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Coming from Sirius B. Son of SkySphere and EarthSphere. Strong as an Oak thanks to the Nature of his Noble HeartSphere. His karma was the Roman Perch, His dharma is the Shaman Dog of the sacred mountains of Four Corners.

Now it's Jay, remembering the beauty of Blue Jay from the lakes and mountains of the Pacific Northwest. Noah as his beloved daughter Noa, his little Love, Sealth, like his beloved son Asier, his little King.

The Wings of the Angel of God.

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Together they shape the current name of Jay Noah Sealth in memory of Chief Seattle's first environmental manifesto, from his real name Noah Sealth.

He is still in love with the woman who is still waiting, that Swan he so often observed from the trees on Lake, Heart Lake near Mount Shasta, so Master Saint Germain is guiding him through the clues and trials to get together and merge with his Twin Flame, the Swan that represents True Love and the sacred connection of two souls that were born to give a message of Love and hope in this New World that is awakening.

Amense  Namaste

Peace & Love & Rock!

Jay Noah Sealth
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