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User:Malmcp85/The Young and the Restless episodes, 1974

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January 1974


Attorney Greg Foster tried to avoid even attending his brother, med student, Snapper Foster’s wedding to Chris Brooks as he himself was in love with her. But Chris appealed to Greg who finally agreed to be best man. Snapper refuses all offers of financial help from Chris’ father. Having learned she is pregnant with Snapper’s baby, Sally Maguire recently accepted her boss Pierre’s offer of marriage for the baby’s sake. However, realising he’s soon expecting her to share his bed, she panics and considers telling Snapper. Brad Elliot makes her realise she can’t play with people’s lives this way and she calls Snapper’s brother Liz to say she won’t tell Snapper. But Snapper accidentally overhears enough on the extension to realise what’s happened and he confronts Sally about it. Sally explains she gave away another baby years ago and had to keep this one. Sally goes home resigned to be Pierre’s wife in all ways. Snapper accepts this and, shortly after, he and Chris are married in a beautiful church ceremony with personalised wedding vows, the first lighting of an anniversary candle and the presenting of roses to their respective parents. The memory of her recent rape makes Chris unable to consummate her marriage to her husband. They return from their three-day honeymoon happy and radiant. Pierre’s sister Marianne arrives from France curious about Pierre’s sudden marriage to Sally whom she knows was in love with another man. Pierre proudly announces their impending parenthood but Sally dreams of telling Chris the truth and Chris’ divorcing Snapper. Chris starts pressing Snapper to start a family but he insists they wait for financial as well as emotional responsibility reasons. His mind, however, keeps drifting to Sally’s pregnancy.

Jill Foster, Snapper’s sister, feeling trapped, and desperate to improve her social and economic position, seriously considers quitting her hairdresser’s job. She establishes rapport with a new customer, socially prominent Mrs. Chancellor, whose husband’s indifference causes her to live on the edge of boredom and despair. Jill rushes to Mrs. Chancellor’s home when she becomes ill so her housekeeper can “take care of her”. Jill is entranced with the luxury of the Chancellor’s home. Jill learns Mr. Chancellor owns the factory where he mother Liz works. Ironically at this moment Liz is being laid off. Greg’s new client in a will probate problem, Miss Sherman, is a lady of mystery – she leaves no address or phone number – he can’t call her.

Leslie Brooks, Chris’ oldest sister, is preparing for her concert piano tour and happily realises she’s in love with Brad Elliot who had helped her to feel confident and secure about her career and her future. When next oldest daughter Lorie returns after four years in Europe, Leslie confides her love for Brad explaining that nobody, not even Brad, realises her feelings. Lorie, beautiful and bright, has always resented the attention the family has given shy, introverted Leslie, and her father, Stuart Brooks, fears this jealousy is still very evident. Despite her degree in journalism, Lorie hasn’t set foot in her father’s newspaper until she learns Brad works there. Suddenly she’s there for a job and is stunned when at their first meeting Brad tells her she’s self-centred and shallow in her disregard of her father’s feelings about her delay in coming down to the paper. Lorie tells Leslie she finds Brad rude and insensitive but she gives Leslie lip service encouragement in her feelings for Brad. She then intercepts Brad’s call to Leslie and tells Leslie it was a wrong number. At their next meeting, Brad accuses her of being jealous of Leslie and says he plan to write a book is only her way of trying to stop Leslie. Realising Leslie’s back from Chicago, Lorie traps Brad into a sucker bit for dinner, causing him to be unable to see Leslie.

Jen Brooks, Leslie’s mother, restless and reflective, flies to Chicago unaware Leslie’s returned home. She sees her old boyfriend Bruce Henderson (Liz’s brother) for lunch and he asks her to stay a few days, as she did last summer, instead of flying right back.

