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The purpose of User:Jerzy/tbcore is to support two templates:




which are both elaborations on the widely used template {{Talkback}} for notifying another user that you've answered them on your own talk page instead of theirs.
They require substitution, and call this one using subst'n. This differs from its inspiration as follows:

  1. Includes signature line (the editor's own, not a built-in sig) is
  2. Includes a section head (in the tb case -- AFAIK it's impossible or at least less awkward to control whether to begin with a heading by a parameter)
  3. Hides the courtesy clean-up instructions in a collapsing sub-box
  4. Offers instructions not only for complete removal (suitable for e.g. users who are likely not to manage to edit the proper section), but also for a 1-char edit that makes the markup render as an unboxed one-word-plus-sig-line text.
  5. Oh, yeah, the lk to the section being responded to has my name built in; i or someone more knowledgeable should see if there's a way to make the template smart enuf to point to the editor's talk page. (I thot of the way {{mytalk}} does it, but it didn't occur to me that the use of subst could manage to freeze the value of REVISIONUSER (and keep it from driving the recipient crazy a bit later), and i still hesitate to believe it will. Boy, is that esoteric; i love it!)

BTW, the conditional code involved seems to mildly screw up the collapsing-box software; i 'spose that's another difference, FWIW.

Cleanup instructions


(Including these in the template itself requires over-complicating them; next improvement is to lk to this section instead, and simpler instructions will replace this parenthetical note.)

Here is the old complicated version:

  1. You can get rid of this notice (generated w/ User:Jerzy/tbcore) at any time by removing the markup that begins and ends "<!-- START Jerzy/tb... -->" and "<!-- Jerzy/tb... END -->".
  2. At the cost of making these instructions hard to find, you instead can edit this section and remove (the one occurrence of) the pair of the characters "%%" shortly after "<!-- START Jerzy/tb... -->", and save the result; the effect will be to eliminate the box, icon, and prose, leaving a minimalist substitute for what you see now.

In either case, it is best to click on the "edit" link at the top of this section, but clicking on this link will always permit editing any part of this page.
New version should be close to

The response notice is fairly obtrusive, and in any case you may not feel any need to preserve it as a record once you've noted its presence. The two cures each rest on finding and editing (in the edit pane of an editing screen for your talk page) the markup (generated w/ User:Jerzy/tbcore) that begins


and ends, probably on the same line, either with


or (if you previously compressed it) with


If you can edit the section, finding that markup will be much easier, but clicking on the edit tab will always permit editing any part of the page, and your browser probably can search for one of those strings within the edit pane.

1.a. To remove the notice completely, remove that markup (and if there is nothing else in the corresponding section, the markup for the section heading, a line just above it that begins and ends with "==") ...
1.b. To reduce the notice to a single, unboxed line, remove the three characters "yes" following the equal sign ...
2. ... and, in either case, click the "Save page" button.




(Also corresponds to this template's use by the tbnh version):

Your message got answered Hello, Jerzy. There is a response from me, below the message you left in the "Example" section of my talk page.
Clean up this box?
  1. You can get rid of this notice (generated w/ User:Jerzy/tbcore) at any time by removing the markup that begins and ends "<!-- START Jerzy/tb... -->" and "<!-- Jerzy/tb... END -->".
  2. At the cost of making these instructions hard to find, you instead can edit this section and remove (the one occurrence of) the pair of the characters "%%" shortly after "<!-- START Jerzy/tb... -->", and save the result; the effect will be to eliminate the box, icon, and prose, leaving a minimalist substitute for what you see now.
In either case, it is best to click on the "edit" link at the top of this section, but clicking on this link will always permit editing any part of this page.