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User:Kaimahi/Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga

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Ngā Pae o te Māramatanga (English: National Institute of Research Excellence for Maori Development and Advancement) is a cross-institutional research group supporting academic research by Māori, for Māori, using Māori methodologies and Māori epistemologies. Bulk-funded by the government of New Zealand through the Royal Society of New Zealand and the Tertiary Education Commission, it is hosted by the University of Auckland and is part of a broader decolonisation movement in contemporary New Zealand known as the Māori Renaissance.

Founded in 2002[1][2] but initially unfunded[3]

2005 founded AlterNative academic journal.

2006 Sir Tipene O’Regan as head and Chair for Māori research.

Set the goal of 500 new Māori PhDs over five years in 2005[4][5]


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