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USER NEWS: Attempting to find some great tactics for the Terran part of Starcraft II... Keep alert about this... [edit]


MAGICION88 is an alias that is used throughout the internet, and game chat rooms. If you find a Magicion88 anywhere, it should be me somehow... But I am quite curious about the ones in korean chat rooms though...


I have many great ideas with the Protoss Race of Starcraft I & II... Such as the great Dark Templar rush, or the tactic of the normal army and 1 'hero', where the normal army consists of (Starcraft I) 6 Zealots, 4 Dragoons and 2 Archons, and the Hero is 1 Dark Templar, which has an observer following it around... Feel free to make another observer either a Zealot or Dragoon in the main army... Meanwhile, it is always good to have some sort of air support. This tends to come in the form of a Carrier or 2, and a few scouts and 1 Arbiter...

In Starcraft II, these tactics of 3 teams can be used in similar fashion. Remember, in Starcraft II, 1 team can hold up to 21 characters. So, while the 1 Dark Templar is running around killing everything, the normal army can consist of 9 Zealots (with the Charge Upgrade), 5 Sentries, 5 Stalkers (with the Blink ability) and 2 Archons... Air support can consist of 5 or 6 Carriers, even more Warp Rays, some Phoenixes, and a MOTHERSHIP (only if you have enough minerals and gas...). The Mothership can act as an Arbiter, but can attack better and has more shields and armour, as of a recent patch to Starcraft II, the Mothership can no longer use the 'Planet Cracker' attack, as this attack has been replaced with the mass recall ability, whilst the Black Hole attack has become an attack which sucks your enemies (and your friends, and YOU) into a black hole, only to have them spit out, which is a reference to the Stasis Field of the Arbiter.

ZERG TACTICS- The best technique (for humiliation) is the great Zergling Rush... This requires a few hatcheries, an extracter, a queen per hatchery, and a reasonable amount of Drones. Also required is an incredible amount of Overlords. With this Zergling Rush, there is almost no need to use your Overlords to scout your enemy's base... Even if your enemy has large defenses, these are quite useless against 4 teams of 21 Zerglings, all running around in synchronisation, when they are all attacking your enemy's base... But each group of Zerglings should defend their base until there are enough zerglings to properly unleash an attack... And watch the reaction of the other player when he/she sees a massive swarm of zerglings running about and into the middle of their base, and destroying everything from the Inside-out...

Please do not ask me for Terran tactics, because I don't know...

That's me and Starcraft II for you folks. Right now, I am learning what I can do to this page... --Magicion88 (talk) 23:32, 13 May 2010 (UTC)


Magicion88 is currently:
At work or in class
I may not be actively editing,
but I am around.
Update: OnBusyWork/ClassOff