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humans rights and our purpose of love to make our best effort to protect demand and complete, for generations the human race have been concentrated on the humans right as we see so much injustice in the world still exist every minute and second of the way in our journey to life and we must not close our eyes and let it happen, even dough we must protect ourselves from falling in the pit or be victim of such idealistic evil devour of our times all thru the crucifixion of the greatest leader of justice faith and humans right to live this short journey as close to nature as possible ,because we are nature and nature never created imperfect or out of alignment produce. It is to my best understanding and knowledge, that a mind with corrupt and distressful idealistic content, should be adjudicated and administer the truth and the importance of alignment of life and not try to impose nothing moire than what is necessary to the open and receptive mind that would like in his innocence and wonder be approved and mostly be bound by the credentials that come from a well base and apportionment future, always in the look out of not harming but bringing up the knowledge and the understanding of the innocent wonders and ability to be of good prosperity to all that come thru the ocean of this beautiful earth and for those that made it here and are here by living a legacy behind in case they come back thru their blood line.