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User:Justin G Paulsen

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Justin Paulsen born (date of birth) is a South African entrepreneur. He is the CEO and founder of one of the leading global Forex powerhouse, JP Markets.A Financial Services Board -FSB 46855 accredited company that offers quick and sufficient trading platforms for its clients.

Early life and childhood:

Justin was born in Cape Town. He matriculated in 2004 at one of the most prestigious secondary schools in his hometown, Wynberg Boys High. Justin has always been a bright student and excelled in both his academics and sport. Having a passion for numbers, his favourite subject was mathematics. In 2005, he began his undergraduate degree in Business Science at the University of Cape Town.His majored in Economics and Finance studies. It was during this time that he developed interest in the financial markets and entrepreneurship and started doing more research on it.


During his post-graduation, he commenced employment in the Private Banking sector.The opportunity served him with a good platform to engage and interact with portfolio managers, wealth managers, traders and forex exchange departments.

While working, he continued researching and reading autobiographies of the Wall Street entrepreneurs and continued applying for various positions within the Financial Markets.He got his big break when he got a job offer at one of the International Brokerage that had just opened an office in Johannesburg by that time.

It was during his stay with the company where his interactions with traders, hedge fund managers, stock brokers, stock exchanges, international exchanges and international banks started to bear fruit by providing more insight into the complex market.

He spent countless hours training individuals on how to best trade the financial markets, developing new strategies to trade forex, identifying winning strategies and minimizing the losing strategies, which further stimulated his desire to open his own business.

Due to his outstanding performance, he quickly attained management and partner level in the company. The experience facilitated his progression to the title of Key Individual, which is required by the by the Financial Services Board to execute operations in South Africa.

He then decided to take the leap of faith and start his own forex institution, fulfilling a lifelong dream of entrepreneurship.

In September 2015, he launched his own forex brokerage called JP Investments, which focused on training individuals how to trade the financial markets. This he used as an interim measure while trying to obtain enough funds to launch his forex brokerage.

Eventually, in June 2016, Justin had acquired enough capital to launch a brokerage through licensing and approval by the Financial Services Board.

Although, this presented new challenges, he managed to survive the flaws of the industry that many brokers had overlooked.Further, he knew the trading conditions and requirements needed to ensure maximum possible trading success for clients through innovation, creativity and hard work with particular focus on providing optimal conditions for the client to thrive in.