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The Book of Shutud-Alaiu and Pouism

Table of contents:

Tier of importance National Type Shit Dictionary Grammar rules Numbers Seasons and weather Lists of crimes The death penalty The 7 sins of grim The Alyssa treatment The creatures of jajhuan. The story of Pou nakeed Pictures

Tier of importance: 1. The Moon. 2. Pou 3. The spirits of the moonflowers/creatures of Jajhuan 4. Nathan - Leader 5. Marley - Vice Leader 6. Arianna - Assistant to the leaders 7. Anuc - Temple leader (Ranked not as a creature of jajhuan) 8. Big girl Paula: The island's head of nursing and entertainment. 9. Temple carers/priests but holier and less molestation. 10. Everyone else 11. Maeve - just there

Shutud was first formed during 200-9000 BP, the range of time between the year the country was formed is so large as human remains and landmarks that had been found in Shutud country that dated back to around 3000 BC possibly belong to an older civilization which the ancient Shuut had overthrown.

National dish: Mukbang food Nem nem nem

National flower: Moonflower The moonflower is grown on the eyelids of Pou and they have incredible power which can distort the human mind. You have to be a certified Pou temple member to be able even to be able to be in the presence of the flower. The flowers in the Jajhuan forest give off much more spiritual energy than the ones that grow rogue, which only have around 1 ⁄ 5 of the forest flower's power.

National Bird: The Giant Farjhuadian Eagle A species of eagle trained by the Farjhuadian people (now part of Shutud-Alaiua) to fight against the British empire alongside Shuut warriors.

Speed: 80-130 km/h Lifespan: 39-56 years Mass: 130-200 kg Wingspan: 8.7-10 m Population: 60 000~ (around 80% live within the old Farjhudian land)

National Animal: The Giant Shuut Vaquita A species of porpoise that travelled to Shut-Alaiua and received the blessings of pou. Their skin is bulletproof and their teeth are some of the only things that can tear it. Not even one thousand crocodiles would be able to even scratch it.

They have to have sets of teeth. The first set of teeth is in the front of the mouth and can retract. It's formed as one large singular tooth which is so insanely sharp it cuts through rock like butter. The second set of teeth is used for chewing and looks like shark teeth.

Speed: 70- 100 km/h Lifespan: 61-70 Mass: 300-400 kj Height (head to tail): 9-11 m Population- 10,000 ~ (The Shuut Vaquita is so large that if there were more there would be almost no life in the waters around Shu)

National bug: Orchid mantis

Speed: Lifespan: 39-56 years Mass: 130-200 kg Wingspan: 8.7-10 m Population: 60 000~

The Land, Sky, Sea Trio

The Land, Sky, Sea Trio is a trio composed of the three animals that were used to fight against the British empire and out of all the animals in Shutud-Alaiua they received the most amount of blessings from pou.

Grammar rules: When next to a t/d u/uu will create a ʊ sound (oo), otherwise it will create a ɛ sound (e, ai, ae, ew). Letters q, z and x do not exist in English and are replaced with a combination of other letters (q=jhu, iu. Z and x do not have replacements). Jhu is used when the word relates to nature or a location and it is used for everything else. – turns into an m sound without joining words together

-  is used to join words together and the pause I make is slower than a syllable but faster than a space.

Numbers: Nao 0, Saiu 1, Sep 2, Tau 3, Jhuan 4, Miio 5, Kal, 6, Pouas 7, Kran 8, Kree 9, Nan 10, Nan_ 1_, Se_ 2_, Toa_, Kcuanmi_ 3_, i_ 4_, Astor_ 6_, Ponasharda_ 7_, Krast/Kran_ 8_, Kraes_ 9_, Nasaiu__ 1__, Nasep__ 2__, Natau__ 3__,