February 1974


Snapper Foster’s knocking himself out working at the hospital days and moonlighting at night, but refuses to let his bride Chris get a job or use her father’s wedding gift cheque. Sally Rowland explains to Snapper how she had to give up her first baby when she was eighteen and she just couldn’t not have this baby. When Sally tries to involve Snapper with the child, he reminds her it’s Pierre’s baby and hers, she wanted it that way. Sally has pains and is hospitalised. She begins to miscarry but ironically it’s Snapper who rushes her to surgery where her OB man saves the baby. Pierre’s sister Marianne suspects Sally was pregnant before she married Pierre. Pierre finally admits the baby is not his but as long as everyone thinks it’s his he wants the baby and loves Sally. When Marianne suggests Snapper must know the baby is his, Pierre is suspicious but Snapper’s detachment and cool medical manner makes Pierre feel he doesn’t have to worry.

Liz Foster tries to conceal she’s been laid off at the factory and gets a job doing day work. When her children find out, Greg and Snapper appeal to Phillip Chancellor, the factory president, to reinstate her and Jill, who does Kay Chancellor’s hair, appeals to Kay to intercede. Lia is called back to the factory and Jill goes to thank Kay for her help. Kay tells her she had nothing to do with it. When Jill learns Kay’s looking for a companion and maid, she offers her services. Jill doesn’t realises Kay has a serious drinking problem, a result of her loneliness and boredom and the realisation her husband no longer finds her physically attractive. Ironically, her alcoholic temper makes her less attractive to him each day. Jill envies Kay – her possession and social position, not realising the serious problems Kay has. Phillip meets Jill and is touched by her family loyalty, as well as that of her brothers.

Greg’s mystery client Miss Sherman is actually Gwen, Jill’s former client, who tells Jill she is no longer at the place on the edge of town. She has own place for meeting her male clients and it’s much more interesting.

While in Chicago visiting her daughter Leslie, Jennifer Brooks sees Bruce Henderson, with whom she was romantically involved before marrying Stuart. When he tells her he’s always loved her, she gently changes the subject. Lorie Brooks assures her older sister Leslie she finds Brad insufferable and can’t understand Leslie’s interest in him. However, Lorie is actually trying every technique and scheme she can to seduce Brad and at the same time create a gap between him and Leslie, as she as always been jealous of her older sister. Suspicious of Brad’s background, Lorie learns a Chicago psychiatrist-neurosurgeon Brad Elliot was reported killed in an auto accident last year. When in Chicago for Leslie’s piano debut, she checks further and locates nurse Barbara Anderson, the friend who identified the body. Lorie sees her and Barbara admits she’s still in love with Brad even a year after his death and still mourns for him. Brad thinks to himself, “It’s almost a year now and all because of you, Barbara.” With Brad’s words of support and confidence in her mind, Leslie performs brilliantly at her concert piano debut.

March 1974


Overwhelmed by her husband Pierre’s obvious love for her and her unborn child, Sally Rouland tells him she agrees they should sell the restaurant and move to Paris to be near his family and have their child there. For his sake, she tells him Snapper Foster does not know that he is the real father of the baby. However, a customer hides in the men’s room until closing at the restaurant and enters their bedroom and robs them. Pierre gives up the money, but when the gunman tries to take Sally hostage, Pierre struggles with him and is hit on the head.

Pierre is badly injured and has immediate surgery. After which he drifts in and out of consciousness. Brad Elliot secretly examines Pierre, who does not respond to the neurological tests Brad gives him. Sally is very encouraged when Pierre can occasionally talk to her and therefore is hysterical when he suddenly dies. Snapper, who feared Pierre’s death, was with her and takes her home. Marianne Meulot, Pierre’s sister, notified by telegram of the accident, arrives from France too late. She vows over Pierre’s body that Sally will pay for this and when she sees Sally, she accuses her of using Pierre, saying she deceived him and killed him; that she has no right to the restaurant and she tries to throw Sally out. Snapper’s father-in-law Stuart Brooks is very upset to see Snapper comforting Sally during her ordeal and later tells his wife Jen he still doesn’t fully trust Snapper where Chris, his daughter, is concerned. Chris is annoyed to hear this and tells her father Snapper went to Sally with her approval. Marianne plans to sell the restaurant but is furious when Pierre’s will indicates Sally is the sole heir. Marianne makes an appointment to see Stuart Brooks.

