edward R. Bacon
Île aux Orties near Vernon Claude Monet 1897 60.154 tree
Shore at Orient, Long Island Reynolds Beal 1897 1992.203.2
To Decide the Question John George Brown 1897 63.130.2
The Meadows William Langson Lathrop 1897 11.88 tree
The Teton Range Thomas Moran 1897 39.47.2
The Factory Village J. Alden Weir 1897 1979.487 factory
Henry G. Marquand John Singer Sargent 1897 97.43 Henry Gurdon Marquand
Rabbits on a Log Arthur Fitzwilliam Tait 1897 1979.490.7 flower
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Phelps Stokes John Singer Sargent 1897 38.104 Isaac Newton Phelps Stokes
Claude Terrasse Louis Sue 1897 2001.449
The Coppersmith Edgar Melville Ward 1898 00.6
The Green Bodice J. Alden Weir 1898 06.1302 woman
Young Woman Abbott Handerson Thayer 1898 06.1298
Mr. and Mrs. Anson Phelps Stokes Cecilia Beaux 1898 65.252 Anson Phelps Stokes
Portrait of a Lady Theodora W. Thayer 1898 57.90.1 woman
The Bouchardon Mill, Crozant Armand Guillaumin 1898 1975.1.181 tree Robert Lehman
Northeaster Winslow Homer 1898s 10.64.5 storm
Rue de l'Épicerie, Rouen (Effect of Sunlight) Camille Pissarro 1898 60.5 Rouen Cathedral
Self-Portrait William Rothenstein 1898 09.179
Miss T. Alice Beckington 1898 43.63
September Evening George Henry Bogert 1898 06.1271 tree
"King Lear," Act I, Scene I Edwin Austin Abbey 1898 13.140
Rosa Bonheur Anna Elizabeth Klumpke 1898 22.222 Rosa Bonheur
Paris Night Robert Henri 1898 63.218
Clara B. Fuller Lucia Fairchild Fuller 1898 14.57.3
Hurricane, Bahamas Winslow Homer 1898 10.228.7 wind
Mother and Child (Baby Getting Up from His Nap) Mary Cassatt 1899 09.27
Lair of the Sea Serpent Elihu Vedder 1899 1976.106.1
Across the Room Edmund C. Tarbell 1899 67.187.141
Mother and Child (The Oval Mirror) Mary Cassatt 1899 29.100.47 Louisine Havemeyer
Mme Vuillard Sewing by the Window, rue Truffaut Édouard Vuillard 1899s 1975.1.225 Robert Lehman
The Garden of the Tuileries on a Spring Morning Camille Pissarro 1899 1992.103.3 Tuileries Garden
Two Tahitian Women Paul Gauguin 1899 49.58.1 woman
The Gulf Stream Gordon Ramsay 1899 06.1234 boat
Gulf Stream
black people
The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon Camille Pissarro 1899 1979.414 Tuileries Garden
Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies Claude Monet 1899 29.100.113 Louisine Havemeyer
The Garden of the Tuileries on a Winter Afternoon Camille Pissarro 1899 66.36 tree
Serena Pulitzer Lederer (1867–1943) Gustav Klimt 1899 1980.412
Haystacks, Morning, Éragny Camille Pissarro 1899 2004.359 haymaking
The Fletcher Mansion, New York City Jean-François Raffaëlli 1899 17.120.228 snow
Harry F. Sinclair House
Isaac Dudley Fletcher
Mademoiselle Nys Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1899 1974.356.36
The Family of Claude Terrasse Pierre Bonnard 1899 65.250
Magnolia James Jebusa Shannon 1899 13.143.2
Incense Percival De Luce 1899 22.212
Portrait of a Young Girl Mary Cassatt 1899 22.16.18
The Wyndham Sisters: Lady Elcho, Mrs. Adeane, and Mrs. Tennant John Singer Sargent 1899 27.67
Bessie Moore Virginia Richmond Reynolds 1899 06.102.4
Elizabeth Humphrey Martha Susan Baker 1899 12.83
At the Circus: The Spanish Walk (Au Cirque: Le Pas espagnol) Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 1899 1975.1.731 Robert Lehman
Alphonso T. Clearwater August Franzén 1900s 33.120.344
Joséphine-Éléonore-Marie-Pauline de Galard de Brassac de Béarn (1825–1860), Princesse de Broglie Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1900s 1975.1.186 Pauline de Galard de Brassac de Béarn Robert Lehman
View from the Colosseum toward the Palatine anonymous 1900s 2003.42.34 Colosseum
A City on a Rock anonymous 1900s 29.100.12 Louisine Havemeyer
The Mariner's Wife anonymous 1900s 2003.42.31
Odalisque in Grisaille Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres 1900s 38.65 odalisque
The Painter's Daughter Mary (1750–1826) anonymous 1900s 15.30.34
Friedrich I (1460–1536), Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach anonymous 1900s 07.245.1
María Luisa of Parma (1751–1819), Queen of Spain anonymous 1900s 29.100.11 Maria Luisa of Parma Louisine Havemeyer
Still Life anonymous 1900s 67.187.69 vase
Captain Swaton anonymous 1900s 1982.179.12 man
Saint Michael anonymous 1900s 07.241
Self-Portrait George Henry Harlow 1900s 95.27.2 George Henry Harlow
The Abduction of Psyche anonymous 1900s 60.71.24
Mary, Queen of Scots, with Her Son, James anonymous 1900s 17.190.2
Napoleon Bonaparte (1769–1821) anonymous 1900s 77.6 Napoleon
Landscape anonymous 1900s 2003.42.16
Portrait of a Woman, Called Héloïse Abélard anonymous 1900s 29.100.119 Héloïse d’Argenteuil Louisine Havemeyer
Head of a Child anonymous 1900s 1976.100.5
Madonna and Child anonymous 1900s 57.31
Sky at Dusk Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes 1900s 2009.400.116
Apples anonymous 1900s 29.100.123 Louisine Havemeyer
Lola Montez (1818–1861) anonymous 1900s 42.53.3
The Temple of Vesta, Tivoli anonymous 1900s 2003.42.52
Oak Tree in a Mountainous Landscape anonymous 1900s 2009.400.1
Portrait of a Man in a Blue Coat anonymous 1900s 48.187.735
Napoléon I (1769–1821) anonymous 1900s 26.168.60
Leda and the Swan, after Boucher anonymous 1900s 62.122.63
Eye Miniature anonymous 1900s 54.128.3
Eye Miniature anonymous 1900s 54.128.1
Eye Miniature anonymous 1900s 54.128.5
Eye Miniature anonymous 1900s 54.128.2
Eye Miniature anonymous 1900s 54.128.7
Margaret Rieche Richard Dupuy 1900s 18.73 woman
Portrait of a Boy V. Galli 1900s 2006.235.293 boy
In Hot Pursuit Charles Schreyvogel 1900s 62.241.4
Portrait of a Gentleman Edward Crowell Potter 1900s 2006.235.153 man
Madonna and Child with Saints Mary Magdalen and Sebastian Icilio Federico Joni 1900s 1975.1.57 Mary Magdalene
Saint Sebastian
Virgin Mary
Child Jesus
Robert Lehman
Golden Cock and Hen <some value> 1900s tree
Moonlight, Strandgade 30 Vilhelm Hammershøi 1900s 2012.203
Clock Archibald Knox 1900s 1988.388.4
Mrs. John Crosby Brown (Mary Elizabeth Adams, 1842–1918) Anders Zorn 1900 60.85 Mary Elizabeth Adams Brown
Jos and Lucie Hessel in the Small Salon, Rue de Rivoli Édouard Vuillard 1900 2003.20.18
The Visit William Glackens 1900 1981.446.6
Under a Cloud Albert Pinkham Ryder 1900 1988.353 boat
View from the Artist's Window, Grove Street Robert Frederick Blum 1900 1976.340.2 tree
Meditation John George Brown 1900 09.26.5
Return of the Redwing Allen Butler Talcott 1900 09.212 tree
Slumbering Fog Elliot Daingerfield 1900 06.1276
Fan Georges de Feure 1900 26.228.19
Interior Édouard Vuillard 1900 67.187.118
Versailles Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1900s 1975.1.202 Park of Versailles
Robert Lehman
The Thinker: Portrait of Louis N. Kenton Thomas Eakins 1900 17.172
Marion Lenbach (1892–1947), the Artist's Daughter Franz von Lenbach 1900 25.110.46
Young Mother Sewing Mary Cassatt 1900 29.100.48 Louisine Havemeyer
Mrs. Mary Arthur Thomas Eakins 1900 65.83
The Beginning of Autumn (Monument Mountain near Stockbridge)(from McGuire Scrapbook) James Henry Moser 1900 26.216.79
Chale, Isle of Wight, Looking Towards the Needles George Henry Bogert 1900 06.1270
Spring: Margot Standing in a Garden (Fillette dans un jardin) Mary Cassatt 1900 1982.119.2 girl
Parke Godwin Theodora W. Thayer 1900 06.296
Hermen Anglada-Camarasa Pablo Picasso 1900 1982.179.21 Hermenegildo Anglada Camarasa
Carles Casagemas Pablo Picasso 1900 1982.179.19
Santiago Rusiñol Pablo Picasso 1900 1982.179.23
Benet Soler Pablo Picasso 1900 1982.179.22ab
Juli Vallmitjana Pablo Picasso 1900 1982.179.26
Two Women Paul Gauguin 1901s 1997.391.3
Signora Gomez d'Arza Thomas Eakins 1901 27.220
The Alhambra, Granada, Spain John Ferguson Weir 1901 64.119 tree
Seated Harlequin Pablo Picasso 1901 60.87
Madame Arthur Fontaine (Marie Escudier, born 1865) Odilon Redon 1901 60.54
Luncheon Édouard Vuillard 1901 1979.135.28
Woman in Profile Pablo Picasso 1901 1999.363.58
Mother and Child by a Fountain Pablo Picasso 1901 1984.433.23
Searchlight on Harbor Entrance, Santiago de Cuba Winslow Homer 1901 06.1282
Coast Scene, Isles of Shoals Childe Hassam 1901 09.72.6
Portrait of a Lady Frank Weston Benson 1901 06.1221
New Jersey Beach William Trost Richards 1901 32.73.1
Madonna of Giverny Frederick William MacMonnies 1901 1983.530
The Peace Pipe E. Irving Couse 1901 17.138.1
The Sewing Woman John French Sloan 1901 54.143.7
Woman Ironing Pablo Picasso 1901 49.70.2
Woman in Green Pablo Picasso 1901 61.85
Mother and Child on a Bench Pablo Picasso 1901 1996.441
Jardin de Paris (Design for a Poster) Pablo Picasso 1901 1982.179.17a, b
Le port de Honfleur la nuit Félix Vallotton 1901 67.187.116 Honfleur
Tiger Studies John Charles Dollman 1902s 1975.1.907 Robert Lehman
Geraldine Russell John White Alexander 1902s 64.117 flower
Mont Sainte-Victoire Paul Cézanne 1902 1994.420
Roland William Merritt Chase 1902 37.20.1
Erotic Scene Pablo Picasso 1902
1984.433.22 fellatio
clothed male, naked female
The Palace of Aurora Henri Fantin-Latour 1902 23.280.9
Prince Regent Luitpold of Bavaria (1821–1912) Franz von Lenbach 1902 39.65.4
Portrait of the Artist George Henry Story 1902 06.308
Niagara Falls Philip Leslie Hale 1902 1978.509.4 tree
Birthplace of the Artist Louis Eilshemius 1902 67.187.150 tree
Mrs. F. Luis Mora and Her Sister F. Luis Mora 1902 65.237
William M. Chase, N. A. John Singer Sargent 1902 05.33
Spanish Music Hall Everett Shinn 1902 67.187.139
Broadway and 42nd Street Childe Hassam 1902 67.187.128
Spring, Luxembourg Garden Matilda Auchincloss Brownell 1902 67.55.163
Woman on the Seashore (Jeune Femme sur les rochers à Anthéor) Louis Valtat 1902 1975.1.216 Robert Lehman
Seated Figure Pablo Picasso 1902 1976.201.29
Coronation spoon Archibald Knox 1902 1979.69
The Houses of Parliament (Effect of Fog) Claude Monet 1903s 56.135.6 boat
May Suydam Palmer Frederick William MacMonnies 1903 50.220.3
Café des Tribunaux, Dieppe anonymous 1903 1998.451.1
Marine Scene (Boats near Venice) Henri-Edmond Cross 1903 1975.1.593 boat
steam sloop
Pansies Henri Fantin-Latour 1903 1996.517 leaf
Richmond Castle, Yorkshire Philip Wilson Steer 1903 09.1.1 tree
Head of a Woman Pablo Picasso 1903 67.187.91
The Blind Man's Meal Pablo Picasso 1903 50.188
Henry George George de Forest Brush 1903 14.16
Edward Robinson John Singer Sargent 1903 31.60 Edward Robinson
Amory S. Carhart, Jr. Ellen Emmet Rand 1903 64.220.4
Woman with a Cat Louis Valtat 1903 1975.1.215 Robert Lehman
Plant stand Otto Prutscher 1903 1993.303a-f
Madeleine II Henri Matisse 1903 2002.456.115
Visions of the Sea Arthur Bowen Davies 1904 67.187.149 tree
Portrait of Augustus Saint-Gaudens Ellen Emmet Rand 1904 08.129 Augustus Saint-Gaudens
Self-portrait Frederick William MacMonnies 1904 67.72 Frederick William MacMonnies
Padre Sebastiano John Singer Sargent 1904 11.30
Annabel Gray Theodora W. Thayer 1904 06.297 woman
The Actor Pablo Picasso 1904 52.175
The Ropewalk in Edam Max Liebermann 1904 16.148.2 tree
Matinée Crowd, Manhattan Everett Shinn 1904 23.230.5
Lemuel Maynard Wiles Irving Ramsey Wiles 1904 12.218 Lemuel M. Wiles
F. Ambrose Clark Robert Henri 1904 1982.218
Chapel of Saint Joseph, Saint-Tropez Henri Matisse 1904 2002.456.13
Etruscan Vase with Flowers Odilon Redon 1905s 53.140.5 vase
Cassetta frame anonymous 1905s 1975.1.2297 Robert Lehman
Red Sunset on the Dnieper Arkhip Kuindzhi 1905s 1974.100 Dnieper River
Notre-Dame-de-la-Garde (La Bonne-Mère), Marseilles Paul Signac 1905s 55.220.1 Marseille
Notre-Dame de la Garde
Old Port of Marseille
fishing vessel
Mediterranean Sea
The Chariot of Apollo Odilon Redon 1905 27.29 horse
Early Morning—Venice William Gedney Bunce 1905 09.72.1
Two Arab Women John Singer Sargent 1905 50.130.19
Annie Sargent Jewett Maurice Prendergast 1905 1970.123.1
The Trees, Early Afternoon, France William A. Harper 1905 2015.587 tree
Central Park, Winter William Glackens 1905s 21.164
The Bath, Jávea Joaquín Sorolla 1905 09.71.2
Among the Humble Léon Augustin Lhermitte 1905 05.38
Two Nudes Georges Rouault 1905 49.106ab
Self-Portrait Umberto Boccioni 1905 1990.38.4 Umberto Boccioni
At the Lapin Agile Pablo Picasso 1905 1992.391 Au Lapin Agile
Gaby Jacques Villon 1905 1980.582
A North River Recreation Pier Jerome Myers 1905 66.47
The Old Duchess George Luks 1905 21.41.1
Children in Woods Frank Weston Benson 1905 67.187.210 tree
High Bridge, New York Henry Ward Ranger 1905 07.111 tree
Sand Dunes near Lelant, Cornwall, England Walter Elmer Schofield 1905 09.26.1 tree
Alan Harriman George de Forest Brush 1905 53.177 Alan Harriman
Sunlight on Water Maurice de Vlaminck 1905 1975.1.220 Robert Lehman
Fishing Boats, Collioure André Derain 1905 1982.179.29
Saltimbanque in Profile Pablo Picasso 1905 1984.433.269
Pierre Matisse Henri Matisse 1905 2002.456.119 Pierre Matisse
Study in Black and Green John White Alexander 1906s 08.139.1
Madonna Gari Melchers 1906s 11.42
The Young Sailor II Henri Matisse 1906 1999.363.41 sailor
Vase of Flowers (Pink Background) Odilon Redon 1906 59.16.3 flower
The Antique Shop Walter Sickert 1906 1998.451.3
Windmill with Summerhouse II Piet Mondrian 1906 1991.427.2 house
Unicorns (Legend—Sea Calm) Arthur Bowen Davies 1906 31.67.12 tree
Study in Black and Green (Oil Sketch) John White Alexander 1906 1995.483
Landscape with Stars Henri-Edmond Cross 1906s 1975.1.592 Robert Lehman
Gertrude Stein Pablo Picasso 1906
47.106 Gertrude Stein
high-angle shot
brown hair
Gertrude Stein
Señora de Sorolla (Clotilde García del Castillo, 1865–1929) in Black Joaquín Sorolla 1906 09.71.3
The Cigarette (Jeanne Daurmont) Walter Sickert 1906 1979.135.17
Consuelo Vanderbilt (1876–1964), Duchess of Marlborough, and Her Son, Lord Ivor Spencer-Churchill (1898–1956) Giovanni Boldini 1906 47.71
Reclining Nude (Thin Adeline) Walter Sickert 1906 1984.433.24
Castle of San Servando, Toledo Joaquín Sorolla 1906 22.119.1
Josep Fondevila Pablo Picasso 1906 1992.37
The Sunken Path, L'Estaque André Derain 1906 2003.253
The Seine at Chatou Maurice de Vlaminck 1906 1999.363.84
André Derain (1880–1954) Maurice de Vlaminck 1906 1999.363.83 André Derain
Boats on the Beach at L'Estaque Georges Braque 1906 2003.20.17
Courtlandt Palmer Albert Herter 1906 50.220.2
In the Garden George de Forest Brush 1906 06.1218
The Seer William Kendall 1906 06.1219
Dust Storm, Fifth Avenue John French Sloan 1906 21.41.2 dust storm
Flatiron Building
Fifth Avenue
The Mission Tent Jerome Myers 1906 12.69
The Old Barn John Francis Murphy 1906 07.139
Boats on the Seine at Chatou Maurice de Vlaminck 1906 1975.1.219 Robert Lehman
Sails at Chatou Maurice de Vlaminck 1906 1975.1.218 Robert Lehman
Regent Street, London André Derain 1906 1999.363.18
La Coiffure Pablo Picasso 1906 53.140.3
Self-Portrait Pablo Picasso 1906 1999.363.59
Swans in Central Park George Bellows 1906 2007.281.1
Two Women of Gósol Pablo Picasso 1906 1984.433.280
Old Man and Youth Pablo Picasso 1906 1984.433.272
Study for "Composition: The Peasants" Pablo Picasso 1906 2005.84a, b
Study for "Young Sailor" Henri Matisse 1906 1999.363.40
Shooting the Rapids, Saguenay River Winslow Homer 1907s 11.57 boat
The Large Bouquet Séraphine Louis 1907 67.187.101 flower
Afternoon at Coney Island William Glackens 1907 15.152.1
The Bridge at Grez Robert Vonnoh 1907 1970.149 tree
The Repast of the Lion Henri Rousseau 1907s 51.112.5
At Lake Garda Hans Thoma 1907 09.48 tree
View of Collioure Henri Matisse 1907 1999.363.42
Samoa Louis Eilshemius 1907 67.187.159 tree
Alpine Pool John Singer Sargent 1907 50.130.15
Landscape, Binghamton, New York Louis Eilshemius 1907 34.157 tree
A Rose Thomas Pollock Anshutz 1907 1993.324
The National Academy Jury of 1907 F. Luis Mora 1907 41.58
On the Southern Plains Frederic Remington 1907 11.192 soldier
Dutch Girl in White Robert Henri 1907 50.47