Dictionary: abcdefghilmnoprstuvwy Aljhua: The boss in a company or community An Hadatun Shutud-Alaiua: Long live Shutud-Alaiua Atchukelesh: Swearing at someone directly Asha: Oh Awa: The/And (Context) Ba: Gay or relating to the lgbtq Bawaya: Someone so cringe, they deserve the Alyssa treatment Briso-na-to: Person of adopted parents Chugalaya: A Focused mindset/Focused state of being (Context) Chukelsh (Chook-a-lesh): Swearing at someone behind their back Calap: Skibidi Toilet Dahoodians: Kinda like pirates who try to invade our land. Femalapou: Wife Malapou: Husband Gastan: Girl Tifaweewee: Boy Hakuna-matata: It will be ok It: Someone who is an outcast in the community Ka: Cloth Ka-naa: Clean Ka-naya-to: Cleanse thy of Kawa: Bitch/Whore Kora: Sorry Kora-siento: so sorry Moonflowers: Powerful flowers that are native to Shu. They can be found growing in little groups around the island but in the Jajhuan forest (Located on Pou’s eyelids) where they grow abundantly. Memebo: Hello (formal) Mem/Bo: Hello (informal) Mowarurujiwabawe (Mow-are-you-roo-you-jee-wah-bow): Marriage/Married Oh: Moaning (sexual) Pou/Pou Nakeed: The holy one from above/The great one/The Saviour Pouism: The religion that all the people of Shu are a part of. (It is obligated to be poui) Poui: A person following pousim (The right religion). Eg. “I am poui” Poulusm: Pou statue Real: Correct, relatable Swa: To commit a crime Swa-va: Sin, Specifically referring to one of The Seven Sins of Grim Sigma: Top tier (poggers) Siraj: (Normally used to describe a person) Ass/big butt. Can also be used to describe jiggle or movement Pou Snoring sounds: go to sleep Lo-siento: Thank you Wabbitseason: People with a lisp. Watu-yabo-niwamowe: What’s your name? Ya-Bala: Save/To save

Seasons and weather: sihumomoweru (Summer- See-hoo-mom-oh-were-oo) - The season when Pou’s mouth blows a furious heat that helps fertilise the crops. wahutuhumoni (Autumn-Wa-hoo-tuu-hoo-moan-ee)- When leaves from the trees fall, they go into Pou nutrients and for every 10,000 leaves, he grows 5mm exactly Fejinituweru (Winter- Fej-innit-too-were-oo)- Snow, the snowflakes close up have little Pou designs. ALL ARE DIFFERENT TO EACH OTHER. Sipirujiniba (Spring- Sipee-roo-jinee-ba)- When the moonflowers are in their prime growing time- they all have spiritual energy and keep the people safe.

List of crimes: Sitting on pou’s face: Death penalty Sitting in a bunch of moonflowers: Moonflowers give off a spiritual energy that is 1/10 of an orgasmic feeling. Sitting near where they grow will give you so much spiritual energy that there’s no saving you and you must be beheaded. Attempting to harvest moonflowers and/or their power: Death penalty Blasphemy: Same punishment as cowardice

The death penalty: If a sinner is found guilty of not repenting and praying for the forgiveness of pou nakeed for their sins or praying every day of the week, their punishment will be sentenced to be judged by pou. When a person is given the death penalty, they are brought before the mouth of pou nakeed himself, all the way to the sacred lands north of the country. The person is brought to Pou’s mouth, and if the almighty Pou nakeed himself finds the person guilty of their sins and deserving of their fate, he will open his mouth and eat the sinner.

The seven sins of grim:

The seven sins of Grim are the sins set in place by the native people of Shu, who were said to have been able to hear the divine voice of pou nakeed, who gave them the commandments for the seven sins of Grim. Madness When a person sits by the moonflower orchids, which already commit two crimes, (sitting on pou’s face and being near the moonflower orchids without being a certified monk of pouism) they can go crazy. If a person sits near the moonflowers long enough, their mind can be distorted. (A reason why the pouism monks must learn to harness the power of the moonflowers). Madness is punishable by being sent to the sacred Grand Pou temple for a month with only water every 3 days and food every week, and every day (even after the month) for a year you will have to pray at the Grand Pou temple. Jealousy Jealousy can be committed if a person is jealous of the power that the almighty Pou Nakeed has or the blessings that others receive from Pou Committing Jealousy is punishable by being sent to the jungle by yourself for 7 days, with no given food or water. (find it yourself.) War War is in itself a crime, but committing this crime anywhere in Shu is a sin. While war is one of the sins of Grim, it can also lead to damage to divinity, since it can damage the divinity of Shu and the almighty Pou Nakeed. Committing war is punishable by death. Damage to divinity Damaging the divinity of pou nakeed and Shu can be soiling the sacred land or damaging one of the holy and sacred pou statues. (Village statues or household ones). Damage to divinity is punishable by manual labour; creating the amount of statues they damaged/destroyed 10x with no help or assistance. Cowardice Cowardice is a rare sin that people commit, but when they do it can disrupt the community as a whole. When a person commits cowardice, they are afraid of what the almighty could do to them. They are afraid that pou nakeed will harm them and curse their bloodline. Of course, Pou could never hurt a soul, (unless they have committed a crime.) Cowardice is punishable by sitting in a sacred pou temple for a week, and you are only given one water bottle and no food. This is to cleanse the soul and mind of cowardice. Greed Greed can be shown in many different ways, such as taking others' sacred statues of pou nakeed or harvesting all the moon flowers for yourself. Greed is punishable by 777 hours of manual labour. (9 months and 32 days) Betrayal Betrayal is the worst sin to commit out of the 7, which can be committed by betraying the almighty pou nakeed and turning to another religion. Turning your back on your religion is one of the worst things a person can do since Pou was the one to give life to the land of shu and produce everything for the people. Betrayal is punishable by death.

