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User:Malmcp85/The Young and the Restless episodes, 1977

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January 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 955 - # 959 January 3 - 7, 1977
A nurse at the sanitarium where Nancy is a patient contacts Stuart, who identifies Nancy. Spying pictures of Nancy, Karen says she hates her and wants Chris to be her mommy. Lorie got her wish: she marries Lance before St. Valentine’s Day. Learning of her union, Vanessa neither blesses nor curses it. Peg claims she’ll never wed.
# 955 - Lance and Lorie are married in Tahoe. Monday January 3, 1977
# 960 - # 964 January 10 - 14, 1977
Peg and Jack elope, keep their marriage a secret and she returns home without consummating union. Nancy’s doctor tells Chris not to bring Karen to the hospital and plans to start shock treatments. Holed up in a room. Ron plans to see Karen on her approaching fifth birthday and Laurie and Lance make love for the first time as his private plane approaches the honeymoon site. With Les’ help, Brad leaves his apartment.
# 965 - # 969 January 17 - 21, 1977
Ron calls Karen and says he is coming to visit her, but wants to keep the phone call secret. Peg tells Stu she and Jack are married. Suffering dizzy spells, Jen makes a doctor’s appointment. The investigator on Bill Foster’s case wonders where Snapper was when he died.
# 970 - # 974 January 24 - 28, 1977
Liz tells a horrified Jill that she pulled the plug on Bill’s respirator. Lieutenant Dillon tells Snapper he is chief suspect in his father’s mercy killing. Nancy has shock treatment and cried when Chris tells her Karen needs her. David Mallory, recipient of Bill’s eyes, visits Jill at her request, but she asks him to leave. Honeymooning in Tokyo, Lance is taken away at gunpoint. Discovering who he is, they release Lance and apologise, explaining they wanted an L.Prentiss. Lance thinks they may be looking for Lucas.
# 975 - # 979 January 31 - February 4, 1977
Thinking they will understand, Liz intends to tell the police she pulled Bill’s life support system. Just before she plans to reveal the act, Liz suffers a small stroke and thinks Bill is still alive. Jen learns she has a bad heart, but doesn’t want the family to know- although they already do. After Jen and Chris suggest she annul her unconsummated marriage to Jack, Peg moves in with him. Against Brock’s wishes, Kay intends to buy Joanne a new wardrobe.

Vanessa is not looking forward to Valentine's Day, the date set for Lance and Lorie's wedding. She will not attend under any circumstances. While Lance takes a business call, Lorie tries again, to get through to Vanessa. Vanessa is silent as she listens to Lorie's glowing picture of their happy future, the three of them. Lorie is lulled into a false sense of security; she thinks she has made headway, but nothing could be further from the truth.

Leslie is now on a course to get Brad back. She chooses rugged plain speaking. She is disdainful of his unkempt appearance and the mess his apartment is in. She sets out to show him that he has been wallowing in self pity these man months, and she is finally good and sick of it. Her tactic is working. At their latest meeting their hands accidentally touch, and he mentions her perfume and asks her about her hair, did she cut it or change it? She leaves, pretending to feel busy. He faces the door saying "Les, come back". She does not hear him.

Liz is trying to follow Brock's advice and not mourn for Bill, but it is very hard for her. She must believe that this is the way the Lord meant it to be, but every mention of the circumstances of his death is another knife in her heart. Only she and Snapper know that she pulled the plug and every mention is a reminder of her of what she did. Meanwhile, Nurse Warner reported the pulled plug.

Chris does not want Nancy to be found because that would be best for Karen, but on the other hand, she would be good for the little girl too. When Karen asks if she can call Chris "Mommy" Chris is happy. Snapper is afraid that Chris will be the one who gets hurt.

Stuart's paper ran the police picture of Nancy with an article asking for information about the missing woman. Meanwhile, in a mental ward, where her name and origins are unknown, Nancy sits in a bare room remembering.

Chris finds herself elated by the lack of response to the picture of Nancy in the paper. Chris is finding fulfillment caring for the girl. Heartache is going on in Nancy's tortured soul The nurses see the picture and decide it could not be this patient, because she was brought in as Mrs. Jackson. The paper is tossed in a waste basket.

