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How to construct the box


There are a number of box types to select from when deciding to make a userbox. The most commonly used design is the "Standard box". It has one square shaped area on the left ("id") and a rectangular area on the right ("info").

For ease of use, userboxes are made using maker-templates that have a number of parameters. Once the maker-template is saved, it is automatically transformed to HTML.

Template Parameters Meaning Value type
border-c The border color of the userbox. CSS color value (#hex or color name)
border-s The border size of the userbox. Width in pixels
id-c The background color of the id box. CSS color value
id-s The font size of the id box. Size in PostScript points
id-fc The font color of the id box text. CSS color value
id-p The distance between border and content of id box. CSS padding width value. px, pt
id-lh The distance between text lines of id box. CSS relative line height/length value. em
info-c The background color of info box. CSS color value
info-s The font size of info box. Size in PostScript points
info-fc The font color of info box. CSS color value
info-p The distance between border and content of info box. CSS padding width value. px, pt
info-lh The distance between text lines of info box. CSS relative line height/length value. em
id This is the content of the id box. Free-form
info This is the content of info box. Free-form

The id and info boxes can include text, links, and images using the usual Wikipedia syntax. Generally, the id box will contain a few letters or a 43px image, while the info box will contain a sentence with a link or two.

Userbox types
Code Appearance
Standard box
{{Userbox |border-c=#000 |border-s=1 |id-c=#fff |id-s=12 |id-fc=#000 |info-c=#039 |info-s=8 |info-fc=#fff |id=ID |info=Content}}

or {{Userbox |side-box colour |main box colour |side-box content |main box content}}

Reverse box
{{Userbox-r |border-c=#000 |border-s=1 |id-c=#fff |id-s=12 |id-fc=#000 |info-c=#039 |info-s=8 |info-fc=#fff |id=ID |info=Content}}

or {{Userbox-r |side-box colour |main box colour |side-box content |main box content}}

Double box
{{Userbox-2 |border-c=#000 |border-s=1 |id1-c=#fff |id1-s=12 |id1-fc=#000 |id2-c=#000 |id2-s=12 |id2-fc=#fff |info-c=#039 |info-s=8 |info-fc=#fff |id1=ID 1 |id2=ID 2 |info=Content}}

or {{Userbox-2 |side-box 1 colour |main box colour |side-box 1 content |message |side-box 2 content |border colour |side-box 2 colour |main box font-colour |box border thickness}}
Note: If omitted, border colour and side-box 2 colour default to the same colour as side-box 1, and font colour is black. Default border thickness is 1.

ID 1ContentID 2
Mini box
{{Userbox-m |border-c=#000 |border-s=1 |id-c=#fff |id-s=12 |id-fc=#000 |id=ID}}

or {{Userbox-m |box colour |box content}}

Userbox sampling templates

To make it easier to quote the generation code for a userbox in a uniform format, a template {{Userbox sample compact}} has been made available, which produces a picture of the userbox along with the code necessary to create it. To use it, just give it exactly the same parameters you would give the {{Userbox}} template. You must use subst:, or the template will not work properly. An example is shown below:

{{subst:Userbox sample compact|id=UBX|id-c=red|info=This is a '''[[WP:UBX|Userbox]]'''.}}


{{Userbox | border-c = #999 | border-s = 1 | id-c = red | id-s = 14 | id-fc = black | info-c = #EEE | info-s = 8 | info-fc = black | id = UBX | info = This is a '''[[WP:UBX|Userbox]]'''. | float = left }}
UBX This is a Userbox.

There are not yet any similar templates available for userboxes created by the templates Userbox-r, Userbox-2 and Userbox-m.




Women posing as a Siren with a lyre in 1913.
τήνελλα καλλίνικος Tra-la hero!

τήνελλα καλλίνικος
Tra-la hero!

30pxτί δῆτα πόδες ἂν οὐκ ἂν ἐργασαίατο ; What can't be done with feet?
τουτὶ λαβών μου τὸ σκιάδειον ὑπέρεχε ἄνωθεν, ὡς ἂν μή μʹ ὁρῶσιν οἱ θεοί.
τουτὶ λαβών μου τὸ σκιάδειον ὑπέρεχε ἄνωθεν, ὡς ἂν μή μʹ ὁρῶσιν οἱ θεοί.
Hold this umbrella over me so the gods won't see me!
τουτὶ λαβών μου τὸ σκιάδειον ὑπέρεχε ἄνωθεν, ὡς ἂν μή μʹ ὁρῶσιν οἱ θεοί. - Hold this umbrella over me so the gods won't see me!

πρὸς δὲ τοῖς Σκιάποσιν λίμνη τις ἔστʹ ἄλουτος οὗ ψυχαγωγεῖ Σωκράτης.

γυμναστικῶς ὑγρὸν χύτλασον σεαυτὸν ἐν τοῖς στρώμασιν. - pour yourself with liquid athleticism over the coverings.
τὰ γόνατʹ ἔκτεινε, καὶ γυμναστικῶς ὑγρὸν χύτλασον σεαυτὸν ἐν τοῖς στρώμασιν.

ἑκατὸν δὲ κύκλῳ κεφαλαὶ κολάκων οἰμωξομένων ἑλιχμῶντο περὶ τὴν κεφαλήν - a hundred heads of doomed stooges licked around his head.
ἑκατὸν δὲ κύκλῳ κεφαλαὶ κολάκων οἰμωξομένων ἑλιχμῶντο περὶ τὴν κεφαλήν

ὦ δαῖμον ἄγαθὲ σὸν τὸ βούλευμʹ, οὐκ ἐμόν. - Oh noble Genius, the idea is yours, not mine.
ὦ δαῖμον ἄγαθὲ σὸν τὸ βούλευμʹ, οὐκ ἐμόν.