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User:Kweetal nl/IOC132/Phylloscopidae

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Family Phylloscopidae - Leaf Warblers [1]

The revised classification (8.2) of the Phylloscopidae follows the robust family phylogeny of Alström et al. (2018a). Seicercus is polyphyletic and hence merged with Phylloscopus (see also Olsson et al. 2005; Johansson et al. 2007).

Phylloscopidae   genera: 1
Phylloscopidae   species: 81
Phylloscopidae   subspecies: 132

Phylloscopidae   Breeding Range: AF, PAL, NA, OR, AU [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
Wood warbler Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Bechstein, 1793) PAL Bech 1793 1
Western bonelli's warbler Phylloscopus bonelli (Vieillot, 1819) PAL Viei 1819 2
Eastern bonelli's warbler Phylloscopus orientalis (Brehm, CL, 1855) PAL Breh 1855 3
Buff-barred warbler Phylloscopus pulcher Blyth, 1845 OR Blyt 1845 4
Ashy-throated warbler Phylloscopus maculipennis (Blyth, 1867) OR Blyt 1867 5
Hume's leaf warbler Phylloscopus humei (Brooks, WE, 1878) PAL Broo 1878 6
Yellow-browed warbler Phylloscopus inornatus (Blyth, 1842) PAL Blyt 1842 7
Brooks's leaf warbler Phylloscopus subviridis (Brooks, WE, 1872) PAL Broo 1872 8
Chinese leaf warbler Phylloscopus yunnanensis La Touche, 1922 PAL La T 1922 9
Lemon-rumped warbler Phylloscopus chloronotus (Gray, JE & Gray, GR, 1847) PAL Gray 1847 10
Sichuan leaf warbler Phylloscopus forresti Rothschild, 1921 OR Roth 1921 11
Gansu leaf warbler Phylloscopus kansuensis Meise, 1933 PAL Meis 1933 12
Pallas's leaf warbler Phylloscopus proregulus (Pallas, 1811) PAL Pall 1811 13
Tytler's leaf warbler Phylloscopus tytleri Brooks, WE, 1871 PAL Broo 1871 14
Yellow-streaked warbler Phylloscopus armandii (Milne-Edwards, 1865) PAL Miln 1865 15
Radde's warbler Phylloscopus schwarzi (Radde, 1863) PAL Radd 1863 16
Sulphur-bellied warbler Phylloscopus griseolus Blyth, 1847 PAL Blyt 1847 17
Tickell's leaf warbler Phylloscopus affinis (Tickell, 1833) PAL Tick 1833 18
Smoky warbler Phylloscopus fuligiventer (Hodgson, 1845) PAL Hodg 1845 19
Dusky warbler Phylloscopus fuscatus (Blyth, 1842) PAL Blyt 1842 20
Plain leaf warbler Phylloscopus neglectus Hume, 1870 PAL Hume 1870 21
Buff-throated warbler Phylloscopus subaffinis Ogilvie-Grant, 1900 OR Ogil 1900 22
Willow warbler Phylloscopus trochilus (Linnaeus, 1758) PAL Linn 1758 23
Mountain chiffchaff Phylloscopus sindianus Brooks, WE, 1880 PAL Broo 1880 24
Canary Islands chiffchaff Phylloscopus canariensis (Hartwig, 1886) AF Hart 1886 25
Common chiffchaff Phylloscopus collybita (Vieillot, 1817) PAL Viei 1817 26
Iberian chiffchaff Phylloscopus ibericus Ticehurst, 1937 PAL Tice 1937 27
Eastern crowned warbler Phylloscopus coronatus (Temminck & Schlegel, 1845) PAL Temm 1845 28
Ijima's leaf warbler Phylloscopus ijimae (Stejneger, 1892) PAL Stej 1892 29
Philippine leaf warbler Phylloscopus olivaceus (Moseley, 1891) OR Mose 1891 30
Lemon-throated leaf warbler Phylloscopus cebuensis (Dubois, AJC, 1900) OR Dubo 1900 31
Yellow-throated woodland warbler Phylloscopus ruficapilla (Sundevall, 1850) AF Sund 1850 32
Brown woodland warbler Phylloscopus umbrovirens (Rüppell, 1840) AF Rüpp 1840 33
Red-faced woodland warbler Phylloscopus laetus (Sharpe, 1902) AF Shar 1902 34
Laura's woodland warbler Phylloscopus laurae (Boulton, 1931) AF Boul 1931 35
Black-capped woodland warbler Phylloscopus herberti (Alexander, 1903) AF Alex 1903 36
Uganda woodland warbler Phylloscopus budongoensis (Seth-Smith, 1907) AF Seth 1907 37
White-spectacled warbler Phylloscopus intermedius (La Touche, 1898) OR La T 1898 38
Grey-cheeked warbler Phylloscopus poliogenys (Blyth, 1847) OR Blyt 1847 39
