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User:JoshiRavi101/sandbox/differences between DBMS V/S RDBMS

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Differences Between DBMS V/S RDBMS

DBMS is Data Base Management System RDBMS is Relation Data Base Management System
DBMS is a Management System which manages the data, shares data and retrieves the data. RDBMS is a relational Management System which also manages data, shares data and retrieves data by creating relationship between two or more tables in database.
You can create relationship among the tables by using some specific code. There is no need to write any code, because it has an built in integrity.
In DBMS, if two tables are related, there may be invalid records in either of the two tables. In RDBMS, a feature called referential integrity is available, so there can’t be any invalid records into related tables.
It can handle small volume of data. It can handle large volume of data.
Its performance is slower compare to RDBMS. Its performance is faster for query and data retrieval.
DBMS has various modules which include Networking database, store database, and relational database. RDBMS uses the relational database and is based on it has no modules as in DBMS.
In DBMS, you have to create one table with all the fields, so management of tables is complex. In RDBMS, you can break table into small modules i.e. main table storesm main information and other stores the details of that so the management of table is easier.
There is no facility of looking up table, so you have to type the value again whenever you need in another field. inRDBMS, there is a facility of looking up values from other separate tables,so it eliminates the need of entering values altogether.
You can’t create related separate tables for a single cause, hence its not easy to design form or reports for different purposes. By keeping records for a single cause in different tables that are separate but related, it’s easier to design forms and reports for different purposes.