Jill Foster is ecstatic over her job as wealthy Kay Chancellor’s companion as she loves the task of luxury. Her family feels it is dead-ended and wrong for her and even Mr. Chancellor tells her it’s not a job for a young girl. Jill realises Kay has a drinking problem and tries to no avail to get her to cut down. When Phillip Chancellor begs Kay to stop drinking, she refuses as if she doesn’t want to, but she’s actually afraid to try. Jill is discouraged at Kay’s lack of response to her efforts to get her out to do things or see people but stubbornly refuses to give up. Gwen Sherman, Greg’s mystery client, tells him all she wants from her aunt’s estate is money, that her family never helped her when her mother died and her father took off. She turns down Greg’s date invitations realising he believes she’s a model and has no idea dating men is her profession.

Lorie Brooks is now using her book manuscript in her efforts to take Brad Elliot away from her older sister Leslie. She explains to a friend that she had to give up so many dates, so much of her life to listen to Leslie’s piano playing on her father’s orders; everybody sympathises with poor introverted Leslie and never bothered to notice she had problems too. When Leslie triumphantly returns from her piano debut, Lorie has prearranged a date with Brad for that evening, which hurts Leslie to the core. Even worse is Stuart Brooks’ feeling that Lorie and Brad would be a good couple. Lorie tells Brad that Leslie feels a musician cannot divide herself between a husband and a career and continues to connive and contrive ways to keep Brad and Leslie apart. When Leslie confronts Lorie, Lorie defensively says Brad’s merely helping her with her writing, the way she helped Leslie in her career, trying to make Leslie feel selfish. Realising Leslie’s introverted personality won’t allow her to show her feelings, Lorie uses sex to draw Brad even closer to her. Leslie, at Brad’s suggestion, gets him a ticket for her Detroit concert but Leslie manages to permanently detour the ticket and Leslie’s note. Brad, almost against his wishes, thinks of the things Barbara never told him that drove him out of the operating room and out of Chicago.

April 1974


Before leaving for Paris, bitter Marianne Rouland tells Stuart Brooks his son-in-law Snapper is the father of the child that Sally Rouland is carrying. Stuart confronts Snapper with Marianne's accusation and demands to know whether it's true. Snapper however refuses to either deny or admit it insisting Stuart stay out of his life and Chris'. When Sally learns what Marianne did, she goes to Stuart and Jen Brooks explaining she got pregnant intentionally to try and trap Snapper but realizing how much he loved Chris she married Pierre who wanted her and the baby she was carrying. Sally insists Stuart would have done exactly what Snapper did for everyone's sake and if Stuart doesn't tell Chris no one will. She adds she’s leaving Genoa City to get away from Snapper's thoughts and out of Chris' way. However Snapper has recently learned about Sally's suicide attempt by gas in her early months of pregnancy and when he tells her O.B. doctor he learns this may have adversely affected the baby. From Snapper's attitude Sally realizes the gas she inhaled could have affected the baby this is why Snapper insists she not leave Genoa City until after the baby is born. Chris continues to he very angry at her father's attitude about Snapper‘s protectiveness towards Sally, but admits to herself there is some kind of bond between Snapper and Sally and she does feel left out. Stuart's furious to learn Sally's staying after all and neither snapper nor Sally will say why. When Chris goes to Sally saying this brings doubts into her marriage Sally does explain there may be a problem with the baby. Chris's mind is relieved but she's worried about Sally.

