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User:Leonardo A. López Marcos

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Leonardo Alberto López Marcos (born 21 March 1995) is a Spanish/EU Qualified Attorney at Law and Economist specialized on International Space Law and Public International Law. Leonardo Alberto López Marcos is a known legal scholar and expert in the field of space law, recognized for his extensive contributions to the study of space sustainability and commercial uses of outer space. Leonardo works as a doctoral research fellow at Complutense University of Madrid, Spain, in the Department of Public International Law. He was the co-founder of the formerly known ILS - International Legal Center for Space Sustainability.

Continuing his academic pursuits, López Marcos obtained Master of Laws degrees from prestigious institutions such as the University of Oslo and the Valencian International University. His master's theses on topics like the environmental impact of space resource utilization and international collaboration in space resource exploration showcase his multidimensional approach to space law, encompassing environmental concerns and international cooperation.

López Marcos's contributions extend beyond academia, as evidenced by his academic publications and involvement in various legal initiatives. His articles in esteemed journals such as the Revista Española de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial and his participation in conferences such as the 2023 International Congress on Sustainable Aviation, Commercial Space Uses of Outer Space at the Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid and the 2023 World Outer Space Summit highlight his active engagement in shaping the discourse on space law.

Furthermore, López Marcos's professional engagements, including his role as Member of the Advisory Council of the Air and Space Law Section of the Ilustre Colegio de la Abogacía de Madrid, and the Spanish Association of Air and Space Law as the coordinator and secretary of the Aerospace Legal Observatory.

In recognition of his contributions, López Marcos has received prestigious awards and grants, including the 2022 Madrid Bar Association Sections Prize for the best paper on Space Law: International legal study on the sustainability of the outer space environment. His dedication to advancing the field of space law has earned him respect and admiration from peers and institutions alike. Mr. Leonardo is also the co-director, along with Dr. Rossana Deplano, of the famous Series of International Space Law Seminars between the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid and the University of Leicester (2023-current)


López Marcos pursued a Master of Laws (LL.M) degree in Public International Law at the University of Oslo, Norway. His academic pursuits in Oslo encompassed a diverse range of subjects, including international environmental law and energy law. Notably, his master's thesis, "Utilisation of Space Resources and its Outer Space Environmental Impact," delved into the intersection of space exploration and environmental concerns, showcasing a holistic approach to space law.

Undeterred by the vastness of legal knowledge to explore, López Marcos further enriched his academic repertoire at the Valencian International University in Spain. Here, he pursued another Master of Laws (LL.M) degree in Law and Legal Practice, focusing on national law, European Union law, international law, and ethics. His master's thesis, which examined international collaboration in the field of space resources, underscored his commitment to addressing the global implications of space activities.

The breadth of López Marcos's educational journey is not confined to legal realms alone; it extends into the domain of economics. At Carlos III University of Madrid, he earned a Bachelor's degree in Economics, where his thesis on the "Economic Challenges of Space Mining" demonstrated a seamless integration of legal and economic perspectives.

He is currently a visiting scholar at the Center for Air and Space Law at the University of Mississippi.

Further reading 1. López Marcos, L.A. (2023). Legal Comments on an Escalation of the War on Outer Space: Prevention of War and the Application of International Humanitarian Law to Outer Space. Observatorio Jurídico Aeroespacial,(December), https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=es&user=sv-13RQAAAAJ&citation_for_view=sv-13RQAAAAJ:IjCSPb-OGe4C

2. López Marcos, L.A. (November, 2023). Utilisation of Space Resources and its Outer Space Environmental Impact: Application of the Precautionary Principle to the Protection of the Environment of Outer Space and its Celestial Bodies from Space Mining Activities. Revista Española de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial. November 2023. https://scholar.google.com/citations?view_op=view_citation&hl=es&user=sv-13RQAAAAJ&citation_for_view=sv-13RQAAAAJ:qjMakFHDy7sC.

3. López Marcos, L.A. (2 junio, 2023). El Space for Earth y la implementación del Acuerdo de París. Infoespacial. https://www.infoespacial.com/texto-diario/mostrar/4316123/aplicacion-tecnologia-espacial-sostenibilidad-tierra-space-for-earth-implementacion-acuerdo-paris.

4. López Marcos, L.A. (2023). Radiografía jurídica de los Acuerdos Artemis respecto a la sostenibilidad del medio ambiente del espacio ultraterrestre. Observatorio Jurídico Aeroespacial, 22(March), https://www.hispaviacion.es/wp-content/uploads/2023/04/Boletiin10-OJA..pdf.