Peggy's approaching wedding is cause for deep concern in her family. Her sisters realize that she is not her old self, and they resolve to devote themselves to helping her as much as they can. Jack is desperate because he forgot a technicality; his name was never legally changed from Curtzinski. He is mainly afraid of Stuart's reaction to his ethnicity.

Lorie notes the change in Brad since Leslie has been to see him. He is shaven, for one thing. And when he asks her to cut his hair, she retorts "Have your wife do it" and leaves. She then arranges for her parents’ piano to be put out of tune to force Leslie to practice at the apartment. Leslie arrives and Brad, a big step for him, asks her to do his hair. When she discovers a picture of herself with the glass broken, she forces him to admit that it was broken because he stumbled.

Vanessa finally makes a truce with Lorie. Lorie was surprised and touched by the sincerity implicit in Lorie's impassioned declaration of friendship the last time they met. She makes a monumental concession; before they can become friends, they must stop being enemies. Vanessa will try. She will try. Lorie is so surprised, she almost sheds tears as their hands touch on a bargain. She is happy at the turn of events.

Dr. Atwater and the hospital administrator discuss the Foster case and regretfully conclude that, if need be, the police will have to be called in. If they find the plug was pulled before Bill died, it is a case of murder. Snapper is taken aback when Nurse Warner tells him that she has reported the plug being pulled.

Lorie continues to float on the clouds. She excitedly tells Lance of her new friendship with Vanessa, and is slightly chagrinned to learn that Lance knew what Vanessa was up to all along. He showers Lorie with gifts, a lovely necklace and a Mercedes.

Liz is still haunted by her actions. Her days are made more endurable by a visit from the young man whose sight was restored by Bill's eyes. Seeing this young man, now able to see, that is the grandest gift imaginable for Liz. To her, Bill does live on.

Snapper alone knows the full consequences that must now be faced now that Nurse Warner has reported the plug. A detective of homicide is investigating the matter, and Dillon is a determined man, intent on learning why the plug was pulled, who did it, and when. Snapper must protect his mother at all costs.

Chris is hurt by his refusal to talk about what is eating away at him. She does not understand that Snapper must carry this burden all by himself, lest he incriminate Liz.

On the spur of the moment, Lance and Lorie are married in Nevada. Of all Lorie's family, only Peggy is disturbed by the news, because her own wedding is off. Dreaming of her wedding night with Jack, she sees Ron's face coming close to her and she wakes up screaming. Stuart finds no joy in being proven right and he urges Peggy to seek professional help.

Vanessa reacts coldly to the news of the wedding, but she tells Lorie to enjoy it, while it lasts. She has no doubt htat Lorie will soon revert to the trash she thinks that Lorie is.

An opportunity to hold Jill's baby makes Kay remember how she saw Jill and Phillip together, through a window, and she tells the baby about it. Jill overhears and is disgusted, Kay knew all along that Phillip was the baby's father! And now even Jill's memory feels soiled.

When Liz learns of Kay's admission, she is infuriated and marches right over to have it out with Katherine. Kay asserts that even exchange was made: Jill got her husband, she kept his good name. When Liz says she is quitting her job, Kay reminds her that, although the baby is illegitimate, he is clothed and fed by her earnings. For the moment, at least, Liz is the one over a barrel.

Snapper is concerned about his mother, about the police investigation at the hospital, and about Chris. She is becoming too attached to Karen. What if either of her parents show up? What will it do to the child, who now regards Chris as her mother and hates the sight of Nancy's picture? Chris is sure her love for Karen can surmount any difficulty.

Stuart receives a call from the mental hospital asking Stuart to come and see if "Fran Jackson" is the woman he is seeking. Stuart is appalled when he sees Nancy's condition. He is further shaken by the suggestion that Karen may be the only person in the world capable of reaching Nancy. When told of Nancy, Chris tells her father she will not, under any circumstances, subject Karen to such an ordeal.

