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This channel was severely criticised by the lack of objectivity and political manipulation in favour of Partido Popular (PP). This made Síndic de Greuges (Valencian Community Ombudsman) to advert Canal Nou in order to take necessary measures to guarantee the compliance of the principles of objectivity, veracity, impartiality and respect to political pluralism. Nevertheless, RTVV general director strongly denied such critics.

Moreover, this TV channel is involved in the Gürtel Case, a corruption scandal, having been signed different irregular contracts for Valencia Pope's visit, according to reports of Judicial Assistance Unit. Pedro García, RTVV general director at that time, was supposedly given some gifts, resigned from his position for "personal reasons" a few months later of being disclosed what happened.

Canal Nou was also critizised by CCOO (Workers Commission) by its programming in Spanish. which reached a 58% in January 2010, According to a report made by CCOO.

The RTVV committee enterprise itself admitted and denounced on 22 February 2012 in a public release the severe media manipulation that the information of its podcasts was constantly submitted. 16 days later, this committee participated actively in a mass demonstration (more than 290.000 people) and Xelo Miralles, its news anchor, read the final release.


Nou Televisió initial logo was inspired in the old radio microphones, but in October 2005 was redesigned along wih Punt 2 (old Radiotelevisió Valenciana TV channel).

The emblem that it had until October 2013 was similar to the one from Canal 9 Mexico (known as Gala TV). That same month, the channel changes dramatically its logotype. This new logo replaces the number 9 with the letterns NOU, made by triangles and the red colour cleared the way to an aguamarine, that was used intending to reflect ″a new era″ based on an ″clear commitment for transarency, political pluralism and willingness of public service.″


After the closure of Canal 9, several demonstrations have been held in support of the reopening of the public entity. On 16 November 2014, a citizen's initiative demanding the RTVV reopening was admitted to process. Alberto Fabra, president of les Corts Valencianes (Valencian Parliament) affirmed that he was in favour of the reopening and ″if the circumstances change, we can discuss a new TV″ always provided that is ″start from scratch″ and ″once the channel disappears and necessary conditions must exist.″

On 24 May 2015, once held the elections to las Cortes Valencianas and formed a new government by PSPV and Compromís, the executive promised to reopen RTVV and a High Commission was created for this purpose. The date of its reopening is yet unknown due to the judicial problems caused by the closure and the debt as result of the actions that RTVV was involved in. Even though the will of the new government was to open the new public TV on 9 October 2015, coinciding with the Day of Valencian Community, this date is defined by the executive itself as ″too optimistic″, due to the great complexity of the problem and the lack of agreements between the Commission and the Work Council.

The new Valencian Community government presided by Ximo Puig sets 9 October 2017 as a possible day of the reopening, the Day of Valencian Community. The new entity will be called Valencian Media Corporation.

On 22 December 2015 the law that abolished the closure of Canal 9 was passed, counting with the votes from PSPV, Compromís and Podemos and the abstention of Partido Popular and Ciudadanos.

With regard to debt of more than billion euros accumulated by the public entity, Partido Popular considers that it should be not investigated.