The Alyssa treatment/penalty: The Alyssa treatment is done in 3 steps but can vary depending on the severity. The first step is to ignore the person and laugh at their actions. The second step is to begin turning your back on them, spreading rumours and lies. The last step is a public execution in front of pou’s mouth. The executioners will rip out the person’s vocal cords right from their throat before tearing and ripping them up into pieces to feed to pou. Then they will gouge out their eyes so they can only see the divinity of pou before throwing them into his mouth.

The creatures of Jajhuan:

Jajhuan: The forbidden forest which is where the moonflowers grow and spirits wander. Legend says that the forbidden forest grew on top of the eyelids of pou and his tears for the sinners gave the moonflowers their powers.

Alyssa: A hideous, disgusting beast that has been outlawed from our land. Even if she takes one step on the island, it would be tarnished forever.

Anuc: An ancient creature who resides in the forest that may rival Pou's power. Legend says that hearing the singing of Anuc can cure either fatal diseases or revive loved ones. Only known by Pou and this sacred book; he is secretly the Temple's leader.

Oliver: He used to be a kind and gentle spirit, but after the British empire came… you’d be lucky to be alive if he saw you. Even if you manage to escape Oliver, a part of his soul will always follow you and his voice will always be stuck in your mind “I am getting loco…”. But, on rare occasions, if a person comes into contact with Oliver and doesn’t die at first sight, Oliver will try to fight with the person, saying all kinds of things on a range from “I’m sorry please forgive me” to “I will call you a ching chong Chingy lingy” The Oliver will also try to fight the person, shaking them until death or punching.

Ishaan: A small, wandering spirit that lives deep in the forbidden forest. They say if someone can make the spirit say even one word, they have eternal luck.

Jashna: A kind spirit capable of controlling the seas. It controls who enters and who leaves Shu and is also the reason why Shu has only been attacked once.

Lewin: A special spirit that keeps Alyssa away from our country and any local Dahoodians away. He’s only ever seen if Alyssa is around.

Nash: A broken spirit. He used to be a young spirit who wandered around Jajhuan and hung out with other spirits. Until people realised the spirit's hairline had receded, they bullied him for it endlessly. He had been bullied so much that the moonflower energy drained from his spirit body and became a dim spirit (Kinda like a branch from trolls) He now goes around, stealing the voice of any foul-mouth human who dares step into the Jajhuan forest.

Taylor: Taylor is a perfect example of a corrupted creature. She used to be an average-looking creature until she was cursed (by herself) with type 5 diabetes. This was long before Pou had turned into the island we know now, so she was banished to the sea chained down to bedrock. Every 10 years she’ll fart away her negative energy (not all of it) and it will affect the people of Shu as the negative energy is so powerful Pou cannot absorb it. It is also said that one day the beast may rise to the surface and Splatoon dance the tectonic plates to crumbles; this is why the shu celebrate Kha–ya which is a celebration celebrated on May 12th. Kha–ya is a day when everyone throws at least one vegetable into the ocean to prevent Taylor from rising…

Big Girl Paula: She was chosen to eat a moonflower when she was younger by Anuc himself. And then suddenly, her singing and dancing (which was her passion) could heal the sick and injured.

