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Progressivism support for or advocacy of social reform. Progressives work toward what they hope will be better conditions, implement what they consider more enlightened ideas, and try new or experimental methods to facilitate change. In politics and religion, progressivism is often called “liberalism". Progressivism originated in Western Europe during the Age of Enlightenment. People believed that progress in science, economics, and technology would result in the improvement of the human condition. Gaining empirical knowledge was thought to be foundational to a progressive society. Sociology defines five main ideas, or values, that contributed to progressivism in Western Europe: valuing the past, considering the nobleness of Western thought and civilization, the value of economic and technological growth, the intrinsic value of life on earth, and the use of reason and scholarly/scientific knowledge. Much of the motive behind progressivism is a desire for social justice and equality, which progressives equate with a departure from barbarism. Progressivism can be used for good or ill. The end of child labor, the rise of free education, and prison reform were all aided by progressivism. But so also were modernism, radical feminism, abortion-on-demand, and the gay-rights movement. Change is not always a change for the better, and what’s called “progress” may in fact be a regress. Inherent in the philosophy of progressivism is the idea that mankind is naturally progressive; that is, he longs to advance and learn and improve himself and that, when unfettered by oppressive systems, he will continue to improve and grow and become better. For example "The Bible supports the idea that man is a naturally progressive creature, and that he was indeed created to thirst for knowledge and to expand his own understanding and improve himself. Satan’s temptation in the Garden of Eden is the first proof. Satan told Eve that if she ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil she would become like God, with her eyes opened to knowledge. Satan placed God in the role of “oppressor” holding man back from his full potential (Genesis 3:1–5). This temptation would not have worked if man had not been a progressive creature. Eve’s failure was that she tried to advance herself through disobedience to God’s command". Politics According to the Bible: A Comprehensive Resource for Understanding Modern Political Issues in Light of Scripture.