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I am an entrepreneur in the Semantic and Social Marketing space.

I have over a decade of experience managing and leading the Ecommerce efforts of medium and large companies. I have held sales, sales management, marketing, operations, IS/IT, legal and executive management positions in start-up to multi-billion dollar organizations. I have also served as an adjunct professor of Ecommerce for the MBA program of the University of Missouri (where I received an MBA concentrated in Direct Marketing in 1989). I led the Ecommerce initiative for Sprint PCS and Sprint (FON) as Vice President of Ecommerce. I led the integrated marketing efforts for Insight (NSIT - a $4 Billion Direct Marketer of Computing Products and Services) as Senior Vice President of Marketing and Ecommerce.

Today, I am the President of a Semantic Marketing company that isolates your target markets the moment they hit your website, so you can speak to them differently, more relevantly. Our clients and prospects for Semanticator often ask for advice on increasing qualified traffic to their websites. After describing social marketing and relating some of the strategies and tactics we've used with success, inevitably they ask if Semanticator provides those services. With continued requests for our social marketing expertise and recognition that a gap exists in the marketplace for the evolving science of social marketing, I am President of Aidan Taylor as well!

Wikipedia Pages of Interest:

Social Media
Web 2.0
Web 3.0
Social Networks
Semantic Advertising
Semantic Web
Social Semantic Web
TurnLeaf: Green Standards for Non-Manufacturing Offices