Greg Foster continues to press his new client Gwen for a date and finally she agrees to let him cook dinner at her apartment. She explains she distrusts men as after her mother died her father informed her he was never married to her mother and took off. When he tries to get closer to her she tries to discourage him saying the wrong woman could hurt his future, but she admits she likes him. Greg is confused when a man arrives at Gwen's apartment and Gwen hustles Greg out. He assumes this is her modelling manager as he has no way of knowing Gwen is not a model but a call girl. Greg tells Snapper he's set a girl he's very interested in.

Jill Foster has been working as a paid companion to wealthy Kay Chancellor and is trying to cut back Kay‘s drinking. Kay tells Jill about her storybook first marriage to Gary Reynolds and her marriage after Gary's death to Phillip Chancellor, but how Phillip's self sufficience is so great she needs him terribly but feels he doesn't need her at all. Jill is tremendously impressed with Phillip Chancellor and he is protective of Jill realizing she's innocent about men and the sophisticated way of life and at Jill's suggestion agrees to tutor her in the finer things in life. Jill finally manages to actually keep Kay from drinking all day and when Phillip arrives home and finds her old self again he is encouraged and quite pleased. But later as he's preparing for bed and to make love to her she's jumpy and tense and rationalizes one drink which turns into several so when Phillip returns from the shower he finds she's passed out again. He later thanks Jill for what she tried to do for him but explains he doesn't think it's possible.

Lorie Brooks continues to hide the love letter and concert ticket her sister Leslie sent to Brad and implies Leslie forgot she'd promised him a ticket. When Leslie calls just before the concert to find out why Brad hasn't arrived in Detroit, Lorie answers the phone and makes it clear to Leslie that Brad is interested in her, Lorie. Leslie is in shock over this and during the concert keeps hearing Lorie say "Brad and me“ and is so overcome she has to be led off the stage. She is too ashamed to go home and decides to go to New York for the week before the Boston concert. She wanders Central Park in confusion, dealing with pick ups and pickpockets and her handbag is stolen. She spends the night in the rain calling for help and by the time a policeman finds her she is totally incoherent. She's taken to Manhattan's Psychiatric Hospital where she's diagnosed as a possible manic-depressive and put in an observation ward as Jane Doe as she has no ID. She's almost totally withdrawn and is haunted by Leslie's face and her implications about Brad. She visualizes Brad and Lorie together and suffers tremendously. She is confused and frightened by the other inmates and is further upset by a young orderly who intends to make love to her. Laurie meanwhile is taking advantage of Leslie's absence to get even closer to Brad and under pressure admits to him she doesn’t always play fair with Leslie, in fact something recently bothers the hell out of her. She admits she doesn't like hurting people but sometimes feels very alone and needs him very much. Leslie tells Brad she's finished her book and will probably be more successful than Leslie. She then says she thinks she's pregnant.

May 1974


Recently widowed Sally Rouland is very worried as her attempted suicide by gas early in her pregnancy may have harmed the child she expects next month. Snapper Foster the baby's natural father tries to comfort her but his brother Greg overhears enough to suspect Snapper, not the late Pierre Rouland, is the baby's father. Both Snapper and their mother try to make Greg believe he's wrong. Chris tells Snapper despite the pills she's pregnant, he's furious reminding her he made it clear before they married that he wasn’t ready for children and implies she got pregnant intentionally. She angrily insists it was accidental and is incredulous to realize he's trying to make her consider not having the baby without actually telling her she can't have it. Liz warns her son that it Chris doesn't have her baby and found out Sally was having his child his marriage would be over. After such thought, Chris tells Snapper she now realizes if it means a choice between him and the baby, she's going to have his baby and if his love for her can't encompass that then maybe there's a flaw in it.