Winter at Portland Allen Tucker 1907 66.74.1 tree
Sergeant of the Colonial Regiment Albert Marquet 1907 1975.1.192 sergeant
military uniform
Robert Lehman
Winter, Monhegan Island Rockwell Kent 1907 17.48.2
Three Nudes Georges Rouault 1907 1991.101
Self-Portrait Léon Spilliaert 1907 1980.208 Léon Spilliaert
Gauguin Girl Max Weber 1907 58.21.17
Still Life: Fish William Merritt Chase 1908s 08.139.2
Autumn Uplands Bruce Crane 1908s 09.72.2 tree
The Banks of the Bièvre near Bicêtre Henri Rousseau 1908 39.15
Arthur Hoppock Hearn Alphonse Jongers 1908 11.116.5
Study of a Boy Carving a Crucifix Toby Edward Rosenthal 1908 1993.102.2
Mother and Child with a Rose Scarf Mary Cassatt 1908 67.187.122
Louise Alphonse Jongers 1908 10.64.7
John Robert Henri 1908 67.187.129
Augustus Saint-Gaudens Kenyon Cox 1908 08.130 Augustus Saint-Gaudens
Denise at Her Dressing Table Mary Cassatt 1908 2005.129
A Measure of Dreams Arthur Bowen Davies 1908 09.72.4
Girdle of Ares Arthur Bowen Davies 1908 14.17
August Charles Harold Davis 1908 09.72.3
Landscape No. 25 Marsden Hartley 1908 49.70.48
The Doge's Palace Seen from San Giorgio Maggiore Claude Monet 1908 59.188.1 Doge's Palace
Up the Hudson George Bellows 1908 11.17 boat
The Roaring Forties Frederick Judd Waugh 1908 09.96
The Wood Cart Louis Paul Dessar 1908 09.72.5
Golden Afternoon Childe Hassam 1908 11.40 tree
The Hermit (Il solitario) John Singer Sargent 1908 11.31 tree
Bust of a Man Pablo Picasso 1908 1996.403.5
Nono Lebasque Henri Matisse 1908 67.187.83
Figures in the Forest Jerome Blum 1908 66.7
Head of a Woman Pablo Picasso 1908 1999.363.60
The Farmer's Wife Pablo Picasso 1908 1984.5.1
Seated Nude Pablo Picasso 1908 1984.433.278
Standing Girl, Back View Egon Schiele 1908 1984.433.296
Seated Angel (cover design for "L'Humoriste") Juan Gris 1909s 1997.458.2
Artemis Arthur Bowen Davies 1909s 1976.201.5 tree
Kitchen Scene Peter Wtewael 1909 06.288 woman
The Foolish Virgins Jules Pascin 1909 1984.433.21
Street Cafe—San Felio de Quixols F. Luis Mora 1909 1978.513.2 tree
The Castle of La Roche-Guyon Georges Braque 1909 Castle of La Roche-Guyon
Maude Adams (1872–1953) as Joan of Arc Alphonse Mucha 1909 20.33 Joan of Arc
Mrs. Winthrop W. Aldrich (Harriet Alexander, 1888–1972) Joaquín Sorolla 1909 58.81
Masquerade Ball at the Ritz Hotel, Paris Raimundo de Madrazo y Garreta 1909 37.20.3
The Dark Mountain, No. 1 Marsden Hartley 1909 49.70.47 house
Berkshire Winter Rockwell Kent 1909 1978.564
Architect with Green Tie Wyndham Lewis 1909 2007.49.63
The Dark Mountain, No. 2 Marsden Hartley 1909 49.70.41
Interior at Saint-Jacut Édouard Vuillard 1909 2000.197
The Daughter's Return Robert Lee MacCameron 1909 10.153
The Open Sea Emil Carlsen 1909 10.64.1
Psyche William Kendall 1909 10.14
White Onions Helen Winslow Durkee 1909 55.111.7
The Water Garden Childe Hassam 1909 1994.450 flower
Tea Leaves William McGregor Paxton 1909 10.64.8
Grand Central Station Colin Campbell Cooper 1909 41.22
Valley with Fir (Shade on the Mountain) Henri-Edmond Cross 1909 1975.1.163 tree Robert Lehman
Study for the painting "The Windmill of Penmarch, Northern France" Roger de La Fresnaye 1909 67.187.21
From the Balcony Pierre Bonnard 1909 66.65.1 tree
Head of a Woman Pablo Picasso 1909 1996.403.6
Head of a Woman Pablo Picasso 1909 49.70.28
Still Life with Bottle and a Pot of Hyacinths Pablo Picasso 1909 49.70.30
Head Pablo Picasso 1909 49.70.35
The Coal Loader C. K. Chatterton 1909 1982.152.1
Fish William Merritt Chase 1910s 25.131
Lake of Orta James Carroll Beckwith 1910s 67.55.164 tree
Mme Ida Rubinstein Léon Bakst 1910 64.97.1
Autumn Color Marsden Hartley 1910 54.184.1
Crowd at the Seashore William Glackens 1910 67.187.126
The Great Abyss Dewitt Parshall 1910 21.62 canyon
New York at Night Louis Eilshemius 1910 67.187.158
Portrait of a Lady Mabel R. Welch 1910 57.90.2 woman
William Merritt Chase Annie Traquair Lang 1910 1977.183.1
Richard Vaughn Lewis Alice Beckington 1910 2001.609
Peonies Wilton Lockwood 1910 11.33 vase
The Bronx River Ernest Lawson 1910 1979.490.13 tree
Shadows, Spuyten Duyvil Hill Ernest Lawson 1910 1992.234
Portrait of a Girl with Flowers Maurice Prendergast 1910 67.187.137 flower
Self-Portrait William Orpen 1910 14.59 William Orpen
Landscape Wilhelm Trübner 1910 16.15 flower
Rue Ravignan, Paris Maurice Utrillo 1910 1970.203 rue Ravignan
After the Bath Pierre Bonnard 1910 1999.363.5 nudity
October Seas Paul Dougherty 1910 11.77
Nocturne, Temple d'Amour Edward Steichen 1910 13.17
Auguste Rodin Robert Lee MacCameron 1910 12.171
The Trousseau Charles Webster Hawthorne 1910 11.78
Portrait of Frieseke Karl James Anderson 1910 2013.234
The Green Car William Glackens 1910 37.73 tramcar
Washington Square Park
Wet Anders Zorn 1910 17.3.707 woman
nude swimming
high-angle shot
pubic hair
optical reflection
July Fourteenth, Rue Daunou, 1910 Childe Hassam 1910 29.86
NARCISSUS Franz von Zülow 1910 1984.537.120a-h
Georges de Miré Roger de La Fresnaye 1910 62.261
S. Brainerd Lawrence and Daniel Putnam Brinley Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.197
Gertrude Käsebier Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.198
Dallet Fuguet Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.199
J. B. Kerfoot Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.200
Charles H. Caffin Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.201
George H. Seeley and J. Nilsen Laurvik Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.202
John Marin Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.203
Clarence White Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.204
Marshall Kernochan and Temple Scott Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.205
Alfred Stieglitz Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.206
Alvin Langdon Coburn Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.207
Joseph T. Keiley Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.208
Paul Haviland and Marius de Zayas Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.209 Marius de Zayas
Paul Haviland
Anne Brigman and Max Weber Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.210
Edward Steichen Marius de Zayas 1910 49.70.211
Standing Female Nude Pablo Picasso 1910 49.70.34
The Farm at Les Collettes, Cagnes Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1911s 61.190 tree
La Mere Adele (Cordon Bleu) Robert Vonnoh 1911s 23.109
Mrs. S. Keith Evans Mabel R. Welch 1911 58.114 woman
Mrs. Ethel Cushing Howard Gardiner Cushing 1911s 17.93
Joy of Life Suzanne Valadon 1911 67.187.113 tree
Couple Marc Chagall 1911 1984.433.60
PALM Dagobert Peche 1911 1984.537.3a-c
View of The Old Port, Saint-Tropez Pierre Bonnard 1911 1984.433.1 ship
Mrs. Waldron Williams Eugene Speicher 1911 1970.248.2
The Honorable Joseph Hodges Choate Carlos Baca-Flor 1911 30.22
Artillery Roger de La Fresnaye 1911 1991.397 soldier
Woman with a Mirror (Femme qui se mire) Frederick Carl Frieseke 1911 12.42 flower
Overlooking the Valley Edward Willis Redfield 1911 16.150
Mother Love Mira Edgerly-Korzybska 1911 20.175
The Masquerade Dress Robert Henri 1911 58.157 Marjorie Organ
Bringing Down Marble from the Quarries to Carrara John Singer Sargent 1911 17.97.1
The Ring John White Alexander 1911 12.90
Mrs. Lewis Palmer Skidmore Helen M. Turner 1911 14.57.4
Le Pont de Passy et la Tour Eiffel Marc Chagall 1911 1975.1.161 Robert Lehman
House in Winter Gustave Loiseau 1911 1975.1.189 house
Robert Lehman
Self-Portrait Egon Schiele 1911 1984.433.298ab Egon Schiele
The Table André Derain 1911 54.79
Snow, Winter in Vitebsk Marc Chagall 1911 1990.274.1ab
Landscape: Camiers André Derain 1911 1984.433.9
Still Life with a Bottle of Rum Pablo Picasso 1911 1999.363.63 Amédée Ozenfant
Le Corbusier
Bride with Fan Marc Chagall 1911 2002.456.8
Still Life with Banderillas Georges Braque 1911 1999.363.11 Q2882300
Pipe Rack and Still Life on a Table Pablo Picasso 1911 1997.149.6
Juan Legua Juan Gris 1911 1999.363.27
Virginia Woolf Duncan Grant 1911 1990.236
Near Hebron Marguerite Zorach 1911 1979.222
Portrait of a Woman Gerald Brockhurst 1911 56.58
Still Life with Cruet Set Pablo Picasso 1911 49.70.31
PALM Dagobert Peche 1911 1984.537.15a-c
Water Carrier by Moonlight Marc Chagall 1911 1984.433.56
Sun Shower Charles Melville Dewey 1912s 20.26
The Green Salon Walter Gay 1912s 12.193
Autumn Meadows anonymous 1912s 32.67.1 horse
Bouquet in a Chinese Vase Odilon Redon 1912 64.266 vase
The Green Lacquer Room, Museo Correr, Venice Walter Gay 1912 23.280.8
Landscape in Mâcon Hippolyte Petitjean 1912 1975.1.680 Robert Lehman
Le Pont Neuf Hippolyte Petitjean 1912 1975.1.681 Pont Neuf
Robert Lehman
September Morn Paul Émile Chabas 1912 57.89 woman
Lake Annecy
nude swimming
Landscape from Kragerø Edvard Munch 1912 1984.433.20
Mäda Primavesi (1903–2000) Gustav Klimt 1912 64.148
Bali, Bazaar with Coconut Palms Maurice Sterne 1912 36.43
A Water Carrier and a Coachman Marc Chagall 1912 1984.433.58
Improvisation 27 (Garden of Love II) Wassily Kandinski 1912 49.70.1
The Windmill at Sannois Maurice Utrillo 1912 67.187.110
Memories Max Weber 1912 1991.155
Garden Gate, Near Ascain #7 Anne Goldthwaite 1912 1972.200
The Spanish Gypsy Robert Henri 1912 14.80
Windflowers Gaines Ruger Donoho 1912 17.36 tree
The Passing of Summer Harry Willson Watrous 1912 12.105.3
In the Studio (Gari Melchers and Hugo Reisinger) Gari Melchers 1912 56.88
Philip Dix Becker Eulabee Dix 1912 1994.317
Metropolitan Tower Guy C. Wiggins 1912 12.105.4
Claremont Avenue Hayley Lever 1912 1978.509.6
La table servie Jacques Villon 1912 1975.1.753 Robert Lehman
View of Cagnes Georges d'Espagnat 1912 1975.1.178 Robert Lehman
Nasturtiums with the Painting "Dance" I Henri Matisse 1912 1984.433.16
Village Scene, Grasse Pierre Bonnard 1912 1984.433.2 house
Portrait of Sergei I. Shchukin Henri Matisse 1912 2002.456.38
Composition with Five Nudes Jean Arp 1912 1992.110
The Dining Table Jacques Villon 1912 1983.169.1
The Native Quarter Maurice Sterne 1912 65.262.1
Model Dressing André Dunoyer de Segonzac 1912 67.187.100
Susanna and the Elders Marc Chagall 1912 1984.433.57
Seated Nude Model, Facing Left Wilhelm Lehmbruck 1912 1984.433.243
Seated Man Reading a Newspaper Pablo Picasso 1912 49.70.27
Bottle and Wine Glass on a Table Pablo Picasso 1912 49.70.33
Crouching Nude in Shoes and Black Stockings, Back View Egon Schiele 1912 1984.433.297
Man with a Hat and a Violin Pablo Picasso 1912 1999.363.64
Landscape and Figures anonymous 1913s 53.45.6 horse
Le Grand Salon, Musée Jacquemart-André Walter Gay 1913s 61.91 vase
East River Samuel Halpert 1913s 1999.426 ship
The Sisters Francis Coates Jones 1913 33.75
Louis Kronberg in His Studio in Copley Hall Arthur Clifton Goodwin 1913 1975.397
Beach No. 3 Maurice Prendergast 1913 67.187.135 flower
Harlem River Ernest Lawson 1913 67.187.132 tree
Mountain with Red House Charles Demuth 1913 49.70.70a, b house
Sentimental Music Arthur Dove 1913 49.70.77a, b
Mountain Stream John Singer Sargent 1913s 15.142.2
The Conquerors (Culebra Cut, Panama Canal) Jonas Lie 1913 14.18
Ariadne Giorgio de Chirico 1913 1996.403.10
Violin and Playing Cards on a Table Juan Gris 1913 1996.403.14
Two Women Embracing Egon Schiele 1913 1991.179
Still Life with a Guitar Juan Gris 1913 1999.363.28
Flowers of the Field F. Luis Mora 1913 67.24 vase
Mrs. Beckington Alice Beckington 1913 14.57.2
Surf, Isles of Shoals Childe Hassam 1913 1996.382
Repairing the Bridge Robert Spencer 1913 14.21 tree
Mayfair Gifford Beal 1913 14.72
The Pink Sash Louis Kronberg 1913 13.61
Alexander Petrunkevitch Margaret Foote Hawley 1913 14.57.1 Alexander Petrunkevitch
Bouquet of Roses and Fruit Albert André 1913 1975.1.150 Robert Lehman
Study for the painting "Le Paddock" Raoul Dufy 1913 1983.28
Negro Song II Francis Picabia 1913 1991.402.14
Meditation Manierre Dawson 1913 2005.479
Negro Song I Francis Picabia 1913 49.70.15
Waldron Williams Eugene Speicher 1913 1970.248.1
Two Reclining Women Fernand Léger 1913 1986.396.1
The Smoker Juan Gris 1913 1999.363.29
In the Connecticut Hills Ben Foster 1914s 14.70 tree
The Path through the Irises Claude Monet 1914s 2001.202.6 flower
Adventure Arthur Bowen Davies 1914s 31.67.13
Tilla Durieux Pierre-Auguste Renoir 1914 61.101.13 Tilla Durieux
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Paul Cassirer
Tilla Durieux
Walter Feilchenfeldt
Bignou Gallery
Stephen Carlton Clark
Pandora Odilon Redon 1914 60.19.1 flower
Still Life with a Diabolo Roger de La Fresnaye 1914 2002.240
Central Park Maurice Prendergast 1914 50.25
Swan Pond, Bellport, Long Island William Glackens 1914 1982.119.3
Portrait of a German Officer Marsden Hartley 1914 49.70.42 black-white-red flag of Germany
Iron Cross
The Street Pavers Umberto Boccioni 1914 1990.38.5
Coney Island Joseph Stella 1914 63.69
Lilacs Henri Matisse 1914 2002.456.4
Spring in Central Park William Zorach 1914 1979.223a, b
The Dressing Room Pierre Bonnard 1914 1984.433.3
Old Spanish Woman Leopold Seyffert 1914 27.62
Julie Hudson George Bellows 1914 67.187.120
Street Cart Egon Schiele 1914 1984.433.303
Landscape with Figures Kenneth Hayes Miller 1914 27.180
Summer Frederick Carl Frieseke 1914 66.171
Winter Ernest Lawson 1914 15.44 tree
Portrait of Isaac D. Fletcher Carnig Eksergian 1914 17.120.208 Isaac Dudley Fletcher
Felix Adler Douglas Volk 1914 15.81
Benjamin Altman Ellen Emmet Rand 1914 14.122
Willow Pond Catherine Wiley 1914 1972.114
Ernesta Cecilia Beaux 1914 15.82
Screen: "Porcupines" and "Nightmare" Robert Winthrop Chanler 1914 27.30
The Village Fernand Léger 1914 2013.271
Bowl Johannes Itten 1914 2009.213
The Doll and the Monster Guy Pène du Bois 1914 21.147
J. Pierpont Morgan Carlos Baca-Flor 1914 39.119
Card Players at a Table Pablo Picasso 1914 1984.5.2
Standing Nude with Orange Drapery Egon Schiele 1914 1984.433.315ab
Untitled Vincenc Beneš 1914 1984.559.5
Garden in St. Germain, The European Quarter Near Tunis Paul Klee 1914 1984.315.3
Untitled Paul Klee 1914 1984.315.6
Study for a Still Life Fernand Léger 1914 1986.396.2
Woodland Vista anonymous 1915s 49.116 tree
Maple Street, London Walter Sickert 1915 1998.451.2
Katherine Forest William Sherman Potts 1915 29.174.6
Lola de Valence Amedeo Modigliani 1915 67.187.84
Dancer = Propeller = Sea Gino Severini 1915 49.70.3
The Red Tablecloth Samuel Halpert 1915 1994.394
Guitar and Clarinet on a Mantelpiece Pablo Picasso 1915 1996.403.3
Rooftops Fernand Léger 1915 2007.49.58
Black Bean, Walberswick Charles Rennie Mackintosh 1915 1993.282 flower
The Café Terrace Diego Rivera 1915 49.70.51
The Albany Boat Gifford Beal 1915 17.48.1
Tyrolese Interior John Singer Sargent 1915 15.142.1
Consolation of Ariadne Bryson Burroughs 1915 18.42 boat
David Bowie Crockett Elsie Motz Lowdon 1915 1985.355.2
Juan Gris (1887–1927) Amedeo Modigliani 1915 67.187.85 Juan Gris
Here, This Is Stieglitz Here Francis Picabia 1915 49.70.14
Ambroise Vollard Pablo Picasso 1915 47.140 Ambroise Vollard
Thunderheads in June Charles E. Burchfield 1915 1997.322
Athletic Contest Max Weber 1915 67.112
Drawing XIII Georgia O'Keeffe 1915 50.236.2
Untitled Hilla von Rebay 1915 1986.51.2
Eva Mudocci Henri Matisse 1915 2002.456.41
Decor for the Ballet "Liturgie" Natalia Goncharova 1915 1972.146.10 saint
Last Supper
onion dome
Still Life with Checked Tablecloth Juan Gris 1915-03 2014.463
Water Lilies Claude Monet 1916s 1983.532
A North Carolina Mountain Woman Lucy May Stanton 1916 32.36
Sketch for Hudson River Painting Oscar Florianus Bluemner 1916 2001.222
Study for "The Well" Morton Livingston Schamberg 1916 68.115.1
Untitled Morton Livingston Schamberg 1916 68.115.2
Untitled Morton Livingston Schamberg 1916 68.115.3
Untitled Morton Livingston Schamberg 1916 68.115.4
The Jewish Angel Giorgio de Chirico 1916 1999.363.15 Paul Guillaume
Roland Penrose
Thaw and Co.
