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Alternative theory on the composition of dark matter.


Another theory states that dark matter could be normal matter stripped of all its electrons due to interaction with positrons. This would mean that dark matter would not be able to interact with photons. This theory states that dark matter could be 'cold plasma', similar to normal plasma in that it has lost its electrons but dissimilar in the way it has lost its electrons and that normal plasma is energised with radiation and constant re-interaction with electrons. This theory further states that because dark matter has no electrons it cannot form bonds and exists as individual atoms.

Date 16/5/11

Element zero 14/12/10


State zero (anti-plasma)


Extreme forms: singularity black holes

Method 1


When an element is cooled to absolute zero (0' kelvin) and put under extreme pressure either or both of the following will occur:

A). Chemical Re-bonding

The chemical bonds will change in a process similar to nano-reconstruction to form a new material of the same element

B). Nucleic Nano-fusion

the nuclei fuse forming a new element with possible Rebonding

Method 2


The immense gravity of a dying supergiant star causes the condensing usually from cooling to occur as well as the immense pressure needed. A supernova occurs as the core collapses allowing the material to fuse into a black hole

Method 3


When the nucleic fusion occurs for long enough to turn the various atomic particles such as quarks leptons bosons electrons etc. into a superdense quantum dot i.e. a dot with no dimension then a singularity is formed

Retro-Expansion around forms of Anti-Plasma


When rapid expansion of space occurs around forms of anti plasma then the sudden lowering of pressure will cause the process to reverse explosively ,with a higher energy release for each process in the order listed and for the amount of matter and energy used in the process.

-theoretical cure for all virus's (unpublished) 9/4/11