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Proposal for Still's Murmur Page


Our proposal for the Still's Murmur page is as follows. We plan to follow this outline and answer all possible questions during this project. Questions were generated using available information from references as mentioned below and missing information that would be preferable to add for the sake of topic completion.

I. Definition


Christina Nelson will work on this

  • What is Still's Murmur (working definition)?
    • Considered an innocent murmur, caused by blood flow across aortic valves [1]
  • Who does it affect?
    • Happens in children from two to five years of age, but can occur in children younger, or older than that range [2]

II. Discovery


Shanna Ewoldt will focus on this section.

  • Who discovered it?
    • The man who discovered Still’s murmur was George Fredrick Still. [3]
  • When was it discovered? How?
    • Still’s murmur was first described by Dr. Still in his pediatric textbook Common Disorders and Disease of Childhood in 1909.[2]
  • What, if any, significant advances have occurred in our understanding between discovery and now?

III. Description


Kaitin VanderWeide will focus on this section.

  • Description of sound, location of sound (embed mp3?)
    • Described as a "musical murmur" [1]
    • Heard Mid-sytole [4]
  • What causes the sound (use adapted figure[1])?
    • Pressure of blood across Artery openings in the Aortic arch (like a flute or bottle)[1][2]
  • Are there any outward visual signs/symptoms? If so, what are they?
  • How is it detected?
    • Ascultation using a stethescope[4]

IV. Symptoms and Provocations


Michael Chuchla will work on this section.

  • Define symptoms (may be none because it is an innocent murmur)
    • Innocent murmur is benign in nature, and has no signs or symptoms. [4]
  • Does any specific position/condition provoke the murmur or change it? If so, what and why?
    • Brought on by high output states such as fever, anxiety, anemia, and exercise. Also tends to be louder in supine position. [4] [1]

V. Treatments

  • Is there any way to treat the condition?



Only Tertiary references in the form of websites have been collected thus far. Some secondary sources have been located on Pubmed, but will have to be acquired via Inter-library loan, and as such, have not been collected yet though we are aware of them.

  1. ^ a b c d e Hasan Abdullah, MD. "What Causes a Heart Murmur?". The Children's Heart Institute. Retrieved 2012-04-12. <http://www.childrensheartinstitute.org/educate/murmur/causes.htm>.
  2. ^ a b c Lars, Erickson. "Child Heart Associates - Still's Murmur." Home Page. Pediatric Cardiology, 2011. Web. Retrieved 2012-04-05. <http://www.larserickson.com/PatientInfo/Murmurs_Stills.htm>.
  3. ^ "George Still." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 23 Feb. 2012. Web. Retrieved 2012-04-05.<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_still>.
  4. ^ a b c d Karen Smith, MSN,RN,CPNP. 1997. "The Innocent Heart Murmur in Children". Journal of Pediatric Health Care. 11. 207-214. http://ac.els-cdn.com/S0891524597901036/1-s2.0-S0891524597901036-main.pdf_tid=fb1cddda418af2ea082135bbd8b61a1a&acdnat=1333671565_b77d0d4dbaf28778d515277316d2b6fa.