February 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 980 - # 984 February 7 - 11, 1977
Les tells Vanessa that Lorie can be trusted because she never published a book about Les and Brad’s life before they married. Vanessa knows that Lorie did publish a novel. A small stroke leaves Liz with loss of memory and slightly paralysed, but they are only temporary side effects. Upset by family questions, Peg pretends she and Jack consummated marriage. Kay showered Joann with a new wardrobe when she feared she'd lose Joann to Phil Cooper. Greg suspected Snapper pulled Bill's plug.
# 985 - # 989 February 14 - 18, 1977
Nancy tears up a photo of Karen, but when she is alone she pieces it together and cries. Peg tells Jack she can’t have sex ever and finds it repulsive. Jack is impressed when he sees a slimmer, well-dressed Joanne, having been "beautified" by Kay. Brad agrees to treat Vanessa for her reclusiveness. Lorie and Lance returned from their honeymoon to find that Vanessa had set up twin beds for them. Snapper rejected Chris' lovemaking attempts.
# 990 - # 994 February 21 - 25, 1977
Told that Snapper is being indicted for Bill’s mercy killing, Liz believes it and is reviled by him. Brad tells Vanessa that he destroyed Laurie’s manuscript, but Vanessa has a detective fine the book and reads published work. Brock visits Nancy and is surprised when she refuses to let him have a picture of Karen she pieced together. Peggy hates the apartment which she and Jack share. Jill told Greg that Liz, not Snapper, pulled Bill's plug. Greg offered to be Snapper's lawyer. Chris learned of Peg and Jack's sexually-defunct marriage. Joann was embarrassed by Kay's comforting embraces.
# 995 - # 999 February 28 - March 4, 1977
Liz realizes that Snapper didn’t pull plug but can’t remember who did. After Chris warns Jack that Peg is near breakdown, he offers to let her move back home. She says never. Brock was concerned about Joann and Kay's relationship. Sexually rebuffed by Peg, Jack turned to Joann who answered his needs. Stuart learned that Jennifer is seriously ill. Snapper was booked for murder.

Chris desperately wants for her and Snapper to become Karen Becker's legal guardians. She knows that without that legal right, Ron Becker could come and take Karen away from them. But if they don't get custody, what is to happen to Karen then? She hasn't got a prayer. Her mother can't help her. Nancy is completely withdrawn from reality. She is in no condition to fight for or care for Karen. To make matters worse, the doctors told Chris they hold no hope for Nancy's recovery. With these thoughts on her mind, Chris greets Greg's news with dread. He says he had to tell the judge about finding Nancy and this may hinder her and Snapper's chances of getting legal custody. While Chris is taking a shower the phone rings. Karen answers it and her eyes light up when she hears Ron's voice on the other end. Ron tells Karen they'll be together again very very soon. He also tells her to keep their conversation a secret from Chris. Adoring her father, Karen obeys his every word.

Peggy and Jack are secretly married. She tells him this will be the only way she can adjust to a marriage. She says that she loves him very much, but she is still not ready for the wedding night. She'll be better able to cope with the sexual aspects of their union if they ease into their sexual relationship very slowly. She has to do this completely on her own, she can't cope with any outside interference, her family, that's why she wants their nuptials kept secret. She tells Jack she'll be staying part with him and the other part, sleeping, with her family. Wanting to do anything he can to help, Jack agrees to her request.

Leslie and Brad share an intimate moment. She tells him she's pregnant. He hugs her with joy. Their union is now stronger than ever. There is no more talk of divorce.

Recently whenever she's been under severe stress, Jennifer has been experiencing attacks of breathlessness. She has no idea what's causing them, because the doctor didn't tell her about her weak heart. She worries that it has to do with her masectomy. She calls her doctor, he assures her it isn't the cancer, but tells her to stop by his office as soon as possible, though in the meantime she is to avoid all stressful situations.

But right now Jen is in a very heavy disagreement with Stuart. She can't get Stuart to see that his overpampering of Peggy isn't doing her any good. He should let Peggy work out her problems on her own. He should not interfere with her relationship with Jack no matter what his feelings about Jack Curtis are.

Stuart is confronted with Peggy's anger when he comes storming into Jack's apartment, thinking that Peggy has been conned into spending the night with him, without benefit of marriage. From the bathroom, Peggy hears her father accuse Jack of being selfish and conniving. Not wanting Jack to take anymore of this brutal treatment, she emerges from the bathroom, and Stuart is shocked to see that she's dressed in only the top of Jack's pajamas. Peggy then tells her father that she and Jack Curtis are married. She was spending the night with him just trying to get used to sleeping with a man, nothing else. The marriage has not yet been consummated, and she fears it never will. She tells her father she'll go home with him. He's already ruined the moment.