Gwen tries hard to make Greg to see she's the wrong type of girl for him but his constant sweet attention wins her over and she realizes she's in love with him. After meeting Snapper, Chris and Liz she feels there might be a second chance for her and tells Jerry she's though being a call girl. He sarcastically says, "the hooker got hooked," but wishes her well, saying when she changes her mind, and she will, to call him. However, when Greg brings the last family member, his sister Jill, to meet her, Gwen freezes and she realizes Jill is the girl she last year tried to start into "the Profession" (realizing what it actually meant, Jill ran from the idea). Gwen and Jill meet alone. Jill tells Gwen if she loves Greg she has to tell him the truth. Gwen begs her not to, saying Greg is her second chance, no one's ever loved her or cared for her before. Gwen begs Greg to marry her right now today. He insists on waiting until he can afford a wife.

Kay Chancellor begs her husband Phillip to understand she feels he doesn't need her and therefore feels unloved, she begs him not to give up on her yet and insists she will stop drinking. She fools her paid companion Jill into thinking she’s switched to ice water but Phillip realizes it is gin. Starved for love and affection since Phillip won't make love to a drunk she turns to Jeff, the stableman, and Jill is horrified when she finds Kay in bed with Jeff. She manages to hide this from Phillip and when Kay realizes, she tells Jill she'll never forget what she did for her. She explains that Phillip is self sufficient enough to suppress his desires but she needs love and so turns to Jeff to fill her needs. She gives Jill a riding habit which has Jill overjoyed. Kay’s loneliness is intensified by her estrangement from her son Brock. Phillip is deeply appreciative of Jill's efforts to help Kay and spends much time helping Jill learn about social graces, art, and refinement in dress. Jill sees him as the father she never had, but Phillip finally realizes he's beginning to fall in love with Jill. Jill asks Phillip's advice about Gwen - he says she has to tell Greg the truth.

Unaware that their daughter Leslie is a Jane Doe at a New York psychiatric hospital, Stuart and Jen Brooks are horrified when the Maestro calls saying Leslie broke down emotionally in the midst of her solo in Detroit a week ago as the result of a phone call and a young man who never showed up and now has not appeared at her Boston concert. Fortunately, Dr. Malcolmson at the hospital discovered a picture of Leslie Brooks and, realizing she is his patient, called Stuart who rushed to New York. Leslie’s trauma caused her to reject Stuart but he finally reached her and she agreed to go to Fairview Hospital near Genoa City on the promise that no one will know. Once there, Stuart tried to make Leslie feel better by telling her how nice things are for her sister Lorie now that she seems to be moving towards marriage with Brad. Leslie tortures herself with the idea that Brad and Lorie laugh together over the letter in which she confessed her love to him. (Note: Lorie managed to waylay Leslie’s letter and ticket to the Detroit concert. Brad assumed Leslie forgot to invite him). Upon learning of Chris’ pregnancy, Leslie agreed to see her but refused to tell even Chris what brought her to this breakdown.

Despite the fact that her sexually explicit novel will shock everyone in Genoa City, Lorie proceeded to have her former boyfriend Jed submit to for publication. She was saddened to learn that Jed’s wife is frigid but made it clear she’s involved with Brad now. She told Brad she may be pregnant then says she’s not, but has planted the idea of an emotional commitment when she tells him she loves him. He answers, she says she knows nothing about him. She replies she knows he’s a psychiatrist and neurosurgeon, that she snooped and found the clippings. Brad tells Lorie he was robbed by a man who then had an accident in his car and was identified as he and he decided to allow himself to be dead. Brad decides if Lorie has kept quiet this long she will keep his secret and he thinks about Lorie’s being in love with him. He recalls his feelings for Leslie and realizes it could have been much more but obviously she didn’t want it that way. He admits to Lorie he’s not sure he’s in love with her, but she insists he is and presses for an engagement to which he agrees. Learning Stuart’s involved with Fairview, Brad became suspicious and tried to call Leslie on tour.

