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User:Kweetal nl/IOC132/Sittidae

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Family Sittidae - Nuthatches [1]

Sequence follows Päckert et al. (2020).

Sittidae   genera: 1
Sittidae   species: 29
Sittidae   subspecies: 70

Sittidae   Breeding Range: MA, NA, AF, OR, PAL [2]


Common name Species + authority Br.
au yr id
White-cheeked nuthatch Sitta leucopsis Gould, 1850 OR Goul 1850 1
Przevalski's nuthatch Sitta przewalskii Berezowski & Bianchi, 1891 PAL Bere 1891 2
Giant nuthatch Sitta magna Wardlaw-Ramsay, RG, 1876 OR Ward 1876 3
White-breasted nuthatch Sitta carolinensis Latham, 1790 MA NA Lath 1790 4
Beautiful nuthatch Sitta formosa Blyth, 1843 OR Blyt 1843 5
Blue nuthatch Sitta azurea Lesson, RP, 1830 OR Less 1830 6
Velvet-fronted nuthatch Sitta frontalis Swainson, 1820 OR Swai 1820 7
Yellow-billed nuthatch Sitta solangiae (Delacour & Jabouille, 1930) OR Dela 1930 8
Sulphur-billed nuthatch Sitta oenochlamys (Sharpe, 1877) OR Shar 1877 9
Pygmy nuthatch Sitta pygmaea Vigors, 1839 MA NA Vigo 1839 10
Brown-headed nuthatch Sitta pusilla Latham, 1790 NA Lath 1790 11
Bahama nuthatch Sitta insularis Bond, J, 1931 NA Bond 1931 12
Yunnan nuthatch Sitta yunnanensis Ogilvie-Grant, 1900 OR Ogil 1900 13
Algerian nuthatch Sitta ledanti Vielliard, 1976 AF Viel 1976 14
Krüper's nuthatch Sitta krueperi Pelzeln, 1863 PAL Pelz 1863 15
Red-breasted nuthatch Sitta canadensis Linnaeus, 1766 NA Linn 1766 16
Corsican nuthatch Sitta whiteheadi Sharpe, 1884 PAL Shar 1884 17
Chinese nuthatch Sitta villosa Verreaux, J, 1865 PAL Verr 1865 18
Western rock nuthatch Sitta neumayer Michahelles, 1830 PAL Mich 1830 19
Eastern rock nuthatch Sitta tephronota Sharpe, 1872 PAL Shar 1872 20
Siberian nuthatch Sitta arctica Buturlin, 1907 PAL Butu 1907 21
White-browed nuthatch Sitta victoriae Rippon, 1904 OR Ripp 1904 22
White-tailed nuthatch Sitta himalayensis Jardine & Selby, 1835 OR Jard 1835 23
Eurasian nuthatch Sitta europaea Linnaeus, 1758 PAL Linn 1758 24
Chestnut-vented nuthatch Sitta nagaensis Godwin-Austen, 1874 OR Godw 1874 25
Kashmir nuthatch Sitta cashmirensis Brooks, WE, 1871 OR Broo 1871 26
Indian nuthatch Sitta castanea Lesson, RP, 1830 OR Less 1830 27
Chestnut-bellied nuthatch Sitta cinnamoventris Blyth, 1842 OR Blyt 1842 28
Burmese nuthatch Sitta neglecta Walden, 1870 OR Wald 1870 29

Sittidae genera

Genus + authority spp Br.
au yr id Comment
Sitta Linnaeus, 1758 29 OR NA AF PAL MA Linn 1758 1


  1. ^ Gill, F, D Donsker, and P Rasmussen (Eds). 2023. IOC World Bird List (v 13.2). https://www.worldbirdnames.org
  2. ^ IOC Ranges