Lt. Dillon has a talk with Snapper. He tells him he was all set to call off the investigation until Nurse Warner informed him about a very interesting fact, that nobody knew where Snapper was during the period that the respirator plug was pulled from the wall. Snapper stares coldly at the detective. He acts highly indignant that he could even think to accuse him of such a thing. He says he doesn't have to stand there and listen to such crap. As Snapper is walking out the door. Lt. Dillon assures him that he hasn't seen the last of him. He's quite sure that it was either Snapper or a family member and he's not going to rest until he finds out who.

Brock warns Joann that his mother's deep loneliness and unhappiness causes her to do things which she really doesn't mean to do. Out of her desperate fear of being alone, she tends to clutch at people trapping them to be with her. She'll offer someone the moon, but she won't tell that person what this moon will cost! It's a fair and just warning. Kay is definitely trying to ensnare her new houseguest. She manipulates Joanne's kind and good nature to her advantage. She has already gotten Joanne to agree to give up her job at The Allegro and accept Kay's offer to be her paid companion.

Poor Joanne. She doesn't realize that by giving up this little bit of her own time, she has also given up more than that to Kay. The more hours she spends with Kay, the more Kay will possess her.

Greg has learned the truth about his father in the most brutal way. Lt. Dillon tells him about the plug being pulled. He also tells him that he suspects foul play, and he suspects that it's one of Greg's family members who did it. Greg storms out the door and heads for the hospital. He confronts Snapper with what he has just learned, and from the look in Greg's eyes Snapper quickly picks up that Greg suspects him. Greg still hasn't forgiven Snapper for not letting him be with their father when he died and now he may have found the reason. Unbeknownst to Greg, their mother Liz has confessed everything to their sister Jill. She told Jill she was the one who pulled the plug. It was an act of love. Bill was begging her to release him from the pain. Jill knows her father didn't want to go on living by artificial means. Jill cannot condone her mother's action. She cannot give her the forgiveness that she asks for.

While Lance and Lorie are honeymooning in Japan, three thugs barge into their hotel room and pull a gun on Lance. After a thorough search of the premises they then apologize to Lance saying they must have the wrong Prentiss. Lance then wonders if it's his missing brother Lucas they are trying to find!

Preparing their mother for Lt. Dillon's visit may have been the hardest thing Snapper and Jill ever had to do. Liz is terrified when the police are calling her act of love murder! Liz cannot believe it. She didn't think she was doing anything illegal. She was just honouring the final request of a dying man, a man she loved so very much.

Liz spirals downward in despair. She keeps flashing on the moment where she pulled the plug. She keeps hearing her husband's gasping voice and his pleas for release. She remembers the horrifying sound of the respirator. These torturous moments from her past now have a stranglehold around her. She suffers a minor stroke from all of the pressure. It leaves her left hand partially paralyzed and her mind without any memory of her husband's death. As it stands now, the only people who know what she did are Snapper and Jill, and neither of them have any intention of telling Greg, who relishes the moment when he will prosecute Snapper for the murder of their father!

Peggy takes a very big step. She packs her bags and moves in with her husband. She is no longer going to hide from the responsibilities of her marriage. She is going to confront her problem head on and hopefully be able to conquer it. She prays she will soon be able to be a complete wife to Jack.

