User:Jcencich/Avrelija Cencič

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Jcencich/Avrelija Cencič
Born (1964-10-19) October 19, 1964 (age 59)

Avrelija Cencič (pronounced Cen•cich) (born October 10 1964) is a Slovenian researcher, manager and educator in health and life sciences.

Education and training[edit]

In 2000 she made her PhD (with 1st class honours) from Biochemistry and Molecular biology of leukocytic and trophoblastic interferon gamma participating with University of Paris XI, Orsay, France and University of Ljubljana, Medical Faculty, Slovenia (these en co-tutelle).

Work experience[edit]

Currently she is employed in the Chair of Dept. of Biochemistry at the Medical Faculty and Chair of Dept. of Microbiology, Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Biotechnology at the Faculty of Agriculture, Head of International Relations at the Faculty of Agriculture at the University of Maribor

Other skills and competences[edit]

Multi language skills including English, German, French and Serbo-croatian. She is good in drawings and pastel painting, cloth models creation and is an aesthete. She also likes to cook and play the piano.


  • 1987 Award of the University of Maribor; for the outstanding Student research work.
  • 1989 Krka award; for the second best pharmaceutically interesting Student research work.
  • 1990 Award of the University of Maribor; for the best Student research work (part of the Graduation Thesis work).
  • 2001 Scientific Achievement Award; American Biographical Institute, North Carolina, USA


  • Slovenian society of microbiologists (since 1989),(A board member since 2002),
  • Slovenian society of biochemists (since 2005)
  • Federation of European Microbiological societies (since 1996),
  • International society of Interferon and Cytokine research (since 1993),
  • American assocciation for the advancement of science - AAAS (since 2001).
  • CFME-ACTIM (Agence pour la Promotion Internationale des Technologies et des Enterprises Francaises) in Slovenia, since 1998 (A board member between 1998-2002),
  • Society of University professors of the University of Maribor (since 1996)
  • Society of Slovenian - Scottish friendship (since 1999).
  • Eursafe (since 2001),
  • European federation of Biotechnology (since 2002).

Other nominations[edit]

  • 2004 onwards: A member of national committee for GMO.
  • 2005 onwards: An expert in ERA-ARD project
  • 2005 onwards: INTAS evaluator
  • 2006 onwards: A member of national committee for awarding the best research work in Slovenia
  • 2006 onwards: COST programme (expert in Food and Techology)