Becoming a temple carer To become part of Pou’s holy temple, you must have: No relationship, men must be bald, women must have short hair, no tattoos except one of commitment to Pou on your back, you must be able to manage the power of the moonflower, wear brown robes and you have to pass a paper test and physical test to show your commitment. The paper test will be about Pou’s backstory. Physical test in the jungle to show you can use the resources Pou supplies you with. You must always say “nem nem nem” when you eat, and can only say “nuh” as a negative reply.

The 16 Sons:

It is prophesied that eventually another moon rock will fall into the forbidden forest and will split into 16 beings that will be equal to Pou in power and though equal to the Almighty the prophecy never told if these Sons would be good, or evil…

The 4 Towns

There are 4 towns in the land of Pou Nakeed and each is in charge of its own thing. On the East side there are 2 villages and on the west side there are 2 villages. One town is on the inside while the other town is on the coast (for both East and West side.) All towns live together in harmony and share resources with no conflict.

West side- Inner: The inner west side’s village is in charge of the spiritual gatherings, prayers and overall religious activities. Being born into this village means that you have a higher chance of becoming a temple carer and you have 2 choices: Learn the spiritual ways and become a temple carer or just a spiritual helper or help with ceremonies and do Pou related things. This village sets up most events to do with celebrating Pou, Especially the day Shutud was made and Kha-Ya. Town name: Leiders (Ley-iders) Population: 50

West side- Outer: The outer west side’s village is in charge of the military and materials. This village trains Shutud’s next warriors and makes necessities of Shutud life. Being born into this village you have a choice: Become a warrior or make things for Shutud. Craftsmen/women will make things that range from fruit baskets to swords to even houses or monuments. A high ranking warrior may serve the grand temple and lower ranking warriors will be spread throughout the villages to keep people in order. Town name: Krijers (Kree-jers) Population: 200

East side- Outer: The outer east side’s village is in charge of food. Mainly hunting, gathering and fishing. Being born into this village you have 3 choices. Being a hunter means you will have to kill wild animals and bring them back to your village, gatherers mean you will venture through forests to collect fruit and vegetables (this also includes being a farmer) or lastly you could be a fisher, this means you will go fishing on fish boats around the beach of Shutud. All food here will be spread across the village fairly. Town name: Verzamelaars (Ver-za-mel-ares) Population: 263

East side- Inner: The inner east side’s village is in charge of clothing. This may not seem much compared to the other villages but Pou actually favours this village as he wants the people living in him to be stylish. All materials are woven themselves by their sheep farms and cotton fields. If any village needs clothes, shoes, hats or whatever they will write a list with their name and house address for this village to make. Once the clothing for the weekly requests are done, a few people will be sent to deliver all the clothes. In this village you can make clothes or deliver things for people. Town name: Het duurt lang (Het, dirt, lang) Population: 264

Story of Pou Nakeed:

Long, long ago, a speck of moon rock fell from the heavens and the shuut people had gathered around it. It radiated a godly presence which caused the shuut people to take in the young god. Every day he would be fed 1 enormous meal and after the 7777th meal he had become so huge he could barely see the land below; so huge that he collapsed on his back and formed what we know as today’s, modern shu. As a thank you, the land, on which the moon rock turns into, was prosperous with flora and fauna. Rich people get a statue of the Pou god and the less fortunate people get a natural triangle-shaped rock that can be found on the coast of the island. There are different towns and every town has a big statue of Pou. Every Sunday, people gather near the statue and pray weekly. People who don't go have to pray every day for a week; “Asha, pou… Asha, pou nakeed ya bala awa ka-naya-to swa va (Translates to “Oh Pou… Oh, Pou Nakeed, save and cleanse thy of sin.”) The shuut people repeat that phrase 7 times; each time representing a different sin (The Seven Sins of Grim), (Madness), (Jealousy), (War), (Damage to divinity), (Cowardice), (Greed) and the worst of all… (Betrayal). Almost all households keep a rock or rock statue outside of their house; the idea is that every day you offer food to the statue and the more food offered the more moss grows on the statue, representing the protection and holiness given by Pou.

Thousands of years of sins made by the Shuut people will all be collected by Pou and every thousand years, he will open his eyes a bit, open his mouth and say… “Nuh, all those sins will be blasted out his mouth and into the atmosphere.