Jacques Gelman
Marguerite with Black Velvet Ribbon Henri Matisse 1916 2002.456.14
Composition No. 1 Hilla von Rebay 1916 1986.51.1
Laurette in a Green Robe, Black Background Henri Matisse 1916 1999.363.43 Q61686506
The Dining Room, Vernonnet Pierre Bonnard 1916 1999.363.6 flower
Movement No. 5, Provincetown Houses Marsden Hartley 1916 49.70.43 house
The Visit Marie Laurencin 1916 1984.433.12
Jean with Blue Book and Apple George Bellows 1916 57.8 book
Across the Valley Gifford Beal 1916 24.49.2
Tragedy of the Sea Louis Eilshemius 1916 67.187.160
The Green Coat Bertha Coolidge 1916 37.38
In the Studio Helen Winslow Durkee 1916 55.111.8
House on the Seine near Vernon Pierre Bonnard 1916 1975.1.157 tree Robert Lehman
The Red Vine, Matinicus Island, Maine George Bellows 1916 54.196.3 tree
The Checkered Tablecloth Pierre Bonnard 1916 1998.412.1
Ox Team, Wharf at Matinicus George Bellows 1916 1974.352 tree
The Mime Man Ray 1916 1982.333
Portrait of Ellen William Scott Pyle 1916 42.15
Blue Lines X Georgia O'Keeffe 1916 69.278.3
Slide Lecture at the Metropolitan Museum Max Weber 1916 1975.321
Portrait of a German Officer Georges Rouault 1916 1996.403.18ab
Green and Gold Thomas Dewing 1917s 53.69
The Haunted House Louis Eilshemius 1917 37.41 house
Interior Samuel Halpert 1917 1993.407
White Flower Marsden Hartley 1917 1983.538 flower
Apples Chaim Soutine 1917 67.187.106
The Marketplace, Vitebsk Marc Chagall 1917 1984.433.6
Reclining Nude Amedeo Modigliani 1917 1997.149.9 woman
Water Street, Newburgh C. K. Chatterton 1917 1982.152.2
Canadian Soldier Augustus John 1917 61.101.11
Studio Interior Stuart Davis 1917 1994.412
Street Scene in Bermuda Albert Gleizes 1917 64.27.14
Seated Woman, Back View Egon Schiele 1917 1984.433.294
Little Falls, New Jersey Oscar Florianus Bluemner 1917 64.27.11
Municipal Jewel Paul Klee 1917 1984.315.12
Dandelion Seed Balls and Trees Charles E. Burchfield 1917 40.47.2
Mary Fanton Roberts Robert Henri 1917 57.45 Mary Fanton Roberts
Winter Sunrise, Monadnock Abbott Handerson Thayer 1917 17.180.1 tree
The Gamblers Eugene Higgins 1917 35.33
Violet and Amber Elsie Motz Lowdon 1917 1985.355.1
Figure in Hammock, Florida John Singer Sargent 1917 50.130.57 tree
The Small Drawing-Room: Mme Hessel at Her Sewing Table Édouard Vuillard 1917 1975.1.226 Robert Lehman
Harlequin with a Guitar Juan Gris 1917 2008.468
Seated Nude Holding a Flower Joan Miró 1917 1999.363.47
Table by a Window Jean Metzinger 1917 59.86
The Italian Woman Amedeo Modigliani 1917 56.4
Morning in the Garden at Vernonnet Pierre Bonnard 1917 1984.433.4 tree
Padre George Bellows 1917 41.81
In the Deep Woods Charles Shepard Chapman 1917 17.80
Narcissi Charles Demuth 1917 49.70.71
Banking at 4,000 Feet Christopher R. W. Nevinson 1917 1998.68.4
House on the S.E. Corner of Fourth and Vine Streets, Salem Charles E. Burchfield 1917 1997.323
Sketch for the Curtain of "L'Opera de Quat' Sous" Eugene Berman 1917 65.192.2
Colorful Architecture Paul Klee 1917 1984.315.10
Stage Design for Cleopatra Robert Delaunay 1918 2007.49.35 column
Great Pyramid of Giza
Picnic by the Inlet Maurice Prendergast 1918 1996.460 tree
Swimming Party Louis Eilshemius 1918 1984.433.308 tree
Group of Figures Maurice Prendergast 1918 67.187.136 tree
Port Cochere at 39 Elm Street, Worcester, Mass. Miriam Washburn 1918 1984.433.26 tree
Girl in a Sailor's Blouse Amedeo Modigliani 1918 60.118
Boy in a Striped Sweater Amedeo Modigliani 1918 1999.363.56 boy
Marguerite Wearing a Hat Henri Matisse 1918 2002.456.15
Composition with the Yellow Half-Moon and the Y Paul Klee 1918 1984.315.13
Avenue of the Allies, Great Britain, 1918 Childe Hassam 1918 67.187.127
London Music Hall Everett Shinn 1918 21.39
The Church at Gloucester Childe Hassam 1918 25.206 tree
The Bargeman Fernand Léger 1918 1999.363.35
Costume Design for Cleopatra Sonia Delaunay 1918 2007.49.36
Bird Comedy Paul Klee 1918 2000.111.3
Silent Dawn Walter Launt Palmer 1919s 21.38 tree
Lilac Dress Thomas Dewing 1919s 67.187.124
Landscape, New Mexico Marsden Hartley 1919s 49.70.46
Woman in Red Blouse Chaim Soutine 1919 1993.89.4
Jeanne Hébuterne (1898–1920) Amedeo Modigliani 1919 56.184.2 Jeanne Hébuterne
Water Lilies Claude Monet 1919 1998.325.2 leaf
Tennis at Newport George Bellows 1919 67.187.121
Seated Nude Pierre Bonnard 1919 2013.638 nudity
Mrs. Chester Dale George Bellows 1919 54.196.2
Vines and Olive Trees, Tarragona Joan Miró 1919 1999.363.48
The Green Blouse Pierre Bonnard 1919 63.64
The Promenade Henri Matisse 1919 1984.433.17
Blue and Gold Allen Tucker 1919 21.61 tree
The Celebration of Armistice Day, 1918 Arthur Clifton Goodwin 1919 1970.285
Flower Vendor Amedeo Modigliani 1919 1996.403.9
View of Wall Street Christopher R. W. Nevinson 1919 1994.18
Landscape, Nice Henri Matisse 1919 1984.433.18
Five Cows George Bellows 1919 54.143.5
The Flatiron Building Samuel Halpert 1919 1981.36 Flatiron Building
Fifth Avenue
Madison Square and Madison Square Park
Sound E. E. Cummings 1919 1984.433.8
Gabrielle Soëne Roger Fry 1919 59.132
Tomcat's Turf Paul Klee 1919 1984.315.15
Southern Gardens Paul Klee 1919 1984.208.2
Falling Bird Paul Klee 1919 1984.208.4
Girl with a Cat Gwen John 1920s 1976.201.25 house cat
black cat
The Terrace at Vernonnet Pierre Bonnard 1920 68.1
Reclining Figure Jean Marchand 1920 1984.433.15
Peonies Charles Rennie Mackintosh 1920 1993.339
Objects on a Table Patrick Henry Bruce 1920 61.67
Still Life with Fish Chaim Soutine 1920 67.187.105
Man with Horse Chaim Soutine 1920 67.187.104 horse
The Girl with White Fur Julie Kahle 1920 29.174.3
Exaltation Arthur Bowen Davies 1920 67.187.148
Dance—Uplift Arthur Bowen Davies 1920 31.67.6
Fishermen George Luks 1920 67.187.208 boat
Woman Painting a Vase Pierre Laprade 1920 67.187.25 vase
Vence Jean Marchand 1920 1984.433.14 tree
Redgreen and Violet-Yellow Rhythms Paul Klee 1920 1984.315.19
Going Out - Early Morning George Ault 1920 1983.175
Peirce Nichols House, Salem Felicie Waldo Howell 1920 24.59.1
Windswept Tree and Rocks Percy Gray 1920 2006.568.2
Nude in an Armchair (Nu au fauteuil) Henri Matisse 1920 1975.1.195 Robert Lehman
Miraculous Landing, or the "112!" Paul Klee 1920 1984.315.23 boat
Temple Gardens Paul Klee 1920 1987.455.2
Machinery Charles Demuth 1920 49.59.2
Aeroplane Synchromy in Yellow-Orange Stanton Macdonald-Wright 1920 49.70.52
After Sir Christopher Wren Charles Demuth 1920 1984.433.156
Three Bathers Reclining by the Shore Pablo Picasso 1920 1984.433.279
Mechanical Elements Fernand Léger 1920 1999.363.36
The Builders Fernand Léger 1920 2006.32.36
Two Bathers Seated by the Shore Pablo Picasso 1920 1984.433.281
Lovers Paul Klee 1920 1987.455.3
Theater-Mountain-Construction Paul Klee 1920 1987.455.4
Three Bathers by the Shore Pablo Picasso 1920 1984.433.277
The Artist in his Studio André Derain 1920 2002.456.25
Episode at Kairouan Paul Klee 1920 1984.315.17
Yankee Point, Monterey Howard Russell Butler 1921s 26.103
Still Life No. 2 Marsden Hartley 1921 49.70.50
Science: A Preparation for the Mural in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston John Singer Sargent 1921 50.130.2
Philosophy: A Preparation for the Mural in the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston John Singer Sargent 1921 50.130.1
National Defense William Tasker 1921s 43.46.18
Mountains of Calatayud Ignacio Zuloaga 1921 59.16.4
Woman with a Cat Fernand Léger 1921 1994.486
Interior Allen Tucker 1921 66.74.2 musical instrument
Self-Portrait Rosina Cox Boardman 1921 1988.306
Guitar and Still Life on a Mantelpiece Georges Braque 1921 1996.403.11
Composition Piet Mondrian 1921 1999.363.57
Head of a Woman Pablo Picasso 1921 1984.433.270
Girl by a Window Henri Matisse 1921 1994.545
Hills of the Mediterranean Ward Lockwood 1921 1971.168
Reclining Girl Jules Pascin 1921 1992.77ab
From a Paris Window Christopher R. W. Nevinson 1921 1997.212
Moïse Kisling (1891–1953) André Derain 1921 1993.89.1
Sunflowers Edward McKnight Kauffer 1921 1987.5
Hilaire Hiler at the Piano Cedric Morris 1921 1996.46
Still Life with Apples and Glass of Water Félix Vallotton 1921 67.187.214
The Pathos of Fertility Paul Klee 1921 1984.315.28
Lower Manhattan from the River, No. 1 John Marin 1921 49.70.122
All Souls' Picture Paul Klee 1921 1987.455.5
Adam and Little Eve Paul Klee 1921 1987.455.7
Pasture at Evening anonymous 1922s 67.187.138 tree
Woman Reading Boris Grigoriev 1922 1972.146.1 book
Boy with Violin George Luks 1922 67.187.133
The Crucifixion anonymous 1922s 25.79
Flowering Peach Trees, Provence Félix Vallotton 1922 67.187.114
ALUM Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.7a-c leaf
Landscape with Boys Ilya Mashkov 1922 1972.146.8
PRISM Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.6a-c
Mother and Child William Zorach 1922 1979.221
FIBRE Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.1
WRONG WAY Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.23
NUANCE Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.25
The Businessman Max Roesberg, Dresden Otto Dix 1922 1992.146
Three Women by a Garden Fernand Léger 1922 1987.125.1
PALATIN Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.14
ALUM Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.5
ALUM Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.10a-c leaf
Hillside Pastures—September Willard Metcalf 1922 67.187.134
Betty Gallowhur (Betty Newell) Charles Courtney Curran 1922 1996.356 flower
The Tease Carlo Canevari 1922 1975.1.236 Robert Lehman
La Place de la Bastille Gustave Loiseau 1922 1975.1.190 place de la Bastille
July Column
multi-storey urban building
Robert Lehman
Samuel Knopf George Bellows 1922 64.158
Guitar and Still Life on a Guéridon Georges Braque 1922 1979.481
Popular Wall-Painting Paul Klee 1922 1984.315.32
A Storm Georgia O'Keeffe 1922 1981.35 storm
full moon
The Boston Athenaeum Charles Bittinger 1922 23.256.1
Hills of Vermont Aldro Hibbard 1922 23.256.2
Tablecloth Marguerite Zorach 1922 22.202
Landscape at Saint-Jeannet, Provence Félix Vallotton 1922 67.187.115
Standing Nude Pablo Picasso 1922 1980.21.22
The General Hugo Robus 1922 1996.539
Street in Nesles, Northern France Maurice de Vlaminck 1922 1984.433.327
PRISM Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.11
PRISM Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.16a-c
PALATIN Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.2a-c
ZIGZAG BRAID Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.8a-c
FIBRE Dagobert Peche 1922 1984.537.4a-c flower
Tower in Orange and Green Paul Klee 1922 1984.315.31
Mural from the Temple of Longing ↖Thither↗ Paul Klee 1922 1984.315.33
Garden at Vaucresson Édouard Vuillard 1923 52.183 garden
Sergei Esenin (1895–1925) as a Youth Boris Grigoriev 1923 1972.146.3
Street Group Jerome Myers 1923 34.52
Coral Maria Judson Strean 1923 29.174.7 woman
Grey Line with Lavender and Yellow Georgia O'Keeffe 1923 1987.377.1
The Nightingale Sings Mikhail Nesterov 1923 1972.145.6 tree
Victims of the Fiesta Ignacio Zuloaga 1923 28.199
The Barbed Noose with the Mice Paul Klee 1923 1987.455.13
Episode Before an Arab Town Paul Klee 1923 1987.455.14
Standing Nude Bernard Karfiol 1923 1989.398
The Blue Chair Guy Pène du Bois 1923 54.143.4
The Willow Tree and the Cow Walt Kuhn 1923 1991.175.3
Rooftops of Paris Leon Kroll 1923 1983.437
Road to Lamy, New Mexico Andrew Dasburg 1923 51.19
Abstract Trio Paul Klee 1923 1984.315.36
The North Country Willard Metcalf 1923 24.60
Flight Into Egypt Henry Ossawa Tanner 1923 2001.402a Flight into Egypt
Espagnole: Harmonie en bleu (Spanish Woman: Harmony in Blue) Henri Matisse 1923 1975.1.193 Robert Lehman
Self Portrait Jacques Villon 1923 1975.1.217 Jacques Villon Robert Lehman
Woman in White Pablo Picasso 1923 53.140.4
Static-Dynamic Gradation Paul Klee 1923 1987.455.12
The Amazon Marie Laurencin 1923 1984.433.13
Julia Wainwright Robbins Ignacio Zuloaga 1923 49.64 dress
Trees, Rocks, Sea - Maine John Marin 1923 1984.433.255
Ventriloquist and Crier in the Moor Paul Klee 1923 1984.315.35
Classical Grotesque Paul Klee 1923 1984.315.37
Strange Garden Paul Klee 1923 1984.531
Nourmahal anonymous 1924s 32.67.2
Still Life with Rayfish Chaim Soutine 1924 1997.149.1
View of Cagnes Chaim Soutine 1924 1997.149.2
Figure Paul Scheurich 1924 59.208.15
Woman with Mimosa Pierre Bonnard 1924 1978.264.8
Gala Éluard Max Ernst 1924 2006.32.15
Astrological Fantasy Portrait Paul Klee 1924 1984.315.39
Pierre Mac Orlan Jules Pascin 1924 1997.149.8
Expressman Norman Rockwell 1924 1981.143.3
The Winding Path Maurice Sterne 1924 51.112.7
Still Life Preston Dickinson 1924 54.184.2
Corn, Dark , No. 1 Georgia O'Keeffe 1924 50.236.1
Village Festival Boris Kustodiev 1924 1972.146.7
Tramp and Dog Norman Rockwell 1924 1981.143.1
Cemetery, New Mexico Marsden Hartley 1924 49.70.49
Mr. and Mrs. Chester Dale Dine Out Guy Pène du Bois 1924 63.138.1
Still Life with a Guitar Georges Braque 1924 1999.363.12
The Musketeer Francis Picabia 1924 49.70.13
Circus Equestrienne Jean Metzinger 1924 2001.556
Interior Preston Dickinson 1924 1971.126 vase
Portrait of Ralph Dusenberry Arthur Dove 1924 49.70.36
The Accident Jean Charlot 1924 1991.157
Elbert Henry Gary Hubert Vos 1924 37.20.4 Elbert Henry Gary
Portrait of a Girl Robert Henri 1924 1996.552
Interior, Evening John Christen Johansen 1924 25.180
Woman on Bed Eulabee Dix 1924 1989.97.2
Before Dinner Pierre Bonnard 1924 1975.1.156 Robert Lehman
The Three O'Clock Sitting Henri Matisse 1924 2008.551
Self-Portrait as a Photographer Yasuo Kuniyoshi 1924 1984.433.11
Still Life with Mandolin and Galette Pablo Picasso 1924 1999.363.65
Strasse auf Helgoland II Arthur Segal 1924 2003.598
Willows and Farm Buildings James Ormsbee Chapin 1924 1984.433.7
Dikran G. Kelekian (1868–1951) André Derain 1924 1999.5
Edison Mazda Stuart Davis 1924 1982.10
Structural I Paul Klee 1924 1984.315.38
Avenue du Bois Kees van Dongen 1925 1975.1.227 Arc de Triomphe
avenue Foch
Robert Lehman
Portrait of Juliette de Saint Cyr Jean Dunand 1925 1989.176.2
Abstraction Alfred Maurer 1925 1988.222
Still Life: Vase of Peonies Edmund C. Tarbell 1925 1979.490.1 vase
Boy with Baseball George Luks 1925 54.10.2
Italian Hill Town Arthur Bowen Davies 1925 31.67.3
Study for Portrait of Mrs. Anna E. Little Childe Hassam 1925 1998.40
Mountain and Sky Arthur Dove 1925 1994.341.1
Lighthouse at Groix Paul Signac 1925 1998.412.3 Groix
fishing vessel
Atlantic Ocean
flag of France
The Furniture Factory Bumpei Usui 1925 2014.142
Photo: This Is the Color of My Dreams Joan Miró 1925 2002.456.5
Still Life with Flowers Félix Vallotton 1925 67.187.117 flower
Small Portrait of a Girl in Yellow Paul Klee 1925 1984.315.43ab
May Picture Paul Klee 1925 1984.315.42
Seated Model Jules Pascin 1925 67.187.168
Alva B. Gimbel Ignacio Zuloaga 1925 64.171
Ghost Chamber with the Tall Door (New Version) Paul Klee 1925 1987.455.16
Oriental Pleasure Garden Paul Klee 1925 1984.315.41
Study for "Four Stories in Black and White" František Kupka 1925 1984.105.3
Mandolin, Fruit Bowl, and Plaster Arm Pablo Picasso 1925 1996.403.2
Notre Dame, Paris Samuel Halpert 1925 38.34 Notre Dame de Paris
quai du Marché-Neuf
Petit Pont
pont Saint-Michel
Study for "Four Stories in Black and White" František Kupka 1925 1984.105.2
Grey Tree, Lake George Georgia O'Keeffe 1925 1987.377.2
Evening Frank Weston Benson 1925 50.45.2
Laura Newell Veissi Clara Louise Bell 1925 29.174.1
Abandoned George Elmer Browne 1925 36.15 boat
Cat and Turtle Vicente do Rego Monteiro 1925 1975.1.2384 Robert Lehman
Woman and Child Georges d'Espagnat 1925 1975.1.174 Robert Lehman
Le Grand Quai, Fécamp Gustave Loiseau 1925 1975.1.188 Fécamp
Robert Lehman
The Port de Bougie, Algiers, in Sunlight Albert Marquet 1925 1975.1.191 ship Robert Lehman
In Memory of an All-Girl Band Paul Klee 1925 1984.315.44
Study for "Four Stories in Black and White" František Kupka 1925 1984.105.1
Flag Station, Elizabeth, New Jersey Oscar Florianus Bluemner 1925 64.27.9
A Young Woman Reading anonymous 1926s 49.7.40 woman
Jules Bache
Vase of Flowers Preston Dickinson 1926 1995.547.3 vase
The Model Boris Grigoriev 1926 1972.146.2
Tulips Charles Demuth 1926 1977.137.2
Girl with a Kitten Jules Pascin 1926 1993.89.2
Black Iris Georgia O'Keeffe 1926 69.278.1
Woman Sewing Pierre Laprade 1926 67.187.78
The Masons Albert André 1926 67.187.50
Landscape Henri Vergé-Sarrat 1926 67.187.39
Village Road Henri Vergé-Sarrat 1926 67.187.40
Reclining Odalisque Henri Matisse 1926 67.187.82
Title Unknown Yves Tanguy 1926 2002.456.6
Two Boys Frank Weston Benson 1926 27.61
Senator Elihu Root John Christen Johansen 1926 26.190
The Dodge Children of Detroit Mira Edgerly-Korzybska 1926 2008.123
Pixie Mary McLellan Hamilton 1926 38.183
Seated Odalisque Henri Matisse 1926 62.112
Poppies in a Vase Pierre Bonnard 1926 1999.363.8 vase
Collection of Figurines Paul Klee 1926 1984.315.47
Sean O'Casey Augustus John 1926 61.101.9
Basket of Bananas Pierre Bonnard 1926 1999.363.7
Young Girl George Ault 1926 64.306
Pertaining to Stonington Harbor, Maine John Marin 1926 49.70.134
Bird Wandering Off Paul Klee 1926 1987.455.17
Still Life with Fish Alfred Maurer 1927s 55.100
The Old Elm John Kane 1927 67.187.166 house
Maquette Jean Dunand 1927 2002.172
Primulas on a Table William Nicholson 1927 1979.135.15
August Afternoon Charles E. Burchfield 1927 28.85
Polly Eugene Speicher 1927 28.13
Odalisque with Gray Trousers Henri Matisse 1927 1997.400
Circus Horse Joan Miró 1927 2006.32.44
Painting Joan Miró 1927 1984.207
Crimson and Green Leaves Helen Torr 1927 1994.341.4
Barn and Silo, Vermont Edward Hopper 1927 1974.356.23 barn
Hand Sewing Machine Arthur Dove 1927 49.92.2
Zeke's House—Zeke's Shop Daniel Garber 1927 28.14
The Ivory Fan Rosina Cox Boardman 1927 29.174.2
The Lafayette John French Sloan 1927 28.18
Statement Thomas Moran 1927 2010.308.2a, b
Animated Landscape Joan Miró 1927 1999.363.49
