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This is a table which I have copied from the article about Gardiòl on Occitan Wikipedia. I have modified it slightly, in particular by adding the English names of the various languages and by changing the links so as to send readers to the articles on English Wikipedia. Also, I have used more sophisticated formatting. Incidentally, there are some minor Romance languages which are not mentioned, but the table would be a monster if they were all included.

Gardiòl compared with North Occitan and the other Romance languages

Le gardiòl comparat au nòrd-occitan e aus autras lengas romanas
English names
Portuguese Spanish French Catalan North Occitan Gardiòl Sardinian Italian Friulian Ladin (Nones) Romanian
latin portugués espanhòl francés catalan nòrd-occitan gardiòl sarde italian friolan ladin (Nones) romanés
clavem chave llave/clave clef/clé clau clau/clhau quiau crae/crai chiave clâf clau cheie
noctem noite noche nuit nit nueit/nuech nuèit notte/notti notte gnot not noapte
cantare cantar cantar chanter cantar chantar chantar cantare/cantai cantare cjantâ ciantar cânta
capram cabra cabra chèvre cabra chabra chabra cabra/craba capra cjavre ciaura capră
linguam língua lengua langue llengua lenga llenga limba/lingua lingua lenghe lenga limbă
plateam praça plaza place plaça plaça/plhaça piaça pratha/pratza piazza place plaza piaţă
pontem ponte puente pont pont pònt/pont pònt ponte/ponti ponte puint pònt punte
ecclesiam (basilicam) igreja iglesia église església gleia/gleisa guieisa creja/cresia chiesa glesie glesia biserică
(Vulgar Latin formaticum)
queijo queso fromage formatge formatge/fromatge case casu formaggio/cacio formadi formai brânză/caş