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User:Largist/Incrocio Manzoni

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Incrocio Manzoni is named after Prof. Manzoni of the prestigious school of Oenology located in Conegliano, Veneto who created these new grape types by selecting and grafting vines from various vineyards during the 1930’s. The numbers after grape type refer to thepart of the vineyards were the original grafts were located for example 6.0.13 refers to the row, vine and vineyard.

There are 5 different Incrocio Manzoni's including a Pinot Bianco / Riesling graft known as Manzoni Bianco as well as a Manzoni Moscato which is a graft of Moscato di Amburgo and Raboso del Piave. Other Incroci or crosses such as the Prosecco / Cabernet Sauvignon cross have not had much success and are extremely difficult to find.

Although most Manzoni's are grown in North East Italy, they are mainly grown in the Piave area of Provincia di Treviso and are only now starting to be sold commercially in Europe and the United States. Some of the more well know producers of this wine type include Bonotto Delle Tezze and Casa Roma.