Harlequin Pablo Picasso 1927 1997.149.5
Still Life Paul Klee 1927 1984.315.49
Head of a Woman Pablo Picasso 1927 1999.363.66
Variations (Progressive Motif) Paul Klee 1927 1984.315.48
Coast Guard Station, Two Lights, Maine Edward Hopper 1927 1974.356.25 beach
coast guard station
flag of the United States of America
Cape Elizabeth Lights
Percolator Stuart Davis 1927 56.195
Ducks Andrew Dasburg 1927 52.205.1
Black Abstraction Georgia O'Keeffe 1927 69.278.2
Jar Maurice Marinot 1927 1970.198.2
Mme Henri-Xavier Fontaine Édouard Vuillard 1927 66.72
House of the Foghorn, I Edward Hopper 1927 56.216 house
flag of the United States of America
A House with Flowering Trees along the Amalfi Coast of Italy Constantin Westchiloff 1928 1975.1.240 tree Robert Lehman
Head Alfred Maurer 1928 57.74a, b
I Saw the Figure 5 in Gold Charles Demuth 1928 49.59.1
Ivan Rodin Abram Arkhipov 1928 29.63
Pillars Josef Albers 1928 1970.139
Two Figures Beside a Table Ismael González de la Serna 1928 67.187.175
Dutch Interior (III) Joan Miró 1928 1996.403.8
East River from the Shelton Hotel Georgia O'Keeffe 1928 1987.377.3
Green Venus Pavel Tchelitchew 1928 1975.429
George May Mark Tobey 1928 59.158
From Williamsburg Bridge Edward Hopper 1928 37.44 window
cable-stayed bridge
Williamsburg Bridge
apartment building
Model in the Artist's Studio Raoul Dufy 1928 67.187.66
Large Sunflowers Emil Nolde 1928 1970.213
Harbor at Tangier Adelaide Milton de Groot 1928 36.56
Landscape with Cows Aaron Draper Shattuck 1928 47.100.1291
Head of a Woman Vicente do Rego Monteiro 1928 1975.1.2369 Robert Lehman
Reclining Nude Suzanne Valadon 1928 1975.1.214 Robert Lehman
Interior with Paintings and a Pheasant Édouard Vuillard 1928 48.162.4
Potato Joan Miró 1928 1999.363.50
Rider in the Midnight Sky Emil Bisttram 1928 1984.372
Nocturne Joseph Stella 1928 1996.547
Self-Portrait at the Age of Nine Arshile Gorky 1928 2002.145
Dining Room Herman Rosse 1928 2000.164.1-44a,b
Odalisque in a Moorish Chair Henri Matisse 1928 67.155.7
The Lighthouse at Two Lights Edward Hopper 1929 62.95 lighthouse
New York Street Scene Glenn O. Coleman 1929 1983.86.1
Lilacs and Peonies Suzanne Valadon 1929 67.187.112 Syringa vulgaris
The Mountaineer Eugene Speicher 1929 61.101.24
The Cathedrals of Broadway Florine Stettheimer 1929 53.24.3 newsreel
Broadway theatre
box office
Folly Beach, Charleston, South Carolina Edward Hopper 1929 1974.356.21 Charleston
Folly Beach
Nude Standing by the Sea Pablo Picasso 1929 1996.403.4
Elsa in a Mexican Hat Stefan Hirsch 1929 68.221
Untitled Maurice Golubov 1929 1980.260.4
Still Life Fernand Léger 1929 67.187.79
Untitled Maurice Golubov 1929 1980.260.3
Black Hollyhock, Blue Larkspur Georgia O'Keeffe 1929 34.51
The Accommodations of Desire Salvador Dalí 1929 1999.363.16 Artists Rights Society
The Steeplechase, Coney Island Milton Avery 1929 1984.527
Monuments at G. Paul Klee 1929 1984.315.51
Reaching Waves Arthur Dove 1929 49.70.38
Lee Krasner Eda Mirsky Mann 1929 1988.119.1
Dancer with Two Clowns Georges Rouault 1929 1993.89.3
Houses on a Barge Helen Torr 1929 1988.371.2
Still Life Georges Braque 1929 67.187.57
Red Cabbages, Rhubarb and Orange Charles Demuth 1929 49.70.57
Builders James Lesesne Wells 1929 1999.529.173
Blue Mountain on the Circle Drive near Taos John Marin 1929 49.70.226
Dance of the Santo Domingo Indians John Marin 1929 49.70.227
Lee Krasner Eda Mirsky Mann 1930 1988.119.2 Lee Krasner
Landscape with Houses Arthur Dove 1930 49.70.88 house
The Celebration of the Mass Harry Willson Watrous 1930 35.130
Midnight Alexander Shilling 1930 38.162 tree
Wild Weather Frederick Judd Waugh 1930 50.111
The Church of St. Vincent de Paul Osvaldo Louis Guglielmi 1930 1992.39.1
North German City Paul Klee 1930 1987.455.18
Doctor Paul Klee 1930 1984.315.52
Jefferson Market, New York Stuart Davis 1930 1996.546
Miss France Kees van Dongen 1930 67.187.64
Clam Shell Georgia O'Keeffe 1930 62.258
Pears with Pewter Luigi Lucioni 1930 34.63
Jared French Luigi Lucioni 1930 1994.74
Near Abiquiu, New Mexico Georgia O'Keeffe 1930 63.204
Head Georges Rouault 1930 67.187.32
The Card Players Hale Woodruff 1930 2015.223
Ranchos Church Georgia O'Keeffe 1930 61.258
Bain de Soleil Adelaide Milton de Groot 1930 67.187.213
Eurydice Bitten by the Snake Bryson Burroughs 1930 32.27 Orpheus
Tables for Ladies Edward Hopper 1930 31.62 clock
cash register
Clouds and Water Arthur Dove 1930 49.70.40
The Bowery Reginald Marsh 1930 32.81.2
Fishboat Arthur Dove 1930 1994.341.2 boat
Clown with a Black Wig Walt Kuhn 1930 56.73
Torso, Navel, Mustache-Flower Jean Arp 1930 2006.32.1
Lovers among Lilacs Marc Chagall 1930 2007.247.2
Figures with Still Life Ruth Reeves 1930 1987.473.5
The Country David Burliuk 1930 2000.200.1
Great Hall for Singers Paul Klee 1930 1987.455.19
Silver Ball, Barge, and Trees Arthur Dove 1930 49.70.85
Cow's Skull: Red, White, and Blue Georgia O'Keeffe 1931 52.203
Boy in Fancy Dress Paul Klee 1931 1988.415
The Satin Slipper David Jones 1931 1984.204
Americana Charles Sheeler 1931 1992.24.8
Storm Prelude Cedric Morris 1931 1997.211
Untitled Joan Miró 1931 1999.363.51
The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere Grant Wood 1931 50.117
Still Life with Curtain Henry Lee McFee 1931 33.105
A Bride for the Lord of Muscovy Erté 1931 2000.428
Figure George Constant 1931 40.16
Portrait of my Mother Philip Guston 1931 1997.386
Spring Shower (Western Kansas Landscape) John Steuart Curry 1931 32.84 house
Headland Allen Tucker 1931 32.81.1
The Monongahela River Valley, Pennsylvania John Kane 1931 67.187.165 ship
Robert W. de Forest John Christen Johansen 1931 31.36
Bruce Crane Lydia Longacre 1931 51.181
South of Scranton Peter Blume 1931 42.155
Nocturne (The General Motors Building at Columbus Circle) Osvaldo Louis Guglielmi 1931 1995.226.4
Berlin Street George Grosz 1931 63.220
The Cathedrals of Fifth Avenue Florine Stettheimer 1931 53.24.4
The Fitting Room Kenneth Hayes Miller 1931 31.117
Speakeasy Glenn O. Coleman 1931 32.83.2
Still Life with Shells Dorothy Dehner 1931 1997.127.1
Dance: Study for the Barnes Mural (First Paris Version) Henri Matisse 1931 2002.456.42
Four Parts Wassily Kandinski 1932 1991.402.9
Clarification Paul Klee 1932 1984.315.54
Dusk at La Baie des Anges, Nice Raoul Dufy 1932 67.187.67
My Son Sandy Alexander Brook 1932 33.106
Nita Reading Leon Kroll 1932 32.61
Apples from Maine Walt Kuhn 1932 50.28.2
White Canadian Barn II Georgia O'Keeffe 1932 64.310
Portrait of Mina Raphael Soyer 1932 54.143.6
The Old Factory John Lillie 1932 33.135
From My Studio Window John Kane 1932 67.187.164 horse
Ethel Constance Fernow Bernice Pauahi Andrews Fernow 1932 35.28
The Dreamer Pablo Picasso 1932 1997.149.4
Seventh Avenue and 16th Street, New York Mark Baum 1932 1983.122.2
Athlete's Head Paul Klee 1932 1987.455.20
Backyards, Brooklyn Ogden Pleissner 1932 32.80.2
Girl in White Blouse Raphael Soyer 1932 33.107
The Mirror (Circus Dressing Room) Pavel Tchelitchew 1932 1979.135.25
The Artist's Parents Raphael Soyer 1932 1979.550
A Town in Maine John Marin 1932 49.70.146
Off Bald Head, Small Point, Maine John Marin 1932 49.70.147
A Window at Night Anne Goldthwaite 1933 38.48 plant
Seashell and Map David Smith 1933 1983.438
Deep Lake, Canada Eugene Speicher 1933 34.39
Landscape Arshile Gorky 1933 64.177
In the Studio Leopold Seyffert 1933 62.212
Straggly Pines Max Weber 1933 37.45
Beach at High Tide Molly Luce 1933 34.53
Haircut by the Sea Waldo Peirce 1933 37.152
Celery, Cock, and Bowl Albert Edward Sterner 1933 33.51
Nastasya Burns the Money Boardman Robinson 1933 50.51.4
George Blumenthal Charles Hopkinson 1933 33.154
Self-Portrait William J. Whittemore 1933 52.99
Beatrice Stein Steegmuller Jacques Villon 1933 1982.520
Taos Valley, New Mexico Ernest L. Blumenschein 1933 34.61
Stamford Gas Works Louis Bouche 1933 1991.225
Coin and Musical Instruments Ben Nicholson 1933 2007.247.6
La Kash-Ne Paul Klee 1933 1973.213 hat
Untitled Max Weber 1933 1975.289.1
"The Triumph of Poseidon" Jean Dupas 1933 1996.175
Study for "Goat" Arthur Dove 1934 49.70.75
End of the Hunt Dale Nichols 1934 38.173
Men and Machine Stuart Davis 1934 1981.406
William Zorach (1887-1966) George Biddle 1934 68.194
Untitled, Number 19 John Ferren 1934 1985.440.1a, b
Jane Bouché Alexander Brook 1934 1992.206
November Evening Charles E. Burchfield 1934 34.43
The Letter (Marguerite Zorach) George Biddle 1934 37.71
Reading at a Table Pablo Picasso 1934 1996.403.1
Jane and Tuffy Louis Bouche 1934 37.42
Dying Bull Pablo Picasso 1934 1999.363.67
Untitled (Barn and Trees) Osvaldo Louis Guglielmi 1934 1992.39.2ab
Collage Painting Joan Miró 1934 2002.456.147
William Sloane Coffin Ellen Emmet Rand 1934 34.144
"History of Navigation" Mural Jean Dupas 1934 1976.414.3a-ggg
Gansevoort, Number 1 Lee Krasner 1934 1997.403.1
Dressing Room Guy Pène du Bois 1934 42.31.1
Back Street, Ibiza Mary Hoover Aiken 1934 38.176
The Hostages Yves Tanguy 1934 66.8.1
One Who Understands Paul Klee 1934 1999.363.31
"Bluebird" Walter Dorwin Teague 1934 1998.537.31
Armchair Gerald Summers 1934 1994.428
The Green Sofa Anne Goldthwaite 1935s 44.84
White Mules on a Bridge Anne Goldthwaite 1935s 45.158.1
Snow Flurries John F. Carlson 1935s 47.46 tree
Banquet in Silence Marsden Hartley 1935s 49.92.1
Seneca Lake Arthur Dove 1935 49.70.90
Two Race Horses Walking Down Past the Post Alfred Munnings 1935 1976.201.21
Goat Arthur Dove 1935 49.70.37
The Creepers Clarence Carter 1935 37.151
The Black Feather Boa André Derain 1935 2002.456.10
Storm Clouds Arthur Dove 1935 2006.32.14
Gilding the Acrobats Paul Cadmus 1935 50.94.3
The Pont Neuf, Paris Albert Marquet 1935 66.5
Malayan Moonlight Reynolds Beal 1935 1992.184
Anne Goldthwaite Sarah Eakin Cowan 1935 49.42
Lelia Caetani Balthus 1935 2011.602
Lilies Arthur Beecher Carles 1935 1978.569
Summertime Balthus 1935 1996.176
Portrait of Helen Frederick Serger 1935 1990.274.2
Two Girls Isabel Bishop 1935 36.27
Domrémy, the Birthplace of Joan of Arc Maurice Utrillo 1935 67.187.111
Nocturne Raphael Soyer 1935 67.187.170
White Abstraction Arthur Beecher Carles 1935 1976.250.3
Tree Arthur Dove 1935 49.70.96
Legendary Landscape Georges Rouault 1935 2007.247.7
Dance: After the Paris version of the Barnes Mural Henri Matisse 1935 2002.456.86
American Interior Charles Sheeler 1935 41.178.1
Wind Wheel Arthur Dove 1935 49.70.95a, b
Le Port de Cannes Pierre Bonnard 1935 2002.456.21 boat
Untitled Harry Bowden 1936 1981.500.5
Virginia City Barn Cameron Booth 1936 41.200
Circus Horses John Marin 1936 49.70.229
Woman Seated at an Easel Georges Braque 1936 1996.403.12
Elenka Alice Neel 1936 1987.376
Shells and Things Marguerite Zorach 1936 39.25
Morning Glory Audrey Buller 1936 38.99
Self-Portrait Jean Dubuffet 1936 2001.396
Deportation Nahum Tschacbasov 1936 45.139
Standing Figure Jean Hélion 1936 1982.148.1
Gelmeroda Lyonel Feininger 1936 42.158
Study for Sculpture Charles Biederman 1936 1980.277
Harbour Wyndham Lewis 1936 1998.450
The White Elephant Alma Hirsig Bliss 1936 1997.192
Mythical Landscape (Paysage légendaire) Georges Rouault 1936 1975.1.203 Robert Lehman
Woman Asleep at a Table Pablo Picasso 1936 1997.149.3
Lady of the Lake Horace Pippin 1936 1982.55.1
Stricken City Paul Klee 1936 1987.358
Catastrophe Doris Lee 1936 37.43
Janitor's Holiday Paul Sample 1936 37.60.1
Untitled Maurice Golubov 1936 1980.260.1
New York Harbor George Grosz 1936 39.48.1
Road to Kiowa: Study for The Passion of Carry Nation Edward Laning 1936 64.78
Maine Seascape Constantin Westchiloff 1937s 1975.1.237 Robert Lehman
Maine Seascape Constantin Westchiloff 1937s 1975.1.238 Robert Lehman
Self-Portrait Leonora Carrington 1937 2002.456.1 Leonora Carrington
Woodyard by the Sea Leonid Berman 1937 44.43
String Quartette Jack Levine 1937 42.156
Apples from Dorset, Vermont Walt Kuhn 1937 1980.238
Still Life with an Apple Alberto Giacometti 1937 2002.456.3
The Barbarians Max Ernst 1937 1999.363.21
Steers at Play Lawrence Lebduska 1937 67.187.145
Still Life with Walnuts George Grosz 1937 39.48.2
Project for an Illustration to a Poem of Louis de Gonzague Frick Jacques Villon 1937 1975.1.759 Robert Lehman
Twilight Georges Rouault 1937 56.230.2
From the Faraway, Nearby Georgia O'Keeffe 1937 59.204.2
The Rhine at Duisburg Paul Klee 1937 1984.315.56
Unemployable Arnold Friedman 1937 40.49
Last of the Wild Horses Frank Mechau 1937 38.172
Untitled John Ferren 1937 1980.579.2
Study for "Wisconsin Landscape" John Steuart Curry 1938 1997.424
Seascape Joseph De Martini 1938 43.47.18
Wisconsin Landscape John Steuart Curry 1938s 42.154 house
The Painter Richard Blow 1938 38.101.1
Pierre Matisse Balthus 1938 2002.456.7
Thérèse Dreaming Balthus 1938 1999.363.2 Thérèse Blanchard
house cat
Accordion Yasuo Kuniyoshi 1938 56.6
Indian Composition George Lovett Kingsland Morris 1938 1985.440.3
Farm in Moonlight Daniel Koerner 1938 43.47.14
Comedians' Handbill Paul Klee 1938 1984.315.57
September Still Life Maud Morgan 1938 38.177
Basin Street Remo Farruggio 1938 43.47.1
Albert Pinkham Ryder Marsden Hartley 1938 1992.24.4 Albert Pinkham Ryder
Two Standing Men Willem de Kooning 1938 1984.612
Off Cape Split, Maine John Marin 1938 46.42
The White Fruit Bowl Rufino Tamayo 1938 1991.129.6
Cauliflower and Pumpkin Loïs Mailou Jones 1938 1981.535
Homeless William Gropper 1938 39.49
Study for ¦Song¦ Henri Matisse 1938 2002.456.45
New York, Number 18 Charles Biederman 1938 1980.419
Man with a Lollipop Pablo Picasso 1938 1999.363.69
Thérèse Balthus 1938 1987.125.2
Villa La Mouette Edwin Dickinson 1938 38.100
Blind Beggars Jacob Lawrence 1938 43.47.28
Man with a Lollipop Pablo Picasso 1938 1999.363.68
Monday Morning Russell Drysdale 1938 41.181
Night Wonder George Constant 1938 1988.42
Lost Lady Edith C. Blum 1938 39.105
Arrival Harry Lane 1938 39.134.1
Farm House, Sanary-sur-Mer Edwin Dickinson 1938 1999.465.1
Still Life on a Table Lee Krasner 1938 1982.206
The Fish Bowl (Study for "Phenomena") Pavel Tchelitchew 1938 1974.372
Little Hope Paul Klee 1938 1984.315.58
Untitled (Sandblaster's Goggled Hood) Jackson Pollock 1938 1982.147.2
Salem Witches' Cross Devolved by Laws of Dynamic Symmetry Gerome Kamrowski 1938 1988.210
Untitled (Portrait of Betty Fulton) Jackson Pollock 1938 1990.4.28
Project for a room in the house of Wright S. Ludington, Santa Barbara, California Eugene Berman 1938 65.192.1
Williamsburg Ralph Mayer 1939 1983.86.2
Mt. Katahdin, Maine, No. 2 Marsden Hartley 1939s 1992.24.3
Bathers at the Beach Salvador Dalí 1939 1994.591.2
John Brown John Steuart Curry 1939 50.94.1
Woman with Arms Crossed Tamara de Lempicka 1939 1986.356
East River Richard Pousette-Dart 1939 2005.483
The Studio (Vase before a Window) Georges Braque 1939 1993.400.6
White Rectangles, Number 3 I. Rice Pereira 1939 1983.462
Frame Houses Aaron Bohrod 1939 39.170
Granite Sol Wilson 1939 43.47.15
Midtown Manhattan Kurt Roesch 1939 42.168
Market Place Andrée Ruellan 1939 40.83
Juliet Fletcher Martin 1939 40.124.2
Bathers Alfred Levitt 1939 1985.234.2
Pueblito Mitchell Siporin 1939 41.174
Girl in Mourning Paul Klee 1939 1984.315.61
Carey's Backyard Loren MacIver 1939 43.47.13
Angel Applicant Paul Klee 1939 1984.315.60
The Whirlwind Pavel Tchelitchew 1939 50.38
Dora Maar in an Armchair Pablo Picasso 1939 1998.23
Baseball Game, Long Island Louis Bouche 1939 40.48.2
"One Third of a Nation" Osvaldo Louis Guglielmi 1939 43.47.10
Stormy Sunset on the East Coast Algernon Newton 1939 2011.4
The Cathedrals of Wall Street Florine Stettheimer 1939 53.24.2 flag of the United States of America
Wall Street
New York Stock Exchange
The Salvation Army
Indigenous peoples of the Americas
musical instrument
Shrimp Scow on Barnegat Bay Julian E. Levi 1939 39.134.2
What of It? Katherine Sophie Dreier 1939 53.45.5
Taxco, Dry Season Paul Valentine Lantz 1939 40.81
The Beach Alfred Levitt 1939 1985.234.1
Blue-Bird-Pumpkin Paul Klee 1939 1984.315.59
Sheep Skull with Grapes Pablo Picasso 1939 1991.354
Saturday Night Morris Neuwirth 1939 43.47.20
Hercules and the Amazons 1939 2014.139
Lobster Fishermen Marsden Hartley 1940s 42.160
Untitled Arthur Dove 1940 1984.536.12
Untitled Arthur Dove 1940 1984.536.17
Waterfront Joseph Kaplan 1940 43.47.19
14th Street Theatre Perkins Harnly 1940 43.47.23
Route of the Black Diamond Mark Baum 1940 1983.122.1 Train track
1886 Perkins Harnly 1940 43.47.22
Red and Yellow Cliffs Georgia O'Keeffe 1940 1987.377.4
Constellation: Women on the Beach Joan Miró 1940 1999.363.52
The Hour Before One Night Paul Klee 1940 1984.315.62
The Glazier Willem de Kooning 1940 1984.613.1
Vista at the Edge of the Sea Leon Kelly 1940 1981.190
Nijinsky Franz Kline 1940 1986.406.2
Number 28 (Still Life) Albert Eugene Gallatin 1940 1985.440.2
Winter '39 Marianne Appel 1940 40.154
Moroccan Sunflowers Charles Baskerville 1940 1995.223
Penny Candy Vendors Loren MacIver 1940 1993.173.2
Self-Portrait Augustus John 1940 61.101.10 Augustus John
Hasidic Dance Max Weber 1940 1992.24.6
The Satin Tuning Fork Yves Tanguy 1940 1999.363.80
Waterfront Mill Niles Spencer 1940 42.169
Report from Rockport Stuart Davis 1940 1992.24.1
Weather Vanes Hananiah Harari 1940 1981.500.1
Mexican Boy Irene de Bohus 1940 40.109.2
The Palm Tree Irene de Bohus 1940 40.109.1
Girl at Sewing Machine Moses Soyer 1940 41.97
To Fight Again Herbert Ferber 1940 42.178
Bowl Karl Drerup 1940 40.153.3
Early Colonial Architecture Elaine Haxton 1940 41.180
Docks on Sunday Joseph De Martini 1941 43.47.6
Corner Isobel Bates 1941 43.47.16
Main Street, Brewster Margit Varga 1941 47.47
Cleave St., Rockport Harry Shoulberg 1941 41.178.3
Ancient City Paul Delvaux 1941 1978.351
The Manager and a Circus Girl Georges Rouault 1941 1999.363.77
Green Sphere Balancing Others Lucia Autorino Salemme 1941 1996.221
White Lines I. Rice Pereira 1941 43.47.26
Green Shutters Miklos Suba 1941 1998.79
The Blizzard Betty Lane 1941 41.169
