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User:John.waswill/Flying and gliding animals

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Gliding and parachuting (Evolution and Ecology)


While gliding occurs independently from powered flight, it has some ecological advantages of its own as it is the simplest form of flight[1]. Gliding is a very energy-efficient way of travelling from tree to tree. Although moving through the canopy running along the branches may be less energetically demanding, the faster transition between trees allows for greater foraging rates in a particular patch [2]. Glide ratios can be dependent on size and current behavior. Higher foraging rates are supported by low glide ratios as smaller foraging patches require less gliding time over shorter distances and greater amounts of food can be acquired in a shorter time period [2]. Low ratios are not as energy efficient as the higher ratios[1], but an argument made is that many gliding animals eat low energy foods such as leaves and are restricted to gliding because of this, whereas flying animals eat more high energy foods such as fruits, nectar, and insects. Mammals tent to rely on lower glide ratios to increase the amount of time foraging for lower energy food [3]. An equilibrium glide, achieving a constant airspeed and glide angle, is harder to obtain as animal size increases. Larger animals need to glide from much higher heights and longer distances to make it energetically beneficial[4]. Gliding is also very suitable for predator avoidance, allowing for controlled targeted landings to safer areas[5][4]. In contrast to flight, gliding has evolved independently many times (more than a dozen times among extant vertebrates); however these groups have not radiated nearly as much as have groups of flying animals.

Worldwide, the distribution of gliding animals is uneven as most inhabit rain forests in Southeast Asia. (Despite seemingly suitable rain forest habitats, few gliders are found in India or New Guinea and none in Madagascar.) Additionally, a variety of gliding vertebrates are found in Africa, a family of hylids (flying frogs) lives in South America and several species of gliding squirrels are found in the forests of northern Asia and North America. Various factors produce these disparities. In the forests of Southeast Asia, the dominant canopy trees (usually dipterocarps) are taller than the canopy trees of the other forests. Forest structure and distance between trees are influential in the development of gliding within varying species [3]. A higher start provides a competitive advantage of further glides and farther travel. Gliding predators may more efficiently search for prey. The higher amount of competition [1] for lower abundance of insect and small vertebrate prey for carnivorous animals (such as lizards) in Asian forests may be a factor. In Australia, many mammals (and all mammalian gliders) possess, to some extent, prehensile tails. Globally, smaller species tend to have feather-like tails and larger species have fur covered round bushy tails [5] and smaller animals tend to rely on parachuting rather than developing gliding membranes [4] . The gliding membranes, patagium, are classified in the 4 groups of propatagium, digipatagium, plagiopatagium and uropatagium. These membranes consist of two tightly bounded layers of skin connected my muscles and connective tissue between the fore and hind limbs[5].



Gliding and parachuting


During a free-fall with no aerodynamic forces, the object accelerates due to gravity, resulting in increasing velocity as the object descends. During parachuting, animals use the aerodynamic forces on their body to counteract the force or gravity. Any object moving through air experiences a drag force that is proportion to surface area and to velocity squared, and this force will partially counter the force of gravity, slowing the animal's descent to a safer speed. If this drag is oriented at an angle to the vertical, the animal's trajectory will gradually become more horizontal, and it will cover horizontal as well as vertical distance. Smaller adjustments can allow turning or other maneuvers. This can allow a parachuting animal to move from a high location on one tree to a lower location on another tree nearby. Specifically in gliding mammals, there are 3 types of gliding paths being S glide, J glide, and "straight-shaped" glides where species either gain altitude post launch then descend, rapidly decrease height before gliding, and maintaining a constant descent respectively[5].

During gliding, lift plays an increased role. Like drag, lift is proportional to velocity squared. Gliding animals will typically leap or drop from high locations such as trees, just as in parachuting, and as gravitational acceleration increases their speed, the aerodynamic forces also increase. Because the animal can utilize lift and drag to generate greater aerodynamic force, it can glide at a shallower angle than parachuting animals, allowing it to cover greater horizontal distance in the same loss of altitude, and reach trees further away. The process of gliding happens in 5 steps being preparation, launch, glide, braking, and landing in order for a successful flight. Gliding species are better able to control themselves mid-air, with the tail acting as a rudder, making it capable to pull off banking movements or U-turns during flight [5]. During landing, arboreal mammals will extend their fore and hind limbs in front of itself to brace for landing and to trap air in order to maximize air resistance and lower impact speed [5].


Bats are the only freely flying mammals. A few other mammals can glide or parachute; the best known are flying squirrels and flying lemurs.