March 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 1000 - # 1004 March 7 - 11, 1977
Unable to tolerate Peggy’s rejection, Jack turns to Joanne for sex. Kay spots Joanne and Jack making love on the living room floor and gets upset. But all was forgiven when Joann resolved not to weaken again and the girls planned a trip to Hawaii. Joanne tells Jack she can’t continue this relationship. Vanessa asks Lorie if Les was ever in a mental institution; Lorie won’t answer. Finding Jennifer’s medication, Stuart questions her doctor but he won’t discuss the ailment. He warns that Jen can’t be upset. Although he can’t pinpoint the time of Bill’s death, the pathologist thinks Snapper did it and wants him brought up on hospital charges regardless of the hearing outcome. Peg insisted she can't sleep in the same bed as Jack.
# 1005 - # 1009 March 14 - 18, 1977
Police drop charges against Snapper, but the medical board orders a hearing. Joanne becomes jealous when an old boyfriend of Kay’s shows up. Preferring to be with Joanne, Kay turns down his date. Peggy agrees to see Brad. Frustrated, Jack puts a cot in the living room and suggests Peggy move home. Nancy’s doctor feels she must see Karen in order to recover.
# 1010 - # 1014 March 21 - 25, 1977
Returning to Genoa City, Ron plans to see Karen. Because Nancy doesn’t respond to Karen’s visit when everyone is there (she cries later), Chris decides to file for permanent adoption. Snapper pleads the Fifth Amendment when the medical board asks if he pulled Bill’s plug. Brad tells Peg she is only staying with Jack because she doesn’t want Stuart to know their marriage failed. Kay gives Joanne a diamond ring which Brock’s father gave her. Jennifer persuaded Stu to hire Jack. Lance told Vanessa not to interfere in his marriage. Kay gave Joann a diamond friendship ring. Greg defended Snapper at the hospital board review by presenting evidence against the prolonging of life by artificial means.
# 1015 - # 1019 March 28 - April 1, 1977
After Snapper refuses to sign the paper retracting his stand on euthanasia, the hospital board suspends him for at least a year. Visiting Karen, Ron says he will come to her at school again but not to tell Chris. Learning that Kay gave Joanne a ring, Brock wonders if Kay loves or is in love with Joanne. Jack refuses a newspaper job. Brock forced Kay to admit that she loved Joann. Ron gave Karen a birthday gift and made her a promise not to tell Chris that he had returned.

Vanessa is up to her old tricks again. No matter what she says to people she still fells Lorie isn't the woman for her Lance. She would much rather it was Leslie sharing Lance's bed. While Lance and Lorie are honeymooning around the world, Vanessa has Leslie over to her house for a chat. She tells Leslie how she feels about Lorie, and Leslie in turn does nothing but praise her sister. She tries to make Vanessa see what a good person Lorie really is. Leslie says "Lorie gave up fame and fortune for me! She never published her second book because of what it might do to my life". Vanessa's interest is peaked, but she doesn't let on to Leslie how much. After Leslie leaves, Vanessa calls her private investigator and asks him to find a copy of Lorie's second book and bring it to her. She hopes it will be valuable ammunition to use against Lorie. Lorie's honeymoon may be the only good moment she will share with Lance again. Snapper is intent on telling no one what his mother did. He still has faith the whole thing will blow over and nothing will come of Lt. Frank's investigation. What cements his decision to keep quiet is hearing his younger brother Greg say that the person who pulled the plug is a hateful, vile human being. Whoever it is, and Greg suspects it's Snapper, played God and nobody has the right to do that. He does not care what Snapper believed, medical science has been known to be wrong their father could have been a miracle. Greg's current mood make sit more than obvious to Snapper, if Greg wants to suspect someone let it be him. It will kill Greg if he knew it was his mother. What Snapper does not know is that this matter is not going to blow over. Lt. Dillon tells a fellow officer he's going to go to the state's attorney and press for an indictment. He's going to prosecute Snapper for murder.

Peggy needs peace and time and she decides to get it by lying to Stuart. She tells him she and Jack consummated their marriage, he no longer has to worry about her.

Brad sensed the real reason for Vanessa's visit. She wanted to dig up more dirt on Lorie. But he still couldn't help but feel for the woman. He knows why she's doing the things she does. He can sympathize with her pain. He's been there. It was only recently when Leslie finally returned to him that he stepped out into the world, that he finally made the decision to accept his blindness and learn to live with it. While he has his blindness, Vanessa has her scars. It's what keeps her from functioning as a whole person. Vanessa confirms Brad's beliefs when she says "I died the night of that fire. The woman that I was, the beautiful woman that you say I still am, is no more". Brad decides that he and Vanessa can help each other. He's thinking of returning to practice of psychotherapy and Vanessa would be the perfect case to use to see if he still has the knack. He suggests the idea to Vanessa and she agrees to his suggestion that they get together for occasional talks. She tells Brad that aside from Lance, he's the only other person she feels comfortable with.

What Peggy told her father has come true, but not of her own choice. Unable to resist her charms any longer, Jack took her one night by force. He ignored her pleas to stop. She awoke the next morning feeling violated and used. She told Jack it was no different with him than with Ron Becker. If this is what sex is all about she wants no part of it! It sickens and disgusts her. Jack is not the sort of man who stays when the going gets tough. He's always on the look for greener pastures. This time it's his ex-wife Joanne who has captured his interest. Joanne is no longer the dumpy wife he remembers; she has lost weight and has blossomed into quite an attractive woman. The new expensive wardrobe she got from Kay didn't hurt either. Jack spies the new Joanne at the college cafeteria and is immediately impressed. He tells her he will help her with her school work. Joanne is delighted. She still loves him very much.