Constellation: Toward the Rainbow Joan Miró 1941 1999.363.53
Number 10 Angelized Werner Drewes 1941 1981.500.2
Landscape: Land of the American Indian Ralph Rosenborg 1941 1984.310.6
Parallel Forms II Albert Eugene Gallatin 1941 52.174
The Tightrope Darrel Austin 1941 41.177
Still Life Ben Benn 1941 43.47.7
Swallow Swift on Yellow Lucia Autorino Salemme 1941 1996.222
Men Carrying Torches Jean Lurçat 1941 2007.49.64
Pool Parlor Jacob Lawrence 1942 42.167 black people
Billiard hall
Untitled Arthur Dove 1942 1984.536.1
Arboretum by Flashbulb Stuart Davis 1942 1992.24.2
Reflections on a Shop Window Aaron Bohrod 1942 42.161
The Acrobat Willem de Kooning 1942 1977.474
Untitled (Number 263A) Ed Garman 1942 1984.373
Untitled Ben Nicholson 1942 1991.402.13
The Survivors Abraham Rattner 1942 51.162
The Cathedrals of Art Florine Stettheimer 1942 53.24.1 New York City
Museum of Modern Art
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Whitney Museum of American Art
The Black Horse John Atherton 1942 42.159
Ten Cents A Ride Louis Bouche 1942 42.157
Untitled (Number 260) Jean Xceron 1942 68.210
Acrobat in Red and Green Walt Kuhn 1942 50.28.3
Battle Mark Tobey 1942 54.184.7
Landscape Undulations with Undergrowth Graham Sutherland 1942 2008.672
Ballet Dancers in the Attic Rotunda, Paris Opéra (Danseuse à l'Oeil-de-boeuf, Opéra de Paris) Yves Brayer 1942 1975.1.2390 Robert Lehman
The Inn Arthur Dove 1942 1992.24.5
Shore Road Arthur Dove 1942 49.70.39
Goddess with Foliage Wifredo Lam 1942 2002.456.32
Diana Lee Gatch 1942 1979.544
Prescience Charles Howard 1942 42.163
Muse of the Western World Eugene Berman 1942 43.159.2
Sea and Gulls John Marin 1942 49.70.230
The Night Raymond Breinin 1942 42.162
Back Street Frank Kleinholz 1942 42.166
The Photographer Jacob Lawrence 1942 2001.205
Vase Joan Miró 1942 1989.402
Organization No. 21 John Sennhauser 1942 1981.500.4
Untitled Arthur Dove 1942 1984.536.35
The Harbor Josef Presser 1943 43.46.2
Pasiphaë Jackson Pollock 1943 1982.20
Revolve and Devolve Gerome Kamrowski 1943 1988.214
July Hay Thomas Hart Benton 1943 43.159.1
Dikran G. Kelekian Milton Avery 1943 1998.400.1
Girl in White and Silver Walt Kuhn 1943 50.28.4
Forest Forms Gerome Kamrowski 1943 1990.13.1
The Ambassador of Good Will George Grosz 1943 43.159.4
Dikran Kelekian Hans Moller 1943 2002.146.1
The Rock with Spiderweb Hair Gerome Kamrowski 1943 1990.13.2
Asleep Horace Pippin 1943 1982.55.3
Bird in the Spirit Morris Graves 1943 50.30
Thanksgiving Turkey Grandma Moses 1943 50.145.375
Spanish Dancer Dietz Edzard 1943 1975.1.2046 Robert Lehman
Spanish Dancers Dietz Edzard 1943 1975.1.2045 Robert Lehman
Spanish Woman Dietz Edzard 1943 1975.1.2044 Robert Lehman
Spanish Woman with a Fan Dietz Edzard 1943 1975.1.2043 Robert Lehman
1943-A Clyfford Still 1943 1986.441.1
Town Meeting Norman Rockwell 1943 52.164
Burial Bradley Walker Tomlin 1943 43.159.5
A Widow Jean Dubuffet 1943 2002.456.2
Dikran Kelekian John D. Graham 1943 2002.146.2
Saltillo Mansion Edward Hopper 1943 45.157.2 mansion
The Mole Mari-Louise Van Esselstyn 1944 2001.347
View of Paris with Furtive Pedestrians Jean Dubuffet 1944 1999.363.19
Fête Mark Tobey 1944 2012.129
Women and Bird in the Night Joan Miró 1944 1999.363.54
The Little Black Bull Came Down the Meadow Dahlov Ipcar 1944 47.59
Water of the Flowery Mill Arshile Gorky 1944 56.205.1
Self-Portrait Horace Pippin 1944 1982.55.7 Horace Pippin
Nat Hudson's Camp Carl Sprinchorn 1944 54.63.2
Dikran G. Kelekian Walt Kuhn 1944 1998.400.2
Stage Beauties Morris Hirshfield 1944 2013.1118
Broken Objects Yasuo Kuniyoshi 1944 63.189
Connie DeWitt McClellan Lockman 1944 54.66
Snow Mountain Henry Hobart Nichols 1944 46.130
Interior for Nikolai Gogol's Play Marriage Constantin Westchiloff 1944 1975.1.241 Robert Lehman
Black Place II Georgia O'Keeffe 1944 59.204.1
Woman Willem de Kooning 1944 1984.613.2
The Coffee Grinder Jean Dubuffet 1944 1995.183
Pelvis II Georgia O'Keeffe 1944 47.19
Walker Evans Dorothy Eisner 1944 1988.429
Dark Mesa Dean Fausett 1944 45.34.2
The Way Mark Tobey 1944 2006.32.61
In Hampton Bays David Burliuk 1944 45.19
Incident in the Parade, St. Patrick's Day Lee Jackson 1944 44.160.2
Green Depth I. Rice Pereira 1944 44.160.4
Textile piece Marcel Vertès 1944 45.132.5c
My Life, White and Black Yves Tanguy 1944 1999.363.81
The Lobsterman (The Doryman) Newell Convers Wyeth 1944 1975.322
Study for "Vogue" cover Salvador Dalí 1944 1994.591.4
The Revolving World Kenneth Callahan 1944 49.139
Falling Leaves Eugenie Baizerman 1945 1991.356.2
The Seven Deadly Sins: Lust Paul Cadmus 1945 1993.87.1
Woman Grinding Coffee Jean Dubuffet 1945 1995.142
William Church Osborn Michel Alexandrovich Werboff 1945 45.98
The Seven Deadly Sins: Pride Paul Cadmus 1945 1993.87.2
Succulents on an African Stool Cedric Morris 1945 1994.273
Florida Seascape William Baziotes 1945 46.72a, b
Untitled Milton Resnick 1945 2006.32.52
Untitled Barnett Newman 1945 1992.179.2
White Roses Franklin C. Watkins 1945 45.157.1
Sunset in Gloucester Alfred Levitt 1945 1985.234.15
Swimmers and Sunbathers Milton Avery 1945 51.97
Cosmos Alfred Levitt 1945 1985.234.4
Hank Perkins' Fish House, Maine C. K. Chatterton 1945 1982.152.3
Cocktails Guy Pène du Bois 1945 46.49
Forget-Me-Nots Loren MacIver 1945 1993.173.1
Latitude of Identical Shapes Alice Mason 1945 1976.418.1
Seminole Everglades Earl Cunningham 1945 1997.162
The Hall Alfred Levitt 1945 1985.234.7
Fisherman in Gloucester Alfred Levitt 1945 1985.234.5
The Shoemaker Jacob Lawrence 1945 46.73.2 cobbler
Prima Ballerina Dietz Edzard 1945 1975.1.2048 Robert Lehman
Dancer with Castanets Dietz Edzard 1945 1975.1.2047 Robert Lehman
Still Life with Fruit and Brioche Albert André 1945 1975.1.153 Robert Lehman
Rest D. G. Kulkarni 1945 1975.1.2375 Robert Lehman
Water Charles Sheeler 1945 49.128
Along the Arno Ogden Pleissner 1945 46.75.1
Sailor's Holiday Robert Brackman 1945 50.90
Victorian Interior II Horace Pippin 1945 58.26 flower
Grey Tangent Judith Rothschild 1945 1997.405.2
View from a Balcony Albert Marquet 1945 1998.412.2
Victorian Interior I Horace Pippin 1945 1982.55.5
Pier 5 Jacob Glushakow 1945 1991.282
Farms on Melrose Road, Auckland, New Zealand Ronald Tizard 1945 45.159.2
Street in Gloucester Alfred Levitt 1945 1985.234.9
Itinerary for an Aerial Journey (Anatomical Head) Pavel Tchelitchew 1945 52.6
Untitled Arthur Dove 1946 1984.536.13
Nude and Net Alfred Levitt 1946 1985.234.13
Family Supper (Saying Grace) Horace Pippin 1946 1982.55.4
Sailboats Alfred Levitt 1946 1985.234.18
Apartment Houses, Paris Jean Dubuffet 1946 1996.403.15
Signs for Magic Adolph Gottlieb 1946 67.225
Woman Cutting Bread Abraham Rattner 1946 50.33.2
Untitled Charmion Von Wiegand 1946 1980.290.2
Jean Paulhan Jean Dubuffet 1946 1999.363.20
Holy Mountain IV Horace Pippin 1946 1982.55.2
Portrait of Dick Bagley Alice Neel 1946 2014.456
Untitled László Moholy-Nagy 1946 1986.358
Being With (Être Avec) Roberto Matta 1946 2003.270
Table and Two Chairs Horace Pippin 1946 1982.55.6
Untitled Clyfford Still 1946 1977.174
Cow with a Parasol Marc Chagall 1946 2007.247.3
The Green Dance Dress John French Sloan 1946 67.187.140
Judgment Day Willem de Kooning 1946 1984.613.4
Self-Portrait Elaine de Kooning 1946 1994.411 Elaine de Kooning
Workman By A Fountain Honoré Desmond Sharrer 1946 1996.404
Standing Woman Alberto Giacometti 1946 2002.456.155
Old Fisherman Alfred Levitt 1946 1985.234.10
Fisherman's Harbor Alfred Levitt 1946 1985.234.11
Waterlilies Alfred Levitt 1946 1985.234.16
I Have Always Worked Hard in America Elizabeth Catlett 1946 1999.529.31
...In Other Folks' Homes Elizabeth Catlett 1946 1999.529.32
Garden Pierre Bonnard 1947s 2003.20.16 leaf
Pink Bouquet Pierre Bonnard 1947s 1993.295 flower
Landscape in the South (Le Cannet) Pierre Bonnard 1947s 1975.1.158 Robert Lehman
The Seine at Vernon Pierre Bonnard 1947s 1976.201.30
Carmen Cervera
Symbolic Landscape Theodoros Stamos 1947 1991.129.7
Untitled Robert Goodnough 1947 1978.453
Decorative panels for a room (1-27); small model of room assembled (28) Marcel Vertès 1947 50.54.1-28
Two Ventilators Arthur Osver 1947 50.35
Performers Philip Guston 1947 50.32
The Seven Deadly Sins: Sloth Paul Cadmus 1947 1993.87.3
Study for "Hibernation" Theodoros Stamos 1947 1991.41.2
West Side Photographer's Shop Aaron Bohrod 1947 48.31.2
Figure on a Tightrope William Baziotes 1947 1977.471
Untitled Theodoros Stamos 1947 1991.41.4
The Great Sirens Paul Delvaux 1947 1979.356
Iris Stuart Davis 1947 48.33.1
Shifting Shadows Henry Hobart Nichols 1947 50.91
War Jackson Pollock 1947 1982.147.25
1947-H No. 1 (PH-265) Clyfford Still 1947 2006.32.60
The Blue Platter Karl Knaths 1947 2006.32.30
King's Cookham Rise Stanley Spencer 1947 1981.193
Textural Space Lois Bartlett Tracy 1947 1993.450
Yellow Sweater Leon Karp 1947 52.87
Beautification Max Weber 1947 48.42
Pigeons on a Roof Everett Spruce 1947 49.130
Tall Figure Alberto Giacometti 1947 2002.456.111
White Rooster Milton Avery 1947 1975.210
Blue Nude Milton Avery 1947 1976.250.2
The Seven Deadly Sins: Anger Paul Cadmus 1947 1993.87.4
The Seven Deadly Sins: Envy Paul Cadmus 1947 1993.87.5
Pinc Kurt Schwitters 1947 1991.129.8
Small Bust on a Plinth (Diego) Alberto Giacometti 1947 2002.456.134
Study for "Year After Year" Arshile Gorky 1947 2006.32.23
The Lighthouse Alfred Levitt 1947 1985.234.17
Untitled Jackson Pollock 1947 1982.147.23
Partitions Theodoros Stamos 1947 1991.41.3
Untitled Theodoros Stamos 1947 1991.41.5
Dark Cardinal Karl Zerbe 1947 48.33.2
In the Fields Elizabeth Catlett 1947 1999.529.33
My Role Has Been Important...in the Struggle to Organize the Unorganized Elizabeth Catlett 1947 1999.529.36
Ruin at Daphne Edwin Dickinson 1948s 55.13.1
Desert Dorothy Dehner 1948 1997.127.2
Chameau, arabe, gazelle, palmeraie Jean Dubuffet 1948 2002.456.27
Artist and Model Sidney Simon 1948 54.143.3
Bedouins et palmier Jean Dubuffet 1948 2002.456.28
Self-Portrait Marion Greenwood 1948 51.92 Marion Greenwood
The Homely Protestant Robert Motherwell 1948 1987.60
Movement Bror Julius Olsson Nordfeldt 1948 49.129.1
Pictograph Adolph Gottlieb 1948 1994.416
Gloucester Dock Alfred Levitt 1948 1985.234.6
Sleeping Woman Afro Basaldella 1948 1991.402.1
Untitled Lee Krasner 1948 1986.354
Boy with a Sailboat Lucy Valore 1948 1975.1.2376 Robert Lehman
Black Untitled Willem de Kooning 1948 1984.613.7
The Eternally Obvious René Magritte 1948 2002.456.12a–e
Marriage Stone Theodoros Stamos 1948 1977.348.1
Monumentality Gertrude Greene 1948 1979.111
Francis Henry Taylor Paul Trebilcock 1948 1983.203
Number 14 Anne Ryan 1948 1986.323.1
Echo Theodoros Stamos 1948 50.37
Newspaper Readers Jean Hélion 1948 1982.148.2
Her World Philip Evergood 1948 50.29
Thunderstorm II Walter Stuempfig 1948 49.164
Untitled, Number 15 Elaine de Kooning 1948 1992.22
Pastorale Karl Zerbe 1948 50.31.6
The Seven Deadly Sins: Avarice Paul Cadmus 1949 1993.87.6
Monhegan Theme Lamar Dodd 1949 51.98
S. Klein Ralph Fasanella 1949 2001.518
Nude Auguste Herbin 1949 1991.402.8
Droll Gambit at Coney Osvaldo Louis Guglielmi 1949 50.31.1
The Seven Deadly Sins: Gluttony Paul Cadmus 1949 1993.87.7
Death of a Miner Ben Shahn 1949 50.77
The Studio, III Georges Braque 1949 1996.403.13a, b
The Hunter Fritz Bultman 1949 1994.283
Composition Charmion Von Wiegand 1949 1991.402.16
Untitled Mark Rothko 1949 1985.63.3
Attic Willem de Kooning 1949 1982.16.3
Concord Barnett Newman 1949 68.178
Untitled Milton Resnick 1949 1980.290.5
Athene Jack Tworkov 1949 2006.32.62
Untitled Roberto Matta 1949 1994.396a, b
Indicating Solids Josef Albers 1949 1972.40.3
Untitled Hans Hartung 1949 1977.196
Bird by the Sea C. S. Price 1949 49.160.2
Fern and Peonies Adelaide Milton de Groot 1949 67.187.212
Bank of Flowers in a Landscape (Massif de fleurs dans un paysage) André Bauchant 1949 1975.1.2049 Robert Lehman
No. 21 Mark Rothko 1949 1985.63.4
Second Theme Burgoyne Diller 1949 1991.402.7
Women, Birds, and a Star Joan Miró 1949 1999.363.55
Three Men Walking II Alberto Giacometti 1949 1999.363.22
Erie Underpass Niles Spencer 1949 50.31.3
Beginning Max Beckmann 1949 67.187.53a-c
Clam Diggers, Provincetown Karl Knaths 1949 50.33.1
Paris Loren MacIver 1949 49.161
Portrait of Hilda Stanley Spencer 1949 2011.375
Moonlight over Myrtle Mitchell Siporin 1949 50.31.2
Courtyard III Lyonel Feininger 1949 67.187.161
Accent Black Leon Polk Smith 1949 1971.166
Transformation of a Scheme No. 8 Josef Albers 1949 1972.40.11
Study for "Nijinsky" Franz Kline 1950 2005.484.1
Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) Jackson Pollock 1950 57.92
Figure Earl Kerkam 1950 2006.32.27
Puppet and Child Sueo Serisawa 1950 51.22.1
Still Life with Wine Glass Suzy Frelinghuysen 1950 1985.30.1
Nijinsky Franz Kline 1950 2006.32.28
Number 28, 1950 Jackson Pollock 1950 2006.32.51
1950-E Clyfford Still 1950 1986.441.4
Copper Kettle Karl Knaths 1950 1975.424.3
Basket Bouquet Karl Knaths 1950 64.144
Flower Market Patricia Cunningham 1950 64.167.21
Beyond Mountains, Number 1 Theodoros Stamos 1950 56.193
Study for Banquet David Smith 1950 2003.38
Path of the Hero Richard Pousette-Dart 1950 1987.3
Woman Willem de Kooning 1950 1984.613.6
Mackerel Boat Gordon Grant 1950 50.45.3
Worship of Moloch (The Golden Idol) Michael Pressman 1950 64.118
Abstract Painting - Grey Ad Reinhardt 1950 1976.352
Two Circles Alexander Liberman 1950 1993.452
Painting Charles Alston 1950 51.18
The Window Hans Hofmann 1950 51.2
T Adolph Gottlieb 1950 52.213
Lamp and Weeds Morris Shulman 1950 1981.489
Hyacinths Loren MacIver 1950 1993.259
Isotope Walter Tandy Murch 1950 52.180
Magister Victor Candell 1950 55.81
Dragon William Baziotes 1950 50.27
Harbor Island Charles Kenneth Sibley 1950 54.35
1950-W Clyfford Still 1950 1986.441.5
Untitled Clyfford Still 1950 1986.441.6
Head of Diego Alberto Giacometti 1950 1999.363.23
Transformation of a Scheme No. 9 Josef Albers 1950 1972.40.12
The Forest (Composition with Seven Figures and a Head) Alberto Giacometti 1950 2006.32.18
Space Invasion Alfred Levitt 1950 1985.234.19
Bowl Karl Drerup 1950 50.24
Male Cat Joseph Glasco 1951 54.184.3
Self-Portrait Robert De Niro 1951 2006.32.47
Hampton Bays, Long Island David Burliuk 1951 1982.103
The Bicyclist Fernand Léger 1951 1997.149.11
Homage to the Square: Precinct Josef Albers 1951 53.174.2
Dream Catch Alfred Levitt 1951 1985.234.20
Number One Esteban Vicente 1951 2006.32.64
Snow Flowers Henri Matisse 1951 1999.363.46
Ha-Ko-Da-Te Victor Vasarely 1951 2004.157.1
The Flag Balcomb Greene 1951 54.114
The Kiss of Judas Stephen Greene 1951 63.190.1
Composition Nicolas de Staël 1951 1982.102
Number 7 Jackson Pollock 1952 1987.92
Carpet Bag Days Priscilla Roberts 1952 53.17
Lake Erie Shoreway Carl Gaertner 1952 53.44
Daybreak I. Rice Pereira 1952 55.13.3
Still Life Remo Farruggio 1952 53.42
Untitled Franz Kline 1952 2006.32.29
Red, Ochre and White Fritz Bultman 1952 1994.437
Landscape Robert Goodnough 1952 2006.32.19a, b
"Berthe David-Weill" Salvador Dalí 1952 1986.185
Pacific Coast Max Weber 1952 1985.453
Painting, Number 5 Philip Guston 1952 1990.340
Four Figures in a Bistro Arbit Blatas 1952 54.54
Almost Silence Jimmy Ernst 1952 53.172
Untitled Richard Pousette-Dart 1952 1993.416
Number 31, Vermillion Machine Hedda Sterne 1952 53.91
Painting Philip Guston 1952 2006.32.25
Standing Blue Nude Henri Matisse 1952 2002.456.58
The Flesh Eaters William Baziotes 1952 1995.234
Red Painting Ad Reinhardt 1952 68.85
Composition, No.V Hans Hofmann 1952 1979.553
Wheat with Poppies and Cornflowers Ben-Zion 1952 1987.379
Table with Figs and Lemons Carlyle Brown 1952 52.162
La Danse II Robert Motherwell 1952 53.94
Castle of Euryalus Peter Blume 1952 61.101.34
Shooting Stars I. Rice Pereira 1952 55.13.2
Monoceros Ibram Lassaw 1952 2006.32.35
Office in a Small City Edward Hopper 1953 53.183 office
Athens William Congdon 1953 54.120
Group of Trees Sidney Laufman 1953 64.269
Which Was, and Is, and Is to Come Cleve Gray 1953 54.146
The Thorn Lee Gatch 1953 54.10.1
Caught in the Equinox Attilio Salemme 1953 53.184
No. 3 Mark Rothko 1953 2006.32.55
Seabirds William Thon 1953 54.98
Lady Sarah Chester-Beatty at Baroda House Dimitrie Berea 1953 1981.31
Semé Stuart Davis 1953 53.90
Adagio Jack Tworkov 1953 55.82
Two Women Willem de Kooning 1953 2006.32.33
Untitled, Number 1 James Brooks 1953 1993.316.3
The Lady's Flowers Alfred Leslie 1953 2006.32.37
Music Hidden in the Shrubbery Peppino Mangravite 1953 53.175
Portrait of Berdie, Number II Larry Rivers 1953 2006.32.53
Relational Painting Number 64 Fritz Glarner 1953 1983.579
River Bed Polyphony Alan Reynolds 1953 68.188
Spirit Bird Transporting Minnow from Stream to Stream Morris Graves 1953 54.115
Rocky Mountains Vaclav Vytlacil 1953 53.173
Crucifixion Salvador Dalí 1954 55.5 Jesus Christ
crucifixion of Jesus
The Antiquarian John Koch 1954 54.112
Southampton Fields Grace Hartigan 1954 1982.105
Rochelle at the Window Robert Philipp 1954 54.110
Struggle Series - No. 10: Washington Crossing the Delaware Jacob Lawrence 1954 2003.414 Boats
"Quincaillerie" Loren MacIver 1954 1993.278
Untitled Mark Rothko 1954 1986.257.3
Green Sea Milton Avery 1954 54.111
The Mirage of Time Yves Tanguy 1954 55.95
Prelude to a Civilization Victor Brauner 1954 1999.363.13
Muezzin George Lovett Kingsland Morris 1954 55.67
From Green to White Yves Tanguy 1954 1999.363.82
The Flying Box John Hultberg 1954 55.96
In Memoriam Theodoros Stamos 1954 55.47
Lion and Zookeeper Norman Rockwell 1954 1981.143.2
Lingering Memories Peggy Bacon 1954 56.76
White Flag Jasper Johns 1955 1998.329 flag of the United States of America
Tomorrow is Never Kay Sage 1955 55.179
Faun with Stars Pablo Picasso 1955 1970.305
Arras Conrad Marca-Relli 1955 1971.109
Woman with Flowers in her Hair Jean Dubuffet 1955 1981.495.1
Gold Earrings Alex Katz 1955 1991.106
Flowers by the Sea Fairfield Porter 1955 1993.406.1
Mobile Lodewijk Bruckman 1955 56.208
