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The edible shaggy inkcap
The toxic common inkcap

Inkcap may refer to any of a number of toadstools of the genera Coprinus, Coprinellus and Coprinopsis.

Most commonly,

which is very good to eat.

Next most commonly, the toxic

Also any of the following, many of which are toxic:

  • Coprinus alopecius, the distinguished inkcap.
  • Coprinus sterquilinus, the midden inkcap.
  • Coprinopsis acuminata, the humpback inkcap.
  • Coprinopsis ammophilae, the dune inkcap.
  • Coprinopsis episcopalis, the mitre inkcap.
  • Coprinopsis jonesii, the bonfire inkcap.
  • Coprinopsis lagopus, the hare'sfoot inkcap or harefoot mushroom.
  • Coprinopsis nivea, the snowy inkcap.
  • Coprinopsis picacea, the magpie inkcap or magpie fungus.
  • Coprinopsis scobicola, the sawdust inkcap.
  • Coprinopsis stangliana, the pied inkcap.