June 1974


When the Maestro confirms that a man was involved in Leslie Brooks’ emotional breakdown in Detroit, she first denies it but then later says the man is now dead. Leslie is further devastated to learn her sister Lorie is engaged to Brad, the man she, Leslie loves. When Brad learns where Leslie is he visits her at the sanitarium and from his remarks, she suddenly realizes that he never received the letter in which she told him she loved him, the rejection of which was the cause of her breakdown. Leslie asks her sister Peggy if she gave Brad the letter. Peggy says she gave it to Lorie to deliver and Leslie now definitively knows that Brad never got the ticket or the letter. Lorie has since burned the letter. Realising Lorie is responsible for her being in this hospital, Leslie asks to see Lorie as soon as possible and thinks, “God help you when I see you Lorie”.

Lorie’s former boyfriend Jed has arranged a publishers’ meeting for Lorie and accompanies her to New York where her book, a sexually explicit “saleable” novel, is set for publication. Jed insists she’ll never marry Brad, he has something to hold on to in case the book failed and says he’ll make her forget Brad. Lorie admits to herself she only went after Brad as a challenge to hurt Leslie until she actually fell in love with him. Lorie visits nurse Barbara Anderson in Chicago on the way home and presses her for more information about Brad’s previous life. Barbara painfully reveals Brad, a neurosurgeon, had no time for marriage and the she and Brad had a son who is now dead.

Kay Chancellor, nervous about the business dinner party she’s planning for her husband Phillip, calls Jeff for an afternoon rendezvous and when Phillip arrives home unexpectedly, Jill Foster, Kay’s paid companion, heads Phillip off saving Kay from discovery again. In gratitude, Kay tells Jill she can help with the dinner party. The pressures are too much for Kay and she gets drunk and is unable to attend. Jill, in a new dress Phillip provided, is a great success with the guests. Lorie tells Phillip she saw Kay’s son Rolf last year in Paris. Rolf’s disregard for her is another problem contributing to Kay’s drinking. Kay decides to have a face lift to repair some of the damage her drinking has done to her beauty. Phillip offers her encouragement but politely refuses her invitation to come to bed. He is spending increasing amounts of time with Jill and makes plans to go riding with her. (Note: Jill sees Phillip as a father but he realizes he’s falling in love with her).

Chris and Snapper Foster’s marriage is strained under the news that Chris is unexpectedly pregnant when Snapper definitely told her that he did not want a child at this time. Sally Rouland tells Chris she’s glad at her news, but she’s not happy at all. Brad cautions Sally not to let Snapper’s attitude about Chris’ pregnancy raise her hopes that their marriage is in trouble. At Sally’s urging, Snapper promises to be there when she delivers, but tells her it would be best if she and the baby left town after it was born (Sally’s child is Snapper’s conceived before his marriage to Chris and her marriage to the late Pierre Rouland).

Jill Foster is horrified to realise her brother’s fiancée is Gwen, the girl who tried to introduce her into prostitution last year. She’s about to give Gwen a second chance, but sees Gwen in her doorway kissing Jerry not realizing it’s a goodbye kiss initiated by Jerry. Jill tells Snapper about Gwen being a hooker and Snapper tells this to Greg who starts a fight rather than believe it. However, later he hears the whole story from Snapper and when Jill verifies it he goes to see Gwen. He overhears her telling his mother who’s helping her clean the new apartment, how much she loves him and how she wants to devote her life to making him happy. He then asks Gwen to marry him tonight and they go to her apartment to pack. However, when the phone rings and she won’t let him answer it he tells her he knows everything and thought he could shut it out of his mind but realizes he can’t. She pleads with him if he loves her he’d give her a chance to prove it could work, but he tells her he would see those other men every time he touched her. He says goodbye and leaves her crying helplessly. Then she emptily walks to the phone and calls Jerry telling him he can come over whenever he likes, she’ll be ready. For Snapper’s graduation from medical school, Greg presents him with a new medical bag noting cryptically it’s from Gwen and him as Gwen picked it out. Chris decides not to let Snapper’s attitude about the baby bother her any longer.