  • Flying squirrels (subfamily Petauristinae). There are more than 40 living species divided between 14 genera of flying squirrel. Flying squirrels are found in Asia (most species), North America (genus Glaucomys) and Europe (Siberian flying squirrel). They inhabit tropical, temperate, and even Subarctic environments of boreal and montane coniferous forests[6]. Northern Flying squirrels specifically prefer red spruce (Picea rubens) trees as landing sites, and would rapidly climb trees but take some time to locate a good landing spot[7] . They tend to be nocturnal and are highly sensitive to light and noise[6]. When a flying squirrel wishes to cross to a tree that is further away than the distance possible by jumping, it extends the cartilage spur on its elbow or wrist. This opens out the flap of furry skin (the patagium) that stretches from its wrist to its ankle. It glides spread-eagle and with its tail fluffed out like a parachute, and grips the tree with its claws when it lands. Flying squirrels have been reported to glide over 200 metres (660 ft).
  • Anomalures or scaly-tailed flying squirrels (family Anomaluridae). These brightly coloured African rodents are not squirrels but have evolved to a resemble flying squirrels by convergent evolution. There are seven species, divided in three genera. All but one species have gliding membranes between their front and hind legs. The genus Idiurus contains two particularly small species known as flying mice, but similarly they are not true mice.
  • Colugos or "flying lemurs" (order Dermoptera). There are two species of colugo. Despite their common name, colugos are not lemurs; true lemurs are primates. Molecular evidence suggests that colugos are a sister group to primates; however, some mammalogists suggest they are a sister group to bats. Found in Southeast Asia, the colugo is probably the mammal most adapted for gliding, with a patagium that is as large as geometrically possible. They can glide as far as 70 metres (230 ft) with minimal loss of height at a mean launch velocity of approximately 3.7 m/s [8]. They have the most developed propatagium out of any gliding mammal and the Mayan Colugo has been known to initiate glides without jumping[5].
  • Sifaka, a type of lemur, and possibly some other primates (possible limited gliding or parachuting). A number of primates have been suggested to have adaptations that allow limited gliding or parachuting: sifakas, indris, galagos and saki monkeys. Most notably, the sifaka, a type of lemur, has thick hairs on its forearms that have been argued to provide drag, and a small membrane under its arms that has been suggested to provide lift by having aerofoil properties.
  • Greater glider (Petauroides volans). The only species of the genus Petauroides of the family Pseudocheiridae. This marsupial is found in Australia, and was originally classed with the flying phalangers, but is now recognised as separate. Its flying membrane only extends to the elbow, rather than to the wrist as in Petaurinae, but still has elongated limbs compared to its not gliding relatives[5].
  1. ^ a b c Bahlman, Joseph W.; Swartz, Sharon M.; Riskin, Daniel K.; Breuer, Kenneth S. (2013-03-06). "Glide performance and aerodynamics of non-equilibrium glides in northern flying squirrels (Glaucomys sabrinus)". Journal of The Royal Society Interface. 10 (80): 20120794. doi:10.1098/rsif.2012.0794. ISSN 1742-5689.
  2. ^ a b Byrnes, Greg; Spence, Andrew J. (2012). "Ecological and Biomechanical Insights into the Evolution of Gliding in Mammals". Integrative and Comparative Biology. 51 (6): 991–1001. doi:10.1093/icb/icr069. ISSN 1557-7023.
  3. ^ a b Suzuki, Kk; Yanagawa, H (2019-02-28). "Gliding patterns of Siberian flying squirrels in relation to forest structure". iForest - Biogeosciences and Forestry. 12 (1): 114–117. doi:10.3832/ifor2954-011.
  4. ^ a b c Dudley, Robert; Byrnes, Greg; Yanoviak, Stephen P.; Borrell, Brendan; Brown, Rafe M.; McGuire, Jimmy A. (2012). "Gliding and the Functional Origins of Flight: Biomechanical Novelty or Necessity?". Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution, and Systematics. 38 (1): 179–201. doi:10.1146/annurev.ecolsys.37.091305.110014. ISSN 1543-592X.
  5. ^ a b c d e f g h Jackson, Stephen; Schouten, Peter (2012). "Gliding Mammals of the World". doi:10.1071/9780643104051. {{cite journal}}: Cite journal requires |journal= (help)
  6. ^ a b Smith, Winston P. (2012). "Sentinels of Ecological Processes: The Case of the Northern Flying Squirrel". BioScience. 62 (11): 950–961. doi:10.1525/bio.2012.62.11.4. ISSN 1525-3244.
  7. ^ Vernes, Karl (2001-11-01). "Gliding Performance of the Northern Flying Squirrel (Glaucomys Sabrinus) in Mature Mixed Forest of Eastern Canada". Journal of Mammalogy. 82 (4): 1026–1033. doi:10.1644/1545-1542(2001)0822.0.CO;2. ISSN 0022-2372.
  8. ^ Byrnes, Greg; Lim, Norman T.-L; Spence, Andrew J (2008-02-05). "Take-off and landing kinetics of a free-ranging gliding mammal, the Malayan colugo (Galeopterus variegatus)". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 275 (1638): 1007–1013. doi:10.1098/rspb.2007.1684. ISSN 0962-8452.