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Spiling is a method of controlling erosion on river and stream banks using living willow posts and rods. 100mm diameter willow posts are driven into the river or stream bank at 600mm intervals and then long willow rods are woven inbetween. The posts are usually Salix alba, fragilis or caprea, and the long willow rods are usually from Salix viminalis hybrids. This effectively creates a living willow hurdle that has soil back filled behind it. The willow roots into the soil and therefore stabilises the bank. To prevent undercutting beneath the willow posts a line of large stones or stone filled gabions can be placed in front at or below water level. To protect the soil washing out from behind the spiles during flood events, seeded coir matting is pegged onto the soil to provide a physical barrier. This technique is categorised under the methods of Soft Engineering these methods are usually less expensive and more substainable than others.

