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User:Joegrohens/Instructions for Publishing Your Article in Wikipedia

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

When your article draft on your user page is finished, you can publish it in Wikipedia.

If your article already exists as a stub


If you are expanding a stub, just add your next text to the existing stub page.

Important: Make sure you are logged in when you edit and create pages, so that the changes are attributed to your username. If you aren't logged in, changes will just be assigned to the IP address of the computer you are on.

If your article is a new article


To publish a new article in Wikipedia, follow these steps.

  1. First, read the section called "How to Create a Page" in Your First Article. It gives guidelines for choosing a good page name, and helps you verify that your page name is not already taken. It also explains how to set up disambiguation if necessary.
  2. Start your new page by creating a link to it. Example: [[Your new page]] Note: Wikipedia articles capitalize the first word of the article, but not the others unless they are proper nouns.
  3. Then copy the source code to your article and paste it into the new page.
  4. Click Save.

The article will now be in the Wikipedia encyclopedia space.