July 1974


When Jen and Stuart Brooks learn that their daughter Lorie took the phone call that caused her sister Leslie’s breakdown, they are shocked, Stuart going so far as to say he wonders sometimes if Lorie could be their child, causing Jen to recall a time when she left Stuart and spend some time with her former boyfriend, Bruce, but she returned to Stuart when she realizes the importance of her marriage to him. When each of them confronts Lorie with what she did to Les, she show little remorse, saying from her point of view, they’ve never had time or love enough for her, which each denies, saying they always were there for her, but Leslie’s shyness demanded more direct attention. Lorie accuses them of trying to take Brad’s love away from her too and goes to New York to pose for the centrefold, successfully, with her former boyfriend Jed along for moral support. In her absence, Brad gets the whole story from les, and upon Lorie’s return, he breaks their engagement saying all they had was a tremendous physical attraction and are two fundamentally different people. The Maestro visits Les, saying he and the orchestra expect her to join them for the St. Louis concert in September. Brad tried to help Les regain her confidence, but she resists his efforts because of her fear of failure, and when he accuses her of running away, she counters with saying he did the same thing by giving up his other life, probably, she guesses, as a psychiatrist, but he denies he was running away, saying he was running to a new life. Les goes into the music room and finally begins to play, but stops when she hits one wrong note.

Sally Rouland presents Dr. Snapper Foster with a perfect baby boy, she finally names Charles Pierre after her dead husband, although she wanted to name him Bill, after Snapper the baby’s real father. Snapper refuses to see Chuckie until Liz persuades him that doing so would help his attitude about his wife Chris’ expected baby. Chris’ sister Peggy Brooks comes across Snapper and Sally while working on her hospital column and is persuaded by Snapper to keep quiet to protect Chris and assuring her he loves Chris greatly. Peg, however, is disillusioned and disappointed. Sally prepares to leave town with Chuckie, sad at leaving her only friends, but excited about starting a new life. At home with Chris, Snapper can’t get his final visit to Chuckie with Sally off his mind, but finally tells Chris the idea of a baby is growing on him, making her ecstatic. Chuckie develops pneumonia, causing Sally to call Snapper, and cancel her plans to leave for Chicago.

Prodded by his sister Jill’s report that Gwen has gone back to prostitution, Greg Foster visits her and is devastated by her appearance, induced by liquor and pills. She insists he leave because she’s a no good tramp. He returns, cleans her up, and dumps out her pills and alcohol. He begins to “clean up her mind”, but she is unco-operative because she’s afraid he’ll leave and she’ll be back where she started, but does send a customer away while he’s there. He continues his campaign, telling her she can have what they had again if she’s willing to work for it. He kisses her and leaves her with some hope.

Having told Jill he loves her, Phillip Chancellor asks Jill to spend the night, causing her to wonder why she’s so curious about what will happen. Phillip tells her he expects nothing but her company. Kay asks Jill what she would do if she had the Chancellor wealth and is upset when Jill says she would help her family. Jill becomes overwhelmed with the contrast between her mother and her circumstances and Kay, telling Liz that she deserves much more. When Kay asks her husband Phillip if he’d remarry if she dies, he says he never thought of it, he concedes she believes him, saying he never appears to have the same needs as other men, finally begging him to make love, but after agreeing, he can’t follow through. Kay, having frequent pain, refuses to see a doctor afraid of what he may find. After a nightmare about Kay’s pretending to be dead to trap Phillip and her into confessing their feelings for each other, Jill calls her brother Snapper, who examines Kay over her objections and finds she has an enlarged liver. He recommends she go to the hospital for tests. Kay refuses. Snapper tries to persuade Jill to leave Kay’s negative influence, but Phillip asks Jill to stay, saying he never wants her to leave. He and Jill try to persuade Kay to take a trip, which she finally begins to consider, telling Phillip his love and concern are all that keeps her alive.