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Fourspine Stickleback- Apeltes quadracus
Gravid female A. quadracus
Scientific classification

DeKay, 1842
A. quadracus
Binomial name
Apeltes quadracus
(Mitchill, 1815)

Apeltes quadracus, the Fourspine stickleback or Bloody stickleback is a species of stickleback which lives in freshwater, brackish and benthopelagic environments of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean between Newfoundland and South Carolina.[1]



The fourspine stickleback has either four or five dorsal spines depending on the individual. It has an fusiform body that is spotted brown except for the underside and its belly is silvery white, an example of countershading. The males are typically darker than females. All fourspine sticklebacks have three clearly visible 'free' dorsal spines, with a fourth at the beginning of the dorsal fin. The first three dorsal spines are close together, each with their own triangular membrane. Its lateral line ends blow the origin of the second dorsal fin. The caudal fin is truncate in shape, and the pelvic fins sit almost right below the pectoral fins in the thoracic region. The pelvic and anal fins are supported by stiff spinous rays. The species does not have scales. They can grow 2 to 2.5 inches in length, but they usually grow to be about 1.6 inches.[2]



Fourspine sticklebacks are largely solitary, spending most of their time near the bottom of lakes. Their diet consists of microscopic invertebrates and plankton. During breeding season (early May to late July), males establish territories and build nests for females to lay their eggs in. Once he has attracted a female and fertilized her eggs, the male will watch over the nest until the eggs hatch. Males have been known to tend to several nests at once.[3]



The species is found from Newfoundlad and Quebec southward to Virginia, living close to the freshwater shores in well-vegetated areas.



Category:Gasterosteidae Category:Monotypic fish genera