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Nursing Education Curriculum Link to Twitter: @markessaywriter Introduction Nursing education requires a more structured curriculum that is effective in improving knowledge of specific approaches needed for nursing students (Obizoba, 2015). The proper curriculum development requires a better understanding of the needs of the society and the diverse population that the nursing students aim to serve. Understanding of the necessary nursing knowledge, competencies, and skills requires a proper structure of curriculum that enhances proper nursing education plan that aligns with dynamic and diversity in the learning program (Obizoba, 2015). Baccalaureate nursing practice enhancers proper implementation of standards and facilities that can improve nursing practice with relevant role-playing approaches by the professionals. It also entails enhancing essential competencies through the provision of evidence-based practice and incorporating experience in nursing practice as a way of enhancing the imperative role in nursing care (Obizoba, 2015). The overall purpose is to protect the public from diminishing healthcare services through establishing a program by which the curriculum results in positive development. Curriculum development establishes guidelines to develop and develop a comprehensive nursing curriculum that typically aims at improving institutional levels of educating nurse practitioners with relevant evidence-based practice and experience. Modules 1. Module 1: Ethics and Cultural Influence 1.1. Three Objectives I. To ensure that the nursing students portray as accent statement and understanding of ethical obligations and the associated duties for the nursing profession. II. To establish non-negotiable ethical standards that portrays an expression of nursing understanding and the commitment to develop a socially competent society (Obizoba, 2015). III. Keeping nursing competency standards in a manner that portrays responsibility knowledge and proper understanding of professional conduct and updated ethical values in nursing practice. 1.2. Two Measurable Outcomes that Students Should do at the End of the Module I. The students should pass the knowledge check concerning competency in responsible knowledge and understanding of the professional conduct required to establish a proper ethical and value best practice (Obizoba, 2015). II. The students should share their experience with diverse culture and values and how they dealt with issues associated with culture shock and improper values in nursing care practice. 1.2.1. Approaches The nurse educators need to adapt to the required strategies that can align the curriculum with the learners’ characteristics that are essential in influencing the instructional design. The aspects include integrating concepts and theories with technological practices in healthcare by taking note of all possible safeguards decisions that are capable of enhancing standardization of terminology in the overall nursing care (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). It also involves retrieving appraisal and the synthesis of evidence for a proper review of credible sources about a particular practice. The curriculum should engage the learners in determining the aspects associated with effective technologies that uphold the privacy of patients (Obizoba, 2015). In that manner, the nursing students should try to compare the roles of the nursing profession with all sets of professional care practices that align with the scope of the discipline and the provisions for licensure. 1.3. Resources Teaching resource involves advancing care excellence for caregivers abbreviated as ACE.C. secondly, advancing care excellence for persons with disability is also useful in improving ethical practice for BSN nursing practice (Obizoba, 2015). The most relevant teaching resource involves coaching for excellence in nursing and excellence model that is effective in improving culture and ethics in nursing practice. 1.4. Scenario-Based Learning The scenario of unethical practice in nursing care can be used to improve knowledge specific approaches associated with excellence in offering care to patients despite their culture, behavior, health conditions, and stubbornness due to age (Obizoba, 2015). The scenarios can be associated with videos or documentaries communicating about unethical practices in nursing care as a way of enhancing evidence-based practice and preventing recurring discrepancies in nursing care. 2. Module 2: Community Assessment and Evaluation 2.1. Three Objectives I. to portray a proper understanding of community values morals, and requirements. II. To demonstrate a proper knowledge integration of skills and professional attitudes relevant in improving clinical evidence and reasoning as depicted by the society's beliefs. III. To demonstrate a proper understanding of the leading organizational management and communities’ approaches towards nursing care (Obizoba, 2015). 2.2. Two Measurable Outcomes that Students Should do at the End of the Module I. The student should practice how to demonstrate a proper understanding of leadership organizational management approaches and how communities can affect the nursing care practice (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). II. The nursing students should also depict the proper way of dealing with the culture shock that can result by dealing with clients from diverse cultures. 2.2.1. Content Overview Focusing on interpersonal communication for ANP is relevant in enhancing nurse educators' role in improving the overall understanding of nursing students (Obizoba, 2015). The approaches involve articulating excellence in lifelong learning for professional engagement in healthcare practice. Besides, accessing interpersonal and intrapersonal resources for dealing with diverse populations is also relevant. On the other hand, the content of the nurse educators should also involve an aspect of incorporating the organizational values in practice. Analyzing health illness and the relevance of people’s values and beliefs. Additionally, the curriculum can also entail incorporating advocacy for social justice, which includes a commitment to the health of vulnerable communities (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). 