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User:Kipkirui Collins Biwott

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Roles of a nutritionist

I am a nutrition and dietetics practitioner

I work in hospitals just like other doctors and nurses I work in every ICU, in every hospital ward and I sometimes have to run to the kitchen. When a patient is sedated, inturbated or just unable to eat (like most patients in the ICU)am the person who make sure that they get fed .I use every resource available .I plan tube feeds –that is when a tube is placed through the nose down via the esophagus and into the stomach. Sometimes this tube is placed directly into the stomach or the small intestines using a surgically made hole known as an ostomy. Icome up with nutrient fomulas which I then use to  calculate exactly how many calories, protein, carbohydrate, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber etc a patient needs. I take into calculation the amount of physical stress the patient is experiencing. when a patient had a stroke ,was in a car accident, suffered burn injuries ,nearly drowened,had a surgery, is too weak to eat ,has cancer, liver disease,pancretitis,kidney disease,diabetis ,high cholesterol,hypertension,IBD,IBS,celiac disease, gluten intolerance ,allergies, cystic fibrosis(list goes on and on)am the person who is responsible to protect the body from spilling away.

When the intestinal route cannot be used, I feed the patient directly into the blood stream .this is called patient nutrition.

I monitor my patients each day and adjust their feeding plan accordingly. I spend hours listening to patients who are struggling to consume enough food to enable their bodies to keep up with the diagnosis. Then I plan a specific diet for each patient.

If the body is not well fed it lose the battle against any disease, so  i make plans and read articles , I look for new research , I get creative with new recipes , I do whatever I can to feed my patient.

I love food simply because I know that good diet can change a patient’s life. Believe that without a good nutrition even the best medicine will fail. I laugh with my patients , I cry with them , I know them I know what they want ,love and I know what they can or cannot handle (and am not just talking about food)I go on a journey with them . I educate them and I cheer them on.

I am a dietician and this is what I do.

Regards Collins Biwott