Snapper has been arrested for the murder of his father. The family is shocked when they hear the news. Greg calls him every hateful name under the sun. He screams Snapper murdered their father! How could he do that? He's a doctor! Greg's words pain Snapper, but his mother's hurt him even more. A look of such hate passes over her face as she screams at Snapper. Snapper could clear himself, but he doesn't. He knows the truth could kill his mother. She can't accept what she did; this truth has already caused her to have a stroke, now she doesn't remember that she is the one who pulled the plug.

Snapper swore Jill to secrecy but she broke her promise when she saw what a rift it was causing between him and Greg. Snapper needs Greg on his side. He's a lawyer. Jill tells Greg that it was their mother who pulled the plug. She did it out of love. She didn't think she was doing anything wrong. Bill begged her to do it. After learning the news, Greg goes to see Snapper and tells him he knows everything and understands. He'll stick by Snapper. He knows his mother has to be protected.

Joanne is Kay's lifeline. She clings desperately to her and resents every move Joanne makes on her own. She stops Joanne from making such moves by playing on her compassionate nature. All she has to do is shed a few tears and words of self pity and almost at once Joanne cancels her plans. Joanne understands what Kay is going through. She can't hurt her. Joanne ignores the fact that her compassion may ultimately cost her dearly. Kay will settle for nothing less that total possession.

Peggy's new marriage has become her private hell. She can't look at Jack without getting sick. When she sees his face all she thinks about is how he mauled her and consumed her under the guise of love. Jack doesn't realize how sick Peggy is. He still considers her sexual hang-ups a meagre problem that will ultimately work themselves out. All she needs is love.

Chris is in the dark no longer. Snapper's arrest has made it necessary for him to tell her everything that has been happening. He tells Chris he has no other choice but to take the rap for his mother. He has to protect her. She's no physically or emotionally able to handle the truth. Chris hugs her husband tightly. She says she agrees with his decision. She'll help him anyway she can. Her husband then says he needs bail money. Could she possible get $2000 from her father? Chris asks her father and after telling him the whole story, Stuart very quickly writes out a check.

Jack continues to delude himself. He still believes even though the signs point otherwise, that Peggy's problem is a minor one. She's not repulsed by sex, she just found the experience disappointing. he has to reason to hold onto this belief, Peggy does not confirm it in the least. It seems that it's too painful for him to admit the truth. He can't bear to think that they'll never make love again.

Peggy has told Jack that in addition to being repulsed by the physical nature of their marriage, she no longer trusts him. She has no reason to. After all he did make love to her without waiting for her okay and after he promised her that he would wait. Jack then suggests that maybe Peggy should go home for a few days. Peggy says she can't go home again.

April 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 1020 - # 1024 April 4 - 8, 1977
Suspended from the hospital for a year, Snapper worries it might interfere with attempts to adopt Karen. Ron goes to a counselling service and, without naming names, tries to learn if he could get Karen back: he is told the chances are slim. After Jack reveals to Stuart that he and Peggy never consummated marriage, Peggy agrees to move back home and agrees to get an annulment. Jack tries to contact Joanne, but Kay tells him to stay out of Joanne’s life and neglects to give Joanne the message. Kay told Jack that Joann no longer has any interest in men. Brock urged Jack to stop Joann from going on vacation with Kay.
# 1025 - # 1029 April 11 - 15, 1977
Against Stuart’s protests, Snapper opens a medical clinic in a Genoa slum. Kay intercepts a letter which Johnny wrote to Joanne and suggests she leave with her for Hawaii right away. David, the recipient of Bill Foster’s cornea, asks Jill to marry him- she refuses. Brock implies to Jack that all is not straight in Kay and Joann’s relationship. Chris learned that Ron had secretly visited Karen, but refused to allow him to take Karen out of her sight. Lorie and Brad suspected that Vanessa may have already had plastic surgery or that she's using the scars to hold on to Lance.
# 1030 - # 1034 April 18 - 22, 1977
Ron insists on being taken to see Nancy, who attacked him. Kay threatened to start drinking again if Joann moved out. After Joann tells Kay that Jack thinks she and Kay are more than friends, Kay becomes hysterical and gives Joann the letter Jack wrote. Joann had given the friendship ring back to Kay. Joann cancels the Hawaiian vacation, but agrees to stay with Kay if she stops drinking. Brad thinks Vanessa had plastic surgery years ago and wears her veil to keep Lance with her. Lorie realizes Van knows she wrote “In My Sister’s Shadow”. After Jill tells Liz she may accept David’s marriage proposal, Liz warns that a loveless marriage is wrong. Snapper told Jill to consider returning to work with Derek rather than marrying David.
# 1035 - # 1039 April 25 - 29, 1977
Leslie hid from Brad the fact that he accidentally bumped her in the stomach with a suitcase and that the doctor advised her to cancel her concert. Kay told Brock she can't bear being without Joann. Ron's lawyer advised him to help Nancy get well if he wants custody of Karen.

