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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This is a harbor seal. It has nothing to do with this contest, but it's cute and that's reason enough to have it here.

So, fund-raising season is finally over, the Foundation's insatiable appetite for guilt-ridden people's hard earned money has been abetted for another year, Jimbo has taken it upon himself to personally thank everyone by writing a heartfelt blog entry, and finally everything can go back to business as normal. Thank heavens.
The 2008 fundraising season will go down in our memories, to those of us that didn't drink ourselves insensate from start to finish- as the year of the massive, horrendous banner that many people paid simply to have removed. Yes, I'm sure we all remember jewels such as "Wikipedia: Making Life Easier" and having a good chuckle at how truly ironic that is. It is important to walk away from moments like this with some semblance of a sense of humor, so I present to you... the Fundraising Banner Contest.

The Rules

Failure of participants to help make the winner's article featured will result in the clubbing of this cute seal.
  • Make up your own fundraiser-style slogan in the format of "Wikipedia: _____________!". The point is to be funny, so keep it succinct. Wikipedia is Not Censored and neither is this contest, but entries that contain obscenties or sexual innuendo that aren't in context won't be considered.
  • Submit your entries by sending them in an email to wiki.sarai at gmail dot com. Please include your Wikipedia username if you have one (anons are welcome to participate as well, though). You may submit as many as you'd like, as often as you'd like until the deadline (TBA).
  • At the end of the deadline all entries will be posted (sans their author) and a panel of judges including myself and several other users not yet determined will examine them and pick a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize, along with some honorable mentions.
  • In order for the first prize prize to work, please try to commit some time to working on the article the winner chooses (see below). Obviously I'm not going to hunt you down if I don't see your name in the history- we're working on the honor system here. Don't disappoint me.


  • Wikipedia: Serioz Bizniz!
  • Wikipedia: More Addictive Than Crack!
  • Wikipedia: Making the Internet Suck Slightly Less Since 2003!
  • etc. Be creative and have fun with it!

The Prize


I'm sure many people skipped right to this section. Well, I hope I won't disappoint.

  • Honorable mentions: Bragging rights, and a small userbox proclaiming your victory and eventual conquering of the human race.
  • 3rd Place: A barnstar, not sure yet on the specifics
  • 2nd Place: A barnstar and maybe something else TBA
  • And of course... 1st Place All participants will co-ordinate work on any B-Class or higher article of your choosing until it is Featured Quality!


One of the judges but I hear that she is easily bribed with fish. Dunno why I hired her...
  • Feel free to direct comments and questions to this page's talk page. I am especially looking for ideas for the 2nd and 3rd Prizes.
  • If you are interested in becoming a judge, please contact me directly on my talk page, via email, or on IRC. Keep in mind that judges cannot submit entries, and there's no prize for being a judge other than a momentary power trip.