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From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Life on Mars, Life on Jinx, get it? Well, all the good nicks were already taken anyway.

I had been a more-than-passive Wikipedian for several years, correcting the occasional error and making an addition every now and then, when I suddenly felt the urge to create a brand new article. Turned out I had to be a registered user in order to do that - well, here I am.

The hours I've spent browsing Wikipedia are countless, looking something up, opening a related article, opening another related article and so on, eventually sitting with a thousand open tabs in front of me. Wikipedia is fantastic when you love knowledge! Since I also happen to like sharing whatever knowledge I have got, being allowed to edit its contents is just too big a temptation for me.

Oh, and I'm a real loyal fan of Family Guy and tend to keep a very close eye on the episode articles, to see what references that might have evaded me.