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User:Kweetal nl/IOC132/Cotingidae

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Family Cotingidae - Cotingas [1]

Sequence based on Berv & Prum (2014).

Cotingidae   genera: 24
Cotingidae   species: 66
Cotingidae   subspecies: 41

Cotingidae   Breeding Range: MA, SA [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
Scaled fruiteater Ampelioides tschudii (Gray, GR, 1846) SA Gray 1846 1
Fiery-throated fruiteater Pipreola chlorolepidota Swainson, 1838 SA Swai 1838 2
Scarlet-breasted fruiteater Pipreola frontalis (Sclater, PL, 1859) SA Scla 1859 3
Handsome fruiteater Pipreola formosa (Hartlaub, 1849) SA Hart 1849 4
Red-banded fruiteater Pipreola whitelyi Salvin & Godman, 1884 SA Salv 1884 5
Black-chested fruiteater Pipreola lubomirskii Taczanowski, 1879 SA Tacz 1879 6
Orange-breasted fruiteater Pipreola jucunda Sclater, PL, 1860 SA Scla 1860 7
Masked fruiteater Pipreola pulchra (Hellmayr, 1917) SA Hell 1917 8
Golden-breasted fruiteater Pipreola aureopectus (Lafresnaye, 1843) SA Lafr 1843 9
Barred fruiteater Pipreola arcuata (Lafresnaye, 1843) SA Lafr 1843 10
Band-tailed fruiteater Pipreola intermedia Taczanowski, 1884 SA Tacz 1884 11
Green-and-black fruiteater Pipreola riefferii (Boissonneau, 1840) SA Bois 1840 12
Grey-tailed piha Snowornis subalaris (Sclater, PL, 1861) SA Scla 1861 13
Olivaceous piha Snowornis cryptolophus (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1877) SA Scla 1877 14
Hooded berryeater Carpornis cucullata (Swainson, 1821) SA Swai 1821 15
Black-headed berryeater Carpornis melanocephala (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1820) SA Wied 1820 16
Andean cock-of-the-rock Rupicola peruvianus (Latham, 1790) SA Lath 1790 17
Guianan cock-of-the-rock Rupicola rupicola (Linnaeus, 1766) SA Linn 1766 18
Guianan red cotinga Phoenicircus carnifex (Linnaeus, 1758) SA Linn 1758 19
Black-necked red cotinga Phoenicircus nigricollis Swainson, 1832 SA Swai 1832 20
White-cheeked cotinga Zaratornis stresemanni Koepcke, 1954 SA Koep 1954 21
Rufous-tailed plantcutter Phytotoma rara Molina, 1782 SA Moli 1782 22
Peruvian plantcutter Phytotoma raimondii Taczanowski, 1883 SA Tacz 1883 23
White-tipped plantcutter Phytotoma rutila Vieillot, 1818 SA Viei 1818 24
Swallow-tailed cotinga Phibalura flavirostris Vieillot, 1816 SA Viei 1816 25
Palkachupa cotinga Phibalura boliviana Chapman, 1930 SA Chap 1930 26
Bay-vented cotinga Doliornis sclateri Taczanowski, 1874 SA Tacz 1874 27
Chestnut-bellied cotinga Doliornis remseni Robbins, Rosenberg, GH & Sornoza-Molina, 1994 SA Robb 1994 28
Red-crested cotinga Ampelion rubrocristatus (d'Orbigny & Lafresnaye, 1837) SA Orbi 1837 29
Chestnut-crested cotinga Ampelion rufaxilla (Tschudi, 1844) SA Tsch 1844 30
Crimson fruitcrow Haematoderus militaris (Shaw, 1792) SA Shaw 1792 31
Purple-throated fruitcrow Querula purpurata (Müller, PLS, 1776) MA, SA Müll 1776 32
Red-ruffed fruitcrow Pyroderus scutatus (Shaw, 1792) SA Shaw 1792 33
Bare-necked umbrellabird Cephalopterus glabricollis Gould, 1851 MA Goul 1851 34
Long-wattled umbrellabird Cephalopterus penduliger Sclater, PL, 1859 SA Scla 1859 35
Amazonian umbrellabird Cephalopterus ornatus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, É, 1809 SA Geof 1809 36
Capuchinbird Perissocephalus tricolor (Müller, PLS, 1776) SA Müll 1776 37
Rufous piha Lipaugus unirufus Sclater, PL, 1860 MA, SA Scla 1860 38
Rose-collared piha Lipaugus streptophorus (Salvin & Godman, 1884) SA Salv 1884 39
Screaming piha Lipaugus vociferans (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1820) SA Wied 1820 40
Cinnamon-vented piha Lipaugus lanioides (Lesson, RP, 1844) SA Less 1844 41
Black-and-gold cotinga Lipaugus ater (Férussac, 1829) SA Féru 1829 42
Grey-winged cotinga Lipaugus conditus (Snow, 1980) SA Snow 1980 43
Chestnut-capped piha Lipaugus weberi Cuervo, Salaman, Donegan & Ochoa, 2001 SA Cuer 2001 44
Dusky piha Lipaugus fuscocinereus (Lafresnaye, 1843) SA Lafr 1843 45
Scimitar-winged piha Lipaugus uropygialis (Sclater, PL & Salvin, 1876) SA Scla 1876 46
White bellbird Procnias albus (Hermann, 1783) SA Herm 1783 47
Three-wattled bellbird Procnias tricarunculatus (Verreaux, J & Verreaux, É, 1853) MA Verr 1853 48
Bare-throated bellbird Procnias nudicollis (Vieillot, 1817) SA Viei 1817 49
Bearded bellbird Procnias averano (Hermann, 1783) SA Herm 1783 50
Plum-throated cotinga Cotinga maynana (Linnaeus, 1766) SA Linn 1766 51
Spangled cotinga Cotinga cayana (Linnaeus, 1766) SA Linn 1766 52
Lovely cotinga Cotinga amabilis Gould, 1857 MA Goul 1857 53
Blue cotinga Cotinga nattererii (Boissonneau, 1840) MA, SA Bois 1840 54
Turquoise cotinga Cotinga ridgwayi Ridgway, 1887 MA Ridg 1887 55
Banded cotinga Cotinga maculata (Müller, PLS, 1776) SA Müll 1776 56
Purple-breasted cotinga Cotinga cotinga (Linnaeus, 1766) SA Linn 1766 57
Purple-throated cotinga Porphyrolaema porphyrolaema (Deville & Sclater, PL, 1852) SA Devi 1852 58
Black-faced cotinga Conioptilon mcilhennyi Lowery & O'Neill, 1966 SA Lowe 1966 59
Bare-necked fruitcrow Gymnoderus foetidus (Linnaeus, 1758) SA Linn 1758 60
Pompadour cotinga Xipholena punicea (Pallas, 1764) SA Pall 1764 61
White-tailed cotinga Xipholena lamellipennis (Lafresnaye, 1839) SA Lafr 1839 62
White-winged cotinga Xipholena atropurpurea (Wied-Neuwied, M, 1820) SA Wied 1820 63
Black-tipped cotinga Carpodectes hopkei Berlepsch, 1897 MA, SA Berl 1897 64
Yellow-billed cotinga Carpodectes antoniae Ridgway, 1884 MA Ridg 1884 65
Snowy cotinga Carpodectes nitidus Salvin, 1865 MA Salv 1865 66

Cotingidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Ampelioides Verreaux, J, 1867 1 SA Verr 1867 1
Pipreola Swainson, 1838 11 SA Swai 1838 2
Snowornis Prum, 2001 2 SA Prum 2001 3
Carpornis Gray, GR, 1846 2 SA Gray 1846 4
Rupicola Brisson, 1760 2 SA Bris 1760 5
Phoenicircus Swainson, 1832 2 SA Swai 1832 6
Zaratornis Koepcke, 1954 1 SA Koep 1954 7
Phytotoma Molina, 1782 3 SA Moli 1782 8
Phibalura Vieillot, 1816 2 SA Viei 1816 9 Phibalura is a cotinga, sister to Ampelion and Doliornis (Berv & Prum 2014).
Doliornis Taczanowski, 1874 2 SA Tacz 1874 10
Ampelion Tschudi, 1845 2 SA Tsch 1845 11
Haematoderus Bonaparte, 1854 1 SA Bona 1854 12
Querula Vieillot, 1816 1 MA SA Viei 1816 13
Pyroderus Gray, GR, 1840 1 SA Gray 1840 14
Cephalopterus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, É, 1809 3 MA SA Geof 1809 15
Perissocephalus Oberholser, 1899 1 SA Ober 1899 16
Lipaugus Boie, F, 1828 9 MA SA Boie 1828 17 Phylogenetic studies reveal that Tijuca is embedded in Lipaugus (Berv & Prum 2014; Settlecowski et al. 2020). Subsume Tijuca within Lipaugus and resequence genus following SACC 863.
Procnias Illiger, 1811 4 MA SA Illi 1811 18
Cotinga Brisson, 1760 7 MA SA Bris 1760 19
Porphyrolaema Bonaparte, 1854 1 SA Bona 1854 20
Conioptilon Lowery & O'Neill, 1966 1 SA Lowe 1966 21
Gymnoderus Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, É, 1809 1 SA Geof 1809 22
Xipholena Gloger, 1841 3 SA Glog 1841 23
Carpodectes Salvin, 1865 3 MA SA Salv 1865 24


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges