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User:JonahSparks99/Escape and evasion (civilian)

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Escape and Evasion new article content ... Escape and evasion (also known as E&E) is a skill commonly taught to military aircrews and special forces operators who have a high chance of being captured behind enemy lines. It is not specifically for military personnel as civilians can acquire these skills to.{ ref. Author}

[[Category: Techniques}}

Some techniques used inescape and evasion are fairly simple such as disguising, intelligence gathering, lock picking, and escaping bondage.

[[Category: Tools}} Some tools used for escape and evasion are lock picking kits, handcuff keys, handcuff shims, razor blades, Kevlar cord, compasses , maps, small fire starters, hidden knives and special clothing designed to hide this equipment.

   In world war II special offices were set up to create tools for E&E including MI9 and MIS-X. The tools they created were quite ingenious including compasses concealed in buttons, silk evasion maps, uniform patterns sent in blankets marked with invisible ink and flight boots that could be cut down to look like civilian shoes.


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