The Lightning that Struck Rufo Barcliff Carroll Cloar 1955 56.40
Port of Call Stephen Etnier 1955 56.198
Nude Before a Mirror Balthus 1955 1975.1.155 Robert Lehman
Les Vendanges (Grape Gathering) Édouard Pignon 1955 1975.1.2386 Robert Lehman
The Lacemaker (after Vermeer) Salvador Dalí 1955 1975.1.232 Robert Lehman
Golden Gate Charles Sheeler 1955 55.99
Showcase Grace Hartigan 1955 56.199
Per non Dimenticare Afro Basaldella 1955 1991.129.1
Industrial Facade Carl Morris 1955 57.79
Arrow Kenzo Okada 1955 56.155
Seated Figure Grace Hartigan 1956 2007.49.46
The Sitter Larry Rivers 1956 56.187
Acropolis Loren MacIver 1956 56.79
Interior of Studio John Koch 1956 2007.528
Government Bureau George Tooker 1956 56.78
The Battle Conrad Marca-Relli 1956 56.203
Dead Olive Trees Édouard Pignon 1956 1975.1.2387 Robert Lehman
Outburst Judit Reigl 1956 2009.165
The Witnesses Conrad Marca-Relli 1956 2006.32.41
Collage Number 12 Esteban Vicente 1956 2005.484.5
Mother-of-Pearl Garden Jean Dubuffet 1956 2002.456.11
Take Off Helen Frankenthaler 1956 2006.32.17
Hands Jean Hélion 1956 1982.148.5
Living Time Nicolas Carone 1956 56.107
Dressing John Koch 1956 57.77
Gulliver (Portrait of the Artist) Pietro Annigoni 1956 58.50
Homage to the Square: Green Promise Josef Albers 1956 69.274.1
Woman of Venice II Alberto Giacometti 1956 1999.363.25
Road to Egypt Ynez Johnston 1956 55.207
The Gold Screen - George Basso at the Organ Aaron Shikler 1957 57.82
Storm Over the Valley Cleve Gray 1957 2006.224.1
Elaine de Kooning (1918-1989) Fairfield Porter 1957 1978.296
Hugo Kastor (1887-1956) Raphael Soyer 1957 57.145
Mountains Pepe Romero 1957 1975.1.2396 Robert Lehman
Street along the Canal Saint-Martin, Paris Willy Eisenschitz 1957 1975.1.2381 Canal Saint-Martin Robert Lehman
Blue Painting William Scott 1957 2007.49.87
Flag Jasper Johns 1957 1999.425 flag of the United States of America
Girl at a Window Balthus 1957 1999.363.3
Cat Walasse Ting 1957 1982.519
Night Ethel Schwabacher 1957 1987.369
Solitary Adolph Gottlieb 1957 1981.420
Hearth Loren MacIver 1957 1993.280
Jerry on a Stool Fairfield Porter 1957 1993.406.11
Ainlee James Brooks 1957 57.48
Homer's Lake, No. 2 James Whitney Fosburgh 1957 58.14
Untitled Jean-Paul Riopelle 1957 2002.456.148
Palette Jacques Villon 1957 1994.588.1
World Dust Mark Tobey 1957 58.25
Ship Robert Ranieri 1957 67.31.10
Self-Portrait in Profile Marcel Duchamp 1957 2007.49.37
Madonna Salvador Dalí 1958 1987.465
Materies Zoltán Kemény 1958 1985.444
Still Life with White Wine and Water Joseph Mellor Hanson 1958 2009.360
Model B Milton Resnick 1958 1995.603
Blue I Fritz Bultman 1958 1994.436
Beth Chet Morris Louis 1958 69.276
No. 13 (White, Red on Yellow) Mark Rothko 1958 1985.63.5
The Trumpet Vine Fairfield Porter 1958 1993.406.5
Bather and Bird Sidney Nolan 1958 1971.199
Interior Reginald Pollack 1958 1993.432
New Orleans, Number 10 Ralston Crawford 1958 1991.395
Maine Coast Fairfield Porter 1958 1986.361.2
Still Life with Tureen Georges Rohner 1958 1975.1.2377 Robert Lehman
Landscape with Rocks Benjamín Palencia 1958 1975.1.2389 Robert Lehman
Lizzie at the Table Fairfield Porter 1958 1993.406.2
Roofs, Paris Jean Hélion 1958 1982.148.3
Blue Roofs, Paris Jean Hélion 1958 1982.148.4
Autumn on 11th Street Loren MacIver 1958 1993.279
The Table Anwar Shemza 1958 2013.262
The Room Joseph Hirsch 1958 58.158
Clothesline Fairfield Porter 1958 1978.355
Untitled Charmion Von Wiegand 1958 1980.290.1
Thrust Adolph Gottlieb 1959 59.164
Colored Rhythm Sonia Delaunay 1959 1991.402.6
Homage to the Square: With Rays Josef Albers 1959 59.160
Speedboat's Wake Milton Avery 1959 1989.274
Winter Pool Robert Rauschenberg 1959 2005.390a-c
Women at a Table David Park 1959 1983.439
Arcana Nicolas Carone 1959 59.161
Magic Box Kenneth Noland 1959 1977.8
Untitled Ray Parker 1959 1973.214.3
Fallada Emil Schumacher 1959 1971.229.1
American Landscape Jane Wilson 1959 1992.214
Black Reflections Franz Kline 1959 64.146
Head (Hiding Face) Jim Dine 1959 1979.552
Half Hot Gene Davis 1959 1973.77
Small Train Station at Night Paul Delvaux 1959 2002.456.9
Ships Emilio Grau Sala 1959 1975.1.2383 Robert Lehman
Still Life with Two Glasses of Wine André Dunoyer de Segonzac 1959 1975.1.623 Robert Lehman
Children's Games Rufino Tamayo 1959 1983.208
Untitled (Remnant from 18 Happenings in 6 Parts) Jasper Johns 1959 2014.39a, b
Black, White, and Gray Franz Kline 1959 59.165
The Mathematician Bernard Childs 1959 2000.429
Untitled Alexander Liberman 1959 1978.567.7
Taxi Cab III Al Held 1959 1987.156
Untitled (Head) Jim Dine 1959 2007.534
Beard Garden Jean Dubuffet 1959 2002.456.29
Untitled Norman Bluhm 1959 1977.368
Costume design for the play ¦Penelope¦: Fantastic Figure with Leaves Leonora Carrington 1959 2003.221
Study for Luxembourg Scene Jean Hélion 1960 1988.265.1
Number 4 - 1960 James Brooks 1960 1991.211
The Kite Gazbia Sirry 1960 2009.166
Head of a Woman Pablo Picasso 1960 1990.192
April Loren MacIver 1960 1993.301
Chuan-Chi Lily Cushing 1960 62.59
Center at Waterbury Charles Picco 1960 1975.430
Study for Luxembourg Scene Jean Hélion 1960 1988.265.3
Untitled Morris Louis 1960 2006.32.39
Untitled Jean-Paul Riopelle 1960 1991.427.1
Allegory Bob Thompson 1960 1981.284
Untitled Clyfford Still 1960 1986.441.7
Kaminari Kumi Sugai 1960 1971.229.2
Tung Dynast Herb Aach 1960 1988.339
Red-Blue Ellsworth Kelly 1960 1972.167
Alpha-Pi Morris Louis 1960 67.232
Cartoon Sylvia Carewe 1960 1981.502.2
Untitled Cy Twombly 1960 1983.177
Nine Figures Robert Beauchamp 1960 1978.570.1
Yellow Collage Conrad Marca-Relli 1960 1975.189.2
Drawing 1960 Philip Guston 1960 1973.13
It's Raining Norman Bluhm 1960 1984.333
Harpies Robert Beauchamp 1961 1995.515
Untitled Ludwig Sander 1961 2005.484.9
Little Rainbow Jim Dine 1961 2000.426.1
Elegy to the Spanish Republic, 70 Robert Motherwell 1961 65.247
Red and Brown Scene Helen Frankenthaler 1961 66.213
Blond Hair Jim Dine 1961 1984.560
Dr. Scholl's Corns Andy Warhol 1961 1982.505
Purple Mekle Lippis Jules Olitski 1961 2006.32.50
Hair Jim Dine 1961 2002.527.1
The River Leon Polk Smith 1961 1981.505
Children in the Tree Peter Blume 1961 62.58
Our Terrace Red Grooms 1961 1994.35.2
Crest of Pillar Morris Louis 1961 1976.250.1
Pungent Distances Morris Louis 1961 2006.32.40
Close-Up III Philip Guston 1961 1972.281
My Brother Inside My Head Jim Dine 1961 1995.516.1
Untitled Franz Kline 1961 2012.448.8
Sketch for "Good Time Charley" Jasper Johns 1961 1978.566
Before and After I Andy Warhol 1961 1981.536.1
Mecca Hans Hofmann 1961 2006.32.26
October Kenneth Noland 1961 2006.32.48
Calm Morning Fairfield Porter 1961 1993.406.6
Untitled Giorgio Cavallon 1961 1986.433.1
Annette Alberto Giacometti 1961 1999.363.26
Copper Tie in a Box Jim Dine 1961 1983.605.1
Copper Tie Jim Dine 1961 1983.605.2
Informal Copper Tie Jim Dine 1961 1983.605.3
Multiple Copper Ties Jim Dine 1961 1983.605.4
Little Black Tie in a Copper Space Jim Dine 1961 1983.605.5
Study for "Flanders" Franz Kline 1961 1984.554.2
Metamorphosis (Desire) Manuel Rivera 1961 2002.456.124
Metamorphosis (Bewitchment) Manuel Rivera 1961 2002.456.123
Teeth Jim Dine 1961 1992.113.1
Eleven Formal Fingers Jim Dine 1961 2004.432.4
The Crowd at Night Robert Birmelin 1962 67.127.9
Model Undressing John Koch 1962 1991.226
Cocktail Party Antonio Saura 1962 2002.456.55
Cocktail Party Antonio Saura 1962 2002.456.56
Shtetl Chaim Goldberg 1962 1971.107
The Kittiwake and The John Walton Fairfield Porter 1962 1976.250.4
Veluti in Speculum Hans Hofmann 1962 63.225
Wedding Milton Resnick 1962 1985.182
The Paddock at Deauville Emilio Grau Sala 1962 1975.1.2382 Robert Lehman
Self-Portrait Howardena Pindell 1962 1997.458.4 Howardena Pindell
Don Schrader Fairfield Porter 1962 1993.406.12
Blue Balls V Sam Francis 1962 2011.530
Reclining Nude - Pink Stripe Richard Diebenkorn 1962 2001.664
Melons Joseph Hirsch 1962 1978.509.7
Studies of Diego Alberto Giacometti 1962 2002.456.30
Ethel Scull 36 Times Andy Warhol 1963 2001.614a-jj
The Station Barnett Newman 1963 1975.189.1
Anemones in a Rusted Can Gandy Brodie 1963 1998.423
Lida Moser Alice Neel 1963 1986.401 Lida Moser
Gray Palette Jim Dine 1963 2004.432.3
Homage to the Square: On Near Sky Josef Albers 1963 1972.40.8
House above the Beach Fairfield Porter 1963 1979.548
Rijo Paul Feeley 1963 2006.32.16
Untitled Ludwig Sander 1963 1986.405
Stanislas Rodanski Beauford Delaney 1963 1992.296
Coastal View from Barrio Nuevo Samuel Sánchez 1963 1975.1.2380 Robert Lehman
Blue Green Red Ellsworth Kelly 1963 63.73
Two Palettes (Sears, Roebuck; Francis Picabia) Jim Dine 1963 1994.25ab
Untitled Robert Kulicke 1963 1978.567.4
Rue de la Tombe-Issoire Loren MacIver 1963 1993.300
Something about Something Raymond Saunders 1963 1994.366
Artist at Rest Sally Michel Avery 1963 1990.202
E, 1963 James Brooks 1963 1975.189.3
Haines City Frank Stella 1963 1988.223
Mona Lisa Andy Warhol 1963 65.273
Two Forms III Philip Guston 1963 1992.321.1
The Bartender at Rest Charles Garabedian 1964 1983.260
Three Bowery Figures Lester Johnson 1964 1984.92
Harpo Pierre Alechinsky 1964 1981.490.1
Male and Female Models Sitting on the Floor Philip Pearlstein 1964 1987.4
Overhead View Sidney Goodman 1964 1985.436
Nine Jackies Andy Warhol 1964 1983.606.14-.22
Head in Red Lester Johnson 1964 1983.577
#34-1964 John McLaughlin 1964 1986.165
Marrakech Frank Stella 1964 1971.5
Study for "Playground" Jane Wilson 1964 1978.225.3
The Cove Fairfield Porter 1964 1993.406.7
Floral Still Life (Nature morte à la Rose) Raymond Legueult 1964 1975.1.187 Robert Lehman
Landscape at Barrio Nuevo Samuel Sánchez 1964 1975.1.2378 Robert Lehman
Untitled Mark Rothko 1964 1995.545
Wild Dog Clifton Pugh 1964 1987.296
Legends of Distant Past Days Hans Hofmann 1965 1996.440.2
Deep Within the Ravine Hans Hofmann 1965 1996.440.3
Obsession II Julian Stanczak 1965 1998.439
Heraldic Call Hans Hofmann 1965 1991.428.2
Cool Note Adolph Gottlieb 1965 1975.189.4
Summer 1965 Hans Hofmann 1965 1991.428.1
Firey Searcher Walter Darby Bannard 1965 1976.251
T 1965 - E - 33 Hans Hartung 1965 1972.129
Homage to the Square: Enfolding Josef Albers 1965 69.274.2
Lonely Journey Hans Hofmann 1965 1989.397
Lust and Delight Hans Hofmann 1965 1992.218
Alex Katz Philip Pearlstein 1965 1978.282
Secondary Blocks Robert Goodnough 1965 1978.567.2
Dajaus Mountain at Barrio Nuevo, Bayamón Samuel Sánchez 1965 1975.1.2379 Robert Lehman
Night Creatures Lee Krasner 1965 1995.595
Renate's Nantucket Hans Hofmann 1965 1996.440.4
Profound Longing Hans Hofmann 1965 1990.342
Rhapsody Hans Hofmann 1965 1975.323
Little Cherry Hans Hofmann 1965 1996.440.1
David Maxwell Hendler 1965 1975.288
Untitled Clyfford Still 1965 1986.441.8
Afternoon Television Maxwell Hendler 1965 1977.6
Untitled Marion Sampler 1965 2015.279
C-Change George Sugarman 1965 1986.251ab
Embedded Blue Wheels Arman 1965 1998.424.1ab
Donna Georgica Alfonso A. Ossorio 1965 1978.353
Grape Wine Andrew Wyeth 1966 67.61
Inner Edge Helen Frankenthaler 1966 1993.498.1
Untitled Joan Miró 1966 1987.382
Mediterranean Avel de Knight 1966 67.123.1
On Deck Malcolm Morley 1966 1980.289
Woman Willem de Kooning 1966 1975.189.6
Corner Bedroom Robert Vickrey 1966 67.164
Men's Dormitory Richard Artschwager 1966 1989.81
Frame Extension Jules Olitski 1966 1975.188
Untitled (from the Double Gemini Series) Larry Zox 1966 1978.565
Man Judit Reigl 1966 2009.146
Seated Model Philip Pearlstein 1966 2008.118
Rosewood Larry Poons 1966 1982.337
Untitled Esteban Vicente 1966 1975.189.5
Greek Garden Al Held 1966 1987.154a-h
Bread Richard Artschwager 1966 2006.32.3
Homúnculo Manolo Millares 1966 2002.456.53
Woman and Musketeer Pablo Picasso 1967 1999.363.71
Henry Geldzahler Alice Neel 1967 1981.407
Three Pansies Joe Brainard 1967 1997.404.5
Artist's Study at Charleston Duncan Grant 1967 1985.36.2
Figure Hale Woodruff 1967 1978.56
Rev. Charles E. Irvin Virginia Hendrickson Irvin 1967 1998.326.8
Gong Pierre Alechinsky 1967 1977.470
Henry Pearson Will Barnet 1967 1981.405.1
Ruth Bowman Will Barnet 1967 1998.135
Coarse Shadow Kenneth Noland 1967 1978.573
Aerial Spectacle Mervin Honig 1967 1981.32
The Intruder Robert Guinan 1967 1987.374
Arthur Bullowa Alice Neel 1967 1994.35.1
Landscape in Provence Loren MacIver 1967 1993.322
Victory of Anghiari Robert Goodnough 1967 69.272.2
Mornington Crescent Frank Auerbach 1967 1978.152
Untitled Mark Rothko 1967 1985.63.1
Open Number 19 (Blue) Robert Motherwell 1968 69.277.1
Lysterfield Landscape Fred Williams 1968 1992.312.2
The Sweet Smell of Indigo Louise Bourgeois 1968 1982.228
Cherokee III Ludwig Sander 1968 1974.376.2
Standing Nude and Seated Musketeer Pablo Picasso 1968 1981.508
Shanghai Gestures R. B. Kitaj 1968 1982.516
(Twice) Disarmed Jules Olitski 1968 1986.364
Relation 201 Robert Goodnough 1968 69.272.1
Windows Fairfield Porter 1968 1993.406.8
Study Number 5 for "Recollection of the Flood" Peter Blume 1968 1996.340
Untitled Sigmar Polke 1968 1986.297.18
Small Flower Painting V Joe Brainard 1968 1997.404.25
Open Number 35 (Raw Umber) Robert Motherwell 1968 69.277.2
Open Number 37 (in orange with charcoal line) Robert Motherwell 1968 69.277.3
Via Median Kenneth Noland 1968 1974.375
Number 34 Rudolf Ray Rapaport 1968 1987.380
Shimmer Bright Barnett Newman 1968 1991.183
Rembrandt - "Night Watch" John Clem Clarke 1968 1980.602
Auk Dan Christensen 1968 1974.376.1
Stride Helen Frankenthaler 1969 69.275
Landscape of the Earth Alan Sonfist 1969 1987.458.2
Cheops Sun-Box Number 2 Theodoros Stamos 1969 1970.67
Love Letter I Anwar Shemza 1969 2013.263
Spectrum V Ellsworth Kelly 1969 69.210a-m
Wild Apples Fairfield Porter 1969 1993.406.3
Man and Challenge Neil Jenney 1969 1988.161
Heroic Symbols Anselm Kiefer 1969 1995.14.1ab
Sunflowers Joan Mitchell 1969 1989.349
Torso of a Man Rufino Tamayo 1969 1994.395
Kool-Aid Edward Avedisian 1969 1970.79
Susan at Black Lake Jack Beal 1969 1987.365
Homage to the Square: Dilated Josef Albers 1969 1972.40.6
Homage to the Square: Soft Spoken Josef Albers 1969 1972.40.7
Work, Number 52 Charles Biederman 1969 1985.174
The Woodshed Romare Bearden 1969 1970.19
Arabella Andrew Wyeth 1969 1976.201.23
Untitled Cy Twombly 1970 1984.70
Cottlesbridge Landscape Fred Williams 1970 1992.312.3
Homage to the Square: Frontal Backing Josef Albers 1970 1972.40.10
Untitled Arnulf Rainer 1970 1986.392
Homage to the Square: Frontal-Forward Josef Albers 1970 1991.176
Whirlirama Sam Gilliam 1970 2014.441
Dance Thomas Sills 1970 1972.43
Ocean Park (Number 30) Richard Diebenkorn 1970 1972.126
#3-1970 John McLaughlin 1970 1976.95
Night Rider Richard Smith 1970 1978.570.2
Lud Stephen Buckley 1970 1975.200
Autumn Forest Anselm Kiefer 1970 1995.14.3ab
Everyone Stands Under His Own Dome of Heaven Anselm Kiefer 1970 1995.14.4
Winter Landscape Anselm Kiefer 1970 1995.14.5
Portrait of Truman Capote (1925-1984) James Whitney Fosburgh 1971 1972.93
Never Before Josef Albers 1971 1972.40.9
Arthur Bullowa Fairfield Porter 1971 1993.406.13
Reservoir Anselm Kiefer 1971 1995.14.7
Untitled #8 Malcolm Bailey 1971 2011.590.1
Fay's Kitchen Chuck Forsman 1971 1983.583
On Every Mountain Peak There Is Peace Anselm Kiefer 1971 1995.14.8
We Are Not The Last Zoran Mušič 1971 1991.351
Untitled Alvin D. Loving 1971 2011.590.3
Interior Street Stephen Greene 1971 1994.487
The Block Romare Bearden 1971 1978.61.1-.6
Interior No. 6 Klaus Fußmann 1971 1972.176
American Gothic Benny Andrews 1971 1989.61
Untitled Clyfford Still 1971 1986.441.9
Macarena of Miracles Audrey Flack 1971 1979.556
Seascape Joe Brainard 1971 1997.404.20
Bande de Sureté / Twin City / Nipples (Cardboard) Robert Rauschenberg 1971 2013.595a, b
Awaiting Herbert Gentry 1971 1972.168
Man Lying with Branch Anselm Kiefer 1971 2000.96.1
The Moon Has Risen Anselm Kiefer 1971 1995.14.18
Mao Andy Warhol 1972 1977.226.9
Midwest Apartment Don Wynn 1972 1995.546.2
Face of a Poet Alex Katz 1972 1986.363
Fan Tan Friedel Dzubas 1972 1973.316
Clem's No. I Frank Bowling 1972 1980.574.2
Untitled Malcolm Bailey 1972 1980.574.4
Number 23 Larry Poons 1972 1973.66
Study for the painting ¦Nude Resting¦ Balthus 1972 2002.456.19
Rising Green Lee Krasner 1972 1983.202
Henry, Seventh Avenue David Hockney 1972 1979.546
Mount Fuji and Flowers David Hockney 1972 1972.128
Untitled Esteban Vicente 1972 1973.37
Arthur Bullowa Fairfield Porter 1972 1993.406.14
Locked Up Their Minds Purvis Young 1972 2014.548.14
Partial Nude Resting on Green Drapery Horacio Torres 1972 1982.501
Kimiko Powers Andy Warhol 1972 1980.288ab
Study for Mural at Boys and Girls High School, Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn Vincent Smith 1972 2002.219a–d
Red Roses Sonata Alma Thomas 1972 1976.94
Mixed Blueberries Joe Brainard 1972 1997.404.1
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.7
Winter-Summer Reds Richard Anuszkiewicz 1973 1981.191
Mother of Night 2 Jules Olitski 1973 1977.469
Love's Tide Cynthia Polsky 1973 1989.111
Sunrise on South Main Street Fairfield Porter 1973 1976.22
Puerto Rican Landscape Carlos Osorio 1973 1973.261
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.6
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.1
Untitled #3 Ron Gorchov 1973 1978.154
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.2
Lights IV: The Pier and the Road Michael Andrews 1973 1981.196
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.8
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.2-13
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.11
Untitled Jan Groth 1973 1973.339
Stationary Figure Philip Guston 1973 1992.321.2
Sketch for the painting "Near Union Square, Looking Up Park Avenue" Fairfield Porter 1973 1979.80.1
View in a Haze Fairfield Porter 1973 1993.406.9
A Place To Watch Sally Hazelet Drummond 1973 1974.189
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.3
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.4
