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Same Sex Marriage

By definition same sex marriage “is a marriage between two persons of the same biological sex or social gender”. It can be also defined as two people of the same sex who live together as a family, pair who associate with one another; "the engaged couple"; "an inseparable twosome”. Supporters of legal recognition for same sex marriage typically refer to such recognition as marriage equality.

In this case men find other men more attractive than women and vise-versa is true. Some religious believe that homosexuality was a sickness, and Jesus Christ was in the business of healing. Despite the media hype over research relating pre-natal factors to later sexual orientation. There are many contradictory findings concerning this type of marriage. Homosexual attraction may mean different things for different people. People legalizing this marriage should understand that devout people cannot switch their religious beliefs on and off any more that people can consciously change their sexuality. “The introduction of same sex marriage resulted from legislative chances to marriage laws, court challenges based on constitutional guarantees of equality or a combination of the two”.

For over a decade, the issue of same sex marriage has been a flashpoint in many developed countries e.g. America. Proponents of same sex marriage have long argued that the institution of marriage is a unique expression of love and anything else is a form of second class citizenship; they also point out that many legal rights are tied to marriage. Those opposed to same sex marriage agree that marriage is a fundamental bond with ancient roots. But they draw the opposite conclusion saying, “Allowing same sex couples to marry would undermine the institution of marriage itself”. Script from: The New York Times newspaper, Thursday, July 28, 2011. One argument supporting same sex marriage is that “denying same sex couples legal access to marriage and its entire attendant benefits represent discrimination based on sexual orientation”. Another argument in support of same sex marriage is “the assertion that financial, psychological and physical well-being are enhanced by marriage and that children of same sex couples benefit from being raised by two parents within a legally recognized union supported by society’s institution”. “Singling out gay men and lesbians as ineligible for marriage both stigmatizes and invites public discrimination against them”.

Arguments against same sex marriage arise from rejection of the use of the word “marriage” as applied to same sex couples, as well as objections about legal and social status of marriage itself being applied to same sex partners under any terminology. Others involve direct and indirect social consequences of same sex marriages, parenting concerns and tradition.

