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My spirit name is "Lone Wolf...Howling at the Moon. I am, according to DNA, nearly 40% Native. The sad part is I do not know from which tribe.

Why? "Why" is a question that I have searched for within my heart as well as seeking history with family. The results are saddening and disapointing. Grandparents killed in a war... some raised in Orphanages.

My Ancestors of European decent were Conquerors that raped, killed, lied and stole from the Natives. Not a part of my heritage that I am proud of. My feelings are "give it back."

Yes, there would need to be a transition and a long time earning of trust to protect their lands, earth, water, air, food, animals, fish, family and other God give resources.

For all those religions that preach repentance.. repentance without the works are empty. We take solice in giving them a pittance of what was their to protect and many complain about that. Oh.. how our Modern Culture will someday be judged by our Creator.

Stay humble my Native brothers... for you "shall inherit" the earth. It's written in their book you see... continue to pray over what our Creator has made and his word.

Be suspect of a book translated for the benefit of a King who's people were only human. Do not rest with the word of "all" preacher and clergy that do not follow the protections of this planet in their ways of living and teaching.

I say... "Not until the Buffalo run totally free" shall things be just.

Lone Wolf... Howling at the Moon.