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< Royal Commission on the Constitution (United Kingdom)#Publications



The following are all the official publications of the Royal Commission on the Constitution (1969–1973).[1]

Command papers
Title[nb 1] Details Date Cmnd ISBN Pages
Volume I: Report Oct 1973 Cmnd. 5460 0 10 154600 9 xxxii + 579
Volume II: Memorandum of Dissent by Lord Crowther-Hunt and Professor A. T. Peacock Oct 1973 Cmnd. 5460–I 0 10 154601 7 xxii + 223
Written Evidence
No. Title[nb 1] / details Date SBN Pages
1 [Wales]Free access icon 1969 11 730005 5 iii + 23
2 [Scotland]Free access icon 1969 11 730006 3 iv + 80
3 [Northern Ireland]Free access icon 1969 11 730007 1 iii + 52
4 [United Kingdom]Free access icon 1970 11 730008 X v + 129
5 Scotland 1972 11 730010 1
6 Northern Ireland 1972 11 730009 8
7 Wales 1972 11 730011 X
8 England 1972 11 730012 8 vi + 221
9 United Kingdom 1972 11 730013 6 174
10 The Revenue Departments 1973 11 730014 4 188[2]
Minutes of Evidence
No. Title[nb 1] Ev date Witness Publ date SBN Pages
I Wales 13–16 Sep 1969 1970 11 730030 6 119
19 Nov 1969 Welsh Office
II Scotland 29th–30th September 1969 1970 11 730031 4 113
21st November 1969
III Northern Ireland 11th February 1970 1971 11 730032 2 192
12th February 1970
6th May 1970
IV Scotland 4th–5th May 1970 1971 11 730033 0 158
20th July 1970
V Wales 26th–27th January 1970

Welsh Council of Labour[3]

1972 11 730034 9
23rd July 1970 Welsh Liberal Party; Plaid Cymru; Cardiff City Council
28th July 1970 Welsh Committee of the Communist Party
VI The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man[3] 11th–13th March 1970 1973 11 730035 7 294
15th–16th April 1970
28th–30th April 1970
Research papers
No. Title[nb 1] Author Submitted
[nb 2]
ISBN Pages
1 Federalism and Decentralisation in the Federal Republic of Germany Neil Johnson Jul 1970 0 11 730053 5 65
2 Federalism in the United States, Canada and Australia M. J. C. Vile Nov 1971 0 11 730055 1 47
3 Regionalism and the Publicity Principle in Sweden Neil C. M. Elder Oct 1970 0 11 730059 4 33
4 The French Prefectoral System: An Example of Integrated Administrative Decentralisation Frederick Fernand Ridley [wikidata] Jan 1973 0 11 730063 2 44
5 Aspects of parliamentary reform Study of Parliament Group Mar 1971 0 11 730057 8 63
6 Aspects of constitutional reform Political Studies Association Mar 1971 0 11 730058 6 52
7 Devolution and other aspects of government; an attitudes survey Jean Morton-Williams of Social and Community Planning Research, for the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys Jun 1971 0 11 730060 8 160
8 Survey of the Welsh economy Graham L. Rees May 1971[nb 3] 0 11 730056 X 185
9 Revenue and equalisation in federalism in Australia, Canada, West Germany and the U.S.A. Diane Dawson Sep 1970 0 11 730062 4 94
10 Financial and Economic Aspects of Regionalism and Separatism David Neden King 1970–1971[nb 4] 0 11 730061 6 ix + 101
  1. ^ a b c d Title links to the text on Internet Archive; Free access icon indicates freely acessible; otherwise, (free) registration is required to read the linked text.
  2. ^ This is the date at which the author submitted the finished report to the Commission. All reports were published in 1973 by HMSO.
  3. ^ Revised April 1972 for publication. [p. vi, vii]
  4. ^ A series of papers was submitted, then synthesised prior to publication [p. v]


  1. ^ McAllister, Ian; Rose, Richard (25 February 1982). "1.5 Devolution". United Kingdom Facts. Springer. p. 31. ISBN 978-1-349-04204-3.
  2. ^ Government Publications. London: HMSO. 1973. p. 1035.
  3. ^ a b Report 10, p. 100