5. López Marcos, L.A. (7 March, 2023). La naturaleza jurídica de los acuerdos Artemis: una visión jurídica de la comercialización del espacio. Infoespacial. https://www.infoespacial.com/texto-diario/mostrar/4202830/naturaleza-juridica-acuerdos-artemis-vision-juridica-comercializacion-espacio

6. López Marcos, L.A., y En-Naoui, W. (2023). El Uso de las Tecnologías Espaciales y los Derechos Humanos. Estudio Jurídico del Espacio Ultraterrestre desde el Enfoque de los Derechos Humanos: El Derecho a la Privacidad y a la Protección de Datos. Editorial Jurídica Sepín, January 2023, 1-13. https://www.sepin.es/cronus-juridico/documento/verDoc.asp?dist=21&referencia=SP/DOCT/121411&cod=0JP17U00t0Ha1el1S30Fa1vl1iS0Fk1dG1Cq0Fa1%3DQ0l_0Ha17V1iI0Fa1Aa0HB0G_1C501f0FF1AZ1jR0GA1F60H60E_1AT29Q09P1AU00u0Cp0ya01-0CL07o1zx.

7. López Marcos, L.A. (2022). Análisis Jurídico sobre las Actividades de Explotación y Apropiación de los Recursos del Espacio Ultraterrestre. Observatorio Jurídico Aeroespacial, 9(December), 59-63. https://aedae-aeroespacial.org/boletin-no-9-diciembre-2022/.

8. López Marcos, L.A. (19 December 2022). La protección jurídica del medio ambiente del espacio ultraterrestre ante el actual contexto. Infoespacial. https://www.infoespacial.com/texto-diario/mostrar/4107796/comentarios-sobre-proteccion-juridica-medio-ambiente-espacio-ultraterrestre-ante-actual-contexto-espacial.

9. López Marcos, L.A. (2022). Colaboración Internacional en el Ámbito de los Recursos Espaciales: Sobre la Necesidad de Crear un Instrumento Internacional para Regular la Explotación y Apropiación de Recursos Espaciales en la Luna y otros Cuerpos Celestes. Revista Española de Derecho Aeronáutico y Espacial, September 2022, 1-107. https://aedae-aeroespacial.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/Revista-AEDAE_2022_digital-27-09.pdf.

10. López Marcos, L.A. (12 September, 2022). La Minería Espacial: Hacia un Futuro Diferente para la Humanidad a través de la Utilización de Recursos Espaciales. Fuera de Órbita. https://fueradeorbita.net/2022/09/12/la-mineria-espacial-hacia-un-futuro-diferente-para-la-humanidad-a-traves-de-la-utilizacion-de-recursos-espaciales/.

11. López Marcos, L.A. (30 May, 2022). ¿Qué posibilidades económicas y comerciales tendría crear una estación espacial comercial en la órbita baja terrestre? Fuera de Órbita. https://fueradeorbita.net/2022/05/30/que-posibilidades-economicas-y-comerciales-tendria-crear-una-estacion-espacial-comercial-en-la-orbita-baja-terrestre/.

12. López Marcos, L.A. (13 May, 2022). Did you know that Spain doesn ́t have a space agency? European Spaceflight.[Interview].

13. López Marcos, L.A. (2021). Cuestiones Generales sobre el Establecimiento de una Nueva Barrera Legal Espacial que Delimite el Poder Estatal y las Actividades de los Actores Privados ante el Uso Intensivo del Espacio Ultraterrestre: Opciones, Posibilidades y Realidades. Editorial Jurídica Sepín, September 2021, 1-4. https://www.sepin.es/cronus-juridico/documento/VerDoc.asp?dist=21&referencia=SP%2FDOCT%2F111616&cod=01%2D0GB0QG1jT0HG01i0%4060H60041jH09P2JJ2A108U1Sz2AE05u1AT2A10FF1Da0%40F0FP1Ge29%3D0Fa18%5F0%40A09P1I81zc07k1Gk1Cv07a1Aa01I0JP1IB1Sa07u1IG1iR0800yg1C%4008B0Oq0mO.

14. López Marcos, L.A. (2021). Regulación del Derecho Medioambiental del Espacio Ultraterrestre y la Minería del Espacio: Hacia una Explotación Sostenible de Recursos Espaciales. Editorial Jurídica Sepín, March 2021, 1-4. https://www.sepin.es/top/colectivos/default.asp?ud=cdd891b9-b68f-4fc9-857f-91470e27c57c&cod=00C1S_07a1C51Dl07P1IF01r08p0ye1Dd05v07u0H60Hv00A00-0GA2GK1Ck0HF2JO29J0H52MU1Cn09Q0QL0HL07b01l00v08B0Lg0GH08V0050/a05v0G%3D1z60Hu1S_0/c.

15. López Marcos, L.A. (2020). La Minería del Espacio Ultraterrestre, un Futuro Lleno de Posibilidades. Editorial Jurídica Sepín, August 2020, 1-4. https://www.sepin.es/cronus-juridico/documento/verDoc.asp?dist=21&referencia=SP/DOCT/106902&cod=0010f41jF07v0Lg1z608L01h2AH07v03B1jU07l01i0@I05v0Le1jX0Hv01e2A10GB0FT1zf0HF2MP0@20H607p1ig09P2JJ1y_08p1S_00p0JP1$n1yz0CA1yF1Cm.