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.5
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.9 Mao Zedong
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.10
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.12
Mao Andy Warhol 1973 1983.606.13
Earth Script Henry C. Pearson 1973 1998.183.2
Self-Portrait with Open Mouth Avigdor Arikha 1973 1996.343
Untitled A. R. Penck 1974 1992.356
Norman Loftis Philip Pearlstein 1974 1981.409
Pears and Apples Joe Brainard 1974 1997.404.4
Rappahanock IV Ludwig Sander 1974 1975.33
Stefan! Anselm Kiefer 1974 1995.14.9
Double Turn Kenneth Noland 1974 1997.259
Nude with Tattoo Joe Brainard 1974 1997.404.22
A Ship Will Come Anselm Kiefer 1974 2000.96.2
Portrait of Stephen Mazoh Andy Warhol 1974 2004.224.1
Palette Marc Chagall 1974 2002.456.129
Dora and Sol Wilson Raphael Soyer 1974 1985.231
Sick Art Anselm Kiefer 1974 1995.14.10
Pea Point from South Meadow Fairfield Porter 1974 1993.406.10
Goldsborough Anne Truitt 1974 1975.425
Study for Four Seasons David Novros 1974 2002.514a–d
Portrait of Stephen Mazoh Andy Warhol 1974 2004.224.2
3rd Study for Portrait of Chris Sickler Jerome Witkin 1974 2010.427.2
Send Forth your Spirit Anselm Kiefer 1974 1995.14.6
From Oscar Wilde Anselm Kiefer 1974 2000.96.3
Saint Eustace Anselm Kiefer 1974 2000.96.4 Saint Eustace
Heart On Joan Snyder 1975 1981.199
Foot Landscape Joe Brainard 1975 1997.404.14
Art Nouveau Fish Bowl Joe Brainard 1975 1997.404.9
Art Heart Joe Brainard 1975 1997.404.12
Sardines Joe Brainard 1975 1997.404.2
Large Blue Horizontal Ilya Bolotowsky 1975 1976.182
Mercury Zone III Al Held 1975 1976.21
Presence, Ramapo Horizon Richard Pousette-Dart 1975 1982.68
Essence/Ex-sistence Anselm Kiefer 1975 1995.14.17
Delta Group II Jack Whitten 1975 1975.155
24 April 75 Richard Hennessy 1975 1975.307
Untitled David Budd 1975 1977.74
German Lineages of Salvation Anselm Kiefer 1975 1995.14.19
Union Square, Looking up Park Avenue Fairfield Porter 1975 1978.224
New Orleans Storyville: Ragtime Preparations Romare Bearden 1975 1976.93
Untitled, # 17 Lucas Samaras 1975 1986.416.37
Electric Treasure Walter Darby Bannard 1975 1976.238
Wolf, Western Series, American Predella #5 Don Nice 1975 1992.75ab
Red Rose on a Mauve Background Joe Brainard 1975 1997.404.8
Torso with Bandanna Joe Brainard 1975 1997.404.15
Tomato Joe Brainard 1975 1997.404.7 tomato
My Father Pledged Me a Sword Anselm Kiefer 1975 1995.14.15
First Study for Fiumicino Car Park Jeffrey Smart 1976 1987.126
Erebos Pradella II John Day 1976 1978.371
Tumbler of Flowers Joe Brainard 1976 1997.404.13
Exact and Diminishing Sylvia Plimack Mangold 1976 2012.567
Alison Series: One November Day Esteban Vicente 1976 1977.268
Mood Indigo Jack Bush 1976 1986.274
Still Life Andy Warhol 1976 1986.402
Flag of Hudson Avenue No.2 Alan Shields 1976 1984.291
Collage with Pressed Poppy Joe Brainard 1976 1997.404.6
Maquette for tapestry, "Recollection Pond" Romare Bearden 1976 1996.551.2
Black and Brown Blouse Alex Katz 1976 1978.9
Rosa Sue Coe 1976 1985.157.2
Vow, (Jammer) Robert Rauschenberg 1976 2013.594a, b
Dhruva I Natvar Bhavsar 1976 1977.73
Afternoon Still Life Catherine Murphy 1976 1986.434
Cat and Cone Joe Brainard 1976 1997.404.10
Black Valhalla Noah Jemisin 1976 1977.43
Red on Cream Sean Scully 1976 1998.452.2
Placement: West Wall, Room 9, Metropolitan Museum of Art, N.Y.C. Jeff 1976 1978.220
"That Which Is Delicious" Clifford Ross 1976 1978.567.6
"Patroclo" Lamp Gae Aulenti 1976 1988.236.5
Untitled Richard Pousette-Dart 1976 1978.260
Valentine Joe Brainard 1976 1997.404.3
Lincolnville Beach Rackstraw Downes 1977 2003.449
Relief Bruce Boice 1977 1978.17
Style Markus Lüpertz 1977 1986.297.19
Milan Hollow Farm Andy Warhol 1977 2004.224.3
Tempest Charles Seliger 1977 1979.543
ABC Antonius Höckelmann 1977 1986.297.5a-c
Untitled Clyfford Still 1977 1986.441.10
Blue Panel Ellsworth Kelly 1977 1986.419.1
Bali - The North Shore David Budd 1977 1982.14
The Street Philip Guston 1977 1983.457
The Birches Neil Welliver 1977 1979.138.2
Assipattle Sailed into the Gaping Mouth Ken Kiff 1977 1986.224
Skull Andy Warhol 1977 1981.536.2
Untitled, 1977 Edward Avedisian 1977 1977.247.1
Untitled, 1977 Edward Avedisian 1977 1977.247.2
Study for a Self-Portrait Michael Hurson 1977 1978.144
Flower Castle Joe Brainard 1977 1997.404.19
Genesis - Dedicated to Noah Goldowsky Frederick J. Brown 1978 1979.319
King of Clubs Gene Davis 1978 1981.148
Design for Carpet Patrick Heron 1978 1994.248
Café Deutschland Jörg Immendorff 1978 1986.297.2
Untitled Lois Lane 1978 1993.453
La Limpia (Dispelling the Evil Eye) Javier Arévalo 1978 1990.30.5
Figures/Landscape (formerly titled Laversine) François Rouan 1978 1999.363.75
Untitled (CXXXII) Robert Courtright 1978 1980.313
Once Elizabeth Murray 1978 1988.418.1
Untitled Norman Lewis 1978 1991.47
Study of Distortions; Isometric Systems in Isotropic Space-Map Projections: The Cube Agnes Denes 1978 1983.501.3
Vessel Frances Barth 1978 1981.19.2
Philip Pearlstein (1924- ) Alex Katz 1978 1979.213.1
Untitled Maurice Golubov 1978 1980.260.2
Stepping Out Roy Lichtenstein 1978 1980.420
Female Model on Eames Stool Philip Pearlstein 1978 1987.61
Big Table with Pomegranates Nell Blaine 1978 1985.36.1
Study for Philip Pearlstein (1924-) Alex Katz 1978 1979.213.2
Study for "Figures With Sunset" Roy Lichtenstein 1978 1978.272.1
C.D. - Variation schwarz Jörg Immendorff 1978 2005.481.1
Untitled, Number 500 Frances Barth 1979 1992.91
The Artist in his Studio Warren Brandt 1979 1980.349
For Tony's Jane Robert Swain 1979 1982.12
An American Painting - For Rose Paul Ed Baynard 1979 1980.84
Broken Flowers and Grass Anselm Kiefer 1979 2000.96.6
Autumn River Wolf Kahn 1979 1979.184
Little River Farm Yvonne Jacquette 1979 1982.182.1
"La Vie en Rose" Joan Mitchell 1979 1991.139a-d
Tut's Wallpaper Joyce Kozloff 1979 1980.577.3
The Path of the Grey Falcon of the Dawn Alice Baber 1979 1980.314
Landscape with Islands and Sky Gregory Gillespie 1979 1982.521
New Yorker Faces Iran Spy Trial Dennis Ashbaugh 1979 1980.369
Untitled Dennis Ashbaugh 1979 1980.455
Traitor Series, Number 2 Rafael Ferrer 1979 1980.148
Reconstruction No. 113 Lucas Samaras 1979 1986.357
Barcelona Fan Miriam Schapiro 1979 1993.408
Morning in the Cleveland Flats Richard Chiriani 1979 1985.429
Lady with Red Hair Alvin D. Loving 1979 2011.590.4
Leah's Renoir Sam Gilliam 1979 1979.212
Study for "Fall" in the "Stations" Paul Rotterdam 1979 1981.19.1
Herzeleide Anselm Kiefer 1979 1995.14.25
Untitled (Q3-80 OOP.No.3) Jack Tworkov 1980 1992.78
Untitled No. 3 Paul Sarkisian 1980 1983.41
Isometric Systems in Isotropic Space-Map Projections: The Doughnut (tangent torus) Agnes Denes 1980 2001.434.6
Your Golden Hair, Margarete Anselm Kiefer 1980 2000.96.7
Ride to the Vistula Anselm Kiefer 1980 1995.14.34
Passage, Opening with Cypress Forms III Stephen Edlich 1980 1982.512.1
Brazilian Landscape Clifford Ross 1980 1984.262
The Madhouse of God Gary Stephan 1980 1989.403
Quartet Doug Ohlson 1980 1981.282
Midsummer Night Anselm Kiefer 1980 1995.14.33
At Sea, Japan Jennifer Bartlett 1980 1983.456
Broken Flowers and Grass Anselm Kiefer 1980 1995.14.32
Aaron Anselm Kiefer 1980 1995.14.27
Attack Jörg Immendorff 1980 1986.297.1
The Kyffhäuser Anselm Kiefer 1980 1995.14.31
Iconoclastic Controversy Anselm Kiefer 1980 1995.14.29
Tree in Shadows Gwen Thomas 1980 1980.346.2
Summer Music Walter Hatke 1980 1984.260
Dream of a Golem Jules Kirschenbaum 1980 1986.104
Dancing in Colombia Fernando Botero 1980 1983.251
Pigeon Walking in a Park Gwen Thomas 1980 1980.346.1
Thursday John Moore 1980 1983.170
Split Joan Witek 1980 1980.459.1
José de Creeft (1884-1982) Raphael Soyer 1980 1984.541
City Crowd, Cop and Ear Robert Birmelin 1980 1981.510
Sweets Randall Deihl 1980 1988.52
Isometric Systems in Isotropic Space-Map Projections: The Pyramid Agnes Denes 1980 2001.434.5
Barticaflats Even Time Frank Bowling 1980 1981.509
Self-Portrait - Night Karl Schrag 1980 1982.146
Three Wolves Nancy Giesmann 1980 1981.283.2
Yosemite IV Natvar Bhavsar 1980 1980.227
Untitled A. R. Penck 1980 1986.297.11
Prototype, Number 1 Joe Zucker 1980 1988.417.6
Two Mothers with Children Henry Moore 1980 1985.441.3
Brünnhilde Sleeps Anselm Kiefer 1980 1995.14.30
Roman Walls #70 Cleve Gray 1980 2006.224.4
Horror Vacui Anselm Kiefer 1980 1995.14.26
The Innocent Eye Test Mark Tansey 1981 1988.183
Tehilim Jacob El Hanani 1981 1983.199 prayer
American Landscape: Trunk Series William Dunlap 1981 1990.303
Memory of Closeness Bill Jensen 1981 1981.391
The Visitation Salle Werner Vaughn 1981 1990.145
Amategram Series - The Vivification of the Flesh Ana Mendieta 1981 1983.502.1
Key of Agenor III Jules Olitski 1981 1983.98
Disco Margo Hoff 1981 1981.408
Genesis/Violent Garden Kay WalkingStick 1981 1993.39
Vision from Oklahoma John Tweddle 1981 1983.358
Plato's Veil Salle Werner Vaughn 1981 1990.143
"Is There Anything to be Frightened of Miss Alice?" "Always." Rex Lau 1981 1982.26.1
Hell (Union Square) Dennis Smith 1981 1984.203
Threshold and Shield Hugh O'Donnell 1981 1983.89
The Heart Jim Dine 1981 1985.52.2
Amategram Series - Mother Jungle Ana Mendieta 1981 1983.502.2
Ladder Mark Wethli 1981 1984.294
Drawing for "Industrial Cottage" James Rosenquist 1981 1982.90.2
Winjana Gorge, Kimberleys, I Fred Williams 1981 1992.312.4
Atlanta's Missing Children Nellie Mae Rowe 1981 2014.548.30
H.H.H. Luise Kaish 1981 1981.392
Shells Jim Dine 1981 1985.52.3
Verifying Dissonant Statistics Randy Dudley 1981 1983.123.1
Raspberries and Goldfish Janet Fish 1981 1983.171
Cambridge Corn Marjorie Portnow 1981 1983.191.2
House of Fire James Rosenquist 1981 1982.90.1a-c
13/3 Sol LeWitt 1981 1982.226
II - 29 (N) No. 1 Sanford Wurmfeld 1981 1982.13
Many Saudi Women Live Recklessly Under Theatrical Clothes Gayil Nalls 1981 1983.589
Untitled Per Kirkeby 1981 1986.297.8
Study for "Unrest II" Gregory Amenoff 1981 1986.273
New Yorker Faces Iran Spy Trial Dennis Ashbaugh 1981 1982.104.3
Hakuryo Frances Barth 1981 1983.191.1ab
Amategram Series - Labyrinth of Venus Ana Mendieta 1981 1983.502.3
Still Life Mark Tansey 1982 1982.359
Vermillion Banner Margo Hoff 1982 1983.578
Hinterland Gregory Amenoff 1982 1984.6
Il Grifo George Nick 1982 1984.532.4
Prairie Sigrid Burton 1982 1983.610
The Ascension Frederick J. Brown 1982 1983.259
Untitled No. 66 Elmer Bischoff 1982 1983.392
Untitled Milton Resnick 1982 1987.184
Rehearsal Viacheslav Kalinin 1982 1988.313
Berlin Gothic Michael David 1982 1983.1
Capsized Richard Bosman 1982 1983.198
Untitled Per Kirkeby 1982 1986.297.9
From Portal to Paradise Ronnie Landfield 1982 1983.78.1
Leslie Thomas S. Buechner 1982 1987.58
Adler im Fenster Georg Baselitz 1982 2007.163
Puces James McGarrell 1982 1984.399
"Gabon" Textile Nathalie Du Pasquier 1982 1986.398.3
Cultures Oceania VII John Walker 1982 1983.172
The Big Wetland I Gabor Peterdi 1982 1983.39
View of the Museum of Cluny Jacques Hartmann 1982 1984.18.1 Hôtel de Cluny
Fire and Rain Louisa Chase 1982 1983.231
Ethereal and Earthbound Jeanne Duval 1982 1983.249
Wild Dogs Leonard J. Koscianski 1982 1984.222
The Modern Story of Life: A Civics Diatribe Roger Brown 1982 1983.87
The Unknown Masterpiece Anselm Kiefer 1982 2000.96.8
Watching Television Ed Paschke 1982 1984.253
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas Gary Stephan 1982 1982.222ab
Self-Portrait Gene Davis 1982 1983.78.2
Untitled James Biederman 1982 1984.35
Blank Dots Shusaku Arakawa 1982 1985.442
Broken Moon Suit Worden Day 1982 1986.271
Break Out Lizbeth Mitty 1982 1983.443
Eyes Louise Bourgeois 1982 1986.397
Homage to Georges Braque Jiří Kolář 1982 1999.363.34
Man of Faith Georg Baselitz 1983 1985.450.1
Man and Woman Stopping to Look at the View Lynn Bostick 1983 1983.465.2
Ausburg Chuck Connelly 1983 1984.108
Fay Chandler Ralph Hamilton 1983 1985.71
Daily News Dona Nelson 1983 1984.266
Urutaú José Gamarra 1983 1983.595
William Morales, Patron of Prison Breaks David Wojnarowicz 1983 1983.586
Still Life with Decoy James Valerio 1983 1985.242
The Divorce, Number 3 Mark Greenwold 1983 1989.47
Sitting Nude and Reflected Painter (Self-Portrait) Rodrigo Moynihan 1983 1985.94
The Wheel, St. Catherine Jonathan Weinberg 1983 1983.585
St. Martin de Porres Hunt Slonem 1983 1984.44
The Letter Duncan Hannah 1983 1984.125
Merengue en Boca Chica Rafael Ferrer 1983 1984.2
Remembrance of an Afternoon on the Way Rafael Ferrer 1983 1983.253
Study (F-10) Joseph Piccillo 1983 1984.377
Ithaca Julian Schnabel 1983 1984.71a-f
St. Bartolomeo II James Brown 1983 1984.13
Pink Cave Louisa Chase 1983 1983.173
Untitled Louisa Chase 1983 1983.261
The Red Goat John Alexander 1983 1983.256
CERCHIO Nathalie Du Pasquier 1983 1986.398.4
Iatric Ciel Bergman 1983 1986.420a-c
Different Situations I Warren Rohrer 1983 1983.591
Television 2 Saul Villa 1983 1984.418
The Studio Peter Solow 1983 1985.232
Pennsylvania Mark Innerst 1983 1983.254ab
Portrait of Jake (Stagger Lee Series #3) Frederick J. Brown 1983 1984.261
The Long Cypress David Bates 1983 1984.12
Two Attentions Tom Lieber 1983 1983.390
Bern Series Robert Natkin 1983 1983.351
Mango James Havard 1983 1983.536
Points of Release Tod Wizon 1983 1984.111
Procession May Stevens 1983 1993.266
Air Crash Cham Hendon 1983 1983.389
"Dutch" Still Life with Orchids, Postcard View of Paris, and "Death of Marat" Paul Wonner 1983 1983.454
The Dance of Latin America Luis Cruz Azaceta 1983 1985.32
The Crommelynck Gate with Tools Jim Dine 1983 1987.91ab
Untitled Sean Scully 1983 1996.540
Temple to Overlook Fury Ciel Bergman 1983 1983.459
Rosebud Stieg Persson 1983 1984.388
Large Study After Artaud (Nancy #1) Jim Dine 1983 1985.52.5
Untitled Georg Baselitz 1983 1990.14
Private Joke Adam Cvijanovic 1984 1984.414
The Crommelynck Gate (Boston #11) Jim Dine 1984 1985.52.6
Study for Evelina's Grandmother (Curtsey) Nicholas Africano 1984 1984.376
Villandry II Idelle Weber 1984 1991.175.7
Gertrude Stein Portraying Picasso by Alice B. Toklas Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd 1984 1998.453
Diner John Dubrow 1984 1992.112
Bread and Bricks Jane Freilicher 1984 1986.159.2
Distant Prospect Chris Baker 1984 1985.72
Untitled Thomas Nozkowski 1984 1985.250.2
Still Life with Two Figures Sam Messer 1984 1985.450.2
Untitled Thomas Nozkowski 1984 1985.250.3
Janet Stone Roberts 1984 1986.159.4
Rock and River Merrill Mahaffey 1984 1991.175.4
Untitled David True 1984 1984.94
Garage Dog James G. Davis 1984 1984.254
Molloy Sean Scully 1984 1985.253a-d
The Prisoner Song Terry Allen 1984 1987.70
Yellow Man Peter Schuyff 1984 1988.417.3
Going Toward the Epicenter Sue Coe 1984 2007.49.32
Young Louis Grace Hartigan 1984 1984.539.1
Thursday Robert Helm 1984 1984.375
Morning Becomes Elektra Kevin Moss 1984 1985.50
Without Liberty Jeanne Duval 1984 1986.159.1
Young Leonardo David Humphrey 1984 1985.68
In the City III George Peck 1984 1985.258
Titania Peter Blake 1984 1987.471
No Light at the End of the Tunnel William L. Haney 1984 1986.159.3
Purple and Silver Troy Brauntuch 1984 1988.417.2a-c
Untitled Jeff Gompertz 1984 1985.156.1
Flowers, Fish, and Females James Rosenquist 1984 1995.436
Painting on the Kitchen Table Mary Mabbutt 1984 1987.206
Chance Encounter at 3 A.M. Red Grooms 1984 1984.194
The Life and Times of Sally Hemmings, Part II Lee Jaffe 1984 1986.105a-c
Book of Hours: 1890 Sabina Ott 1984 1988.218a-c
High Risk Areas Robert Arneson 1984 1994.307
Weight and Light April Gornik 1984 1985.164
Coral Coast Ian Smith 1984 1985.148
Cardinal Thérèse Oulton 1984 1985.95
Untitled Peter Booth 1984 1984.386
The Robe Jim Dine 1984 1985.52.4
Onions and Tomato Mary Ann Currier 1984 1985.78
Hill of the Cross John Hull 1984 1986.218
Untitled # 9 Agnes Martin 1984 1984.435
U.S. Military Successfully Bombs A Mental Hospital in Grenada Sue Coe 1984 1985.157.1
Four Diamonds Marching Christopher Hewat 1984 1985.162
Anxious Hookers George McNeil 1984 1986.178
Walla Walla Robe Jim Dine 1984 1987.225
Untitled Rosemarie Trockel 1984 1986.389
Windstorm Sue Coe 1984 2007.49.33
Kolumbus I Thomas Schindler 1985 1986.385
Promise I Won't Die Ida Applebroog 1985 1987.56a-n
Untitled Thomas Nozkowski 1985 1985.250.1
Street Story Quilt Faith Ringgold 1985 1990.237a-c
Year of the Ox Joseph Santore 1985 1985.130
ACCIDENT July 15 1985 Donald Sultan 1985 1986.46a-d
Fair Hills Willard Dixon 1985 1987.460.1
Palette Balthus 1985 2002.456.128
Desert Peter Booth 1985 1986.219
Gingko Tom Fellner 1985 1986.384.1
Palette Balthus 1985 2002.456.125
Big Oval Jane Dickson 1985 1986.217
Untitled Melissa Meyer 1985 1986.32.2
Untitled José Manuel Broto Gimeno 1985 1986.230.1
St. Christopher Robert Jessup 1985 1985.428
Johanna Ron Janowich 1985 1986.230.3
Man with Goat Vladimír Kompánek 1985 1990.94
Untitled Melissa Meyer 1985 1986.32.4
Untitled No. 8 Oliver Jackson 1985 1988.427
Study for "Garrity Necklace, Number 1" Jim Dine 1985 1987.283
Serre Mark Luyten 1985 1986.242a-f
Number 4818 Jerome Witkin 1985 1987.460.2
Palette Balthus 1985 2002.456.127
Untitled Melissa Meyer 1985 1986.32.1
Untitled Jeff Gompertz 1985 1985.156.2
Untitled Mimmo Paladino 1985 1986.8
Second Winter Glenn Goldberg 1985 1986.222
Lace Robert Greene 1985 1986.70
In The House Yard William Robinson 1985 1987.294.1
Friendships Road - Crucifixion Gareth Sansom 1985 1987.249
Suitcase with Glove John Monks 1985 1986.228
Magritteing of Minds William Anthony 1985 1993.207
Book of Hours: Winter Sabina Ott 1985 1985.257ab
Jeff Kleckner at Work Dana Van Horn 1985 1986.108
Grand Slam Louise Fishman 1985 1986.387
The Conservatory David Bates 1985 1986.71
Can't Doug Anderson 1985 1986.225
Untitled Robert Lowe 1985 1985.394
Untitled Carole Seborovski 1985 1986.119
Untitled Melissa Meyer 1985 1986.32.3
Palette Balthus 1985 2002.456.126
Heavy Cloud Anselm Kiefer 1985 1995.14.41
Yggdrasil Anselm Kiefer 1985 1995.14.42
Mexican Garden Malcolm Morley 1985 2009.459
