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User:Lunabean0204/Elephantine/GabrielleGutierrez Peer Review

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General Information[edit]

Work being reviewed: Lundabean0204

Link to draft you're reviewing: User:Lunabean0204/Elephantine

Link to the current version of the article (if it exists): Elephantine

Evaluate the drafted changes[edit]

The Lead Section

Constructive Feedback

  1. Clarity: The review could benefit from clearer organization and structure. Consider breaking down the information into distinct paragraphs or sections for better readability.
  2. Relevance: While the mention of Elephantine Island's World Heritage Site status is relevant, the inclusion of its geographic location and linguistic variations (Ancient Egyptian, Egyptian Arabic, Greek, and Coptic) seems somewhat tangential to the main topic of the Elephantine Triad. It would be helpful to focus more on the significance and composition of the Elephantine Triad itself.
  3. Depth: The review lacks depth in discussing the Elephantine Triad specifically. It would be beneficial to expand on the significance of the triad in ancient Egyptian religion and culture, as well as the identities and roles of the deities comprising the triad.

Overall, your review provides a comprehensive overview of Elephantine Island, but organizing the information more clearly and refining the language for clarity would enhance its readability and effectiveness.

Clarity of article structure

The article structure lacks clear delineation between sections. It jumps from discussing the geography of Elephantine Island to its significance in Ancient Egypt, then to archaeological sites, and finally to the conflict between Jews and Egyptians. Consider organizing the information into distinct sections or paragraphs to improve clarity and readability.

Coverage balance

The article focuses heavily on the geography of Elephantine Island and its significance in Ancient Egypt, particularly the Elephantine Triad. However, it provides limited coverage of the archaeological sites on the island and the conflict between Jews and Egyptians. To achieve better coverage balance, consider expanding on these topics to provide readers with a more comprehensive understanding of Elephantine Island's history.

Context neutrality

The article maintains a neutral tone in its discussion of Elephantine Island's geography and historical significance. However, the section on the conflict between Jews and Egyptians lacks context neutrality. It presents a specific event without providing broader historical context or acknowledging differing perspectives. To improve context neutrality, consider presenting a more balanced view of the conflict, including relevant historical background and perspectives from both sides.


The article includes some citations to support the information provided, such as references to archaeological discoveries and historical events. However, there is room for improvement in the use of sources, particularly in providing citations for specific claims and statements. Ensure that all information is properly sourced and supported by reliable references to enhance the credibility of the article.