2.3. Teaching Learning Resources Advancing care excellence for veterans, seniors, pediatrics, and Alzheimer's patients and caregivers are the relevant teaching-learning resources for this module. The abbreviation for the resources includes ACE.P, ACE.S, ACE.V, and ACE.Z, respectively. Additionally, fair testing guidelines PDF is also relevant in enhancing the knowledge about nursing students' community assessment and evaluation. Coaching for excellence in nursing is also another appropriate teaching resource that can improve interprofessional education concerning community evaluation and assessment procedures. 2.4. Scenario-Based Learning Community assessment and evaluation requires a scenario that is associated with dealing with patients who have type 2 diabetes that usually affects people of a particular age group or community (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). The scenario will also enhance knowledge of specific approaches that can be relevant in improving excellence in dealing with type 2 diabetes patients, especially the ones living in their late old age. 3. Module 3: Approaches and Issues in Family Healthcare 3.1. Three Measurable Objectives I. Discuss the overall targets in healthcare education and all relevant activities to be championed as a way of enhancing community health. II. Describe the essential aspects required for improving health education (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). III. To depict an understanding of the scope of health education and the role of community in establishing a proper understanding of the relevant nursing practice. 3.2. Two Measurable Outcomes that Students Should do at the End of the Module I. The students will be able to describe the targets of health education and how the goal can improve community health through a proper understanding of healthy life practices by the community. II. The students will also depict a proper understanding of social practices that can affect the overall nursing care plan and how to maneuver in a situation whereby the community practices seem to derail the appropriate nursing practice needed to improve the overall health of the community (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). 3.2.1. Content Overview Community health is the target of nursing care practice as a way of finding possible and working solutions to the discrepancies associated with improper care, burnout syndrome, and stress disorders among nurses. The nursing practice curriculum should aim at imparting skills related to professional nursing and analysis of the nursing students' accountability (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). The curriculum administrators will ensure that nurse educators are responsible for imparting nursing judgments, dealing with omissions, and actions that relate to attaining good health. The educators will also aim at enhancing a position by which the nursing students align with BSN nursing philosophy and what is necessitated for upholding a justifiable requirement for improving good health (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). Since quality care is a role that nurses are affiliated with while performing their duty and dealing with diverse cultures, nurse educators will focus on imparting relevant evidence-based practice knowledge to the nursing students. An analysis of answerability to patient care and outcomes is the general role of nurses accountable and professional standards. Thus, the nurse students will enhance the overall practice by enabling the nursing students to adapt to the required information. 3.3. Resources Advancing care excellence for caregivers and advancing care excellence for persons with disabilities are effective teaching resources for nursing students. Besides, the nurse educators need to share their experience to enhance evidence-based practice for the nursing students as an approach to improve excellence service for both persons with disabilities, veterans, seniors, Alzheimer’s patients, and other caregivers. 3.4. Scenario-Based Learning A scenario of caregiving for Alzheimer’s patients and how advancing care excellence can facilitate proper understanding of the needs of Alzheimer's patients can improve the knowledge required by nursing students and nurse educators in the overall achievement of the learning objectives. Is Mario can also involve excellence in dealing with veterans in nursing care concerning seniors in need of nursing care that requires evidence-based practice in improving the overall service. 4. How the Course Elements will Stimulate the Nursing Students to Diversify their Knowledge, Competencies, and Skills The elements in the curriculum design will enhance the nursing students’ perspective in improving the overall care for patients from diverse backgrounds (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). Besides, the information will provide the students with real-life scenarios that can enable them to benchmark the practices that can focus on improving nursing care. Learning Outcome and Theory of Learning The learning theory emphasizes on enhancing nursing care, practice, and sharing experience as a way of promoting evidence-based practice (Myers & Schoenberg, 2016). In that manner, consideration will be affiliated with the best-learned skills of dealing with patients with various care needs.

Link to Twitter: @markessaywriter References Myers, M. D., & Schoenberg, L. B. (2016). Putting It All Together: Integrating Multiple Evidence-Based Core Competencies from across the Spectrum to Redevelop Community Health Online RN-BSN Courses. Obizoba, C. (2015). Instructional Design Models--Framework for Innovative Teaching and Learning Methodologies. International Journal of Higher Education Management, 2(1).