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User:Julia Clark

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About Julia J. Clark

Growing up on the shores of the Mississippi sound blocks away from an international seaport and a couple of hours away from one of the world’s largest seaports allowed the luxury not afforded to many childhoods. The luxury of meeting a diverse background of people from all over the world, in other words networking

Julia spent her childhood along the Mississippi Gulf Coast in the eclectic town of Pascagoula Mississippi. Summers were lazily spent poolside at the Longfellow house or exploring the many natural wonders of the coastline and wetlands surrounding the Mississippi sounds. Winters were taken up attending Beach Elementary school and at the Pas-point Little Theater that she grew up next to. During middle school Julia was a cadet in the Civil Air Patrol and a member of the Aviation Explores Flight demonstration team 514. These two groups focused almost all their efforts on the Jackson County Air Show.

Julia attended the Blue Ribbon awarded Central High School in St. Paul, Minnesota. Julia attended both day and night school to take advantage of all that the performing arts and preparatory school had to offer. Julia would return each Christmas break to the Mississippi Gulf coast by way of the City of New Orleans train. It was at this time she devolved a passion searching out people who would provide interesting stories for her long train ride. Julia would often time put down observations in visual media or written. She would sell her works along the way to teenage pocket cash.

Julia returned home to Pascagoula Mississippi to graduate from Pascagoula High School. Languishing, she took then took off for an exploratory tour of the United States. Her trip Began with a return to Minnesota. In a blizzard, she totaled her car. Stuck in Minnesota she opened a photography business. Even though she was under age this business allowed her access to some of the most exclusive nightspots the Twin Cities had to offer. However, Julia was not to stay in the Twin cities. Her next stop was to be the City of San Antonio to visit her older brother. It was San Antonio where she met Maximus. She stayed at her brother’s for a short while working on the city ranch that housed the horse that starred in the film Black Beauty.

Julia returned home to honor a pledge that she would be back in school one year after getting out of high school. Julia was too late to enroll in the local college so to keep her promise she enrolled in the local beauty school.

During this brief stay, she spent some time with Uptown Productions and active politically in her hometown area. She had maintained a writing Doc Johnsen, the founder of Maximus. Doc Johnsen encouraged her to return to San Antonio, which she did. It was in San Antonio that Julia began writing and some recording of her original music. She continued to work with the band Maximus which was being placed on the same billing of the likes of the Red Hot Chili Peppers (still a grunge band out of Seattle at that time.)

Julia found she did not like the decadent life style that she was seeing as a musician. Moreover, Doc Johnsen’s influence came into play; he encouraged her to travel to Disney.

Julia packed her bags and headed to Disney. However, she did not make it past her hometown. She maintained her contacts she had acquired in San Antonio. In her hometown, she opened her first club which failed. This led her to seek greener pastures along the gulf coast. She managed many productions and clubs venues from Pensacola to New Orléans all the while remaining politically active. Julia’s focus was with developing the Mississippi tourism and entertainment industry. Eventually she began spending more time in the New Orléans Area leaving the Mississippi area to bloom into a world-renowned resort destination in par with and competing with Atlantic City.

During this time, she finally made it to Disney if only for management training. Still writing and producing during this time some of her advertisement productions won Addy awards though Von Suthoff & Co. Julia continued to lobby for the Gulf Coast region. Her focus was on entertainment issues and economic development.

In 1995, Julia left the Gulf Coast region to care for her dyeing father, at which she became ill and semi retired.