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Effects of smoking Cigarettes


Cigarette smoking has been a topic of contentious in many societies whilst the argument of either it should be banned or not have created a very controversial topics in the society, there is no bad or good in the cigarette view, there are many different arguments and many different perspective on the topic and they are a matter of personal choices. Smoking causes dental problem because it will make your teeth to have thick yellow plaque that cannot be removed by home brushing and flossing and it will make them look ugly and causes further problems if it is not removed professionally. Later on deep pockets grow between the smoker's teeth and gums, giving bacteria a place to grow and multiply. Gum disease will develop, and it destroys tissue and bone if it is not treated. Eventually the teeth can loosen and fall out because they are not properly anchored due to the damage. Smoking can also cause a distinctive smell because the tobacco smell clings to their hair, clothes, houses and vehicles also pick up the smell if they regularly smoke indoors at home or while driving.

Cigarettes are expensive, but the product cost only represents a small part of the overall cost and they have an effect on smoker’s financial stability due to the fact that they have to pay for their professional dental cleanings, dry cleaning and even life and health insurance which will also affect their employment opportunities.Smokers are more likely to develop cancer of the lungs, larynx, pharynx, mouth, esophagus, pancreas, kidneys, stomach, bladder and cervix, which means that cigarettes cause 90 percent of all lung cancer deaths. Smoking also boosts heart attack and stroke risk, and it can trigger respiratory problems like bronchitis and emphysema. Tobacco also contains different chemicals which can cause damage to the macula, which represent the most sensitive part of the eye which is the retina. It can also cause tiny blood vessel in the macula to burst and lead to irreversible damage. Smoking also has a harmful effect on the digesting system and contributes to the development of diseases like heartburn, gallstones and stomach cancer.

Cigarette smoking does not only lead to disease and health problems but drains the already poor health service of countries as the cost of treating smoking related diseases is high. Smoking destroys productivity in organizations and families because parents die young, people lose their jobs because they cannot give up on smoking and that leads to being retrenched, it’s very dangerous to health, it brings heart diseases, lung cancers and other health problems such as coughing. Non smokers can also suffer health problems if they spend long period with smokers.






--KamatiQ200927809 (talk) 11:21, 5 October 2012 (UTC)