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User:Lissa Lo

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Melissa Esther Cremades (born August, 21, 1994), is a New York City based actress, singer, songwriter, and producer. She performs under the musical stage name Lissa Lo and under the pseudonym Lo. Lissa Lo is originally from South Florida. While growing up, Lissa didn’t partake in many artistic pursuits. However, at the age of 10, she became interested in guitar and took guitar lessons for 2 years. While in high school, she began to gain interest in acting and film. It was then that she purchased an acoustic guitar and began playing again. In 2012, she attended the University of Florida with a major in Biology on the premed track. While in school, she stumbled upon videos of artists like Mike Posner producing songs from scratch, which piqued her interest in music production.

She began to write poetry, and take acting classes while in school. She began to craft songs over instrumentals or on her acoustic guitar. Realizing her passion leaned more towards music, she opted to switch career paths. After 1 year, she dropped her bio major and instead majored in Telecom Production at UF’s College of Journalism.  At this time, Lissa bought her first digital audio workstation, Cubase LE, and began to replicate songs she enjoyed listening to. She graduated a year early from school in order to pursue music.

In 2015 she moved to New York, and began interning at a music studio, while working 70 hours a week in order to make ends meet. Though the internship didn’t last long, it provided her with her first look into the music industry. For the next year, she focused on learning how to sing and how to operate the recording program Logic Pro X to begin composing her music. In May of 2017, she released her first track Brilliant off her EP Brilliant. The entire EP was produced in her bedroom in Brooklyn, New York. She released the four songs on this EP individually from June 2017-October 2017. In October of 2017, she teamed up with the label Nelation and Robby Burke to release the single Take Over, which amassed over 85,000 plays on Spotify within the first few months. Later that year, she remixed Vérité’s song Saint. In 2018, she once again teamed up with Robby Burke to release a remix of her single All I Need. The remix received over 15,000 plays in its first day on YouTube alone. Lissa is currently working on new music and shares her journey online via her YouTube series On the Lo.