The Heart, South of Naples Jim Dine 1986 1986.404
Knowledge of the Past Is the Key to the Future: Some Afterthoughts on Discovery Robert Colescott 1986 1987.166
Just Love Frederick J. Brown 1986 1987.375
As a Table Stanislav Kolíbal 1986 1987.216
McDonald's, Number 1 Dan McCleary 1986 1991.175.6
Egg Fountain Roberto Juarez 1986 1987.234
Fist II (Self-Portrait) Gwen Hardie 1986 1987.208 Gwen Hardie
Café Avner Moriah 1986 1987.205.2
Degeneration Jonathan Waller 1986 1987.207ab
Stockton (From the American Decoy Series) Cheryl Laemmle 1986 1986.249ab
The Reverse of Venus 5 Saul Villa 1986 1990.189.3
Number 232 David Reed 1986 1987.333
Untitled Royce Howes 1986 1986.384.2
Still Life with a Clock Amy Weiskopf 1986 1991.175.8
Above (for Steven Schmidt) Tod Wizon 1986 1987.110
Self-Portrait Patrick Procktor 1986 1998.51
Beckmann Catalogue Warren Brandt 1986 1991.352
Front Kevin Larmon 1986 1986.513.2
Dawn William Robinson 1986 1987.294.2
Blanket Kevin Larmon 1986 1986.513.1
Hills III Avner Moriah 1986 1987.205.1
A Painting Called January 23 and April 15, 1986 Chema Cobo 1986 1990.136
The World's Great Theater Arturo Rodríguez 1986 1987.360
In the Heart of the Seer John Beerman 1986 1987.233
Study for "The Assault" Domenic Cretara 1986 1988.194
Regatta No. 6 Angelo Ippolito 1986 1988.235.1
Crossing the Williamsburg Bridge Willie Birch 1986 1992.118.1
Marathon Vladimir Ovchinnikov 1986 1988.322
Gazelle Jim Waid 1986 1986.262.3
The Eye's Mind/The Mind's Eye Peter Fletcher 1986 1986.230.2
Communicant Tim Lowly 1987 1988.55 death
Heretic Healers Paul Benney 1987 1988.54.1
Selini Paul Manes 1987 1988.1
Untitled, Bababad Series IV William Anastasi 1987 1989.277
The Greatest Show on Earth Paul Marcus 1987 1988.53a-c
Coast (Columbus) Robert Bordo 1987 1988.5
Ghosts and Obsessions Dulce María Nuñez 1987 1990.26.5
Requiem Mark Kostabi 1987 1988.73.2
My Father's Sketch Pad Melissa Meyer 1987 1987.466
The Acts of Desmond Tutu Richard Clarke 1987 1988.6
Runway Stephen Barclay 1987 1988.46
Untitled #1 Kevin Larmon 1987 2002.528.2
Untitled Grey Number 11 Lydia Dona 1987 1988.237
Winter Southbank Lucy Jones 1987 1988.51
Homage to Paul Valery Susana Sierra 1987 1990.29
Saturday Morning Willie Birch 1987 1992.118.2
Night Intruder Stephen Barclay 1987 1988.47
Holiday Celebration John R. Fudge 1987 1991.51
Portrait of Chaim, Number 1 Leon Kossoff 1987 1989.82
Wild Life David Krueger 1987 1988.311
Untitled, Number 8 Katherine Porter 1987 1991.430
Untitled Mary Tillman Smith 1987 2014.548.16a, b
Beulahland (For Marilyn Monroe) Ida Applebroog 1987 1988.73.1a, b
Triptych Yuri Kuper 1987 1988.238a-c
North Carolina Katherine Bowling 1987 1988.12
Bill Traylor People Mose Tolliver 1987 2014.548.18
Self-portrait Mose Tolliver 1987 2014.548.21
Out of Doors Duncan Hannah 1987 1988.209
The Screeching Gannett John Bellany 1987 1988.100
Untitled Aaron Fink 1987 1989.60
The Last Parade Joyce Treiman 1987 1989.393
Self-Portrait Jose Luis Romo 1987 1990.30.2
Self-Portrait Mario Martín del Campo 1987 1990.30.3
Samson (Bairds Carryout) Peter Howson 1987 1988.43
Spring Southbank Lucy Jones 1987 1988.49
Sea Smoke Helen Miranda Wilson 1987 1989.156.2
Tree of Signs Miguel Castro Leñero 1987 1990.30.7
Heifers, Pawlet, Vermont Altoon Sultan 1987 1988.59
The Virtues Paul Benney 1987 1988.54.2
All the King's Men Susan Crile 1987 1988.266
Death of Patroklos Judith Rothschild 1987 1997.405.1
Tunnel Christopher Cook 1987 1989.114
Transplant Tishan Hsu 1987 1988.61
Ocean Cinders Susan Laufer 1987 1988.8
Landscape Fungus Stephen Barclay 1987 1988.48
Large Interior, Los Angeles David Hockney 1988 1989.279
Invocation Alejandro Arango 1988 1990.26.1
Hanuman Monkeys Hunt Slonem 1988 1988.146
Visitation Randall Schmit 1988 1988.314
Gateway II Eva Elisabeth Holmström 1988 1988.202
Lohengrin Georges Noël 1988 1993.86
Furs Siron Franco 1988 1996.555
Untitled Keith Milow 1988 1989.113.1
Nominations III José González Veites 1988 1990.194
Untitled (Wreath) Joe Andoe 1988 1990.341
The Sacred Garden of Adam Marcia Grostein 1988 1991.50
Goldfish/Long Hall Jim Sullivan 1988 1988.204
Summer Night on Keap Street Willie Birch 1988 1992.118.3
Incident on 42nd Street Bill Jacklin 1988 1991.396
Eros Helen Frankenthaler 1988 1995.158
Boat and Oar Roberto Parodi 1988 1990.189.2
Copse Judy Ledgerwood 1988 1990.1
NY 914 Margery Edwards 1988 1991.474.2
Dangerous Walls Donald Shambroom 1988 1988.240
Delphinium Kevin Larmon 1988 2002.528.1
Untitled Keith Milow 1988 1989.113.2
Bob Hale's Death Steve Hawley 1988 1994.546
Pony Joe Louis Light 1988 2014.548.15
Hobo # Birdman Joe Louis Light 1988 2014.548.20
Small Golden Corner Alice Dalton Brown 1988 2000.12
Self-Portrait (The Mirror) Robert Mason 1988 1988.216
Untitled Self-Portrait Mary Tillman Smith 1988 2014.548.17 Mary Tillman Smith
Still Life with Partridge and Corn Jeanne Duval 1988 1991.175.1
Porthleven Sally Heywood 1988 1989.353.2
View of San Francisco, Number 2 Peter Saul 1988 1988.312
Car Racks Andrew Spence 1988 1988.435
P. D. George Negroponte 1988 1988.347
Petunias and Salvia Robert Kushner 1988 1991.72
Interior (Ocean Liner) Peter Waite 1988 1988.207a-c
Annunciation in Camberwell Sarah Raphael 1988 1989.116
Red Bellied Macaw and Yellow Naped Macaws Elizabeth Butterworth 1988 1993.204
Ready Now Now Mel Edwards 1988 1991.202
View Across the Thames from St. Thomas John Bellany 1989 2000.646
Breeze Luis Lizardo 1989 1990.70
Tingari Cycle Dreaming at Paratjakutti Anatjari Tjakamarra 1989 1989.315
A Conspiracy of Objects Nicholas Jolly 1989 1990.151
Yo Taplitz Sam Messer 1989 1992.213
Mark with Poster Sandra Fisher 1989 1990.44
Untitled Dong-Koo Yun 1989 1995.517.4a-c
Sepik Jim Waid 1989 1990.210
Untitled, Landscape Number 5 Brad Davis 1989 1989.180
Sunday Morning Willie Birch 1989 1992.118.4
By the Sea II Mary Mabbutt 1989 1990.55
Black Jack (Two Jacks) Larry Rivers 1989 1992.209.2
Winter Day on 14th Street Willie Birch 1989 1992.118.5
Portrait of Otis Spann Frederick J. Brown 1989 1992.401
Untitled (Horn) Joe Andoe 1989 1991.320
Untitled Sarah Raphael 1989 2009.535.11
Cortona, Italy Richard Upton 1989 2013.200.1
P 93-1 Italian Landscape/Cortona Richard Upton 1989 2013.200.2
The Good Fortune Javier Arevalo 1989 1990.30.4
Walk with Me Imants Tillers 1989 1992.349a-bbb
Open Series, Number 14 Ford Crull 1989 1991.12.2
Pier Emrys Williams 1989 1991.80.1
Boundary Norma Minkowitz 1989 2002.584.2
Winter Scene anonymous 1990 32.100.16 boat
Michael Friedsam
Untitled (Read My Lips) Leonid Lamm 1990 1993.495.1
Dutch Daybreak Christopher Brown 1990 1990.263
Transmutation IV Basil Alkazzi 1990 1996.264.2
Untitled Moshe Kupferman 1990 1992.301.1
Portrait of a Woman Manolo Valdés 1990 1991.212
Burning Box Robert H. Cumming 1990 1991.104
Noon: Blaze Line, Number 1 Tim Storrier 1990 1991.24.2
A Pond in the Woods Robert Harms 1990 1995.159
Tree Painting, Number 1 Christian Peltenburg-Brechneff 1990 1991.107
Sixteen Waterfalls of Dreams, Memories, and Sentiment Pat Steir 1990 2009.473
Sleeping Family Vincent Desiderio 1990 1991.109
Untitled Moshe Kupferman 1990 1992.301.2
Harvest of Women (Cosecha de Mujers) Mariano Sapia 1990 1993.321
Blue Blanket Catherine Murphy 1990 1991.103
You Know I Am Aware Arnaldo Roche Rabell 1990 1990.252
Once Nancy Haynes 1990 1990.313
Entranced Douglas Safranek 1990 1992.79
A Big Apple Jorge Eduardo 1990 1993.239
The Way Out Liliana Porter 1990 1991.13
The Door, Number 1 Tim Storrier 1990 1991.24.3
Freedom of Speech Faith Ringgold 1990 2001.288
Galatea Roy Lichtenstein 1990 2003.597
VESSEL #1063 June Schwarcz 1990 1995.439
There is a River Adán Hernández 1991 1991.140.1
Village In Kie Whang 1991 1995.517.1
First Fruits Rosalie Gascoigne 1991 1992.344.13
Self-Portrait with Eyes Closed Odd Nerdrum 1991 1997.348
Untitled David Salle 1991 1993.240
Transmutation III Basil Alkazzi 1991 1996.264.3
Passing By Boyd & Evans 1991 1992.18.4
Portrait of a Woman Manolo Valdés 1991 1991.400.2
Police Poles Paul Hawdon 1991 1993.214
Patriot Harry Kramer 1991 1991.333
Mysuseter III Per Kirkeby 1991 1996.350
Ryder's Room Red Grooms 1991 1997.401
Climb Euan MacLeod 1991 1992.345
Self-Portrait (Matisse Print) Mary Beth McKenzie 1991 1992.111 Mary Beth McKenzie
A Prairie Vista James D. Butler 1991 1992.20
Portrait of a Woman Manolo Valdés 1991 1991.400.4
Whispering Silence II Basil Alkazzi 1991 1996.264.1a-d
China Andrew Spence 1991 1995.437ab
Untitled (41,231,85,56,200,35) Jane Hammond 1991 1991.295
The Couple Willie Birch 1991 1992.118.6
Untitled (Washington and Lenin) Leonid Lamm 1991 1993.495.2
Untitled (Sportsmen) Leonid Lamm 1991 1993.495.3
Galisteo Creek Susan Rothenberg 1992 1992.343 Galisteo Creek
Corvus corax
Sleeping Boy Odd Nerdrum 1992 1997.349
On Tropical Thoughts Mario Díaz Bencomo 1992 1996.548
Elegy Number 24 (After MH's Iron Cross) Anthony Viti 1992 1993.117.4
Elegy Number 12 (After MH's Iron Cross) Anthony Viti 1992 1993.117.2
Elegy Number 21 (After MH's Iron Cross) Anthony Viti 1992 1993.117.3
Tenth Street, Number 5 Caio Fonseca 1992 1993.115
Untitled (2) Rashid Rana 1992 2013.261a, b
Lausanne Jim Dine 1992 1995.224a-j
Versions IV Robert Ryman 1992 2013.517
Vortex at Dawn: Collapsed Stephen Hannock 1992 1992.300
Faces #10 Y.Z. Kami 1992 1993.328.1
Elegy Number 9 (After MH's Iron Cross) Anthony Viti 1992 1993.117.1
Gift Wrapped Doll #16 James Rosenquist 1992 1993.340.1
Horse Ian Phillips 1992 1998.452.1
Untitled: Four Etchings Glenn Ligon 1992 1998.456.2a-d
Transit Judith Cotton 1993 1993.363
Self-Portrait Nicolas Granger-Taylor 1993 1994.274
Faces #53 Y.Z. Kami 1993 1993.328.2
UG Daniel Rolph 1993 1994.222
The Lute Player Jane Freilicher 1993 1995.133
Drifting Miguel Padura 1993 1993.497.2
Ducati Pitstop Composition Andrew Gadd 1993 1994.223
Gift Wrapped Doll #23 James Rosenquist 1993 1993.340.2
Natural Being I Keun-Joong Kim 1993 1995.517.3
Landscape with Knives Antonio Henrique Amaral 1993 1993.497.1
Sapphire Skin Richmond Burton 1993 1993.417a-c
Diva Marthe Keller 1993 1996.209
Untitled Edwina Leapman 1993 1994.225
Mirotopos, No. VI François Rouan 1993 2002.456.150
Elizabeth Wilbur Niewald 1994 1995.246
Residues Thérèse Oulton 1994 1995.148
Untitled David Klamen 1994 1994.205.2
Untitled Ross Bleckner 1994 1995.42c
Are there Ghosts in my House? Rogelio López Marín 1994 1996.541
Grid (Screen Number 1) Martin Kline 1994 1996.271
Untitled Georgia Marsh 1994 2009.535.5
Brim Judith Cotton 1995 1996.38
Rituals Elmar Rojas 1995 1996.550
Menorah Mark Podwal 1995 1996.329.1
Hail Won-Gi Sul 1995 1995.517.2
Hand Tchah-Sup Kim 1995 1995.517.6
Iyar (Taurus) Mark Podwal 1995 1996.329.2
Delirious Hem Ellen Gallagher 1995 2010.427.3
Pietrasanta Painting Caio Fonseca 1995 2007.499
Young Kafka, a Dalai Lama Arturo Elizondo 1995 1995.334
Venice, Morning Howard Hodgkin 1995 1995.467.4a-p
The Enemy Amongst Us Ronald Lockett 1995 2014.548.10
Brooch Peter Skubic 1995 2007.384.49
m Robert Cottingham 1996 1999.446
Untitled (26 III 96) Tom Levine 1996 1997.276
Untitled Laura Owens 1996 2015.56
The Domes of the East Sukhrob Kurbanov 1996 2003.576
Bohemia Lies by the Sea Anselm Kiefer 1996 1997.4ab
Landscape with Philosopher Roy Lichtenstein 1996 2015.231
Sweet Back Man Benny Andrews 1996 1997.164
The Keys Mary Proctor 1996 2014.548.12
New Moon Mark Podwal 1996 1996.337
Paris Series: Petit Palais Glen Hansen 1997 1997.329
Reece's Meadow Jake Berthot 1997 1998.18.1
The Beach (A Praia) Beatriz Milhazes 1997 1998.80
Reflection Line Method Terry Winters 1997 1998.86
April 1, 1997 Zao Wou Ki 1997 2002.456.154
Moonlightist R. B. Kitaj 1998 2004.487
Harbour Master Stephen Mangan 1998 1999.11
Juke Joint Benny Andrews 1998 2001.287.1
Derain and Poiret Red Grooms 1998 2007.314
Study for the painting "Harbour Master" Stephen Mangan 1998 2007.49.68
Wall of Light White Sean Scully 1998 2007.312a, b
difference in ages - xi Steven Sorman 1998 2003.433.134
difference in ages - xiv Steven Sorman 1998 2003.433.135
Smooth Entry Christopher Cook 1998 2001.148
Waiter II Matthew Weinstein 1998 1999.354
No Smoking (Small) Frank Stella 1998 2003.433.174
No Smoking (Large) Frank Stella 1998 2003.433.173
Paul Mary Beth McKenzie 1999 2001.564
Number 1A Leonardo Drew 1999 2001.150
Topography of Memory, No. 6 Tremain Smith 1999 2000.501
Kobo Tomma Abts 1999 2013.1110
The Cemetary II Wilhelm Moser 1999 1999.393
Mike Eric Fischl 1999 2003.213
The Trickster Joan Witek 1999 2001.204
Prime Moments III Al Held 1999 2003.433.47
Prime Moments IV Al Held 1999 2003.433.48
Prime Moments V Al Held 1999 2003.433.49
The Witness John Walker 1999 2003.433.198
Home is a Foreign Place Zarina 1999 2013.565a–nn
Portrait of a Woman, Said to Be Caritas Pirckheimer (1467–1532) anonymous 2000s 2006.151.1
Portrait of a Man anonymous 2000s 2006.151.2
Madonna and Child (after Duccio) Bruno Marzi 2000s 2005.476.1
Saint Michael anonymous 2000s 07.24.24
Horse and Buggy Reginald Wilson 2000s 43.47.2 horse and buggy
Exposed Painting Charcoal Black, Yellow Violet Oxide Callum Innes 2000 2013.1109
The Oxbow: After Church, After Cole, Flooded (Flooded River for the Matriarchs E. & A. Mongan), Green Light Stephen Hannock 2000 2001.153
Between the Lines Tom Levine 2000 2003.284
Buddleia With Bracket Fungus and Head Christopher Cook 2000 2001.147
Wound #18 Lucas Samaras 2000 2014.40.8
The Family Benny Andrews 2000 2001.287.2
Camogli: Stella Maris Graham Nickson 2000 2012.208.6
Nest Martin Kline 2000 2000.642.1
Gabel Mukaber Village Sketch Anne Peretz 2000 2001.684
Life Cycle II Scott Fraser 2000 2000.302
Tadasana John Gibson 2000 2001.206
Atlas Procession II William Kentridge 2000 2001.601
Mystery Tremain Smith 2000 2000.499
from time to time - v Steven Sorman 2000 2003.433.142
Entrances Tremain Smith 2000 2000.500
Place of Mystery Tremain Smith 2000 2000.498
Crevasse Christopher Cook 2000 2001.146
Atlas Procession I William Kentridge 2000 2001.600
Let a Thousand Flowers Bloom Anselm Kiefer 2000 2001.557
Dual Self-Portrait Jim Torok 2001 2002.486a, b Jim Torok
Rat Tat Tat Malcolm Morley 2001 2013.946
Good as Gold Julian Hatton 2001 2001.376
Oasis Claude Lawrence 2001 2014.492.6
Pouncer: Pink and Yellow Jules Olitski 2001 2003.214.1
Initiatory Site Karel Nel 2002 2003.62
He and the Muse with Pattern DeLoss McGraw 2002 2003.283
Self-Portrait (red background) Mary Beth McKenzie 2002 2003.559 Mary Beth McKenzie
He Waits for the Muse DeLoss McGraw 2002 2003.282
The Cotton Club From Under the Viaduct at Riverside Drive and St. Clair Place Rackstraw Downes 2003 2005.233
Mission Beach Sunrise I Graham Nickson 2003 2005.133.1
L.W. Enrique Martinez Celaya 2003 2003.332.2
Dancing Eyes Claude Lawrence 2003 2014.492.5
Mission Beach Sunrise V Graham Nickson 2003 2005.133.3
Where am I? Enrique Martinez Celaya 2003 2003.332.3
Mission Beach Sunrise III Graham Nickson 2003 2005.133.2
Out of the Darkness, the Lord Gave Us Light Thornton Dial 2003 2014.548.2
Still Jenny Saville 2003 2011.516
Look (Sebastián) Enrique Martinez Celaya 2003 2003.332.1
Seder Mark Podwal 2003 2003.469
Uluru–Rainsky II Graham Nickson 2003 2005.133.4
U Turns Mohammad Imran Qureshi 2004 2013.260
Outside Coming In Sophie von Hellerman 2004 2014.742
Wallowa Mountains Memory, Variation Kay WalkingStick 2004 2008.175a, b
Victory in Iraq Thornton Dial 2004 2014.548.6
History Refused to Die Thornton Dial 2004 2014.548.1
Self-Portrait Francesco Clemente 2005 2006.552
Untitled Radcliffe Bailey 2005 2012.550
Kaaterskill Falls for Frank Moore and Dan Hodermarsky (Mass MoCA #11) Stephen Hannock 2005 2007.333
Cut Ground Sean Scully 2006 2007.526a–c
Lot 010907 (7wl) Donald Moffett 2007 2013.610
The End of November: The Birds That Didn't Learn How to Fly Thornton Dial 2007 2014.548.5
Dusasa II El Anatsui 2007 2008.121
How To Cut The Front Of An Artillery Pantaloon Mohammad Imran Qureshi 2008 2013.470
The Veiled Christ (study) Kehinde Wiley 2008 2009.14
Shadows of the Field Thornton Dial 2008 2014.548.4
Fair of Face, Full of Woe Cecily Brown 2008 2009.533a-c
Easy Cutting Mohammad Imran Qureshi 2008 2013.469
First and Second Installations of Precolumbian Objects at the Metropolitan Museum Pablo Bronstein 2009 2010.199
Henry Geldzahler, 1964 Dennis Hopper 2009 2011.439
Rush Hour George Condo 2010 2011.306
Hypochondriac Amy Bennett 2010 2011.601.2
Flight of the Dolphin Monir Shahroudy Farmanfarmaian 2010 2010.395
Diagnosis Amy Bennett 2010 2011.601.1
Rouyesh (Growth) Seyed Mohammad Ehsaey 2012 2013.587
Jailbreak Nate Lowman 2012 2013.1119
Rattanakiri Valley Drip Sopheap Pich 2012 2013.989
Self-Portrait Sitting on a Striped Chaise Lounge Chantal Joffe 2012 2014.177 Chantal Joffe
Morgenthau Plan Anselm Kiefer 2012 2013.429a–c
Hornet's Nest Enrico David 2013 2014.685
Powder Plant Thornton Dial 2013 2014.548.3
Quodlibet XXV (Capsule Wardrobes) Lucy McKenzie 2013 2014.552a, b
Wall painting on black ground: landscape, from the imperial villa at Boscotrecase anonymous 0006s BCE 20.192.10 tree
Wall painting: Perseus and Andromeda in landscape, from the imperial villa at Boscotrecase anonymous 0006s BCE 20.192.16 Perseus
Wall painting from the west wall of Room L of the Villa of P. Fannius Synistor at Boscoreale anonymous 0045s BCE 03.14.4 bull


image Article creator inception inventory number depicts owned by
Scroll of Sumiyoshi Monogatari 1300s
Sumiyoshi Monogatari
Tommaso di Folco Portinari (1428–1501); Maria Portinari (Maria Maddalena Baroncelli, born 1456) Hans Memling 1470 14.40.626–27 Benjamin Altman
Demidoff Altarpiece Carlo Crivelli 1476 GROUP82 Child Jesus
Virgin Mary
Mérode Altarpiece anonymous 1500s 56.70a–c Virgin Mary
Gibbons in a Landscape Sesson Shukei 1570s 1992.8.1, .2 gibbon
The Kangxi Emperor's Southern Inspection Tour, Scroll Three: Ji'nan to Mount Tai Wang Hui 1698 1979.5a–d
Black Stork in a Landscape 1780s 2000.266
"Calder #1" Textile (Model No. 1-145) Alexander Calder 1949 1984.565
End of auto-generated list.