May 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 1040 - # 1044 May 2 - 6, 1977
Vanessa unveiled her scars to Lorie, who agreed not to mention plastic surgery again if Vanessa remains mum about Lorie's book.
# 1045 - # 1049 May 9 - 13, 1977
Visiting Nancy, Ron breaks down and is forced to leave. After Lorie gets Vanessa to take off her veil and reveal her scar, Vanessa buys a revolver and plans to get even with her. Fearing Joanne will hate her if she makes her stay, Kay tells her to get out. Johnny tells Brock he intends to win Joann’s love. Teen-age runaway Jodie wanders into Allegro. When Derek overbooks, she gets to go a hairset. Brock gets the hospital to donate old equipment to Snapper’s clinic. Brock befriended a mysterious girl named Jodie. Kay grieved when Joann moved out and dated Jack. Snapper feared that Liz soon may regain her memory. Jill grew attracted to Derek while hedging David's marriage proposal.
# 1050 - # 1054 May 16 - 20, 1977
Losing the baby, Les doesn’t want Brad to know yet. Brock gives teen-age runaway Jodie a job. Hospital nurse is interested in Snapper and offers to volunteer at clinic. Brad agrees to work at the clinic and the hospital donates old equipment. Realising he can never get Karen back on his own, Ron decides to get her out of the sanatorium. Thinking Liz’s memory of night Bill died is returning, Snapper fears her remembering that she pulled plug could cause another stroke. Jennifer had an attack after learning that Stuart knows the truth about Laurie's natural father. New nurse Cynthia Harris offered to work at Snapper's clinic and has her eye on him. Leslie returned home to Brad, but didn't tell him about the miscarriage.
# 1055 - # 1059 May 23 - 27, 1977
Leslie avoided physical contact with Brad. Chris tried to talk Nancy into leaving Ron. Snapper hired Cynthia. Stuart told his daughters that Jennifer has a heart problem and may not live long.
# 1060 - # 1064 May 30 - June 3, 1977
Liz remembered pulling the plug, but Snapper insisted she not tell the police. Jill agreed to marry David and gave Derek notice. Jack asked Joann to marry him and leave town when he gets a teaching job. Cynthia had sexual fantasies about Snapper.

June 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 955 - # January
# 960 - # 964 January 10 -
# 965 - # 969 January
# 970 - # 974 January 24 - 28, 1977
# 975 - # 979

July 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 955 - # January
# 960 - # 964 January 10 -
# 965 - # 969 January
# 970 - # 974 January 24 - 28, 1977
# 975 - # 979

August 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 955 - # January
# 960 - # 964 January 10 -
# 965 - # 969 January
# 970 - # 974 January 24 - 28, 1977
# 975 - # 979

September 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 955 - # January
# 960 - # 964 January 10 -
# 965 - # 969 January
# 970 - # 974 January 24 - 28, 1977
# 975 - # 979

October 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 955 - # January
# 960 - # 964 January 10 -
# 965 - # 969 January
# 970 - # 974 January 24 - 28, 1977
# 975 - # 979

November 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 955 - # January
# 960 - # 964 January 10 -
# 965 - # 969 January
# 970 - # 974 January 24 - 28, 1977
# 975 - # 979

December 1977

Episode Numbers Original air dates
# 955 - # January
# 960 - # 964 January 10 -
# 965 - # 969 January
# 970 - # 974 January 24 - 28, 1977
# 975 - # 979