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Although San Bernardino, California was named in 1810, its discovery can be dated back to 1000 when the inhabitants were considered to be Serrano Indians. During this time, California was considered to be "Spanish" California as there were a vast amount of Spanish settlements. However, after the Mexican-American war in 1847, the Mormon Battalion occupied San Diego and Los Angeles with their troops until they eventually left to Utah. However, the Rancho was sold in 1851 to the Mormons by Lugo and they quickly began to develop a city filled with businesses, courthouses, agriculture, schools and churches. Eventually as the years passed on, more diverse communities began to occupy land in San Bernardino such as Jewish and Chinese. Unfortunately, the city has recently experienced a terrorist attack where husband and wife Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik committed a mass shooting killing 14 and injuring 22, along with themselves.