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February 22, 2018

who am I? who is Kiara Day? well i'm your average 13 year old girl. I like to hang out with my friends. I like to annoy my siblings. and of course school isn't really amusing to me. let me tell you a little about me.. I was born on January 17, 2005. I live with three of my siblings, one little brother, one little sister, and an older sister. I lived with my mom my whole life. I didn't meet my father until I was 12. the week of Christmas, 2017. Now, you're probably wondering what does Kiara look like? well i'll tell you. I'm about 5'6 with brown skin. I have big feet and long legs. as well as big hands and long arms. my hair is medium lengthened and dark brown. I have brown eyes, curly eyelashes and thick eyebrows. Let's talk about my hobby's, I love to dance and I hope it could become my career. I plan to own a dance company by the name of.. I haven't really decided yet. BUT since we're talking about my plan for the future let's get into more detail. I plan to have a handsome, intelligent husband by my side with two children. a boy and a girl by the names, Desire and Destiny. but before all of this I plan to go to either, laguadia high school or professional performing arts school(ppas.) I didn't decide what college though. but I have decided to go to college for business, since i'll be dancing. I've learned that all atheletes should have a plan b. my plan b is to become a lawyer, because I enjoy arguing so much. also I like to get my point across. ok, ok enough about my future, let's come back to the present. basically everyday is the same. the only thing that changes is my schedule, which eventually will change in high school.. ugh. everyday I wake up and take the g train to Ronald Edmonds learning center, also known as m.s. 113. I know what your thinking her life is so boring. I know. I don't have a boyfriend or a friend with benefits. my phone is pretty much dry all the time and the only thing that get's sent to me is streaks or Imessage games. hopefully i'll get to tell you interesting facts about me in the future but right now I have none. thanks for reading.. if anyone is but thanks anyway🙃