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Lankus maximus/rattus extrointrovertus

The commonly known rattus rattus is an ancestor of the lankus and blondus family. With predatorial threats such and hottus burnious (radiators) and vertical maximus stepus (stairs) the rattus rattus leads a challenging existence and may soon face extinction.

The common habitat of a rattus rattus usually reside along the plains of the cosy corner where it is able to search for prey, the preferred prey of the rattus rattus being spirited away.

If you are able to catch a glimpse of this magnificent creature you may see it performing various intreauging acts such as drawing, walking along the beach or hunting with its pack more commonly referred to in the language of the rattus as the squad.

To best blend in with its environment the rattus develops a protective layer that is known as merch or denim however the protective layer of the rattus also appears as a threat in the warm summers of England as the rattus May burn its legs and the rattus enters the stage known as crisp rat.