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Can Acupressure massage help in Hair-Loss & Hair-Growth?


What is Acupressure Massage?

Acupressure (穴位按摩) is an ancient Chinese healing method that involves applying of pressure to certain meridian points on the body (身体上的经脉穴位) to relieve pain, provide therapy as well as boost the well-being of our body. Most people very often confuse acupuncture (针灸) with acupressure. Although both are using the same nerve points, acupuncture uses needles (针) while acupressure uses finger press (指压).
Acupressure head massage is therapeutic and can promote blood circulation to the brain, refresh eyesight, relax the nerves and promote hair growth and other benefits for general good health. Safe and proper hairloss acupunctural massage therapy can influence peripheral nerve reflex points to achieve deep relaxation and attain optimal blood circulation to boost hair growth and reduce hair loss.
One simple example is: a man may need to shave his facial hair everyday and yet he may be balding. Why can't the hair on his head grow as fast/well as those on his face? The reason is simply because the blood circulation around the mouth area is better as a result of constant movements like talking, eating and even smiling. These activities act as massage therapy. However, how often does one massage the head at the appropriate meridian points? So it is recommended that one should massage the scalp to slowly stimulate hair growth especially to those areas which had thinned out. The key to seeing results is consistency which means committing to a massage on a daily basis. LFY