Green-crowned warbler Phylloscopus burkii (Burton, E, 1836) OR Burt 1836 40
Grey-crowned warbler Phylloscopus tephrocephalus (Anderson, 1871) OR Ande 1871 41
Whistler's warbler Phylloscopus whistleri (Ticehurst, 1925) OR Tice 1925 42
Bianchi's warbler Phylloscopus valentini (Hartert, EJO, 1907) PAL Hart 1907 43
Alström's warbler Phylloscopus soror (Alström & Olsson, 1999) PAL Alst 1999 44
Martens's warbler Phylloscopus omeiensis (Martens, J, Eck, Päckert & Sun, 1999) PAL Mart 1999 45
Green warbler Phylloscopus nitidus Blyth, 1843 PAL Blyt 1843 46
Two-barred warbler Phylloscopus plumbeitarsus Swinhoe, 1861 PAL Swin 1861 47
Greenish warbler Phylloscopus trochiloides (Sundevall, 1837) PAL Sund 1837 48
Emei leaf warbler Phylloscopus emeiensis Alström & Olsson, 1995 OR Alst 1995 49
Large-billed leaf warbler Phylloscopus magnirostris Blyth, 1843 OR Blyt 1843 50
Sakhalin leaf warbler Phylloscopus borealoides Portenko, 1950 PAL Port 1950 51
Pale-legged leaf warbler Phylloscopus tenellipes Swinhoe, 1860 PAL Swin 1860 52
Japanese leaf warbler Phylloscopus xanthodryas (Swinhoe, 1863) PAL Swin 1863 53
Kamchatka leaf warbler Phylloscopus examinandus Stresemann, 1913 PAL Stre 1913 54
Arctic warbler Phylloscopus borealis (Blasius, JH, 1858) NA, PAL Blas 1858 55
Chestnut-crowned warbler Phylloscopus castaniceps (Hodgson, 1845) OR Hodg 1845 56
Sunda warbler Phylloscopus grammiceps (Strickland, 1849) OR Stri 1849 57
Yellow-breasted warbler Phylloscopus montis (Sharpe, 1887) OR Shar 1887 58
Limestone leaf warbler Phylloscopus calciatilis Alström, Davidson, PJ, Duckworth, Eames, JC, Trai Trong Le, Nguyen Cu, Olsson, Robson & Timmins, 2009 OR Alst 2009 59
Sulphur-breasted warbler Phylloscopus ricketti (Slater, HH, 1897) OR Slat 1897 60
Yellow-vented warbler Phylloscopus cantator (Tickell, 1833) OR Tick 1833 61
Western crowned warbler Phylloscopus occipitalis (Blyth, 1845) PAL Blyt 1845 62
Blyth's leaf warbler Phylloscopus reguloides (Blyth, 1842) OR Blyt 1842 63
Claudia's leaf warbler Phylloscopus claudiae (La Touche, 1922) OR La T 1922 64
Hartert's leaf warbler Phylloscopus goodsoni Hartert, EJO, 1910 OR Hart 1910 65
Kloss's leaf warbler Phylloscopus ogilviegranti (La Touche, 1922) OR La T 1922 66
Hainan leaf warbler Phylloscopus hainanus Olsson, Alström & Colston, 1993 OR Olss 1993 67
Davison's leaf warbler Phylloscopus intensior Deignan, 1956 OR Deig 1956 68
Grey-hooded warbler Phylloscopus xanthoschistos (Gray, JE & Gray, GR, 1847) OR Gray 1847 69
Mountain leaf warbler Phylloscopus trivirgatus Strickland, 1849 OR Stri 1849 70
Negros leaf warbler Phylloscopus nigrorum (Moseley, 1891) OR Mose 1891 71
Flores leaf warbler Phylloscopus floresianus (Dickinson & Christidis, 2014) AU Dick 2014 72
Timor leaf warbler Phylloscopus presbytes (Blyth, 1870) AU Blyt 1870 73
Rote leaf warbler Phylloscopus rotiensis Ng, NSR, Prawiradilaga, Ng, EYX, Suparno, Ashari, Trainor, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2018 AU Ng, 2018 74
Makira leaf warbler Phylloscopus makirensis Mayr, 1935 AU Mayr 1935 75
Sulawesi leaf warbler Phylloscopus nesophilus (Riley, 1918) AU Rile 1918 76
Lompobattang leaf warbler Phylloscopus sarasinorum (Meyer, AB & Wiglesworth, 1896) AU Meye 1896 77
Kolombangara leaf warbler Phylloscopus amoenus (Hartert, EJO, 1929) AU Hart 1929 78
Island leaf warbler Phylloscopus poliocephalus (Salvadori, 1876) AU Salv 1876 79
Numfor leaf warbler Phylloscopus maforensis (Meyer, AB, 1874) AU Meye 1874 80
Biak leaf warbler Phylloscopus misoriensis Meise, 1931 AU Meis 1931 81

Phylloscopidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Phylloscopus Boie, F, 1826 81 OR AU NA AF PAL Boie 1826 1


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges