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King Immanuel Kauluma Elifas

After Fillemon yaElifas LyaShindondola (Shuumba)who was the 16th Ondonga king who rule Ondonga in 1970 and died 16 August 1975 at Onamagongwa in Ondangwa.The throne was than given to King Immanuel Kauluma elifas since 1975 up to date, who is 17th Ondonga king.King Immanuel Kauluma Elifas palace is known as Onamugundo in [1]that is situated between Onethindi and Olukonda approximately 20km South-east of Ondangwa. The King lives a few kilometer away from Olukonda Parish that was built in 1889 by Rev Marttin Reutanen(Nakambale)and is a benefactor. Ondonga Traditional Authority is ruled by the King with Joseph Asino as a secretary and Boas Mweendeleli as a spokeperson. The late Shilongo Fillipus Uukule was the senior advisor of the King Immanuel Kauluma Elifas of the Ondonga. The Queen of Ondonga is Cecilia Ndapandula Elifas.

With the palace there is King  Kauluma orphanage  that the tourism Company's  Live Life Foundation[2] and the Ondonga Traditional Authority  have joined hands to raised funds for the project.This include  administrative building, medical centre , a school,plygrounds and accommodation. The orphanagee will accomodate 100 children and chldren will allowed to exposed and have contact with thier families and cultures.

The norms of Aandonga when you are greeting a king you have to say:( omu uhala po aantu?) meaning afternoon people.Historical people have to bow or crawling when people from ombala are passby either it a prince,princess,queen and King this have change.

  1. ^ Oshikoto Region[1]
  2. ^ Shivute O(2008)king Kauluma's Orphanage[tt_news=47422&no_cache=1]