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Nokia, Finland on Wikipedia


Wikipedia is filled with a large number of articles that have been written by experienced and dedicated writers, due to which, the articles have become extremely developed. The highly developed articles have a small room for improvement and editing. Since I have great amount of interest in cities and islands, thus, I chose to go for an article that was based on a city, such as, Nokia. For this task, I visited the “Nokia, Finland” page on Wikipedia, and found three major aspects of it that worth commenting on: Updated, Information, references or External Links.



The article was not up to date, due to which, I believe that there is a great room of improvement for this article as ever year some changes arrive in the physical structures of cities and countries. The last update was made on 31st March 2016, which means that the information has not been updated for the past 9 months. This is why, I feel that the updated information lacks within the article. Overall, the article has been written in the formal language but it still needs edits for grammar and use of words. The article describes the history in details but the later developments have not been described so well.



If we search any big City on Wikipedia like London, New York, Paris or Dubai etc., we see plenty of information which includes history of the City, culture of the City, earlier projects and ongoing projects etc. Even though, on Nokia City article, there is a little discussion of its history but I believe that such small discussion is not enough. There should be more thorough and detailed information that discusses cultural factor of the City and lets the readers know that what the ongoing projects for developments or what are is going to happen next in the terms of development etc.


If the information is discussed without any authentic reference or link, it is considered invalid or incomplete information. In order to assure validity of the information, there is the need toad references or external links with each information provided. The other articles on Wikipedia have a number of references and external links for every big City, but for a small city like Nokia, there is a need to improve the article by adding more detailed information with references so that the readers of the article can see whether the given information is correct or not.

Link of the article
